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Posts posted by Grace19

  1. I think I actually enjoyed this episode more than most.

    The flash is a character known for time travels and stuff, and thats one of the things that drew me to this series. So going in I knew this character was always going to be kind of selfish since time travel involves changing things I didn't like regardless of how it might affect others. Yes, it is not a great superhero look, but I figured I have to suspend belief and as far as it is entertaining I will enjoy it.

    When I started this show last season, I loved every part of it, Barry as a goofy guy, Wells/Eeobard as a great villain, Joe and Iris as Barry's family, Cisco and Caitlin as sidekicks and finally westallen. there was hardly any part of the show I hated. Then this season everything went downhill, they wasted 2A setting up LOT and also wasted time on Patty who added zilch to the show. Zoom who was menacing at first lost his edge once he was unmasked and the show stopped making sense and became a chore for me. Fans predicted almost everything with jay as zoom and Henry's doppleganger as the real Jay and the man in the iron mask. The only thing that was a little consolation was that westallen picked up a bit in 2B and we got some iris POV and Iris ass a bad-ass in earth2 and 21st episode.

    But as a fan, thats not the only reason I watch this show. Westallen went from one of the tings I enjoyed to the only thing I loved. I was already bored with this show until the last  few minutes of this episode. I know I'm in the minority here, but I love that Barry changed the time-line.

    Now this is why:

    1. I know it won't last so at some point he is going to undo it.

    2. Barry needed  to do this so he can finally move on with is life, and as someone pointed out, there was a reason one of the Barrys in last season finale told him not to save his mom, that Barry must have undone it at some point and had to learn the hard way.

    3. Barry has never really faced a terrible consequence for time travel, this could be it.

    4. the main reason I love this is that this is a great opportunity to breath life back into this series. most thing except for the time paradox have been predictable, with is finale we have no idea where they might go with this, its so exciting for me. I am excited for this series again.

    Yes it can still go wrong, so writers please don't let me down.

    • Love 8
  2. 6 hours ago, kirkola said:

    I keep going back and forth on Danielle Panabaker.  How much of it is a bad actor being bad versus a decent actor trying to be awful.

    I can't remember whether I have ever commented on Danielle Panabaker's acting, but I am compelled to now. I always thought she is not a good actress, but this episode takes the cake, she was terrible. I was completely taken out of the scene. So yes, it was a bad actor being bad. Now on the other hand, Grant keeps blowing me away and Candice is a pretty good actress too.


    • Love 2
  3. I'm not happy that Anika is the one that pushed Rhonda, now they have ruined the character for me. I don't think either of the women are dead, Anika will bring more drama to the show and Andre needs Rhonda and she is the only white regular character on the show.

    I'm glad Jamal is okay.

    I'm glad Hakeem did not marry Laura, I hope the writers get to focus on his music and his relationship with Tiana next season.

    I like Freda, but I don't want her next season, they should focus on the family and not spend time on guests.


    On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 2:59 PM, Empress1 said:

    And I'm mad at Cookie. Lucious can abuse her kids but marrying someone else is over the line?

    This. I dont really like Cookie anymore, they lost me with her character this season, maybe they can make me respect her again.


    I didn't really enjoy this finale, I hope next season will be better.


    On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 3:30 AM, TobinAlbers said:

    Man, I thought the reveal was going to be Anika set the whole thing up to manipulate Lucious into marrying her and then she'd reveal she's testifying against him anyway to get the company and revenge for cheating on her with Cookie.

    Then I thought when he sent Andre out to get his wife that it'd be revealed that Andre and Anika were in cahoots and actually had an affair and he was in on her attacking Rhonda and they were intent on taking down Lucious together.

    Then I thought Andre would try to break up the fight and go over the ledge himself.

    Tells you how crazy this show is that all of those are legit possibilities.

    Didnt quite get why marrying Anika was the line for Cookie. Lucious can kill and denigrate her kids but marrying Boo Boo Kitty was unacceptable?

