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Posts posted by Lablover27

  1. I'm torn on this.  On one side of the boxing ring there's bad mother Tamballs - on the other side of the boxing ring is controlling Simon.  I think Eddie is slicing Tamball's eye lid open with a razor and telling her to sit her ass down in the corner chair.  He doesn't want any of those kids, he only wants the boxer and his bike.  Then there's Simon....what a freaking mess.


    Tough age for Sydney. Tough age and then add the reality bullshit she has to hear about from her friends in high school.  Girls are mean.  Tamballs should let it go and Sydney will get tired of controlling Simon and beg to come live with her.  Who knows.  Just sad all the way around.  Next up in the ring, Sophie (is that her name?)


    Everyone must know how much I dislike Tamballs, but I would never ever want her daughters to go down the Curtin girl's way.  It's like that show...I won the lottery and then my life sucked.  Something like that.

    • Love 3
  2. Um, was she in my kitchen when I was explaining this crap to my 16 year old daughter?  Exactly what went down with me explaining to Miss Lil Lab.  I can't believe I'm actually feeling bad!!!!!  Saturday, what do you do?  Sunday, do you pack?  Go shopping for groceries?  Enjoy the toilet all alone?  WTF is happening to me?  I'm like the Grinch hearing the Who village singing around the Christmas Tre.  Where's Cher "Snap out of it!"


    • Love 3
  3. Bravo is playing the very first ep at 5:00 PM today.

    Watching it. 


    Matt Keough, is that his name?  Jeanna's husband?  Anyway, it reminded me when my husband and I met them at Hannah's in Rancho Santa Margarita.  Jeanna asked me where my son went to high school then Matt blurted away that anyone who lives in Southern California knows the Keoughs.  Found out his brother went to high school with my dad.  I called my dad later.  Dad said they were assholes. 


    Funny to watch the first episodes.  Oregon is kicking butt so, this has been a fun NY Day.


    Happy New Year my friends!

    • Love 1
  4. As long as you're gearing up, perhaps we should go all out this weekend and have a second poll.


    How and with whom will Teresa arrive at the gates of the Big House?

    Oh, good one. 


    Alone with a driver.  Because Juicy will be home taking care of those 4 beautiful dawders.  I'm guessing at night, alone, whisked away.  Well, Tre would say "wisked' away.

    • Love 1
  5. I think she shows up at 11:59 pm on January 4th because I read somehwere you will get credit for the whole day even if you are there one day. She will be dressed low key with no makeup. I assume the extensions will come out before she gets there.


    I agree.  I think she'll go in minutes before the strike of midnight, her SUV carriage will then turn into a pumpkin and no flashing lights, no paps, leaving her 4 beautiful dawders in their beds.  Unless, she already sold the pics to rag mag to help pay the utility bills for 3 months.

    • Love 4
  6. It's worse when they stroke their hair at restaurant while eating.  That grosses me out!  "Well, this is hombre, must be Khloe's."  Ick. 


     I felt so awful....they were on the poor side of the Hamptons.  STFU - I hope they all get ticks and send Yolanda type pics from hospital beds.  That's not very nice.  I hope they have loads of OFF and move on up next season to the right side of the Hamptons, so I can sleep better. 

  7. Jax can make me stop drinking.  Ever again.  Gladly.  I'd throw out my Chardonney tonight if I didn't have to look at his greasy face and listen about him banging - something - every episode.  He needs a signature drink - "Penicillin Shooter" {it comes in a tall glass}.

    • Love 7
  8. You know what?  Nobody asked me, but I'm thinking that Lisin is right, and she's being awfully nice about it.  The trial and the sentencing are both long past and over with.  Why don't we take this delicious snarking about Teresa down one topic to the Teresa thread?  I was all ready to deliver one more nasty barb at our glam jailbird-to-be and her worthless husband when I thought about this.  C'mon down with me, please?  Otherwise, I'm gonna be the only one down there with less than kind things to say about Teresa and Giuseppe, the little weasel.  Can't STAND that man!

    I hear ya!  I guess I'm just waiting for her to report.  I thought this was the place to yak about it.  Everyone has different feelings about it.  Some are just more personal to some - I mean - me.  I'll admit I do harp over and over about the IRS thing and I'll take it down on 1/5/15, I promise.  ;)  Especially, being that she will be serving her time for her crimes.  I'll put a period on my harping then.  Done.  But, in the meantime, what do you think she's doing besides going to Gia's concert?  I'd be freaking out too socalrules.  I do feel bad for the kids.  And Tre's dad.  Not at all for her or Juicy at all. 


    And like LotusFlower said, I think those rag mags will be all over the Juicy while she's gone. 

    • Love 3
  9. Teresa is down to three more court days before she is due to report.  I wonder if there are any applications pending?

    I counted 5, but today's over.  Husband's birthday was today, had a court appearance to go to.  Bah humbug~!  ;)  Federal court may be different? 


    Hope she's packing up the Christmas Tre.  Otherwise, Joe's ho may be doing it ~ in like March.  ;) 

    • Love 2
  10. Is that the real blurb from their site?!

