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Posts posted by Lablover27

  1. My biggest worry is that someone will die or be seriously injured on one of these shows before they are stopped. This episode was out of control, and if Andy is grinning about ratings or whatever, there's a special seat in hell waiting for him.

    I felt guilty when my brother passed in a solo accident (drunk) that I was thankful he took no victims with him.  Just himself.  To this day, 15 years later, I'm still thankful he did not hurt nor kill any innocent people.  My parents would not tell anyone at first that he was drunk.  It was us siblings who did.  I wanted people to learn from my brother's illness.


    So was Kim doing a 'scene' with LisaR in the car or what?  That was so bizarre.  

    • Love 3
  2. I'm concerned about that piece of pizza that fell on the floor.  Will someone trip on it?  Will the dog eat it?  Will it sit in the corner for days before someone realizes it is there?  Just trying to bring some brevity to this show!  Carry on….


    Well, I'll bring some more brevity....


    Has anyone seen that movie "Heartburn" with Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson?  When the women were in the van talking about fantasies, I suspect Lisa didn't want anyone to know her fantasy is what she will wear to Ken's funeral, who she'll flirt with at the funeral, when can she start dating after the funeral and more imporant - what will Jiggy wear at the funeral.  Ala Brandi - just kidding.


    My little brother was in and out of jail because of his addiction to drugs and alcohol.  I tried the supportive sister thing when I let him move into the garage.  He slowly stole everything he could pawn out of our garage, down to my husband's little league equipment (he was a coach).  I caught him sneaking into my room twice (our upstair floors creaked).  Unfortunately, he died in a solo car crash after drinking.  I don't know why, but my liver hurts to watch Brandi and Kim - really, I swear I can feel it hurt.  Do they not have cirrohisis yet?  That would scare the daylights out of me.  I too hope Kim checked herself into the hospital for help.  Everyone has said everything else I was thinking during tonight's episode.   

    • Love 12
  3. I did not get one thing done today.  LilMissLab showed me how to use Netflix.  All I did was watch Orange is The New Black, beginning with episode one.  For research, not that I want to know what Tre is going through our anything. ;)   So I can keep up on conversations here.  Yup, that's my story.


    I don't know from what site I was led to this link - Kim G's tweets.  I think Kim Granatell is a bit obsessive over Tre.  I was able to get on Twitter and woman never stops!  


    • Love 1
  4. I don't post much, but am I enjoying everyone's posts, and learning about Federal prison. Last night after leaving here I wound up reading quite a bit on wiki about 2 certain mafia guys.


    I did not get one thing done today.  LilMissLab showed me how to use Netflix.  All I did was watch Orange is The New Black, beginning with episode one.  For research, not that I want to know what Tre is going through our anything. ;)   So I can keep up on conversations here.  Yup, that's my story.

    • Love 3
  5. After looking at so many pictures, I'd say a lot of it went for family parties, vacations, clothing, and vehicles. Most of which I'd never seen on the show.  Granted I've not watched the past 2 seasons. They also had an addition put on the house.  I don't think it cost a lot, but it speaks to the fact that they had no problem putting further money into that monstrosity long after they filed bankruptcy.



    I don't think it was the mods here who removed it. It appears to be internet wide.


    I'd be very curious to hear Olive's opinion, too, on it's authenticity. Thank goodness you're no longer seeing it, either, AnnA.  I thought there was something wrong with my laptop, my tablet, my husband's laptop and our desktop.  Or you were just messing with me. :-) 


    Same here.  I couldn't find it.  Didn't want to tell this board how stupid I was that I still couldn't find it.  I want to see it!

    • Love 3

    Apparently, it is what all the guests live for the great sing along.  Yolanda seems to enjoy it.


    Everytime I see Yolanda getting all goo goo eyed at every sing along with "my love", I always think about The Girls Next Door's Holly.  Ya, I bet Holly got all excited to go to bed early with an ice cream cone and watch silent movies or early talking movies with "puffin" Hef.  Yup, sounds like fun to me.  


    I'd start telling Yo, um, I'm busy that night, washing my hair.  

    • Love 2

    I think there was a lot more to that scene of King David telling Brandi that Babyface is married. I'll bet much ended up on the editing floor.


    My first thought was that Mrs. Babyface gave King a look like "WTF?"  Mrs. Babyface was hard to see from each camera angle.  I just saw King's eyes go from her to Brandi, back and forth - then thy King spoke.  Then Brandi whines "I know, I know!" like my teen does.