    I adore Grandma Walker's low key way of dropping bombs. 'Lucious what's your half brother doing here?' Like everyone knew that grandma!

    Hakeem may be the bio father, but Lucious is now the legal father of that kid and has a way to control Hakeem.

    I love your version better, lol.

  4. 19 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    First, I have to say that Rhodey needs to get his head checked at the end of the film, 'cause it was obviously also hurt when he fell from the sky if he still thinks the Accords were worth it.

    This is too funny.


    19 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    I really hope that in the next Avengers movie, everyone who was Team Cap is like "yeah, go save the world Team Iron Man, we're sitting it out on Asgard because we're ~retired and don't want to be ~criminals. And have fun, rest of the world, hope you get saved! And that the special UN council can meet with enough lead time to authorize the Avengers to go save the world, lest they have to sit around on their hands while aliens take over the planet waiting for the UN to give them the okay! We'll be over here getting super drunk on Asgardian beer and eating popcorn as we watch."

    So true. Now I want a movie with the Avengers on Asgard.

    • Love 3
  5. On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 0:48 AM, Dandesun said:

    Odin's Ravens... they have got to be joking. No, actually it would NOT be a more interesting movie if Cap and Tony were swinging their dicks around for Natasha to pick one over the other. That is flat out imbecilic!

    And anyway, it wouldn't be believable. Steve and Bucky are in love!! There's a fucking three movie arc that shows it and it's so ridiculously obvious in Civil War that I cannot fathom someone suggesting that Steve's remotely interested in Natasha that way. I mean... really! But, hey, it's always nice to see someone attempt to reduce one of the few female characters into nothing more than a trophy to win.

    It's like X-Men: First Class. That movie is a god-damn tragic love story between Charles and Erik. The entire Captain America trilogy shows us a love story, too. Yes, Steve loved Peggy. But he loves Bucky, too. And he loved Bucky first. And last. And always.

    Sorry Tony.


    7 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    I didn't think I was, to be honest! I think Civil War has simmered in my head ever since I saw it and then I went back and watched First Avenger and Winter Soldier and... it's just all there. Perhaps it's not as obvious as Charles and Erik in the X-movies but then, neither Charles nor Erik were all that good at subtlety.

    I guess I'm just on board the Stucky train hard-core now. It's weird because I would have been all for Bucky/Nat since I love comic!them but, at the same time, the MCU is not the 616 Marvel Universe (or whatever it is now that they've done the Secret Wars thing that wiped out all the other alternate universes? Where's the fun in that?) I mean, in the comics Bucky was gone for decades. He was just this kid from Cap's past... a tragic tale of what happens when you take 12 year olds to war (not exactly that but you get the idea) and Steve's longest running relationship was with Sharon Carter. It's pretty much the opposite in the MCU. Steve and Bucky's friendship is one of the first things we see. When Steve finds out that the 107th was killed/taken captive behind enemy lines he dropped everything to go find Bucky. And when he does rescue him... Bucky's smile... "Steve... Steve..." and then when the place is exploding and only Bucky got across the beam and was just as adamant about saving Steve. "No! Not without you!" Now, you can make a lot of arguments on friendship/brothers-in-arms and all that but if you look at the whole picture of these three movies... it's not that big a leap to take.

    It gets amped up in Winter Soldier big time. I mean... just look at that movie. "That man on the bridge... I knew him..." "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." People, that's romantic stuff there. People telling Steve that Bucky may not be the guy to save but rather to stop and Steve already knowing he can't do that. Practically crying "Please don't make me do this" when facing Bucky on the last Insight hellicarrier. Saving Bucky when part of the exploding hellicarrier... dropping his shield and refusing to fight... "I'm with you to the end of the line." Those panicky expressions on Bucky's face the first time Steve sees him and also when Steve's refusing to fight and just lets him pound away to 'finish his mission.' And then Bucky saving Steve?

