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Posts posted by knitorpurl

  1. On 4/26/2018 at 11:51 AM, Cajungirl64 said:

    The thing about the recliner is "ripped from our recent family history," My dad's last girlfriend, whom he was living with during the last four years of his life, wouldn't let him get a recliner because "they're too ugly and don't go with our decor." My dad's prostate cancer had spread to his bones; he was in terrible agony and wanted a recliner because he felt it would be more comfortable than trying to lay on a couch. She FINALLY relented on the recliner when I told her if she didn't let him buy one, I was going to drive down, buy the ugliest one I could find and have it delivered. She picked one out a couple days later. He LIVED in that recliner for the remainder of his life (six months or so). I'm positive this was about that incident, but I don't know which writer wound up writing and/or editing that piece... ).  

    Sorry that happened to your dad, Cajungirl64. Glad he got his chair to give him a little comfort though. 

    I've heard of the recliner conflict in real life more than once. In had a version of it myself as my husband wanted a reclining couch and most of them look like massive marshmallow sculptures or as if they could swallow pets and small children. We have a reclining couch but we shopped for one that looks like a couch. 

  2. Glad to see this show back. While it can be a little nonsensical I'm willing to roll with it because it makes me laugh here and there.

    Last night when Swoozie Kurtz was talking about not having peripheral vision then later Stacy Keach had to turn her head to see what was happening next to her made me smile. And Andy's mom skills where just what was needed to get the nurse situation taken care of. Liked the nurse.

    • Love 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, lids said:


    I hate that this is going to make Mike think he’s smarter than Christian.

    Isn't this the truth! I felt compelled at least twice to tell Mike aloud that he isn't good at this game. But he continues to think that he is.

    • Love 12
  4. Davie's instincts are strong in this game. He is definitely being seen now - no more under the radar so I hope he can keep winning challenges and making the right moves.

    Couldn't predict this vote- I could barely keep track of who was planning to vote for who and it almost seems like the players were having the same problem.

    Goodbye Christian (aka twitchy Mark Hamill)...you and your overly verbose commentary will be missed. 

    • Love 9
  5. I think these big moves, voting out Carl and attempting to vote out Christian, just came a couple of weeks too soon. Everyone is playing so hard they've gotten too eager to keep their perspective. 

    Gabby's stated motivation was that she could see that how Christian was comforting and reassuring with his girlfriend is how he was with her and that is what made her want to make this move. Was that jealousy? Or a moment of self realization? And not liking what she saw she immediately wanted to change others perception of her. So much so she took the controls and banked so hard to the left she crashed and burned. Taking a deep breath and working on deepening her alliance with Alison, Davie, etc independently for a few more days before making the move against Christian would have been wiser, but the emotional reaction still won out with her.

    Another emotional player is Nick. He was all over the place tonight. I thought he might pass out during the family visit and that was before his dad made it out! And his bitterness toward Christian was totally understandable but hope he can get a game plan together. I like Nick more as the game has developed.

    Really would like to see Davie go far. I think his feeling that he needs Christian as a shield actually has some validity- he's playing an under the radar game because Carl, Gabby and Christian have been so obvious and have kept the Goliath's attention. Now he's down to Christian who fills that role; coupled with his sense of loyalty I can see why he didn't want him to go. As much as the tribes are over and there has been blending it is still on enough people's consciousness that Davie would come to the forefront. But he's going to have to step up sooner rather than later as we're getting to the end.

    • Love 10
  6. What a lot of twists and turns this episode took! Loved all the planning that had to go on and how many of these players seem to be able to control their mouths and not tell about their idols or try brag less than cryptically about where their vote is going. Well played. Bye John; we were as blindsided as you.

    I was distracted though several times by Christian's eyes. I was wondering if he had some sort of eye infection but finally decided he's just incredibly sensitive to the sun. Every shot in the full sun looked painful.

    Speaking of eyes... coming back from one of the commercials I was admiring, as often do during Survivor, the beautiful arial shot of the island and then there was a close-up of a dead fish on the beach, sans eyes. Yikes. More crabs, birds and snakes with eyes please.