    • Love 7
  8. Where've you been, Lab? We're all over this! It was definitely cray-cray and f*cking melodramatic on Brandi's part. But they made up quickly on the aftershow, and Andy did nothing but console Brandi. Cuz she's the victim, dontcha know. And yes, "she can dish it, but can't take it" was all over Twitter.

    LOL - I always fall asleep!!!!!!!!  Also, West Coast here.  Where did I miss this?  

    • Love 4
  9. Brandi just threw wine in Jeff Lewis' face on WWHL.  Now she's crying.  She's fucking serious.  "I'm taking five."  I think it was something Jeff said to her and/or Andy about being a mother or about her sons.  I know earlier she offered to give Jeff some 'eggs' for a baby and he said some funny comments about how fucked up that kid would be, but could live with a pyschological test.  


    This is crazy.  I'm waiting for the "just kidding!"  It was serious.  She's cray cray.  If this doesn't give her the door, I don't know what would?  She can dish it, but can't take. 

    • Love 3
  10. Ugh.  That picture of Joe driving the kids to school. It's bad enough that it's the Back to School Monday after the long holiday break.  It's freezing ass cold outside.  Those 2 things were enough to make me want to go back to bed after I dropped Lil Rye off at school today. But he'll be coming home later to find his mom in the kitchen and his world not rocked -  aside from the Christmas tree that will be down by the time he gets here.


    So sad for those girls.

    Yup.  Same thing here .... only just on the West Coast.  Back to bitching at stupid drivers who won't let little snowflake walk the 25 extra steps and MOVE UP so we can all enter the parking lot.  LOL  taking the tree down.  


    I hope that her new attorney got paid his $275 per hour fee ahead of time.  I would have wanted to wait every last second on my marble floored toilet room.  The pic of the new attorney with the window rolled down and his interview?  Look ma, I'm on ABC!!!!


    Someone here will find out who they sold the 'last' pictures to.   Duh, In Touch.  And then there is Joe, filmed as his private gates open slowly, to take his girls to school.  

    • Love 3
  11. Add me to the list of people with nerves sending them to the bathroom. If I were her, I would be totally dehydrated by the time I walked thru the gates & I would probably be holding a bag, just in case.

    It says on the Federal prisons web site that all incoming inmates will be interviewed & screened from case management, medical & mental health personnel. Then there is an orientation session about the prison. I'm sure we all would like to be a fly on the wall during Tre's admission process esp the mental health evaluation. She will still be saying it's a mistake that she's there & it's not her fault. I can picture her asking "Do these clothes come in another color?" From the picture on the site, looks like khaki is going to be her new color.

    Yah, I spent too many hours listening to The Orange is the New Black on youtube (although I was organizing:))).  The part where the author talked about the first days, weeks.  Couldn't even imagine it. 


    I am sleeping with my cell phone.  I get notices from www.stoopidhousewives and I'll probably jump up before the dog wants be fed :)  So wierd.  Then it will go back to normal and I have to pack away our Christmas decorations.  

    • Love 3
  12. We spent 20 minutes (that I want back) while I was cooking dinner, talking about this with Lil Miss Lab(16).  She said she couldn't imagine not having me for a year.  One positive thing that comes out of this - she is learning a lesson and knows she loves her mom and appreciates me.


    All I said was "Now you know why I get so upset they would not, could not, follow the law.  Who was a work all day yesterday and today?  Daddy."  


    What is it that Juicy does now?  Anyone know?  We know he can't be a limo driver.

    • Love 1
  13. I don't want to and I hate myself for it but I'm finding myself feeling a tiny bit sorry for Teresa.

    She's got to be scared shitless right now. I couldn't imagine knowing that tomorrow morning I report to prison for more than a year.

    I'd be on the toilet with my face in the garbage can getting sick from the nerves.

    I'm claustrophobic and even though I know she won't be in a small cell, just the thought of a door locking behind me that I can't open would put me in a panic.

    I know she deserves to be punished but, damn me, I'm feeling some sympathy for her.

    I remember when they took Paris Hilton back to prison and showed her hysterically crying in the police car, and she was only going in for 2 weeks.

    I can't begin to imagine how she must be feeling tonight.

    Edited to clarify that I only feel a tiny bit sorry for her. She fucked a lot of people over and deserves this but I'm human.

