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  1. I have so lost the thread of this game. Could definitely use some guidance
  2. I got sidetracked and completely missed this day. Am curious to see how things turn out.
  3. As a person who has used the Chainsmokers as a clue for MMCS before, I like where your head is at. But I'm not sure about it as a clue. Not that I have anything better to offer.
  4. Message received!
  5. Drogo TCS MarkHB aquarian1 Lisin egavasc
  6. Way to go @Spaceman Spiff! That was definitely one of the ways I was going to utilize the Pushing Daisies world, cause that's very much the style of dialogue used.
  7. ding ding ding we have a winner! A quick recap that doesn't have much. My apologies to the villains, who may have accidentally had this game be harder than normal as I think none of them had seen the show and the villain characters were minor characters. But the role breakdown is as follows Drogo - Chuck TCS - Vivian Saoirse - Olive Lisin - Charles MMCS - Lily TJ - Emerson Silver - Oscar Jesse - Ned SJM - Dwight Good guys Characters Ned - You are the piemaker, Ned, owner of The Pie Hole and you have a unique gift. With one touch you can bring anything dead back to life. But be quick, if you don’t touch them again in approximately one minute something of a similar body mass will die. You have brought back your childhood sweetheart Charlotte “Chuck” Charles from her unfortunate demise only to never be able to touch her again. Each night you have the ability to speak to dead players but you only have a minute so you’re limited to two questions, use them wisely I asked you not to use the word "zombie". It's disrespectful. Stumbling around squawking for brains? That's not how they do. And "undead"? Nobody wants to be "un"-anything. Why begin a statement with a negative? It's like saying, "I don't disagree." Just say you agree. No, you're not useless. "Useless" is an empty soap dispenser in the restroom standing around reminding people what you could be doing, but doing nothing at all. Ah, no more pretending to be normal. The best way I can help anyone is by being a pie-making dead-waker. Pretending to be someone I'm not is a recipe for disaster. So I say yes to super and no to normal. Chuck - You are Charlotte “Chuck” Charles, the recently revived childhood sweetheart of the piemaker Ned. A polymath, bee enthusiast, and a lover of cheese, you’re using your second chance to take a new lease on life. Raised by your two agoraphobic aunts, you hadn’t explored the world outside of books. While most people might respond to their gruesome murder during their first venture into the world by retreating back into safety, you jump with both feet into danger. Your new life is at risk daily as you can never again touch Ned, your childhood sweetheart who brought you back to life. You’ve taken to adding mood enhancers into his pie crusts in an effort to make everyone’s day a little better. Little did you know that these enhancers can protect people. Each night you may send a pie to a fellow player and thus protect them from harm. You said you wanted to know who killed me so that justice could be served. See, I don't think that "Justice" was on the menu. Maybe as a side dish, but not as an entrée. I gave the security guard a hug goodbye, my upper body distracted him, while these things I call "hands" took this off his belt. I may not be Superman, but I'm smart and I'm helpful. I mean, maybe I could be your sidekick. I'd be the Alive-Again Avenger who came back from the dead to solve her own murder, and stayed back from the dead to bring justice to murder victims everywhere, with the help of a crusty unflappable streetwise gumshoe. There's sequins, and drama, and the promise of bloodshed! Emerson Cod -You are private investigator and avid knitter Emerson Cod. A no-nonsense type, often the antics of the piemaker Ned and his childhood sweetheart Chuck make you regret your investigative partnership. However, that whole “talking to the dead thing” does help give you an edge over the other PIs in town. While it helps that Ned can directly asked the murdered who killed them, it’s never as easy as that should be. You rely on your investigative skills to fill in the gaps and earn that reward. Each night you may look into the alignment of one player. Bitch, *I* was in proximity! Good last meal can go a long way. Our penal system makes a point of it. Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem. Olive Snook - You are Olive Snook, faithful waitress and unrequited lover of the Piemaker. You are a feeler of strong emotions, often bursting into song when you can no longer contain them. A former jockey and future temporary nun, currently you are an unwitting homeopathic drug mule. Unwitting because you don’t know that you’re a drug mule, not that you wouldn’t gladly transport the goods. In this instance, the goods being pies baked by one Charlotte “Chuck” Charles with homeopathic antidepressants baked in transported to her aunts who believe that she is still dead. You look out for everyone and keep everyone’s secrets, you are everyone’s friendly neighbor. As such you may twice reach out at night to inform a fellow player that you are a good townsperson. That's the most tragic story I've ever heard. Notwithstanding the big ticket items like genocide and famine, but tragic nonetheless. Neutral thought, gives me pause! Someone has made you the happy recipients of a pie from The Pie Hole. As in "shut your." Or, in this case, "open your," because it's really good! Well, allow me to soap up those hard to reach places. Vivian Charles - You are Vivian Charles, one of the two Darling Mermaid Darlings. You and your sister Lily were once a world renowned synchronized swimming duo, but after the accidental blinding of your sister’s right eye you became overwhelmed by your various social phobias and opted to instead become shut-ins. Lovers of birds and fine cheeses, you are practically inseparable. You may communicate with each other outside the game thread. Your niece Chuck has been surreptitiously sending you pies with mood enhancers baked into the crust to encourage you to leave your home. Each night one of you dares to leave the safety of your home, placing them at risk to the dangers of the outside world. The pair of you may choose each night who feels bold enough to venture into the unknown. We small-boned persons are vulnerable to exoduses of the mass and panicked variety. Lily is naturally suspicious of new liaisons, but I felt compelled to come clean about our relationship. Sneaking around is for politicians in bathroom stalls. I suppose it's a holdover from their Viking ancestry. It would be difficult to rape and pillage with the subtlety of a humanist. Lily Charles - You are Lily Charles, one of the two Darling Mermaid Darlings. You and your sister Vivian were once a world renowned synchronized swimming duo, but after the accidental blinding of your right eye you became overwhelmed by your various social phobias and opted to instead become shut-ins. Lovers of birds and fine cheeses, you are practically inseparable. You may communicate with each other outside the game thread. Your niece Chuck has been surreptitiously sending you pies with mood enhancers baked into the crust to encourage you to leave your home. Each night one of you dares to leave the safety of your home, placing them at risk to the dangers of the outside world. The pair of you may choose each night who feels bold enough to venture into the unknown. “Water, as in Russian for vodka?” For Charles! But if I happen to miss and blow Dwight's head off - purely by accident - well, that's something my lawyers can pretty much sort out later. Vermouth always reminds me of mother. Villains Oscar Vibenius - You are Oscar Vibenius, an olfaction theorist. You favor the wild unfettered smells of the natural world, believing that people couldn’t appreciate the good smells in life without smelling the bad. As such you currently reside underneath the Pie Hole, in the sewer. You came across the piemaker and Chuck when they were investigating you for a murder, however you convinced them that they were merely smelling something fishy. You were in fact a red herring. Fishy smelling though was one Charlotte “Chuck” Charles, who smelled not of fish, but of honey and something not unlike death. Having nearly figured out their secrets, you are a threat to our heroes. You may investigate one person each night to learn their secrets (in this case, their character). Dwight Dixon - You are Dwight Dixon, former and current friend of Charles Charles (after his revival) and former friend of the father of Ned the Piemaker. Currently, you are seeking out the answers to your friend’s death and the mysterious disappearance of his daughter Charlotte “Chuck” Charles’s body. Your less than savory methods of answer seeking are what make you a villain in our game. You blackmail, seduce, and when all else fails, gun brandish when you do not get the answers you want. As the only one of our villains who has any interest in friends, you may each night protect one of your own. However you may never protect anyone twice in a row. Charles Charles - You are the Charles Charles, father of Lonely Tourist Charlotte Charles, more commonly known as Chuck. While you were taken from her at an early age, a quirk of fate (namely, the piemaker) has brought you both back from the dead. While you possibly could have been a loving father in her youth, you kept important secrets from your daughter such as the identity of her mother and your cruel affairs with her aunts. You’re also holding a grudge against your accidental killer, Ned, who was a wee child when he cost you your life. Forcing your only daughter to choose between her father and her love is what makes you a villain in this game. You have no additional powers. Also I usually try to do awards based on stuff in the game, but since it wasn't very long the only thing I came up with is this. Lisin receives the Kristin Chenoweth Award for being the tits at research!
  8. Thanks all. Our villains have graciously volunteered to resign so I'm going to declare this game over and everyone winners. Thank you so much everyone. I really appreciate all the support.
