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  1. I agree. I was kind of hoping she would go instead of Jeff. The Etsy trend lady keeps pointing out how many trends she is hitting, but to me that just highlights how she's just doing what's in at the moment vs. coming up with her own ideas. For example there are a ton of versions of her unicorn head for sale on Etsy.
  2. I get what the show was going for, but there doesn't seem to be any payoff to making her so shrill and grating. For example, when Loerial is being wooed to sell the inn, it might have been nice if Lorelai considered selling because her business partner is unreliable, e.g. when she took a nap instead of signing for the new stove, and unable to make hard business decisions, e.g. flipping out about having to drop lunch. Or if Sookie and Lorelai had a talk about how Sookie might be happier just being a chef and not having to deal with the business side of things. I’m sure others feel the same way, but I think for me S4 – S6 are hard to watch less because of the soapy plot lines and more because the characters become such cartoon versions of themselves that almost everyone is unlikable. The townies go from quirky, to shrill and annoying. Liz and TJ are horrible to watch. Emily, Richard, and Rory become all fairly unlikeable (IMO). And I really don’t understand how Emily went from begging Richard not to sue Digger (whom she hates) because he is in a relationship with Lorelai and she doesn’t want to lose her again, to deciding that trying to sabotage Lorelai’s relationship with Luke was a smart idea.
  3. I’m re-watching the entire series on Netflix and while I have just started season 6, I realized I pretty much hate Sookie once the Independence Inn burns down. The character just becomes so grating and crazy. I just watched “"But I'm a Gilmore!" and spent the whole time wanting to punch her. Luke was nice enough to leave his own business and volunteer his time to help out, which was only needed because Sookie didn’t want to find a replacement, and she spends the whole time harassing him and making the wait staff bring her food instead of doing their jobs.
  4. I liked it more than I thought I would, but I watched the pilot on Hulu after watching Blackish and The Red Band Society, and this thought this was much stronger than both of those shows. I'll be back, but it is not appointment TV for me yet.
  5. They said based on here experience as a Realtor she felt she was qualified to be a GC. I have no clue why she thought that being a Realtor would make her qualified to run a construction site. The husband was great, also I agreed with him, the "island" in the kitchen was just a table. I'm not sure why the designer was trying to sell it as this great awesome new idea, it was a kitchen table.
  6. Has anyone been watching the new season? I only watched part of the Boston episode but was able to catch all of the DC episode. I've really enjoyed the fact that we are getting to see houses outside of Southern CA. Also for the Bethesda couple, I'm glad they added the half bath, I had to agree with the husband that it was not worth sacrificing a bathroom for an open kitchen.
  7. I live in DC and generally have a love/hate relationship with the DC episodes, since most of the time people seem to be looking in the burbs. But, I loved last nights couple. I think they made the right choice, as was said in the episode many times that area is up and coming and they will probably see a nice return on their investment. I also had never heard of Wakefield, but assumed it was in the upper NW part of the city. Did anyone catch the couple in Southern California looking for a place with room for a RV they didn't even own yet? They both got on my nerves, but the husband's need to base their house purchase around something then didn't even own yet was really annoying.
  8. This is by far my favorite version of house hunters, besides perhaps island hunters. My vote for worst reno would be the couple who used the black marble everywhere in the kitchen and bar area in the living room. I remember thinking they picked the best house and they just ruined it with their tackiness. The cuple from the most recent episode in the San Fernando valley (with the British woman) made some dumb money choices, in my opinion. For example if I was shown a completely clogged pipe, I would have taken the $5k I was spending on my hand laid iridescent blacksplash and fixed the pipes. I have no clue why the guy thought it would be a good idea to ignore the clog and even if they didn't have a contingency I would think they could have cut out something I would consider an extra, to have working pipes.
  9. He also pinged my gadar. I found them both pretty grating and if I were them I would have picked the first house. It was $100k under the low end of their budget in their desired location. They could have spent that $100k fixing it up and still be at the low end of what they wanted to spend, but instead she ended up with a super long commute for "Americana" and a modern kitchen.
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