    And then this one? Steve risks everything for Bucky. Everything. And at the end... with his arm sheared off Bucky still grabs at Tony to keep him from repulsor ray-ing Steve (and gets a kick in the face for his effort) and then Steve picks him up and drops the shield again. Steve would give up everything for Bucky... that's a god-damn love story.

    The other thing to look at... they're both super-soldiers but Steve volunteered... Steve also chose to go into the ice at the end of First Avenger. Hell, you look back on it and you know they both ended that movie in the same way: enhanced and in the ice... but Bucky never had a choice and Civil War could be seen as Steve risking so much to allow that for Bucky. At the end? It's Bucky's choice and Steve looks like he's losing a piece of himself all over again but, at least there's hope. Bucky made this choice to protect Steve from himself because all of Hydra's shit is still inside of him. And, dudes... "I don't know that I'm worth all of this to you, Steve." Fuck my life... love story.

    Look, Steve loved Peggy. No question about that. She meant the world to him... but Bucky is somehow even more. And Bucky certainly liked the ladies. Maybe these are just two straight dudes who happen to be wildly in love with each other. It happens... but as much as I wouldn't be able to buy this concept in the comics (although I did love Sam and Bucky talking about Steve after he got de-aged into young, virile Steve again because that was delightful) the fact is that Steve's relationship with Bucky in the movies is one of his prime driving forces/motivations.

    So, yeah, that's apparently my dissertation on how I became a hardcore Stucky fan without even realizing. Fucking 'ships sneaking up on me in the night.

    Hahaha, you are killing me here, this is too funny.

    To add a little to your dissertation; " Rumlow said "Bucky" and all of a sudden I was a sixteen year old kid in Brooklyn."

    Come on who is wrote this? Some of Steve's dialogue about Bucky made me side-eye the writers. Fan-fiction writers are going to have a field day with this one. lol

    • Love 4
  6. On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Wynterwolf said:

    Fury being gone, I think is a real key... he was always able to bridge the gap between the Powered and the NonPowered, Coulson too... without either of their input (even just a word to someone here or there), the Avengers have lost the real person perspective, and I think that's where so many of the misunderstandings started.

    ETA:  That and differing levels of priority:  Cap's first priority is Stop Injustice, Tony's is Eliminate Loss.  They can't do either entirely, and that's part of what hurts both of them so much.

    I may also be thinking about all this waaaay too much.

    I never thought of this, but now that you mentioned it, I've come to appreciate Fury's role more.

    • Love 1
  7. On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 3:29 AM, SnoGirl said:

    Echoing everyone else who wished they had spent a little more time on Steve, I wish there had been one new flashback of Steve, Bucky, Howard, and Peggy from the War. I think it would have connected Bucky to Tony a bit more too (although having two different Howards might have thrown people) and reminded people of the friendship. Not everyone marathons movies before sequels (I did, can't help myself).

    That said, I left the theater wanting more, wishing to see smaller beat moments. Like Steve telling Bucky about Peggy's death or even Bucky telling Steve he was sorry about Peggy(that one I was really surprised they didn't include).

    I totally agree. Thats one of my disappointments. They never spent much time on Steve's motivations, yes the movie was centered around him, but they didn't put much focus on his motivation. A little flashback to Peggy and Bucky would have helped.

    • Love 1
  8. Maybe I am heartless, but the Henry's death did nothing for me. Maybe its because I was expecting it, or that I was watching Grant cry for the Hundredth time or because Henry was gone all season. If he is not important to the writers why should I care about his death?


    I just hope Barry don't do the brooding hero thing, it doesn't suit him.

    • Love 3


    On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 5:48 PM, johntfs said:

    I think "Let's give this a shot" felt real and appropriate for where they were.  While Barry has been carrying a torch for Iris, the idea of Barry as a boyfriend/lover is still a little new to Iris (he was still her brother for years) but she's at a place she can go with it.  Grand, elaborate declarations of eternal love feel out of place, a more tentative but enthusiastic "Let's give this a shot" make more sense to me at this point.

