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Posts posted by lezlers

  1. On ‎12‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 12:28 PM, WaltersHair said:

    It was interesting to see tough Matt devolve into clueless idiot once out of the prison.  Drinking and acting a fool in the deep woods.

    I loved the look Sweat got in his eyes like a man who knows the marriage has gone off the rails and it's time to get out. I don't know if he had died if that would have been a better ending. The state of New York has spent so much on him already. Solitary. Was it worth it, Dave?

    They did Joyce's son wrong, though. He was Air Force and they don't take idiots that I know of.

    And Joyce was Joyce. If Lyle is waiting for her, then bless him.

    Great acting, and production all around.

    Well, they couldn't have had him die since he's still alive.  I think for a guy like Sweat, a large number of years in solitary is a great punishment.  He'll go insane.  Although:


    Apparently he's got a new girlfriend (with a six year old daughter) visiting him regularly.  So he's still managing to keep up human connections.  I guess they allow people in solitary to have visitors.  Who knew?

    Joyce's son actually does still support her to this day, so that part was accurate.  It's kind of amazing that he does.  I mean, she stole his real father from him!  He didn't look THAT young when all that stuff went down so he should still have SOME memory of it.

    I thought it was a great ending.  Matt being so awful made me sympathetic for Sweat, despite looking forward to both of them being caught after Episode 6.  I have little doubt Sweat would've made it if he hadn't been slowed down by Matt (who made my skin crawl.) 18 miles in 2 days vs 20 miles in 21 days?  Jesus.  Looks like they were essentially just hanging out in the forest with Matt drunk while they were together.  

    • Love 4
  2. On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 3:10 PM, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

    In your opinion. And yes, I agree many names are stupid. I don't know yours, but, people may have the same sentiment. Apple, Zippedooda, and many other celebrity children names are stupid. That's the first time I've said that out loud. We can't control what our parents name us. I'm actually grateful my parents didn't name me Lisa, as mom was wont to do. Thank God for My Three Sons in 1970 saving me from that. My name is less common, I hated it as a child because nobody, including me, knew exactly how to say it...Dawn. But, now, I'm grateful that there aren't a ton of us out there. I was actually named after Dawn Lyn, the child who played Dodie and is Leif Garrett's little sister. I was also not a huge fan of my grandson's name, but, my daughter tells me it's a family name on the paternal side and I've grown to love it and love the uniqueness of it. You would call it a stupid name. 

    Shad was named by his murdered mother. He probably loves the uniqueness of his name, as well as having something she chose for him to keep for the rest of his life.

    Yes, my opinion. That's kind of why I said "I think."   If you're trying to make me feel bad about having an opinion over a name, it's not going to happen.   Let's move on to discussing the actual show, hm?   I'm excited to watch the next episode, I haven't seen it yet.  I DID see, however, Debra responding in a facebook group thread.  She said some of her ex husbands were abusive and she left.  She hasn't dated anyone else and won't until she "fixes her picker" which was encouraging.

    • Love 3
  3. On ‎12‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 5:12 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

    That's fine,let them do their good work in prison.They KILLED someone. i'm talking about hard, sadistic men {and women }for whom killing is a sport.  I'm not talking  about DUIs or man slaughter,I an talking about sadistic hard core irredeemable killers. Bundy, Ramieriz,Gacey, those typ.

    I guess the fact that my father was a prison warden colors my view of prison/prisoners.

    You know you can get a life sentence for things other than murder, right?   And that addiction can cause people to do things they would never EVER do while sober? You don't have to be a serial killer to get a 25 to life sentence.  Hell, the three strikes law in California can get someone a life sentence for surprisingly little.   I'm not saying it's the rule by any means, but not all people are beyond redemption.   And I'm clearly not talking about serial killers.  I think we can ALL agree that serial killers are irredeemable and should never see the light of day again.  But serial killers are a very small percentage of prisoners.   

    • Love 3
  4. On ‎12‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:26 AM, meira.hand said:

    I actually felt this was a really smart way to tell this story. If you do not know anything about the real story behind these characters, than its possible to watch the previous episodes with a real interest about the prison escape and almost see their point of view and need to get out.  You know they are in jail for a good reason but its more theoretical than visceral as we don't really see them as particularly violent during this period. Especially Sweat is portrayed very low key and we are so used to killing in TV series that we become a little numb to it. The way they spent 14 minutes showing us how nice and decent the traffic cop was until we felt like we knew and liked him and then watch his stomach churning brutal and cruel murder, brought home who Sweat really was in a way that prepares us to really want him to be punished in almost a personal way. As Matt was already quite repulsive in the first episodes, what he did and how, did not need as much time. I feel that if I had seen these scenes in the first part of the series I would have simply stopped watching.

