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Posts posted by Lablover27

  1. LOL..you know she was more like....





    I'm sorry, but this is funny.  Thanks for the giggle.  Kim does not make me giggle.  When does Tamballs come on so I can talk about towels.  This Kim stuff is depressing.  Bad Girls Club?  Mob Wives?  Tori falling on the barby?

    • Love 8
  2. Bethenny also claims to have been lost at sea and rescued by the US Coast Guard.  Bethenny had a pre0nup and everything was separate she just wants the apartment she had with Jason.

    Who rescued Bethinnny?  Fire that bastard.  


    I should sell that as a bumper sticker.  See how many honks I get.  50/50 on thumbs up or heads with large jaws shaking their head back and forth saying "wha wha wha, what, where am I, who dahz this?"  

    • Love 7
  3. Bethenny's first Hamptons party of her second era culminates in a wine-drunk tiff with Ramona over brunch etiquette. Because sometimes The Real Housewives of NYC really is a Mad Libs.

    Read the story

    Mad Libs!!!  Loved those.  Can you believe my kids don't love the game as much as I do?  They have to play with a pen.  Not 'hit enter'.  Sonja, I wasn't talking about your sex life.  God, it's aways about you you YOU.


    Loved the above poster's comment ---  so over the sister thing.  Ramoaner and her sister.  Please, no.  I'm still hung over from the Richard sisters.

    • Love 1
  4. Thanks, Bethenny. Now my ears are bleeding.

    NO KIDDING.  Like nails on a chalkboard.  


    Noel was eyeing that chef.  Move over Carol.  


    I like Dorinda too.  She looks like Princess Diana if she were still alive... ;(  


    LuMan told the girls "down girls" when they sat down to eat.  Hee.


    Luann telling Ramotional that Mario is on dating sights, can't wait.  How does she know?  


    Bethenny, Kelly comes back and she says "Bethiney Stoppppp".  I'm with her on that.  

    • Love 7
  5. Shep was at peak adorableness in this episode. I don't know if it was the haircut, the casual use of 'precipitous,' the fox cummerbund or what, but I swooned at least three different times.


    On the first episode of RHoNY this season, Bethenny and Luann were talking about losing too much weight makes their faces look haggard - Danni and Craig need to take some advice from those hoWives. It might have been the tank top, but Craig's arms were uncomfortably skinny.

    Did anyone notice how horrible Jennifer's spray tan was when she lifted her arms? Her pits were as pale as a baby's bottom in contrast to her Oompa Loompa arms.

    Allson, it's funny you mention the loss of weight.  It happened to me.  I didn't notice it until I took a picture with my husband.  My face was sucken in, wrinkles prominate around my mouth, below my cheeks.  I gained 8 lbs back and much better.  I did look haggard, my upper lip was freaky.  Monkey looking. So, your comment hit home.  But I'm much older than these kids are.  51.  Someone pm me a good face moisterizer and a great body lotion ;) 

    • Love 3
  6. Caught this show because I was bored.  This can't be real right?   I mean, I feel stupid falling for Real ho wives shows, but this show looks like a a Tori Spelling - I fell on a grill show.  Anyways, enjoy reading your posts.  I mean, that chick with the baby?  I just feel sorry for her.  I'll watch more so I don't post any more dumb posts.

  7. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/04/13/dean-mcdermott-marriage-to-tori-spelling-is-amazing-absolutely-amazing/

    Deano says their marriage is "amazing, absolutely amazing," better than before he cheated. I did some further sleuthing and found that the season premiere of Hell's Kitchen was taped on October 23, 2013. Dean was shown with two glasses of wine in front of him and I guess we can assume that he might have also been doing other substances, so maybe he forgot that he was making out with his dinner companion. That was about 6 weeks before he admits to sleeping with Emily Goodhand "because he thought he could get away with it," so I don't think the idea that he might have been cheating then is as ludicrous as he'd like people to think.



    But Tori was photographed staring at her arm intently as she left Benihana's and she had to be hospitalized and have skin grafts!



    I don't understand how one gets up from one's seat and trips and falls backward into a grill at Benihana's either, though. People trip and fall all the time, which is why most businesses don't leave flaming hot grills in the middle of the floor. Is she going to sue them? 


    And I want to note that this was yet another nice family gathering that culminated in Tori having a crisis that (presumably) ruined the day. I'm sure she was an hysterical mess, whining, crying, and yelling at Dean that she needed to go to the hospital. If one of the kids said, "I thought we were going to the Easter egg hunt after lunch..." she would scream and cry about how selfish and uncaring they are, even if it's one of the toddlers. Hopefully, Jack came in his own car and was able to enjoy the rest of the day.

    Hee.  Only Tori.  Dean must have been flirting with someone.  MaryJo, time for supervised visitations *jk*.  Why is this just coming out now?  Tori must of been upset TMZ hasn't written about it.  

    • Love 1
  8. Lura, the U.S. Postal Service is staffed by people who are under a lot of stress. About 15 years ago there were a bunch of publicized incidents of postal workers  going crazy at work due to the pressure of their jobs. A lot of them became violent at work. Where I live (Denver, CO) a postal worker showed up to work in a gorilla suit, wearing a large dildo and toting guns. I think there was a hostage situation but I don't recall if anyone was killed. I don't know if since then things have improved, but we don't hear about so many incidents any more. And of course, there are thousands of postal employees who are great at their jobs and handle their stress appropriately. To "go postal" is still to become unstable and violent though.


    Whoops, motorcitymom65 beat me to it!