    Its a damn good thing that the only thing I've ever done illegally is now legal for me. Gotta love California.

    I totally relate.  I'm the first one to say buh bye - we pay our taxes - then today - OMG - even MY stomach is sick.  Then it goes away when Mr. Lab comes home because he was working TODAY to pay the mortgage.    I too love me some California !!!!  They deliver too - like Dominos.  




    See?  Posters here have this shit down!  Do you guys think there will really be helicopters?  Is Juicy juicing it up?  Who will she sleep with, her kids or Juicy.  That's so wrong on so many levels.  Sorry.

    • Love 4


    I usually don't revel in other people's misfortune, but I can't wait for her ass to go to prison.  I will be glued to these boards tomorrow, refreshing all day like a motherfucker.



    Bam!  Same here.  Posters on the East Coast, I'll be waiting!!!!  


    I am not a morning person, but I may jump out of bed tomorrow morning to see what's posted here and who won the poll.

  15. Be patient with me, but I feel like it's a double edge sword.  She either eats up her angry shrimp pasta or she has no appetite.  How do you spend your last day before reporting to prison?  I'd be barfing when I could pull myself out of bed.  Wonder if she gets the saying, if you do the crime, you serve your time.  Nah.  She's probably more  worried about Juicy and his juice with the nanny.


    You all post what you find out Monday morning, I'm coming here first (West Coast ~ she'll be going through her strip search by the time I wake up)

    • Love 1
  16. Here's the poll predictions so far based on the guidelines below. There is still time to add or change predictions. (No purchase is necessary to participate.)

    When will Teresa arrive?

    With whom will she arrive?

    In what transportation will she arrive?

    In what clothing will she arrive? 

    With what paparazzi will she arrive?

    I need several of our sleuths to report in for the results. I assume it won't be as long a day as the sentencing, so the winner should be announced early evening. 


    Teresa will report first thing in the morning........say 8 or 9 am.

    She will insist Juicy he drive her. 

    She will arrive in the Mercedes SUV.

    She'll have her hair pulled back in a ponytail and be wearing a ball cap, sunglasses and sweats.   

    If she was seals a deal with In Touch, she will tip them on when she's leaving so they can get exclusive photos.


    Arrives at 4 pm.

    Arrives with Joe only.

    In the Mercedes.

    Black clothing with hair in pony tail and hat. Nothing done with the bedazzler. 


    Joe tries to drop off Tre at 3 a.m. They have to sit in the Mercedes for hours until administration arrives.

    She wears all white (portraying the innocent victim) with a ponytail, sunglasses and no hat no purse.

    Luggage filled with Fabilini and baked goods to bribe the in-take committee.


    Paparazzi hard to project. I'll go with three film crews and five or so enterprising paps who will then sell them to the tabloids. 


    I think she'll go in minutes before the strike of midnight.

    Alone with a driver.   

    In her SUV carriage

    No paps


    She will not go voluntarily.She will be "escorted" by federal marshals who had to go to the tacky mansion to get her.   She will be in cuffs, screaming that she shouldn't have to report because she sued her lawyers and that means the sentence will be overturned.   


    She'll arrive early in the morning - pre dawn or shortly thereafter.

    She'll arrive in an SUV type car.

    One of her lawyers or "advisors" will be with her. 

    She'll show up casually dressed, jeans, baseball cap, etc.

    She will want the paps there but they will be.


    She shows up at 11:59 pm on January 4th  

    She will be dressed low key with no makeup. I assume the extensions will come out before she gets there.


    I think she'll go voluntarily and be dressed to the nines with her hair and make-up done.  She'll smile in case anyone's taking photos and save the tears for inside.


    Teresa will arrive early 10 am.

    With Joe,

    driving their Mercedes SUV.

    There will be paparazzi.  

    Awesome.  I just know our slueths will find shit out come Monday morning.

  17. You know what is crazy?  We went out to dinner tonight and the booth behind us ~ the ladies were talking all about Tre.  I so wanted to write this website down for them, but for once, I MMOB.  Shocking, I know.  What I heard is the conversation on what will happen on Monday and some very funny jokes.  I did giggle, but they were thinking the same thing I was....Saturday night....wrap it up buttercup!


    I see "Marriage Bootcamp" in the future with Tre being alone in "Marriage Bootcamp".  

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