    International dance stars, because don't most of us strive to go to the gym at CUT in hopes of performing one day for high society on stage in Prague.

    I've had a few "sweat inducing dreams". I like to call them nightmares. I'd prefer not to see them come true, thanks Tams.

    I'm pretty certain that Dante accidentally may have left out one circle of hell, and it was CUT fitness.

    Groupon email. I'm blocked from everything regarding Tamballs except - apparently Groupon.  LOL  Merry Christmas my friends.

    • Love 3
  11. Is the Jan 5 surrender date still on? Can we have a countdown clock? 

    Two more weeks of shopping days left for Christmas Tre. 


    Pack it up buttercup. {Either you pack it up or Juicy squeeze packs it up for you to go live in someone else skeevy house. }


     Freeze that sauce!


    She probably will have more presents under the tree then Lab's fam.  But I'm not going to prison.  Sounds like the next thing to do is stick my tongue out ;)

    • Love 3
  12. Since I wasn't watching RHONJ during all of this, forgive me if this is a dumb question.  How much does a lot of this have to do with egos?  At the very beginning of the series, Caroline was top dog.  She pretty much retained that title until Teresa's problems came to the forefront, and from that time on, it was Teresa getting most of the attention.  Since Caroline is so reticent over talking about why she dislikes Teresa, couldn't it be a feeling of resentment over Teresa becoming "the show?"  I felt when Caroline moved away that it was sour grapes over her lack of influence on the show.  In the past, I've noticed a lot of things that Caroline has become upset over, and they had a direct relation to her not getting all of the attention anymore.  I used to love Caroline, but then her ego got in my way.

    Lura, I'm sure others will chime in.  There are posters who are um, just say things better than I can.  I love it.


    To me, it's the Juicy's huge egos that got them into this hot mess.  They thought they could parachute out of their debt by filing a BK.  Which brought all this on.  They just kept lying, under oath.  That's ego.  Who knows, maybe 9 months away we'll hear about Caroline's fraudulent actions.  I highly doubt tonight, as Caroline lies her head on her pillow, that she is resentment over Teresa. {I bet she's thinking to herself - go to her - stay away from me feds}  Caroline may have been the first one to call "a book" about Tre's divorcing, prison time, and throw in a couple of recipes she learned in the pen.  Like I said, others will help chime in.  For me, paying taxes, owing taxes, filing taxes, it pisses me the F off they thought they didn't have to.  How that  goes to  Caroline - it really doesn't.  It's my problem.  I don't think Caroline's reality show really made it.  I know I don't miss bratty Lauren, Christofer, and the #number one son - whatever his name is.  Basically, I think Caroline is happy as hell with not being friends with the Juicys.  She probably has her own personal problems.  Check out www.stupidhousewives.com and you can click on Caroline's name and just have a giggle.  And Tre.  More giggles.  {Hope this helps...Merry Christmas}

    • Love 1
  13. I wonder if Juicy got his ass up and put the lights on the Christmas tree yet.  I may tease and all, but I couldn't imagine being gone from my kids for 15 months.  Heck, I went into the hospital for 4 days (no way in Tori Spelling's category) but dang, did my daughter miss me.  I think those chickens and dogs will even miss her.  Oh well, having  small Christmas #wepayourfuckingtaxes

    • Love 2
  14. I'm working and don't have time to read through the whole thread, so apologies in advance if this has been posted but....






    According to this article, apparently the Feds found some Rolex watches the Guidices had claimed were stolen on an insurance claim and a boatload of cash hidden in the house.


    And allegedly Joe wasn't there and hasn't been living there for at least a couple of weeks.


    These people are imploding.


    Real quick, any of the legal eagles here know if they can get additional time or brought up on separate charges for frauding on the claim that the Rolex watches were stolen yet were found in their possession?


    Goddamn, Guidices....You ignoramuses are truly the gifts that just keep on giving to the legal system.  Oy!!!  

    Wholly guacamole!   Christmas Tre would just put out store bought guacamole with a bag a chips.  "See, my four daughters love doing this with their friends!"

  15. 22 more days.  22 more days I hope I lose 3 more pounds.  No bread, cheese or pasta.  I read somewhere they are filming her and she's still negotiating for $$.  Top Ramen cost .18 cents in prison.  How are they going to dig themselves out of this mess?  What happens when April comes around and they have to file legal taxes?  Yet, I see her all dressed up taking the girls to see Nene on Broadway.  No doubt those tickets were comp.  I'm not the one going to prison, but hot dang, just the thought of in 3 weeks I'll be wearing sneakers and khakis and talking to Big Momma and eating cold bologna and bolting to the salad bar before the salad is gone (Read that in Orange is the New Black).  She'll probably asked for her bologna it to be fried - and then get the shit fall out from any request or complaint.   (I read that part too.) 


    ETA:  Out of curiosity I went to Tre's FB page.  Someone hoped Joe would get infected with aids then infect her.  WTF?  I'm just happy with her doing her time and paying back the people she owes and shows some kind of remorse - and maybe - an apology - to the people she owes money too.  Even if it is Bloomingdales.

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