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Posts posted by Grace19

  1. On 4/16/2017 at 10:44 PM, shelley1234 said:


    I am disappointed with Clay sending that nude pic of Tyler.   Sure, kid is a creeper...but Clay just let his anger turn himself into him.   Did he not listen to Hannah that one small thing, one picture can change your life and just make it not worth living.   Good job Clay.  Asshole.  

    I am disappointed too. Clay, you are better than that, don't let Hannah turn you into a bad guy.

    I'm sorry, I still don't like Hannah. She already confronted Tyler and actually saw the person stalking her, why didn't she report him? She rather plan all this for weeks, kill herself and have the tapes sent to these people so she could mess up their lives. She could leave all these tapes but not even a note for her parents. I'm sorry, Hannah is a bully and a psychopath.

    I hate this character with Passion. Suicide is the most selfish thing anyone could ever do, but when its turned into a game to get back at the people that hurt you, it becomes something disturbing. No matter what Hannah gose through in the future episodes, I'm never going to like her.


    On 5/1/2017 at 3:53 AM, Vella said:

    For Clay to take a picture of Tyler NAKED was bad(and Tyler just leaves his blinds open like that, after already dealing with rocks? Come on show.), to send it to a bunch of other kids was horrendous, exactly the opposite of what Hannah wanted.  

    I love Clay and hate what he did, I agree with everything you wrote except for Hannah not wanting that. I don't buy it, its a shame what happened to her, but she was not a good person and was very manipulative. Someone that took time to plan this, knew exactly what she was doing. Using her suicide as payback and not leaving anything for her parents? She is not that innocent.

    • Love 1
  2. On 8/5/2017 at 6:26 AM, rmontro said:

    One surprising thing about Spidey's move to Marvel is that while Homecoming is doing much better than Amazing Spider-Man 2 domestically, it is lagging behind it in the total worldwide numbers.  You would think it would blow that movie out of the water.

    This movie is making 300 domestic and 800 WW, that's pretty good considering its a second reboot and the well recieved competitions it had.

  3. I finally saw that is movie and I loved it, best spiderman/peter/spiderman movie for me. I loved everyone.

    Tom is just perfect for this role. For the first time, Peter felt like a kid to me, especially when he was lucked in the warehouse and when he was buried under the wreckage. Peter crying for help really got to me, I can't remember the last time a character crying for help almost made me cry like that scene did. Tom is a great actor and a star.

    Ned was funny and endearing, I love him. I lmao at the "porn" part.

    I love Michelle, even though she did not get much screentime, I love what I saw of her character. She is the edgey teenager that is acting like she us too cool to need friends but in reality is lonely. Looks like she likes peter and would love to be friends with both him and Ned. Her scenes were also funny. I can't wait to see her dynamic with peter and Ned in the future. Her snark and Peter's motor-mouth is going to be too entertaining. I am beyond pleased she's going to be our MJ. 

    I love that aunt May knows Peter's secret, that opens a lot of doors for their relationship moving forward.

    Liz was a good love interest for this movie, I hope we can have her back somehow even if for a small screentime.

    The villain was perfect. The car scene was one of the most intense scene in the MCU.

    Tony and Happy were also used perfectly.

    And oh my god, pepper/Tony are back! they are the best cannon ship in the MCU. I was mad when they broke up in CA:CW.

    One of the best thing about this movie was how the director was able to set homecoming in the MCU without it appearing to be shoehorned, everything fit perfectly. Good job all-around.

    I can't wait for the second movie, this is the funniest spiderman movie and yet it has a lot of heart and was so emotional. 

    Bring in Thor ragnorak.

    • Love 4
  4. On 5/28/2017 at 11:21 PM, phoenics said:

    I actually wasn't saying it was racism, but the poor writing perpetuates racism, whether the writers mean it to or not.  The writers' ignorance about race makes the poor writing even worse because it repeats harmful stereotypes and normalizes them in the writing.  It doesn't matter if they are intentionally being racist - harmful stereotypes still leaked into the fabric of society - that's still bad.  It normalizes the status quo - which is that the white female can berate the lead and it's okay, but the black female can never express any hurt or pain over being targeted and even then finding out the bad guy is a future version of her fiance?  For goodness sakes - Get Out, Iris, lol.  It's no consolation to me that they didn't MEAN to let that happen.

    And if the issue was REALLY bad writing, then Caitlin wouldn't be the ONE character allowed to rail against Barry so hard and receive NO blowback from the fandom, whilst Iris (or her fam) never ever blamed Barry for being Savitar's target but is called selfish by the fandom.  Even Cisco got roasted and his brother died.  Caitlin gets this ridiculous powers=evil nonsense to absolve her of any blame and then the writers wipe that out in the finale, but still - she's still fine.  The writers aren't necessarily responsible for the racist reactions of the fandom, but they shouldn't cave to them either.