  9. Hey folks. I'm so sorry to have to do this. The real world has just been really rough on me lately and I don't know if I can finish out this game. I'm having a hard time getting any sort of story together. I hate to abandon a game in the middle, so I'll be happy to continue to do basic mod stuff (responding to night actions, setting time limits) but I'm not sure I can fully handle the whole enchilada at the moment. If that works for y'all, we'll start night soon. If not, I guess we'll just put this on pause for a bit? Again, I am so sorry for starting something that I can't seem to finish.
  10. Alright folks. That's day. You may continue discussing until the night story is up.
  11. Okay y'all, day is set to end in just about 2 hours. Get your votes in soon if you're so inclined.
  12. Sorry for the delay and the shorter than normal story. Faster speeds and better stories should resume shortly. Day 2 The facts were these. Tuck Tuckerson was 19 years, 9 months, 12 days, 22 hours, 5 minutes, and 18 seconds old when he was stung by an overly energetic bee. As he went into anaphylactic shock, his lower lip swelled up immensely as his body reacted to believed toxins. Young Tuck had been inside his room in the middle of winter when he was stung, leading his parents to believe that somehow foul play was involved. Emerson Cod was hired to investigate after the police determined that a bee sting was a natural cause. Emerson now sat around the Pie Hole informing his partner Ned of all the details of the case and trying to ignore the recently dead girl who kept trying to butt in. “How do the police not believe that this death was foul play? Bees are incredibly inactive this time of year. It’s just too cold for them to leave their hives.” Chuck the recently dead girl chimed in. An amateur beekeeper, Chuck’s bees were on top of Ned’s apartment complex cautiously covered to protect them from the wintery chill. “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think that’s why I’m on the case? Now when are we getting to the funeral home, dead boy is young and no longer kickin’” Emerson snipped. Still amongst the living Drogo TCS Saoirse Lisin MMCS TJ Silver Jesse SJM There is 1 clue in this story. Day will end in 36 hours or when a DL is reached. Thanks!
  13. Night 1 Olive Snook cautiously approached the old Victorian manor, delicately carrying a festive cherry pie. The pie had of course been baked by the Piemaker, but had featured an assist from new shop dweller Chuck. This pie was very important to Chuck and she had given Olive very precise instructions for its delivery. Its intended recipients were her dear aunts whom she could not visit herself as they believed her to be deceased. So instead, Olive must deliver the pie and most importantly make sure both sisters ate at least a slice each. Unbeknownst to Olive and the Piemaker, Chuck had added homeopathic mood enhancers to the crust of the pie in an effort to lift the spirits of her agoraphobic aunts. Thus making Olive, in a sense, an unwitting homeopathic drug mule of sorts. Having reached the landing, Olive knocked tentatively on the door. While she knew that Chuck’s aunts were most likely lovely people, in her heart this place filled her with a deep unease. “Hello?” She cried out. “I’m from the Pie Hole. I have a pie delivery for you.” Suddenly the door swung open, revealing a red-headed woman with bejeweled eyepatch. “Well you don’t have to yell,” said Lily Charles. “And we don’t want your pie.” Startled by the abrupt appearance of one of the Charles sisters, Olive let out a small yelp. Lily glared with her good eye, causing Olive to believe that her suspicions about this place were not completely unfounded. But, remembering how much importance Chuck had placed on her aunts actually eating the delivered pie, she stood her ground, determined to follow through on her promise. “Oh let her be,” said Vivian Charles calmly as she arrived in the entryway. “It’s only a pie and she seems so nice. What harm could it be?” “That’s what the witch said to Hansel and Gretel right before they burned her alive,” Lily groused, Nevertheless, she made room for Olive to enter. “I’m not sure that’s exactly how the fairy tale went but I promise, I only bring delicious pie from the Pie Hole.” Olive said with her cheeriest smile on her face. “What kind of pie did you bring?” Asked Vivian nicely, trying to put the delivery girl at ease. “Oh it’s one of my favorites! It’s a Very Berry Cherry Pie!” “Well it smells delicious. Come on in dear, share a bite with us?” Vivian encouraged as Olive entered. The Very Berry Cherry pie would indeed be enjoyed. Still amongst the living Drogo TCS Saoirse Lisin MMCS TJ Silver Jesse SJM There are no clues in this story. You have 24 hours to submit your night actions. Please get them in by approx. 7pm EDT. Thanks!
  14. Day is over and we are in twilight until I can get the Night story written. Please continue to feel free to discuss!
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