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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. 7 minutes ago, Reality police said:

    I would have been DONE with Tammy Sue at the dinner table when she said nothing about the friendship with Shannon. That silence and trying to look innocent. I would have been in a cab to the hotel, moved to a private villa, and dared TS to come near me. Couldn't believe she didn't immediately rip in to Tammy Sue.

    I would have been done with Tamra about 10 minutes after meeting her.

    My bullshit meter is pretty accurate and gets people relegated to the polite small talk "nice to see you again" and nothing further real fast.

    • Love 21
  2. Yes Shannon you are "entitled to feel your pain" but please stop exposing it to everyone else including your daughters (who gives a flying fig about your coworkers, are you dumb enough think that they are really your friends?)


    True friends=silence/vault is locked!

    • Love 16
  3. 9 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    Yeah, it’s enough we have to be that way with our husbands and families.  Friends too ... no thanks.  When my kids were small, I would play canasta twice a week with my girlfriends.  We all always had a great time .. no fighting  .. no nonsense, just fun talk.  That was at night after the kids were settled in.




    let's add Bunko,Tupperware, Princess House Crystal, Pampered Chef, Jaffa, Longanber, Lady's Nights and so on and I don't remember anyone screaming at anyone.

    • Love 8
  4. 4 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    Sounds great!

    It was and Jamaica and the wonderful people there will always hold a special place in my heart.

    It was paradise on earth and two days from now is our 17th anniversary.

    I will never forget that we got married and not "weddinged".

    It was just the two of us and I also will will remember Mr. Mbay wiping my tears of total joy from my eyes as we said our vows to each other. 

    • Love 19
  5. Good grief people you are in Jamaica have some fun and take a load off!

    When Mr. Mbay and I were there (eloped) here was our daily non- plan each day:

    Sleep until about 9am then go to the awesome breakfast buffet, go back to room change into beach wear and lounge at the beach and swim in the ocean until about noon then either eat lunch from the beach snack shack or go back to the room to shower and go to the lunch buffet.

    A few offsite excursions such as Dunn's river falls, secure shopping at several shopping malls (nice merchandise and prices with no pressure to buy since they were "associated" with the resort ) as well as delicious food from some jerk shacks. We wanted to do the river rafts but the river was too blown out at the time.

    Back for dinner at the resort at one of the many wonderful restaurants with usually some resort entertainment or night life and then...well we were newlyweds what else can I say.

    • Love 24
  6. Vicki you will never win back my liking you. EVER!

    Tamra you have always been a shit friend and always will be changing friends from season to season to suit your own story and keep your orange.

    Shannon you need to get yourself under control please. I actually like you but you need to get a grip.

    Kelly is actually on point and pretty funny this season.

    Gina & Emily, I am actually starting to enjoy them just a little sans hubbys and kids on this trip. Emily more than Gina.

    • Love 20
  7. 4 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    You should go every ten years, if possible.  It sounded so nice, the whole thing.    In one hour, it will be my wedding anniversary.  We’ve been married a very, very, very long time.  If I told you how long, you would guess my age, hahaha.

    I would love to go back for our 20th or 25th for sure, Mr.Mbay is a fearful flyer so I need to start working on him now!

    Congrats on your anniversary. 

    • Love 8
  8. People need to realise that all domesticated animals came from the wild.

    I am always amazed when I watch our cats that they allow us to co-exsist and interact with them in any manner (different species and all that jazz).

    • Love 5
  9. 6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    She is always high.

    And yes, haven't we all tired of her immaturity by now?

    GG's whole "pitch" was basically:

    Hi it's me GG, don't you know who I am. I'm high AF right now and you should be too, here are some pretty pictures and numbers behind me. Give your money to me!

    • Love 10
  10. 2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    Too old to party?  I didn’t know there was an age limit on partying.

    I don't think any age is too old to party, but ANY age is not appropriate to get drunk AF and act like a total fool.

    But then again who would we be able to point fingers and laugh at their drunkenness (as long as it is not at danger level).

    • Love 7
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