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Posts posted by Grace19

  1. 21 hours ago, sarthaz said:

    I was just being dismissive of her character, not believing for a second that she's an actual journalist anymore.  If she were a real character, I'd be with you, but she exists only to be Barry's love interest/revenge motivator/MacGuffin, so I don't perceive her as real in any sense; ergo, she can serve coffee.  And I mean that in the most dismissive sense possible, because have you seen that pad Barry got for them?  He's clearly Biff'd the future and is wealthy beyond measure, so Iris doesn't need employment.  And she certainly isn't passionate about journalism or she would have done it more than once per season.  I just think she'd get bored sitting around Flash HQ doing nothing.  Serving coffee is just a nice way to get out of the house and interact with people, and I want that for her.

    I guess since her presence in starlabs is so annoying, spending few minutes per episode serving coffee to random strangers beats few minutes of her investigating what is going on in Central city, that will be so much fun to watch.

    • Love 2
  2. On 5/8/2017 at 0:51 AM, VCRTracking said:

    The fruit thing with Nebula still makes me laugh. I saw the payoff coming a mile away but I still loved how she acted all badass with "Hello boys." ate the fruit and immediately spit it out and said "It wasn't ripe". It's one of her few funny moments.

    The line reading  "I'm gonna build some weird shit!" is one of the reasons I'm grateful they cast Chris Pratt in this part.

    Nebula was a surprising sources of humor, the way she deadpans her lines were hilarious. 

    "It's not ripe" and "get over it" were my favourites. I can't believe how much I love this character now.

    3 minutes ago, starri said:

    I loved that they cremated the troll doll with him.

    I felt a bit ashamed that I teared up a bit at a few points, but having read reactions elsewhere (including from a few critics), I guess I wasn't alone.

    Wow, I didn't notice that, so touching.

  3. This movie is so much fun, I think I love it more than the first one which was among my top three marvel movies.

    The thing I loved most about this is that the team felt so much like a family, it was believable and natural the way they fight and make up. I didn't just love the guardians, I also loved and enjoyed all supporting characters including Yandu's right-hand man. Lots of funny, heart-warming and heartbreaking moments.

    Peter was as awesome as always.

    Gamora and Nebula; I loved that Gunn explored there relationship more, Nebula broke my heart when she told Gamora that she jut wanted a sister. I liked Nebula in the first movie, but I loved her here. I'm glad she wasn't killed off, I hope she joins the team in volume 3.

    Rocket always pull at my heartstrings, I couldn't help simultaneously laughing at him and getting offended on his behalf with the names everyone kept calling him. I was touched when he shot Gamora and said he was not ready to loose two friends.

    Drax and Mantis were so entertaining, they make a good pair. Drax didn't get much to do this time around, but I enjoyed his character.

    I didn't love or hate Yandu in volume 1, but I came to care about him here and it broke my heart when he died.

    Ego was great, one of marvel's best villains. Russel killed it. even though he appeared mostly in human form, I never felt for once that he was human. He was so alien, even more so than green Gamora or drax. the way he just carelessly mentioned klling Peter's mom was chilling, like he couldn't comprehend why peter was upset. Great acting.

    Last but not the least, Groot. I looooove baby groot, I just want to steal him away from the guardians and keep him forever. He was so adorable.

    Funniest scenes for me were

    Groot dancing
    When Groot brought the severed toe, I almost died laughing.
    When the camera did a 360 degrees and Mantis get knocked down on her ass
    Drax wondering how Ego impregnated Peter's mom
    I am Mary Poppins y'all

    This movie is all around fun. Marvel is not easing up at all, they want to keep me their bitch forever. Bring in Spider-man: Homecoming.

    • Love 9
  4. On 5/6/2017 at 2:51 AM, peridot said:

    My theater cracked up when they did referenced the 360 hero-view from the Avengers, and a huge boulder knocked out Mantis. 

    She's one tough cookie.

    This scene killed me, lmao

    • Love 2
  5. something else I don't like about this show, they just don't want Barry to be great, why can't Barry do things himself? I was excited when I heard that Barry defeated Savitar and lucked him up in the speed force, imagine my surprise 2 episodes ago to discover, he didn't even do it, that Tracy was the one to figure it out. this Barry have never built anything since season one, how are we to buy he will build Gideon and the Savitar suit in the future?

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:


    She's got it mildly better then Iris who doesn't get any lines in her own storyline. Candice Patton is basically being paid to show up to work and sit in a chair. I guess she gets to work on her reaction shots. I actually want them to kill Iris so CP can go get a job where she can do some acting. 

