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Posts posted by mbaywife123

  1. 9 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

    Haha, after Jwow had to jump Jack's dumb ass for not cleaning the rails adequately, the guest puked all over it and then he had to clean that up.  Good timing, Ms Karma.

    If June's mind goes to a monetary quarter when it's a quarter past the hour, I wonder if her mind goes to a half dollar when it's half past the hour? 🤔

    Naw, that would be" fitty"as in fifty cent piece, two quarters.

    Quarter till would compleaty blow her mind!

    • LOL 1
  2. Travis is a drunk asshole.

    I feel for Ana, been ther done that when I was stupid and 16 and the drunk boyriend knocked me down and drug me down the street by my hair, none of the neighbors would come to my rescue even though numerous porch lights came on.

    Thank goodness my friends boyfriend told him if he didn't leave me alone and if he ever tried to hurt me again he would break his bones or worse. He was scared shitless and never had further contact with me!

    • Love 4
  3. These "guests" were so faux and vapid. As most of them are getting to be! (Shitty casting and story lines now for this show).

    Arguing over dinner about someone or his "date" not bringing anything to a byob party and taking away a fifty dollar bottle upon leaving. "How dreadful" (TM Dwight from RHOA).

    • Love 13
  4. Good grief, June is as dumb as a box of rocks with the personality of wallpaper glue.

    I just about spit out my drink when she thought 1/4 past on the clock meant 25 minutes as in 25 cents an actual quarter.

    Loved Joao confronting drunk Travis after he slapped Ana and also when Colin said he was going to leave to give June a chance to stay how he got all emo and the really nice things he said about Colin.

    • Love 18
  5. Shane is a total ass and obviously bi or gay (against his Mormon values). Emily, ditch the bitch and keep  his parents as granny & grandpa.

    Loved Kelly giving Vicki the get the f out of my face/space treatment.

    I cannot stand Vicki and don't really like Kelly either.

    Tamra showed her production ass with the whole scene with Vicki if she wanted Vicki to "introduce" the whole Vicki/Kelly conversation.

    • Love 17
  6. 4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    She can control how she reacts to both of those things and how she reacts isn’t good. I have my  issues with Captain Lee but he is also at the mercy of both those things and I believe deals with those things in a far superior way than Captain Sandy does for the most part.

    True, Captian Lee is less nonsense get the job done and get outta my face and Captian Sandy is more into liking the camera time and ready for her close -up.

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  7. 44 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

    I’m sure Capn Sandy is a perfectly lovely person, but ultimately everything that has gone wrong on these charters, which is a lot, is her responsibility.

    Two things Captian Sandy can't control: The weather & Bravo production.

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  8. Joao and the deck crew did well this charter.

    Captian Sandy did dock the shit out of that tight berth.

    Jonny Damon is clearly a steak and tater guy in big quantities. No food adventures for him. His wife is not 5 star either!

    June is being set up as the one to leave when Ana goes back to interior and Ben walks on to "save" the galley. Even Captian Sandy and Hanna are setting up this scenario. Too obvious and bad acting.

    Jack & Aesha need to stop with the kissy face and slap and tickle while on duty.

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  9. 1 hour ago, mbaywife123 said:

    Where did Whit disappear to after they all finally boarded the bus from the airport to their lodgings?

    He wasn't shown further on the bus, going into or conversation about the pot shop, getting off the bus at the lodgings, picking a room, going to dinner with the men or staying behind at the houses or going to bed.

    It is like he just vanished from sight.

    My bad I just rewatched and saw Whit in the very background on the bus at the pot shop and disembarking the bus at the lodgings trudging up the hill.

    • Love 3
  10. Where did Whit disappear to after they all finally boarded the bus from the airport to their lodgings?

    He wasn't shown further on the bus, going into or conversation about the pot shop, getting off the bus at the lodgings, picking a room, going to dinner with the men or staying behind at the houses or going to bed.

    It is like he just vanished from sight.

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  11. Bottom line...

    LVP just got burnt out on her job that is this show. she is rich enough that she was able to walk away from it. How many of us wish we could do that over a dead/played out job?

    I personally don't care about the she said this, did that, blah! We all deal with this on a certain level every damn day it's just not on television for the masses to judge us.

    • Love 12
  12. I was so happy that Kathryn wasn't at the event so that she didn't have to deal with the Ashley bullshit.

    I hope in the future that if Kathryn is confronted by Ashley she just tells her that she does not want any further interaction with her and give a "good day to you " walk away.

    • Love 13
  13. Production really screwed the pooch on the obvious invite thru Eliza to Ashley.

    Eliza had really no interaction with her at the event and the others either headed somewhere else or called her ( Ashley) out on her nasty behaviors.

    Only Shep was "cordial " with her to keep her there long enough to allow production to show her true asshole self again.

    I don't think we will be seeing Ashley again!

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  14. 4 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    At least then she would have a nice handle to tug on if her dress somehow started slipping down, unlike the big man grip she uses on the sleeveless (or tonight, half sleeveless) dresses she insists on wearing. 

    Well, you outthunk me.

    I didn't even consider the possible curtain cord!

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