    I'd much rather watch the stick tricks of Davey on the rocks. That was funny. Way to keep your cool and create a distraction at the same time. 

    • Love 2
  7. The people on Natalie's new team have some amazing self control. As soon as she started assigning jobs I would have come back with "And what will you be doing?" The answer is obviously nothing but micromanaging. That fire scene was excruciating. I know she has employees she manages/harangues but PLEASE tell me that she doesn't have children or a pet.

    Then there was Natalia. Vote the way I tell you and then shut up. As soon as Kara and Elizabeth started talking about horses you could just see her hostility. Alec was not thinking clearly (I mean this was not Natalie level bossiness) but she made it really easy for him to be swayed. Was not sorry to see her go. And this is how the Davids just might find their chance. 

    Hopefully Gabby can pull it together both for her and Christian's sake. That amount of anxiety is exhausting. After the challenge maybe she felt she could talk to the 'cool kids'. Interesting to hear John talk about his social anxiety and relating to Christian.

    • Love 16
  8. On 5/11/2018 at 10:07 AM, Orillia said:

    I almost look at Hannah as comedic relief at this point. Everything she does is so  snark worthy. The comments here are usually hilarious so she does provide us with good material. Nobody out there knows better than Hannah ... and I mean nobody !!!  I'm surprised she didn't try to beat up that cop. I'm sure she would have had her reasons.

    We spend the show making comments on how amazing each and every move by Agent Hannah Wells is (you must use the full title, although it must now be Agent Hannah Wells, Swiss Army Knife). Toward the end of this episode she had a touching line about how alone she felt and my husband and I both burst into laughter because, of course she's lonely, everyone in close contact with Agent Hannah Wells, Swiss Army Knife dies. 

    As ridiculous as the show became we will miss it. 

    Maybe Chuck could get a spin-off where he is allowed out of the basement and to have human contact with more than one other character on the show at once.

    • Love 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Mystery said:

    He would have had to have chosen her for the reward, though. If none of the rewardees went, then the four left out would have decided 

    I missed that. Thought loopy Sebastian would have stayed in charge of it. That explains why Wendell jumped on, never missing an advantage opportunity.

  10. It would have been a much better move if Wendell and Dom had convinced Sebastian to send Laurel to Ghost Island. It would have cemented their bond with her as she keeps their idol secrets. Might have taken some quick talking to get Sebastian to agree but pretty sure they could sway him. And wouldn't be quite so in your face to the others left behind.

    Even though I'm sure Wendell knew where Don and Laurel's votes were supposed to go the possibility that they flipped and all that double talk would have sent me grabbing my idol. I really didn't want to see Wendell go but would have totally understood if Laurel and Don made that choice. But Laurel aligning with Kellyn after her double vote last tribal and the lack of trust with any of them would be tough. 

    • Love 6
  11. 4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    I guess he can't ever cut his hair.

    Guess not. If you watch it.until the end you will see these other two women with big 80s hair. Please let me assure everyone that this commercial does not represent KC hairstyles. And I hope not the status of our legal representation.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  12. Memo to all McCords who are not Elizabeth. Stay home, do not travel the world. Your very presence causes explosions and no one wants that.

    Don't even know what to say about the Jason and Piper debacle. I guess we could give them style points. But his attitude after getting home was awful- perfectly willing to throw Piper completely under the bus and then using the argument that if they'd been where they said they'd be they might have died. He has become more of a petulant, conniving brat lately. This kid needs some perspective.

    And Henry actually doing his job of teaching was so refreshing. Him having a realistic job adds balance got the show and their family. 

    Sadly, this fight over the Arctic is really happening right now and not some made up plot. 

    • Love 7
  13. 13 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Isn't Country Crock just yellow lard?

    Since lard is rendered animal fat, no. But taste wise you may be close.

    13 hours ago, Wings said:

    No, lard is good, especially in pie crust!  

    "Water, Vegetable Oil Blend (Soybean Oil, Palm Oil, Palm Kernel Oil), Salt, Whey (Milk), Vegetable Mono and Diglycerides, Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (PotassiumSorbate, Calcium Disodium EDTA), Used to Protect Quality,Soy Lecithin, Lactic Acid, Artificial Flavor, Vitamin APalmitate, Beta Carotene (Color), ..." 