    And it's pretty clear the writers know about the racist backlash Iris/CP and even CV/Cisco have gotten in the past - which is why they have turned Iris into a "perfect" girlfriend who never does anything wrong - in an attempt to protect her.  My point is more that if Iris can't have agency and a full range of real emotions, then DP's Caitlin shouldn't be allowed that either.  But since the writers have allowed that, then they know of the racial issues involved.

    Which means they COULD do better.

    The writing ignoring those very real racial outcomes is an issue.  It's not enough to be "not racist", in this society where racist fandoms take any excuse to be hateful to the first black female lead a comic tv show has ever had, writers need to be "anti racist" and stamp that mess out by not adding to stereotypes that show the white female character having agency to rail at the hero, while the black female LEAD character isn't allowed to be fully human or have 100% human emotions.

    I don't care if the writers think they are "non racist".  I'm saying it's not enough. 


    I just wish the writers would ignore the racist fans and just write a good realistic story for their characters. These people have already made up their minds to hate iris and Wally, (Joe gets a pass because his main purpose is to uplift Barry above his children) and nothing will change their minds. Shortchanging iris character development to please these people is never going to work, it will only make things worse.

    I usually lurk around a comic book forum anytime I watch a superhero show or movie so as to understand the show and characters more, since I've never read a comic book.  You will be surprised at the number if people that wants Wally and Iris dead. A poster confronted them and said he/she was sure they would love for Iris and Wally to die and for Joe to be magical okay and not mourn them and just focus his attention on Barry. To my surprise, some of the posters admitted that they would be okay with that. Their reasons were that Wally is whiny and Iris makes Barry and joe make poor decisions and therefore deserves to die. Someone pointed out that you can't blame a woman for the mistakes men in her life make, but they still didn't care.

    The funny thing is that, from the post history of the guy that blames iris for Barry and Joe's behaviors, I assumed he was a progressive guy as I have seen him defend female characters and actresses from misogyny. I guess feminism goes out the window when the character is black.

    It pains me that these are the people the writers are trying to please. Comic book fans are not even the majority of the people that watch superhero shows or movies, they are the minority. The racist fans should not be validated, they deserve to be ignored.

    • Love 6
  5. On 5/26/2017 at 4:06 PM, phoenics said:

    So I completely agree with this... but man did I ship the hell out of Savitar and Iris in that scene. I mean - no one can claim GG and CP don't have chemistry after that.  I mean, I was in actualy PAIN watching that scene and how angsty and charged it was.  GG's Savitar just melted into a puddle when CP's Iris touched him and talked to him... and the way she walked over to him before that and he couldn't even look at her?

    Good grief - that was so so powerful.

    And a fic must happen.  

    But I agree that it was whiplash because Savitar had tried to kill her - HER!  Honestly our theories that SAvitar just wanted Barry to think Iris was dead made MUCH more sense because seeing him absolutely melt like that in her hands makes it impossible to believe that he could ever kill her.

    I wailed like a wounded animal after Iris told him they were gonna help him and then he said thank you and then they were interrupted but still seemed held together with some invisible string - good lord.



    On 5/26/2017 at 8:30 PM, BkWurm1 said:

    Again, it seems on some level wrong to conjure up a girlfriend for Savitar without the Iris having a say in it, but the fan fic writer could fix that by having the present Iris know deep down that she would want to connect to Savitar, therefore the time remnant could be of an Iris that would have already agreed.

     Or they could go the extra step and set it up that they bring forth an Iris and ask her and if she says, no, they could just return her to the time stream.

    Originally I was going to say they could give her the option of just fading away (by not engaging the thing that would stabilize her remnant)  if she didn't want to mend his broken heart but that seemed too close to telling her to do it or die, lol.  

    20 hours ago, phoenics said:

    I like the idea of finding an Earth without a Barry...  and matching Savitar with that Iris...

    You guys have some great ideas, please someone write this and send me the link, lol.

  6. Back to the flash, I felt a little bad for savitar. I loved his interactions with Barry and Iris. An alternate reality where savitar survived is a fanfiction waiting to be written. 

    • Love 4
  7. I get opposite attracts in fandom, but when its a POC, that goes out the window. I only started reading fan fiction after CA:winter soldier came out in 2014, since then I have noticed this in online fandom.

    Go to any fandom on Ao3, the most popular ships are white m/m slash ships. There is always a reason why the person of colour is not right for anybody, and when they ship them with somebody, that ship is always a background ship and they are always too supportive of the white characters, they rarely have a life of their own.