    I really feel for Candice, I don't know what she ever did to these writers. I don't care what anybody says, I believe the writers and the producers hate Candice. Nothing else makes sense, even the most plausible place to incorporate her journalism, they refuse to do so, a story line about her should have been used to give us her point of view more, but rather we were given Joe's point of view. Its so exhausting. What makes it worse is that you will see them bend over backwards to give Julian and HR storylines but will refuse to give Iris the bare minimum. Even this new character got more development than her in an episode, patty also had more scenes and focus for the 10 episodes she appear in. Its not that they don't know how to write her, they just don't want to.

    Yes I am going to go there, this goes beyond misogyny, this reeks of racism. Its almost like they were forced to hire her because they wanted a black Wally west. The show runner did admit that they made the wests black because of wally west. I also believe that someone higher up told them to leave westallen alone, if not, I don't even think she would have that. So they have to keep westallen but they can screw over Iris west.

    The thing about killing Iris west is that, Candice Will loose her job, its not easy for anyone in Hollywood, its especially worse for black women. She might find it hard to get a job as a regular on another show. If I was sure she would get a better job, I will pray for them to kill her and quit watching like I did with person of interest when Carter was killed off. Its not like this show is that great, I am just sticking it out for the actors I like and the family dynamic between Barry and the wests and of course westallen.

    I just hope something changes in season four, especially for Iris. For the main time I kind of enjoy this Barry is savitar twist, let's see how they resolve it.

    • Love 4
  7. 3 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Killer Frost is only "badass" because Barry & Cicsco wouldn't take her out.   She is benefiting as the girl who hits but whom the boys won't hit back. This pisses me off.  She is going for kill shots and they are all "But Caitlyn, this isn't youuuuuuuuu." Also why the bondage gear?  So not only does KF make Caityn evil, it compels her  to dress up in thigh high boots, booty shorts and a leather Duster?  I just can't with the whole KF thing.  It is a shame because KF could have been interestingly deployed. 

    You are right, but her riding on the ice is still cool to watch

    • Love 1
  8. Any show that incoperates time travel never makes much sense if you try to over think it, i just enjoy it for what it is. The show this savitar storyline reminds me of is misfits, season 2 and 3 particularly. There was a time loop about one of the main character dying and another character trying to prevent her death, it was beautiful, but was also tragic. I'm not worried for iris, I know she's not going to die.

    It might not make much sense how Barry would ever kill Iris, but this is an insane Barry we are talking about. Insanity is completely unpredictable. I've seen people on other boards question why iris death is something Barry could never get over since he already lost his mother and father. But that is the very reason this would be harder for him. Iris was there for him when he lost his mother, and her friendship with Barry must be the only reason Joe agreed to take Barry in. My head cannon is that she begged her father to since Joe was not a friend of the family. So because of iris, Barry had a home after he lost his parents. With Barry being in love with her already that love became magnified, and then last year he lost his father, coincidentally he just started dating iris so being with her helped him get over that. Iris has been a constant throughout these hard times, then iris dies, barely a year after his father's death, there is so much the human mind could take. I really don't blame Barry for going insane.

    Now if it was just a regular person, it wouldn't affect others much, but Barry is a guy with godlike powers, he is not ordinary, he has the ability to manipulate time. Its not surprising that an insane Barry without iris would become obsessed with power as others with greater power took his parents from him making him feel powerless. His obsession with power would then make him feel that he is a god, and shun anything (Iris) that would make him vulnerable and powerless again.

    So it kind of makes sense to me that an insane Barry could kill Iris to maintain his god complex, hence creating a paradox. Where he goes back in time to ensure iris dies and he gets created.

    Grant did a good job playing savitar, I can't wait for him to kill it more, he is a good actor.

    • Love 1
  9. Yes! I was right about savitar being Barry. 

    I know some people guessed it, but I love how they pulled it off and sincerely, Barry being savitar was the most plausible outcome.

    Killer frost was badass, but I didn't buy it that Barry couldn't take her out easily, the same goes for Cisco.

    This episode was boring except for the last few minutes 

    I don't blame Wally for not being there, I blame the writers. They obviously didn't want Wally there because it would be highly unconvincing that two speedsters couldn't catch killer frost, so they came up with this earth 3 stupid idea.

    Joe is a fool for dumping Cecil, but I like them together.

    • Love 1
  10. This episode have the best acting from Grant this season, maybe the whole series, the two Barrys scene in the time vault was great.

    Barry, wally, Cisco and joe broke my heart. I like Caitlin, but after seeing what killer frost did to Cisco, I don't want killer frost on this show, I hope they are able to bring Caitlin back and banish killer frost forever. The Caitlin/killer frost thing is tiring at this point 

    Speaking of that, I'm also tired of the savitar stuff, can the show get to the reveal already and Barry defeating him. Thank God we are done with speedster villains for next season.

    Savitar has to be Barry, " I even made time remnants of myself and he killed them mostly". "Mostly" being the keyword here, one may still be left, who went mad and decided he is a god.