    Mmmmm, sounds just like the goodness of vegetables! Eat up kids!

    • Love 5
  14. Was feeling the stress about Michael's near departure tonight. So glad he knew to play his idol. 

    Des and Angela can go anytime. Their narrow, inflexible style of play annoys me. Although Angela did shake it up tonight her decision to take the bit of goodwill Michael offered to bring her into the loop and use it to cause chaos. But that only makes me want her to go sooner. Good job with the gross eats, though, got to admit she has wild slug swallowing skills (Yuk)

    Wendall may have put a wedge between himself and Laurel with the idol confession instead of the bonding he thinks it was. And unfortunately he may be needing that idol for himself soon so can't really share it. Especially after his RC performance and most people's growing awareness of his alliance with Dom. Don't paint that target so big, Wendall! 

    Ghost Island is a non-factor again. Yawn. If they don't want them playing for advantages every time at least let them play for rewards- a chance at a bath, pillow, pizza, etc. They could tie it in to challenge opportunities that former survivors botched. It would be more interesting than seeing the tired No Game for You message.

    • Love 22
  15. 2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I don't know if I was more surprised he could say entrepreneur, or that he knew what it meant.  His occupation was listed as deep sea fisherman, so maybe he's in charge of selling his catches?  

    My daughter has a brother-in-law who calls himself the exact same thing- a seafood entrepreneur. He lives on the Texas gulf coast and takes people out on charter fishing trips. We think it's weird when he says it, too.

    • Love 3
  16. On 4/12/2018 at 7:57 AM, AAEBoiler said:

    This show ... Hannah Wells is in the middle of yet another situation that is preposterous. I'm waiting for them to have another episode with the astronaut on the space station so then can send Hannah into space to save the day. Then, I'm sorry but super tech Chuck is not a GS-15. I work for the federal government and GS-15 positions are either super-high level management positions or world-renowned experts in their technical field. While Chuck is a good, even great, at his job he is neither of those.

    There literally is NOTHING Agent Hannah Wells can't do. She is not only the sole reason that FBI can solve a case but now is the key to success of military missions. I was sure the staffer's brother was a goner simply due to his proximity to Hannah.

    I have no idea how the writers got this far off the rails with her character. But then again the whole show seems to sliding off the rails.


    And Chuck may not be GS-15 but at least he is doing his own job and doing it well. And sadly, no one seems to appreciate Chuck. 


    But at least we got a little dialogue from Mike. And maybe a possible love interest....just don't mess up Mike's character, show. 

    • Love 3
  17. 14 hours ago, SRTouch said:
    1.  (Off topic a bit - but this is one time I wish Doug would have asked litigant to pull back clothing so we could get a better look at what is underneath. Not really a fan of the close up of tattoos, but kind of wondered what was on plaintiff's shirt. Looks like a couple birds closing in on something in the middle. Couldn't decide if those were a kind of raptor or turkeys, lol.)

    Those appeared to be two embroidered Scarlett Macaws facing each other. The thing in the middle was some kind of heavy hook necklace with a huge stone (topaz, a crystal?). I also wanted a better look at all that. The shirt and necklace combined with those distressed metallic pants made quite fashion statement

    • Love 2
  18. 7 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    And doesn't she still have to go to the washer to load it and add detergent and all?  Turning on an empty dryer won't do any good, either.

    Oh Browncoat, are you trying to be smarter than the smart appliances? LOL

    May the day never come when my appliances have a bigger IQ or more control over my life than I do.

    • Love 13
  19. So hopeful that this is a turning point in this season. My favorites had good things happen- Michael and Wendell found idols and Lauren stayed safe. Got to see my favourite Survivor scene of Eliza telling Jason that that stick was not an idol (I actually gasped when Michael unwrapped it).

    And, at last, someone I didn't like was sent home. Not sad to see you and your massive ego both voted out, Bradley.

    To use a much overused phrase- maybe this episode will reverse the curse of this season.

    • Love 9
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