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  1. If I read the divorce agreement correctly, alimony payments will continue unless and until someone goes to court to request otherwise. Jim would absolutely do that once she remarries. But – like I said – I think she’ll stay engaged to keep getting that money. I wonder if he would go back to court and argue that she’s living with someone full-time if she doesn’t get married within a certain period of time. She was engaged to that other guy for about two years. Could get interesting.
  2. I bet they don’t get married. They’ll be perpetually engaged because wedding equals no more alimony.
  3. What’s so ridiculous is – at the time this was filmed it was February because they just talked about Valentine’s Day. Alexis and John only started dating in November so all of this “my future husband”, receipts, etc. is for a three month old relationship. She is so painfully stupid. And – I was thinking about it – why would Shannon need to borrow 65/$75,000 from John? She got a lump sum payment from David. She gets alimony. She comes from money. She couldn’t come up with that kind of money by herself? Makes me wonder where it all went?
  4. I like Farrah. She’s always been more serious which is actually kind of refreshing amongst all the screeching drama that encompasses so many of these shows. I like Mo but.. no one gets to be number one of anything without being shrewd and cut throat to some extent. Especially in real estate. Especially in BH. It’ll be interesting to see if his nice guy image holds up… I completely agree with Melissa’s question to Alexia: are you sure you even want to be in real estate? I mean – come on – you’re selling your childhood home and you don’t even know what year it was built? You don’t know what kind of countertops are in the kitchen? These are very basic things. Anyone buying a $6 million house is going to want to know that and so much more. She is not polished at all. She needs to gain a lot of confidence, stop playing with her hair, and stop whining about any constructive criticism she may receive. That’s what real estate and selling is all about.
  5. I kinda hoped mama would go with her.
  6. All she seems to eat is chicken. Friiiiiiiiiiiied chicken !
  7. Oh boy! JT pulled a Gareth. That was fast!
  8. If that van makes a hard turn it’s all over for the boyfriend
  9. I hope the bathroom Tupperware doesn’t get mixed up with the cooking Tupperware...
  10. Does she EVER stop talking?
  11. She’s back in. What the what?
  12. Wait. What? Kicked out? Why???
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