    Oh and Barry getting back from the future and just patting iris on the back after seeing that devastating future was bad directing choice, I don't see how Joe became a priority to comfort while iris is not yet dead, while the one who actually dies gets a pat on the back.

    • Love 4
  11. 22 hours ago, Katsullivan said:

    m shown that Iris West is the only main cast member in the entire Flarrowverse that has never crossed over to another show. I'm shown a set was made for Caitlin Snow's apartment so that she could flash Barry her boobs; and Patty Spivot, a 10-episode character, got a set for her home but it's been 3 seasons and Iris never got a place of her own until Barry decided to give her one. (Apparently the big arc of her moving in with Eddie was more about Barry than herself.)

    I get where you are coming from, its embarrassing the way this show has treated iris and Candice, but I believe that they are fully committed to westallen and won't drop it. I just hope that next season they can give Candice more to work with, she is a good actress and very charming.

    51 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

    This is exactly what I'm talking about. 

    Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 17.55.22.jpg

    This is a screencap of a tweet conversation with Carina MacKenzie, the writer of last night's episode and here she clearly implies that it was not her choice to have Barry return to the Present, and ignore his fiancee for her father. It's more than Barry giving Iris a hug, or even a passionate kiss. It's the story narratively setting Barry up to "make as many memories with Iris as he can before he loses her forever", and then his big reunion when he returns to the Present is with Joe. 

    The showrunners have an anti-Westallen/anti-Iris vendetta.  It doesn't matter what they do lipservice to.

    I was like Wtf with that, it made no sense for Barry's priority to be Joe after seeing that bleak future.

    • Love 3
  12. I am Marvel's bitch at this point, no shame in admitting that, so I was bound to watch this, but this trailer got me excited for the movie. This is going to be the best Thor movie. I loved Jane foster in the first two movie, but I'm also glad that she won't be in this one. I already like all the new characters, especially Hela and Valkyrie.

    • Love 1
  13. 16 hours ago, Al Herkimer said:

    Iris scrubbed in on Caitlin's operation. That was bizarre.  Doesn't she have an actual job they could show her doing?

    She dose, but the writers refuse to show her at her job and the same goes for everyone on this show. Albert also have a job but I don't see anyone asking about him being at his job. Barry and Joe are barely shown at the station, I don't even think we've seen him at his job for more than a few episodes this season. Except for this episode he was only at his job at the start of the season when Albert was introduced, once he joined team flash, all Barry, Joe and Albert scenes went back to starlabs.

    Starlabs is really bad for the characters developement. I hope that next season it will be done away with. Show Iris, Barry, Joe and everyone else at their jobs and contributing in their own way. This will especially help Barry as it will make him rely less on starlabs and make him a better hero that can think on his feet without anyone reminding him to run.

    • Love 3
  14. I don't get people's hate for Barry travelling to the future. Travelling to the past is not the same as travelling to the future, the former poses the danger of changing the present, the later in no way influences the present but rather prevents bad thing from happening in the future.

    And as we already know, iris was never meant to die, these evil speedsters are the ones changing the timeline willing. Barry is going to the future to prevent them from screwing with team flash future. The only ones his travelling to the future are going to potentially screw over is the villains.

    And seriously, this is a show about a speedster that can travel through time, do we really want to watch a show about a hero that can time travel but never dose it? That will be boring in my opinion. I get that Barry have messed up the timelines before, but not all time travelling is bad, as far as he doesn't change what have already taken place I don't see any harm there.

    • Love 11
  15. Intense episode, I loved it. First, kadabra was a good villain and savage, I hope we get to see more of him in the future.

    I liked Caitlin/Albert pairing, but after this episode I ship it, they are so good together, I hope it works out for them and they better don't kill Albert or Caitlin.

    Speaking if which, I am not worried about Caitlin, Danielle is not leaving the show, iris can't be the only female regular character on the show. I would rather they make Caitlin an anti hero than a straight up villain, let her struggle with her power and end up learning to control it or make her loose it, just don't turn her into a villain.

    Joe broke my heart in his scene with iris, and finally some iris/Joe scene! Love it.

    Cisco and Albert scene when Caitlin died was also very emotional.

    Overall a great episode, can't wait for the rest, hate that we have to wait a month for it.

    • Love 6
  16. On 3/24/2017 at 0:09 PM, emarasmoak said:


    I particularly like Mon-El because I love hero redemption arcs. There are a lot of people in the Flarrowverse that started much worse than him (including killers or criminals). And yes, he was a despicable person in Daxam and in Earth he screws up and makes a lot of mistakes (I don't consider them to be as bad as some people say), but I find this character evolution to be quite realistic and interesting to watch.

