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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. Good grief,  could someone not have given Golnesa a "script" to go with for her pitch?

    Something along the line of:

    Hello everyone, thanks for coming today, my name is Golnesa and here is how I became interested in the canibus industry:

    I was diagnosed with RA several years ago and underwent surgery on my hands for this and was not happy with traditional pain pills and their side affects. I then started researching the more natural healing affects of canibus and ways it can be used and here we are today!

    • Love 23
  2. Hey "foam boy" Steve your "fiancé" doesn't want anything to do with you because her B list hooker yacht self has grown tired of you and your antics, she will be moving on to another boat next/this coming season.

    • Love 10
  3. Vicki saying that Bri moved away from the OC because of the divorce rate was classic Vicki in denial.

    Bri moved away to put miles between her and mommy/gammy.

    Does Vicki still not know where Michael lives? Smart boy!

    2 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    Hopefully Eddie is realizing that Tamra's first and most important love in her life isn't him it's that Bravo paycheck. 

    Me yelling at my tv to Tamra "Did you go to QVC???"

    • LOL 1
    • Love 14
  4. 10 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    What dishes did Shannon offer besides the salmon dish? I’m allergic to it although it did look tasty and the asparagus didn’t look too limp. 

    Looks like on the QVC site she has (3) fish options: Salmon, shrimp, flounder. Pork tenderloin, Veggie burgers and Lobster cakes. Pricey, but they do look yummy!

    • Love 6
  5. Vicki is one disgusting person "pink parts" and all. cannot stand her! Her moral compass points down below every time. She wonders why her mood ring is always black.

    Shannon is being kind of shut out this season, she's just kinda there like the sugar a creamer at the coffe shop.

    Maybe Gina really doesn't like her soon to be ex- husband but is putting on an act for a good arranged settlement. But who really cares.

    I am still befuddled by Emily & Shane. Weird dynamic.

    I am tired of paying any attention to Kelly.

    Good grief it looks like in the upcoming previews that Vicki has fucked with her face yet again!

    • Love 12
  6. 25 minutes ago, nokat said:

    I have so much respect for the men and women in uniform. I would not be as patient. Listening to someone scream about how they pay your salary or how they didn't do any drugs. 

    Agree 1000%, I could not deal with the bullshit these officers deal with on their daily shifts.

    Major respect for them all!

    • Love 7
  7. My thoughts on Carole as of today:

    I liked her at first when she came onto the show but then situations with her made me question her actions and character.

    It appears that she put her thoughts about her (2) books into a voice recorder and then let a "ghost writer" get it onto paper and can not meet any true deadlines. (You are not Carrie Bradshaw you dumb doldt and this is not Sex in the City)

    She appears slow and lackadaisical and puts the least amount or effort towards endeavors. Good grief I wonder how long it takes her to get out of bed in the morning and get a move on for the day.

    She is a copy cat about fashion and digs into the way back files, sorry girl you are no Talitha Getty.

    • Love 5
  8. Bravo, Thank You for the gem that this episode is.

    It was wonderful learning about the traditions, the food as always was amazing and it was nice to see the genuine love and friendship between all of them.

    • Love 17
  9. Carole is now off the show, the season is over as are her only so many summers, hopefully she will quit the twat twitters about the show and if she does respond it will only be to say she is no longer involved with this franchise with no further explanations, justifications or qualifications. LET IT GO!

    See all you fine posters next season if there is one as it's always a pleasure to post with you all!

    • Love 18
  10. 35 minutes ago, AnnA said:

    Carole is the only one who claims she was super close to Carolyn Bissette.   Some people think it's not really true and that she exaggerated their relationship.  There are no photos of the two of them together and no one has come forward to back her up - not even Lee.

    Another one of Carole's "false narratives" about her close friend Carolyn.

    Heck, Lee doesn't even acknowledge giving Anthony (and Carole) her used and well worn tiger print couch!

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