    Look at gamora and peter, they are opposites but people rarely care about them, scott from teen wolf, bonnie, dont get me started on sam wilson, as much as i love stucky, this character is mostly used as a therapist in fics. James/tony is another underrated ship, they are opposite charaters, but stony is more popular and worse is that, james rhodes rarely show up in a large role in facfictions, they will even go ahead and have tony say that steve is his best friend. Its like the poc characters are invisible, writers find it heard to relate to them or sympathies with them, they are expected to be perfect before anyone could give a damn about them. This has happened too many times to be a coincides.

    • Love 5
  8. Iris as a reporter through out the season, not just one episode.

    Barry using his skill as a CSI throughout the season.

    Joe as a cop and to be happy with Cecil.

    Wally as kid flash and as an engineering student

    Cisco and gypsy being badass

    Harry to stick around.

    Bring back the Barry we saw in episode 21, we want fun Barry back.

    And please let westallen be happy and no stupid love triangle.

    Westallen wedding.


    • Love 5
  9. I really enjoyed this finale better than the past ones, maybe it's because the ladies got to save the day in this one or because iris/Candice got a lot to do, oh or maybe because starlabs is gone for now.

    I have said it before, Barry needed to prove he is a hero after messing with everyone's lives, so I'm glad he sacrificed himself, he needed to pay for what he did. Of course he will be back, I love Wally, but I need my Barry back.

    I can't believe they finally let iris be a badass, I'm glad she got to save Barry. Loved that Gypsie is back. Barry taking down savitar was cool and badass.

    I was among the few that loved HR, I didn't want him gone, but I'll take Iris over him. Glad to have Harry back, I've missed him.

    They just won't let westallen live, my babies. I guess we will have to wait for the wedding.

    Topnotch acting across the episode, especially Grant, Candice, Jesse and Tom.

    • Love 4
  10. 54 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

    *bangs head on wall, realizing how right you are.  TheCW's "treasure trove" trope*

    And that probably won't be the only 'triangle', either.   By the time "Caitlin" comes back to TeamFlash, Julian will be with someone else... or she'll be with someone else, but Julian still loves her.  Can already feel the migraine coming on......

    Please don't speak that into existence. I don't really think they will go there. External drama (villains, speedforce, time) is the only thing that can work for a couple like westallen, love triangle can't work for them, they are more than love-interests, they are family.

    • Love 3
  11. 6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    Also everything to do with Caitlin's Killer Frost arc makes no sense.  If the powers make her go evil and it's not her fault, then cure her.  You don't ask permission.  If her powers don't actually MAKE her go evil, then she chose to go evil.  Put her in jail.  And what changed between her being really bummed over not being allowed to kill CIsco and totally happy to make sure Iris is on schedule to die and Caitlin suddenly turning on Savitar and having to save Cisco?  Nothing except that she could be cured.  But before she didn't WANT to be cured.  And nothing else had changed.  Savitar hadn't even acted like he was going to betray her like Cisco claimed.  But now she's no longer Killer Frost.  So that means that she didn't have to be evil.  Which means that she chose to be evil?  Cause she's now choosing not to be.  But is wasn't supposed to be a choice!!  THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!


    I gave up on that story arc making any sense a long time ago. I wish they never did killer frost. They actually made it seem like she chose to be evil.

    56 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

    Because the writers are still pretending this is a GENIUS closed time loop while giving themselves permission to just do whatever the fuck they want.

    Wait, did I already say that?

    Lol, I actually love that you kept saying it, and you are right.

    I think these writer have good concepts (flashpoint, savitar), but don't know how to execute them. For what its worth, I enjoyed most part of the season.

    • Love 3
  12. On 5/21/2017 at 0:33 AM, BkWurm1 said:

    Personality probably is a factor as well.  GG is great and friendly but I can easily imaging him being more passive and more likely to just defer to the directors or the script.   

    Lol, I wonder why most people think Grant cannot be sexy, its not just here. People always blame him for westallen few PDAs. I don't think that's fair, it might not even be his fault. Anyways if there is any truth to that, then after this show is over it may affect his ability to get lead roles, a lead should be able to play whatever role is required of him.

    • Love 2
  13. On 5/20/2017 at 1:42 PM, BkWurm1 said:

    I think for The Flash, I assume Iris really isn't dead so there should be some kind of epic reunion when Barry and Iris are back in each other's proximity.  Though it would be horrifically hilarious if instead of a big smooch, we get Joe and Barry hugging each other in celebration that Iris isn't dead.  While Iris watches from the sidelines.  