    This. I completely agree. Barry and Iris have known each other their whole life, transitioning from best friends to lovers is not going to be easy for them. I love that the writers are taking things slow with them, this is not the kind of couple that just starts making out. They will take things slow and gradually get to that passionate romantic relationship. They seem more realistic to me this way.



    • Love 1
  10. On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 9:25 PM, Grace19 said:

    Me too, the only thing that can get me more hyped for his movie is if they cast Lupita Nyango as his sister Shuri.


    I just heard that Lupita is in talks with marvel to be in Black Panther as maybe his love interest. I am excited about her being in the movie, but I don't want her to being just a love interest, I'll prefer her as shuri. Unless there will be no Shuri, then Love interest is fine as far she is also a bad ass bodyguard like that lady that threatened to remove Natasha.

    Its a shame that even with an Oscar award, Lupita only gets to play a character that is covered in make up, voice an animation character or play a character only meant for a black woman. If she was white she probably would have gotten better offers by now.

    • Love 1
  11. A lot of people praise RDJ for that last fight scene, but on re-watch, I realize that Chris Evans did a great job in that scene too. I actually felt the devastation on his face when the said yes to tony about Bucky killing his parents. That scene was so powerful, and all three actors made it work. Bucky's "I remember all of them". broke me too. And what T'challa said to Zemo was very powerful, "Vengeance has consumed them, I'm done letting it consume me". Also, "the living are not done with you yet". Seriously the writers, directors and actors did a great job.


    • Love 17
  12. Nice episode, but I prefer the previous episode to this, I even prefer the westallen scene in the previous episode, that being said I rate this episode above the others just for the good Iris scenes we got that had nothing to do with her romance with Barry. I also love Iris and Cisco together and she fit in so easily in star labs. My favorite Iris line till date might just be, "You get behind me." I love it, thats the Iris we all deserve.

    Maybe Barry and Iris didn't kiss, because they were standing on his mothers grave, lol. I kinda love that their relationship is not yet defined, its just beginning, so I love that Barry said, "i don't know what this is."

    other this I loved:

    Joe trying to find out if wally is a meta-human

    Barry's three dads

    Joe actually letting Iris do what she wants, growth.

    Barry and Iris in the speed-force reminded me of guardians of the galaxy, "peter, take my hand!"

    • Love 3
  13. 19 hours ago, ruby24 said:

    So apparently Candice was sick during the filming of this episode...maybe that has something to do with them not kissing? I don't know. I would like them to show some passion as well, and that would have been the perfect moment for a big kiss.

    I heard the same thing. She did good this episode even though she was sick,it did not affect her acting at all. I love Candice.

    • Love 6
  14. 20 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    "That wasn't my mom or yours."

    What the butt Iris?  Barry's mother was murdered, she was always there for Barry while alive.  That was not the right thing to have her say.

    I saw that as her mom choose not to be there for her,and Barry's mom was not there too even though it was not her choice. The book will be painful for either of them because they didn't have their mom growing up.

    • Love 8
  15. 1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:

    More moments I loved:

    Cap's "C'mon man!" after saving the German special forces member Bucky knocked off the stairwell.

    Sam asking T'Challa: "You like cats?"

    Tony's happy surprise after taking apart Bucky's gun.

    Scott's maniacal laugh after growing into Giant-Man.

    I loved all these moments too "come on man" and Scott's laugh killed me. also;

    Bucky with that motorcycle and Steve in the helicopter scenes did things to me,

    "I am Clint", "I don't care"

    "How old is this guy?" "I didn't carbon date him, he's little on the young side."

    Bucky and Sam in the car


    • Love 8
  16. Quote
    3 hours ago, vibeology said:

    Loved T'Challa. That movie can't come soon enough.