    Regarding his many bad traits and mistakes, the name of the game here is character development. TPTB have said that they wanted him to start from the complete opposite point of being a hero so the evolution would be more interesting to watch. Where is the fun of having another hero who is wonderful from the start? We have already watched that with Kara and most characters in Season 1.

    Mon-El is not indifferent to his past crimes. In the last Supergirl episode he said that he detested the person that he was in Daxam and that thinking about that made him physically ill. As he is a love interest so he will not have many opportunities to express his POV (not different from how often Iris is given a voice).

    Regarding how he does not respect Kara's wishes, I don't think she is a lot better about respecting him (she doesn't ask about his opinions or wishes and just tells him what to do - this is not what you are supposed to do with a partner or a friend). In the last Supergirl episode he decided to go to the ship alone but she didn't respect that and went with him. They are both getting better in listening to each other. I also love their relationship because they are both learning to be better partners in love and heroing.

    I agree that Kara and Mon-El's romantic relationship should not have been compared to WestAllen as Barry and Iris have a much longer and deep relationship, but I really am not complaining as I loved Duets. I found all this episode including Tillie so entertaining and fun to watch.

    You just made me like Mon-el and Kara/mon-el. I'll definitely check out Supergirl now. If I start from season two will it be easy for me to follow the story or do I have to start from one?

    • Love 3
  17. Re-watched the episode, the ending is even better on second viewing.

    While that song was beautiful, it was Grant and Candice's acting that elevated that scene. They looked so in love, the smiles, heart eyes, caresses, everything was so perfect, this is westallen best acted and directed scene. It was cheesy and perfect all at once, so beautiful, off to watch it again.

    • Love 6
  18. Ironically, for a musical Episode, the best part, was the non singing part, I loved HR helping Wally and the team up between Wally, Cisco and the martian hunter. They made a good team.

    • Love 4
  19. I cringed so much from secondhand embarrassment while watching this episode. I still can't makeup my mind on whether this was a good episode or a bad one.

    The acting and singing by Barry and kara was awkward in a bad way at the beginning of the episode. They were trying too hard to be funny that it didn't come across genuine to me, it felt forced. The episode only picked up for me when not-joe, not-stein and not-malcome came into the picture, their song was one of the two songs I enjoyed.

    The last song that Barry sang to iris was so beautiful and cheesey at the same time, but I loved it. That was a beautiful proposal.

    So I was right last week, the breakup was manufactured by the writers so this episode could happen, I still don't like the breakup but please writers now that the musical is over, can we move on now? And no more forced drama, please.

    Jeremy has the best voice of all the cast, its a shame that the episode did not do him justice, I never watched smash, but he was incredible in joyful with keke palmer, dolly and queen latifa 

    • Love 3
  20. I don't watch Supergirl so I am also surprised to see this much hate for mon-el, this episode actually made me like the guy, he has nice chemistry with Kara and the actor is hot *shrugs*.

    I have always wanted to start the show, I might give it a shot when this season is over. The only thing discouraging me is Melissa, she is not a good actor IMO, maybe its the musical. I hope its better on her show.

    I will give her this, she have this innocence and optimism about her character that i love. kara reminds me so much of season one Barry.

    • Love 2
  21. 10 hours ago, RedVitC said:

    Just my quick initial reaction for now: A very enjoyable episode. The most moving moment of the episode was Barry's song at the end and the proposal. I love Barry and Iris' chemistry, it has a real depth and tenderness to it that they don't have with anyone else. I definitely cried :) 

    I agree about Barry and Iris chemistry, its deep and totally goes beyond being comfortable with each other. Their chemistry screams, "something more". 

    Barry has a beautiful chemistry with kara too, its just that his chemistry with her is the same kind he had with Felicity, platonic chemistry. I can actually buy them as best friends more than Barry's friendship with Cisco and Caitlin. It didnt feel out of place with both telling each other about their love lives. Kara is basically female Barry, that's why they come across to me as friends and nothing more.

    • Love 12
  22. 52 minutes ago, phoenics said:

    Thankfully for me, I don't think that's what the show will do.  Also - the show has made it pretty plain that without Iris West, there is no Flash.  Probably why Savitar wants her dead - and I suspect that Barry himself - some remnant of him or something is Savitar - or maybe even this version.

    My theory is that in order to become fast enough to beat Savitar - Barry ends up using the stone to become faster than Savitar - but that's what makes him BECOME Savitar.  He just doesn't know it yet.

    That's a nice theory.


    5 minutes ago, doram said:


    Although the idea of any version of Barry wanting to kill Iris gives me the jeebies...

    I actually would love savitar to be barry, I think Grant will play the hell out of that role, he's good at playing the bad guy. His bitch face when Wally was accusing Barry of having ulterior motive for asking iris to marry him was priceless.

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