    I wish I found that more unlikely than I do.    

    Its a shame that this won't surprise me.

    • Love 3
  14. On 5/20/2017 at 9:18 AM, tofutan said:

    I think the more interesting question, when we talk about race and how it affects fandom popularity, is why Barry/Cisco is not more popular, compared to Barry/Snart for example. 

    Oh, you know why. The same reason Caitlin/Cisco is not popular, Cisco is not white. I bet that if Cisco is white, Barry/Cisco and Caitlin/Cisco would be very popular. Seriously Barry/Cisco is the only non canon ship that makes scene to me, they are so close and trust each other.

    • Love 4
  15. On 5/20/2017 at 5:17 AM, BkWurm1 said:

    Yeah, I've made similar suggestion with regards to her reporting.  I think part of the problem goes back to how the show makes everything start and end with Barry.  I get it, it's his show, but it all can lead back to Barry still and they are fine with starting stuff with Joe or random news alerts.  Why not Iris's reporting?  

    Thank you so much for reminding me of two things I hated about last episode. Yes, we get that the show is about Barry, but the writers literary make everything about Barry, even when its not supposed to be. 

    When Wally failed to stop savitar, instead if being mad and unhappy about failing to save his sister who he loves, the show had him apologise to Barry for failing him. As if saving iris is a favour he was doing for Barry and not because he loves his sister. It came across as some guy trying to help his friend save his girl. That scene made me mad and took me out of the show, I was like, "really writers?".

    They did it with Joe too. When Barry told Joe that he can't know where iris is, that they should take her far away from him. Joe said, " don't worry Barry, we will protect her". Don't worry Barry? She is your daughter! How about you? Or iris? Why dose everything has to be about Barry? I swear this writers can be trash sometimes.

    At least they finally gave us Joe/iris scene that was about them, I wish iris/Wally got one too. I mostly love that iris acknowledged that her death will be hardest on her dad, which is true. Nothing is as bad as a parent outliving his/her child.

    • Love 9
  16. On 5/19/2017 at 2:23 AM, Mellowyellow said:

    I don't understand SnowBarry and never saw it on the show! In fact when they introduced the new BC and Olicity were broken up I used to run around the Arrow forum saying "I hope the new BC only has a Caitlin/Barry relationship with Oliver" because to me it was a good friends/colleagues relationship, nothing more. 

    Granted I am completely neutral when it comes to shipping on Flash so maybe I don't read as much into things.

    I always thought that Iris was set up as his great childhood romance and I grew up on this stuff with the Chinese/Korean series that I watch so it didn't ever occur to me that they were anything but endgame even if I didn't ship them. Plus she ends up with him in the comics. 

    This. IMO, Snowbarry has never been a thing, I don't know why some westallen shippers are worried about that ship. From the promo and the leaked pilot, it was obvious to me that the writers were going with westallen. Iris being Barry's childhood best friend made it harder to write her out of the show without affecting the west family and Barry.

    It was also clear that they put a lot of effort in season one to make people have less to complain about iris. Until this season, they tried not to damsel iris much and few times she was in trouble she helped save herself. It backfired a bit as they went overboard and made her too humble in season two. She wasn't mad at her father for lying about her mother where she had every right to be and we didn't see her grieve for Eddie, I guess they didn't want to repeated the mistakes they made with Laurel. Its a shame that they cared too much about what some fans that were never going to like Candice/iris think so much so that they took away some of iris interesting traits.

    From season one, Caitlin has never been Barry's confidant, he never had much one on one scene with her, they are always in a group. Barry/Cisco and Cisco/Caitlin were mostly what we got. The two scenes closest to a snowbarry tease were insulting to Caitlin's character and had nothing to do with Barry.

    The last episode scene between Barry/Caitlin where she said Barry and Caitlin together again was not ship bait in my opinion. It was a scene to remind us that savitar has all Barry's memories and might not find it easy to kill Iris, I don't know why some people saw it as a snowbarry scene. I wasn't even worried about Barry/patty because it was so obvious that she was a temporary love interest.

    I don't like some of the choices the producers and writers made while writing iris and westallen, but one thing I can give them is that they've been clear about the ship they want on the show. 

    • Love 7
  17. 12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    As for the race issues? I don't think everyone who doesn't like WestAllen has a racial issue with it, some people really are weirded out by the fact that Barry and Iris were basically raised in the same house and they both consider Joe their dad and Wally their brother, people who just aren't interested in romance on the show, and other people are racist assholes about it. To me, its easy to tell who is who. Personally, I originally thought the sort of siblings vibe was a little weird, but it doesn't bother me know. They're basically a classic Childhood Romance, and I'm alright with it. Yeah its a bit weird when Joe calls them both his kids, but its not like they were raised as brother and sister for their whole lives, and they don't have any blood ties. They have so much chemistry, it works.