    Me too, the only thing that can get me more hyped for his movie is if they cast Lupita Nyango as his sister Shuri.



    • Love 2
  17. 3 hours ago, OakGoblinFly said:

    I don’t think Steve was/is “holding on that world” nor was he motivated by the “loss” of Peggy and/or Bucky; I think Steve is motivated by loyalty, integrity, and a sense of justice.  You didn’t need a flashback with Peggy and/or Bucky; it's been established since The First Avenger that Steve Rogers is an extremely loyal guy with a ton of integrity.


    Personally, I think flashbacks would have bogged down the storyline.

    I don't think so. some people have complained that this felt more like an Iron man movie than a cap movie since we get to see flashbacks to his parents, how he wished he told his dad he loved him. Its no wonder why his feelings about their death came out strong and made us feel for him. Now while I don't really agree with this being an Iron-man's movie, I see that they missed an opportunity to give cap the same strong motivation, just few seconds of flashbacks are enough to show how much the death of Peggy affected him and how much Bucky meant to him. they missed an opportunity there in my opinion.

    3 hours ago, nksarmi said:

    I didn't like Natasha's writing in Age of Ultron, but I loved how she was written in Winter Soldier and Civil War. I also don't like her with Banner, but I'd love to see her with Bucky. In fact, I can't say how much I'd love to see a Black Widow/Winter Soldier movie set in the present with flashbacks to when they encountered each other when he was brainwashed. I understand why they put him under, but you would think if Wanda gains control of her powers - she might be able to help him shut the Russian brainwashing down.

    I would give anything for a Black widow and Winter soldier movie. I ship Bucknat too.

    • Love 4
  18. Now on to things I didn't like.

    They didn't flesh out Steve more, they should have added a flash back scene about Peggy and Bucky, it would have helped us understand why he was holding on to that world more. How much their loss motivated him.

    Which brings me to the other problem, the kiss, not just the kiss, but the way Steve and Sharon's relationship played out was wrong on so many levels. I don't ship staron, but I'm not going to use chemistry against the pairing, because, with barely five minutes of screen time, I can't fault them for having no chemistry.

    I know a lot of people were bothered about the Peggy/Sharon thing. It didn't bother me that much, because I felt that if done right, it could be glossed over. I thought that the writers would have them as already friends when the movie started, yes we would have been cheated out of seeing how they started, but at-least we would have gotten a sense that they are already comfortable with each other before anything started. But I was surprised that in the two years since winter soldier and Natasha told him to go after her, they were not in contact, not friends, Steve was still bitter about her spying on him and most importantly had no idea she was related to Peggy. Then all of a sudden, once he realized she was related to Peggy, all was forgiven and they started making eyes at each other the same day. I'm sorry that really comes across as Steve is falling for the next best thing to Peggy carter.

    But what I hated was that Peggy's send off from MCU, was not about her and Steve, but about Sharon and Steve. Peggy became a plot device to bring Steve and Sharon close together, come-on writers that is so wrong. If they really wanted people to give staron a chance, they should have never brought Peggy back. Some might have forgotten about her and accepted Sharon, but they made a big show of her death, showed Steve carrying her casket heartbroken. We were all reminded of how much she meant to Steve, then right there in her funeral Sharon and Steve started making eyes at each other and Peggy became nothing more than a plot device. I don't know how they thought this was a good idea, or maybe they just didn't care and just wanted people to know that Steve is no longer a virgin and just to follow the comics. What really saved the kiss scene was Sam and Bucky's reaction, I started laughing. I suspect that they put that comic relief there deliberately so that we wouldn't over think the scene which is a pretty smart thing to do.
    Well, what's done is done. MCU has never been good with romance, Tony/Pepper was their best and they went and ruined it.

    • Love 2
  19. That was so awesome. I love everything, well almost everything.

    I went in team cap and still came out team cap. I agree with him on the accords, in the MCU they’ve not given us any reason to trust the government, so I get why Steve distrust them, especially when they have someone like Ross on their side who has done a lot worse.

