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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. The quit vs fired issue:

    I think Carole and Andy had a conversation that went something like this:

    Carole to Andy: I'm really feeling reluctant to coming back next season as this show has become too much work for me and I am tired of the nastiness and being portrayed in such a negative light.

    Andy to Carole: Well to be honest we aren't sure if we are going to ask you back for next season anyway.

    Carole to Andy: Fine, then I am not coming back next season and plan on moving on to other endeavors.

    Andy to Carole: Understood, best wishes in your future endeavors.

    Hence the murkiness of quit or fired.

    • Love 6
  2. 7 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I never had a problem with Bethenny bringing up Carole not having kids as it was in relation to what Tinsley and Carole have in common. As someone who does not have kids, I have friends with them, and without them. I enjoy spending time with all, but as many friends with kids (and now grandkids) talking incessently about them, it is refreshing to spend time with other friends without kids, and to focus on other things.

    I also got the impression that Carole never cared if she had kids. Yes, people can be brutal to those of us who have chosen not to have kids. Though it is much better now that it was 30 or 40 years ago when it was considered a woman's number one job in life to reproduce. I do find it annoying when women don't own their feelings and opinions though. If you don't want kids, own it. In the end it is your life, and it is weak to me to pretend you want something that you don't, because society says you should. 

    Posted my opinion many moons ago about being childfree. Good for people who make the decision to not have any and good for the people that wish to have them and raise them. Everyone should have the right to plan their lives they wish to live it.

    • Love 13
  3. I am really having a hard time getting thru this season.

    Vicki= I will NEVER forgive her for Brooks and cancer scam bullshit.

    Tamra= As someone else said upthread she has chosen Shannon to go after this season. Rinse & repete.

    Shannon= Girl you in danger, Tamra &'Vicki  are coming for you.

    Kelly= Looks like she looses her shit next week, did someone leave her at the Costco food court with a hot dog and soda yet again.

    The two newbies and their rugrats I don't want to watch and FF thru those scenes.

    This show used to be a fun escape from the Monday work grind and now it escapes me as to why I want to watch this anymore.

    • Love 12
  4. 3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    To me, the most obnoxious part of the reunion, and, there were plenty of obnoxious moments, was Ramoaner asking someone to move her purse and water for her.  How is it even possible to become that entitled?  Move your own water and purse, bitch.

    I would have told her that those two things on the ends of your arms are called hands, figure out how to use them yourself!

    • Love 19
  5. The "Dream team" just hoisted themselves by their own petards.

    Beth will be back next season (if she wants to come back).

    Ramona, (my crazy noodle) you are no longer needed here as your asshole behavior now outweighs your goofiness.

    Carole, good riddance.

    Sonja should be back as well next season.

    Dorinda, time for you to go as well unless you undergo a complete transformation (FYI, Beth will never like or trust you again and the feeling is probably mutual which is hard to film around as we learned with the whole Jill debacle).

    Lu, come back as a friend of (one of your best seasons) if you are up to it.

    Tinsley, no opinion on her one way or the other.

    Going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out.

    • Love 20
  6. Just went back and looked at old posts from 2015. Myself and other posters were recommending Denise Richards way back then! Thanks Bravo for RSVP'ing three plus years later.

    No Tori please, she is too unstable and would be like a Kim Richards 2.0.

    I wish they would dump Erika and bring back either Camille or Joyce(and Mr. Joyce- loved him )even if only as friends of.

    Mohameds fiancé Shiva might also have been good (big FU to Yolanda) but there is too much of a shit storm going on in his life right now and I would guess tv is the last place they want to be right now.

    • Love 3
  7. These yachts are just floating all inclusive hotel rooms.

    Hannah = Concierge

    Stews 1 & 2 ='waitress  & housekeeping.

    Bosun = head of exterior maintenance.

    Deckhands = exterior maintenance & janitorial.

    Chef = food at least 3 times a day.

    Captian = move this floating hotel around as needed.

    • Love 12
  8. Damn Kelly, Jolie is your child, not your "friend" or confidante.

    Vicki hitting the floor at the airport and taking Shannon down with her was funny but messy public behavior.

    Good thing they have production and cameras with them in Mexico otherwise how drunk they got is very scarey especially in another country.

    Don't give two "craps" about the new ladies children or seeing them on my TV.

    • Love 18
  9. Hopefully Beth will realize at some point that she is forcing the childhood she lived onto her own child.

    She is a reflection of her own neurotic controlling mother and she also doesn't want Bryn to have a supportive or involved father.

    The relationships she has with men, women, friends, workers ect. all get driven by her they way that they do because she has never truly dealt with and let go of her self admitted horrible relationships with her parents.

    • Love 10
  10. HunterHunted, I agree with you about the history of most African counties and the history of opression and anger it causes of it's people and agree that brutal violence is never the answer. Look at Australia, Vietnam, Russia, Europe, Eastern Countries and even the United States and all of the wars and conflicts. Mans inhumanity to man. Sad for the entire human race. getting to political, hopping off my soap box!

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