    I agree with all of this except that it never bothered me that they grow up together.

    The thing I love about this pair is that apart from racist trolls and some people who want iris gone so that their ship can happen (snowbarry and patty/Barry), most people who don't ship westallen still love iris and want the show to do better for her. This is has nothing to do with the writers, in fact sometimes I feel like they hate the character. This is all Candice, with everything stacked against her, she still made iris charming and easy to love, it also helps that she is a good actress that shines with any little opportunity she's given.

    I just hope the writing for her will improve. And please writers just let westallen be happy next season, they've paid their dues this season.

    • Love 6
  18. I think that the conversation between savitar and killer frost is important. I don't think savitar actually have it in him to kill Iris. I believe that he has her stashed somewhere and possibly killed a time remnant of iris or someone else disguised as Iris. It will have the same effect on Barry since he is unawares of this and as a result, savitar gets to keep iris and also ensure that he is created as a result of Barry's grief.

    I hope that iris still has a role to play here, there's still a scene between iris and savitar that we are yet to see. Who knows, maybe she is the one that convinced savitar not to kill her, or she will discover a weakness in savitar that she can possibly pass along to Barry that will help him defeat savitar. I just want her to play a part in saving her own life, the writers owe us that much. They've made her a bystander in her own storyline.

    8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    If Barry sacrices himself and is killed, then there is no show.


    Barry scarifying himself doesn't necessarily mean death, he could be stuck in the speed force till next season.

    • Love 6
  19. What an emotional episode, if I didn't believe Iris will be back, I would have been crying my eyes out. The parts that really got to me was Joe and Iris scene and iris saying her vows while being killed. Great acting all around, I just wish Wally and Iris got a scene together too.

    Captain cold was entertaining, Barry and iris better don't sit him at the singles table at the wedding.

    I always had a feeling that they were going to kill Iris, but I know she will be back. The question is how do they bring her back?

    I don't think HR switched with iris, there was no way he could get to her on time to do that. I am okay with that, in fact I don't what another person other than Barry to sacrifice themselves for iris, Eddie already did that. It's time for Barry to do this on his own, I believe that for his journey through out this season to make sense. Barry have to figure out how to defeat savitar on his own.

    I'm ready for Barry to step up and be a hero we can believe in.

    • Love 1
  20. Iris just meant that she realized they both needed each other more than before on the night Barry's mom died. Remember that at the time, Iris has already lost her mom too. And Iris is the one realizing it now, not the 11 years old Iris, some people are reading way too much into it like 11 years old Iris was the one having sexual feelings for Barry.

    "I didn't realize it then, but that was the night we fell in love, that was the night we realized we needed each other". 

    In my opinion, there was nothing sexual about that. Barry loosing his mom like Iris already lost hers brought them closer together and deepened their friendship and love for each other.

    • Love 9
  21. I've always seen the widow as a villain, no surprise there. People enjoy her fight scenes and were hoping she would turn out to be more of an antihero than a villain, I prefer her as a straight up villain. That being said, I still don't want her or Quinn dead, I enjoy them on this show, they bring the fun crazy this show needs.

    I hope Tilda is not dead, she's one if my favourite characters. The last episode is going to be epic.

    • Love 1
  22. Its just not as simple as not creating time remnants, Iris was already dead before Barry created the time remnants. So they have to save Iris first before Barry can then go ahead with defeating savitar. It's a time loop, savitar already exists, so save iris first, defeat savitar and don't creat time remnants so that savitar ceases to exist this will then break the time loop.

  23. This is a filler episode, but I loved it so much, The flash is so much fun when it is lighthearted.

    Grant and Candice were just wonderful this episode. The way Grant played these three characters, (savitar, Barry and amnesia Barry) was great. I feel that he enjoyed playing these characters this episode, they were so different. Candice is so great when the show let's her, I fell in love with these two characters allover again. Westallen really have one of the most natural chemistry on screen.

    I knew the savitar would be the time remnant future Barry mentioned, its kind of confusing but I will go along with it because Grant is killing those savitar scenes. I know most don't like it, but I like time remnant Barry being savitar. At least, its better than our Barry being the one who kills Iris.

    See show, you can actually use other sets. It makes the show so much better and central city bigger. I loved all the scenes we got outside starlabs.

    This was a great episode, one of the best this season and one of the funniest episode the show has ever done. I'm hopeful that since they mentioned Barry being happier without all the dark memories, that after they defeat savitar this season, the show will go back to being more fun.

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