    I also get why Tony sided with the accords. He is consumed with guilt and with Pepper gone, he feels this is his shot at redemption. The thing I love most about this movie is that it gave everyone a valid reason for everything they did even though I might not agree with some of their choices, i still get why they did what they did.
    Natasha is great in this, her fight scene were the best since... ever. I loved that she helped Steve and Bucky. Scarlet have chemistry with all the cast. Her scenes with Steve, Tony and T’challa were good.

    T’challa; I love him! He was so great, noble and bad ass. I knew I was going to love him, sorry cap and Bucky, T’challa just became my favourite MCU character. I am still bitter they pushed back his movie, I want Black Panther now.

    I can’t believe marvel got me excited for another Spiderman movie, I’m in. I love Tom Holland as peter parker and Spiderman and he has chemistry with Tony. I will be pissed if they paired Tony with Aunt May, I hope that’s not why they broke pepperony up.

    Antman, Clint and war machine were great too. Poor Rhodey I hope he gets better.

    I was indifferent to Wanda and Vision in Avengers 2, but I fell in love with them here. I love their scenes together and I'm curious to see how their relationship will turnout. I love that Steve and Clint are like big brothers to Wanda.

    I still love Sam and he is more of a bad-ass here. I love his rapport with Bucky. I would watch a movie with Steve, Sam and Bucky on a road trip, Natasha and T’challa could come too, lol

    This movie is 5/5 for me, it wasn't perfect, but it still deserves that score for that last fight scene between Tony/Steve/Bucky. No superhero movie has ever had an emotional impact on me as that scene had. I felt like I was watching my friends beat each other up. I get why Tony reacted in that way, its not an easy thing to watch someone kill your parents, but at the same time, Bucky did not ask for any of it, he is the real victim in all of this. What Steve did was wrong, but he is just as flawed as any human trying to protect himself, his best friend and teammate and I would probably do the same. No one won, everybody loses. I understand why Bucky choose to go back into the freezer. I hope he will be in Black Panther who knows, T’challa might build him a Vibranium arm.


    • Love 5
  20. This episode is way better than the last one.

    I love Cisco, and all this scenes this episode was great.

    I really feel for Caitlin.

    Zoom is no longer scary to me since they unmasked him, Jay is hot and sexy though.

    Wally and Jesse might get super speed, nice. They are both adorable together.

    Henry is back!

    The real Jay or Eddie is the man in the Iron mask.

    Now Iris and Barry: some scenes between this two have not worked for me this season. I might be a shipper but I don't always like every scene other westallen shippers might like. Sometimes I see people discuss a particular scene between the two as hot but when I watch it, I'm like meh. But the scene between the two this episode was so good, romantic and filled with tension. The acting from both Grant and Candice was great, Barry could not contain himself, he touched his hair, lips and acted like he didn't know what to do with his hands, Iris was so vulnerable, open and emotional. Even with a dialogue that could have been better this two convinced me that what they feel for each other is real. With the exception of the destiny dialogue, this is their best romantic scene since the show started. IMO. My heart broke when Barry told her he was okay and when she screamed his name and cried.

    Now what I didn't like was the dialogue. Iris actually started well, by pointing out that when she told him to come home she was talking about Barry coming home to her. That was actually before earth two, showing she was already aware that she had feelings for him then. why didn't the writers have her talk about, what she felt about him then and now without adding destiny to the mix? Everything is in place to make it about just the two of them. Though she confessed in a different time-line, but last season we were shown she had feelings for him; episode 21 when Eddie was missing she admitted she had feelings for Barry but that thinking about him that way was not fair to Eddie; two episodes ago Barry told her not to shut everyone out because of her guilt concerning Eddie, why didn't the writers have her say she was feeling guilty because of Eddie but is now ready to move on with Barry, why the destiny crap? at least I like what she said about not being available for him last year, because she wasn't, she did the right thing by sticking it out with Eddie, he was a good guy.