    Yes.  I meant no disrespect.  It has become a 'term'.  I apologize if I offended any one.  But not Tamballs.  Just because. :)

    • Love 2
  9. Happy Sunday fellow posters.  Why do I remember that Tamballs has no belly button.  Help me out.  Did I read it somewhere?  This is just gross on so many levels.  Keep your daughter out of it.  And clean up the bathroom before you take a selfie...  makes me sick.  Tamballs, take your tacky gym out of my neighborhood.  This is not even a selfie.....poor Sophia.  Tamballs about ready to spatula, swat her out of her selfish selfie.  Tamballs, you still are not exotic.  Kentucky is more exotic than you.


    I guess Tamballs would say "sophie" photo bombed her selfie.  Ick.  I think I won't watch, just come here to see what you all post.  But I will photo bomb her next time she's in front of Pavilons and post it here for you guys.



    • Love 3
  10. Well, it's official.  I'm getting old.  I just wanted to bitch slap Lisa Big Lips while watching the first look.  No comments, no opinions, just one right hook punch and a "now you can cry" and take my bra off and go to bed.  


    Mother's Day is coming up.  I'm going to cry like a bitch like Big Lips Lisa and tell my 16 year old daughter to stop shussing me.  "All my life..." turn into Oprah.  "I had to fight..."  That should get me a new purse.  From Kohls.


    Jeez, posters here tell me to zip it, shush it, and I don't go all postal.  Although, I would love to go all postal with a thousand worm legs on my eyelids.  Don't they hurt?  Do they fight with each other?  Do they multiply by the third episode?  See?  Makes me want to take a nap.

    • Love 9
  11. Kim, don't invite Vyle to the wedding.  Make Glanville a God Mother just to push Vyle over the edge.  "Leave me alone!"  I bet (Some People Call me) Maurice has heard that 2,253,667 times.

    Jeez, I'm tired of wading in the cesspool that is Kim and Brandi. God how I wish LisaR would've snapped Kim's rawhide finger off her decrepit hand.


    One more episode and I'm bringing the big guns: french silk pie and prosecco!!

    LOL - I'm using "rawhide finger off her decrepit hand" in one sentence this week end.  Hmmmm, sounds like my ex's new wifey whitchey poo.

    • Love 2
  12. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for posting this for me.


    It wouldn't be the same without the huge-ass  sunglasses, would it?  Hee.

    I'm using this on my 16 year old daughter when she bitches I'm 6 minutes late in picking her up from school.  Bikini and big huge glasses and a cover up and all.

    I feel the same way. I'm not a super fan of Bethenny's but I never liked Jason. Can't put my finger on it, but something about him always rubbed me the wrong way. Passive-aggressive or something.

    I guess he didn't have the bubble butt B loves.  Maybe he didn't kiss HER bubble butt ;)  I feel the same way about Mike's gf on the Shahs.  Something...can't put my finger on it.  

    • Love 5
  13. I NEED some pot now.  {E-cig...I like it mellow in case anyone here wants to send me some}


    Lisa...take a seat.  I loved how Andy shut her down "Let these two work it out."  In my mind, Andy said "Let these two morons keep going at it."  I think Lisa was just trying to adjust her diapers by all that jumping around.  I do that sometimes with my jeans....jump up, acting like I'm dancing when I'm really pulling them up over my stomach.


    Enjoy reading everyone's post because you all are saying what I would say.  Could you pass me the bunt please???  For the munchies....RHONY first episode...see ya all over there. 


    ETA:  I edited this post 5 times -  I must have gotten a cyber high from Vyle.

    ETA#2:  6 times.  morons not moranas.

    ETA#3:  Vanderpump's hair is so distracting.  Jiggy, darling, wants his lil pony tail hair bands back.

  14. I've never seen a reaction to a proposal like that in all my borned days. She's that excited to be marring Mike, really?

    When she was cooking, I feared her boobs would catch fire like Mrs. Doubtfire.


    I love a Mrs. Doubtfire reference!!  LOL  

    • Love 1
  15. Unpopular opinion alert:

    In re: to the "Mike trying to fuck GG" issue

    I thinks mike probably did the usual drunken flirting with GG; and she blew it way out of proportion. She's a lying attention whore.

    This was also the first thing in my mind.  That he was drunk and flirting.  And why bring it up now after the ink is signed and the new season begins.  Other than that thought, I think Jessica is the new future ex wife of Mike.  There is just something about her ...  can't put my finger on it.  If I were to be honest...she seems so draining and controlling.  There is something else...something about her looks.  Maybe it's when she speaks it's less attractive?????  I'll just watch this play out.  I enjoy reading everyones comments.  Ah, I fell for the proposall though.


    I giggled at Reza's impression of Vida too.

    • Love 3
  16. Cindy who? ;)


    Jill..- Hiiiiiiii ....enough said.


    Kelly- There is NO way she was NOT on something when they went to Scary Island. She was erratic, delusional and well, made no damn sense. I do not attribute that to a mental illness but rather to something she ingested. I lost my husband to suicide back in 1989 (he was an addict and this behavior reeked of drugs. For those of us who have had to deal with this? We HAVE seen this countless times.

    Jill - Hiiiiiiiii - like a horn.  Cruise ships should use this as their horn in fog.  Run fog.   Fog, "Oh my gawd, let's clear out now before Kelly runs after us in the middle of the street!"

  17. If you google Cat and Luann on WWHL there are clips !       She really lit into her as Luann sits there in this silly hat.

               Also, as I was diddling around today online I came across Kelly's twitter and she DENIES ever saying satchels of gold.  Oh my........

    LOL, it was on TV!  Al Sharpton lies better than she does.  (No disrespect to Al Sharpton.)

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