    This writers can't be that clueless, destiny alone is not a good look, or are they keeping it vague now for a better and deeper reveal concerning her feelings later? I hope so, but I won't hold my breath, Candice and Grant did the best with the little they gave her. its not fair that they are wasting her like this. I don't want to go into conspiracy theories, but sometimes I feel like someone in the writers room, hates Candice as Iris, hence they don't give her much to work with. Some writers treat her okay though.

    Anyways, good episode, next week looks good, can't wait.

    • Love 5
  21. That last song is the best song since the show started. Nice that the show runners remembered that Hakeem and Yazz are both good rappers, I was worried that this season they've been deliberately downgrading Hakeem to make Jamal shine. they are really at their best when they sing together.
    The fame is starting to get to Laura, I don't think that engagement is going to last, hello Hakeem/Tiana.
    Jamal I don't trust that guy, but he is hot, enjoy. I was mad last episode when I saw Michael, I hate that character, I hope he never comes back.
    Yeah, mama Luscious is crazy
    Rhonda vs Anika, bring it on. Show, please don't make Anika the killer, I love her and don't want to hate her, besides I,m looking forward to her baby drama with Hakeem.
    I'm sorry, Cookie's makeup looks terrible, whats up with her brows.

    • Love 1
  22. I don't think people really get why bey is famous. Its not because she is the best singer (she is a great singer IMHO), it is mostly because she is a great performer just like Michael Jackson. MJ wasn't the best singer, and some of his songs were not that great, but when he is on stage, he commands your attention. Bey is just like that, in addition, she works very hard and is very professional and smart. Thats why she's successful, and it is well deserved.

    Beyonce is beautiful and sexy, I don't think she's fat. Ofcourse as a curve woman, she will struggle with her weight, thats the only downside to having curvy sexy body.

    Some fans can be problematic, whether as music, tv shows or movie fans or as shippers. Some go too far, so this is just not a beehive thing.

    I think some of the time people just hate seeing someone at the top for years, this is especially worse for women. At first everyone loves them, but once they last long people start getting uncomfortable and want them gone, then they start writting thinkpiece on how that person is overrated. I love that 20years into her career, Beyonce is still at the top, this is no easy thing for female artists. I hope she stays there a little longer.

    I'm not a beehive member, but I believe beyonce is one of the best living artist and that Lemonade is her best album.

    • Love 2
  23. Its funny that I started watching the show for Taraji after she left POI, but now I almost can't stand Cookie, the writers dumbed the character down so that Lucious always wins.

    I wish they will go back to writing her as a strong smart woman that loves her family, not a woman that keep giving up everything for her ex (even though TPH and TH have mad chemistry which I enjoy) and keeps hitting her 20years old son (it was funny last season, not anymore). Hakeem is a grown up and Cookie has no right to get at him for knocking up Anika, he was in a bad head space when he slept with Anika. Hakeem is a better person than I am, I would never stand for that, period.

    I still love this show but its getting boring now. I still love Hakeem, Andre, Jamal and sometimes cookie. I love to hate Lucious (I hope they never redeem him, but I dont want him dead yet).

    • Love 2
  24. @ Slayers, reading your posts about joe/barry/wally just made me hate this episode more than i did before. Barry has survived 25years without his speed, even if it wasn't wally's life on the line, nobody's life is worth less than barry's speed. But to have Joe even entertain the idea that barry's speed is too much a price to pay for wally's life is just terrible. The writers love barry so much that they find it hard to balance joe's love for barry and his children. Every time ( not most of the time) it comes across as if iris and wally are not even half as important to joe as barry is.

    Iris confession comes across like she is motivated by destiny, but I don't think thats the whole story, so I will wait for iris to shed more light on her feelings. We might get that in episode 20, according to spoilers. I don't think even these writers are crazy enough to make her tell barry she loves him because of destiny.

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