    I couldn't' agree more.   I actually had to distract myself with my phone during Matt's scenes because it was so disturbing.  I wouldn't have voluntarily watched a show about these protagonists had I known what horrible people they are/were.  Plus, it changes the audience's perceptions in time for the manhunt so we can better empathize with the town.

    • Love 4
  5. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 9:25 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

    I came across some good articles about the show in the NY Post.  I can't link to them because they have a lot of ads and I don't want to waste the time going back there.  They are readable, though, and not hard to find.  Anyhow, a few tidbits:  Patricia Arquette gained 40 pounds to play Tilly (good luck getting that off again), she didn't visit Tilly in prison because she felt Tilly would spin things in her favor and she didn't want to be prejudiced.  The town is upset that the show makes them "all look like morons" but also will not welcome Tilly back when she gets out and "No one ever liked her."  Tilly claims she never had sex with either inmate and Ben Stiller is a "son-of-a-bitch liar making millions off of me".  Ben Stiller replies "It's not a documentary.  We researched the show for a year and it's a reasonable inference of what happened."  Lyle no longer works at the prison and lives on disability.  His ex-wife (who lives nearby) feeds him.   He can't wait for Tilly to get out and built her a gazebo. 

    Wait, what?

    • Love 1
  6. On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:27 PM, movingtargetgal said:

    Tilley is a real person who did horrible things that endangered countless people.  Matt and Sweat were two BRUTAL MURDERERS and she saw to it that they escaped.  She is lucky that these two did not kill anyone during their escape or she could be facing life in prison.  I don't have a problem hating her. :)   Tilley was sentenced to 7 years in prison.  So far she has been denied parole each time she has gone before the board.  I hope she does the entire 7 years.

    She really is an awful person and still shows absolutely NO remorse.  She actually tried to say Sweat and Matt threatened to kill Lyle if she didn't help them escape which makes zero sense whatsoever.  She's definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    • Love 7
  7. On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:42 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Tilly discussing the breakout with Matt right in front of the other prisoners. Right. Not an intellectual giant that one.

    Were they really going to spend five years trying to break through the concrete? You almost have to admire that level of stick-to-itiveness.

    It's hard to imagine how no one heard any of the noise Matt and Sweat were making when they were doing all that chipping and sawing for months. That prison must be incredibly noisy.

    They're both serving life sentences so when you look at it that way, 5 years is a pretty short amount of time.   Especially for Sweat, who seems pretty young.

    On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 2:28 PM, Mannahatta said:

    Tilly reminds me of a few women I've met over the course of my life. Sure, she comes across as pathetic at first, enough to elicit sympathy. But scratch the surface and underneath all that self-pity there's a self-centered sociopath, with no true sense of right and wrong. I don't feel sorry for her one bit.

    Me neither.  She seems like a miserable person and while certain miserable people invite sympathy (such as poor Lyle) Tilly just comes across as a bad person with the way she treats everyone she's not getting something from.  Her whining, petulance and meanness make her insides match the ugliness of her outsides.

    • Love 7
  8. On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 1:29 PM, patty1h said:

    If I had time, I'd go back and rewatch the first episode, but hope someone here can answer my question:  was it explained why the white-haired guard (David Morse) is so chummy with Matt?  I missed the explanation of their connection -- is it financial, do they know each other from before prison?

    From the beginning, the guard seemed more like a buddy.  Last week, it seemed like the guard is aware that Matt is exploring the tunnels. This week he's watching TV with Matt and arranging to get Sweat moved back to his tier.  I don't recall Matt giving the guard any payoffs, so what's their deal?  Thanks.  😊

    He gives him very nice paintings in exchange for good treatment. 

    On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, Milburn Stone said:

    While we're asking to be reminded of things...what was the reason Sweat was originally moved down to another cell block? Was it because he didn't want to do it anymore with Tilly? But why would that cause that to happen? If I can just put that piece together, I'll feel whole again. :)

    Because it because pretty obvious he was banging Tilly.  He lost his job and his cell.

    • Love 1
  9. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 6:43 AM, One Tough Cookie said:

    I used to know a man in an Irish prison and he crafted the most beautiful Celtic cross for me. It's solid mahogany about 18 in .high. It's become a cherished family item. And it gave him a skill for when he was released. 

    But lifers shouldn't have any privileges like that, The screws should put Thorazine in their food.

    You'd be surprised how much some lifers can change in prison.  I've worked on appeals before and have gone to the prisons and met with them.  Some of them are better than the people outside the walls.

  10. On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 8:19 AM, Drogo said:

    I like BDT as an actor, but I'm constantly distracted by the similarities between he and Brad Pitt.

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    I also much prefer him in a good guy role, for example he was great in Traffic.  Paul Dano, though, shines in a shitbag role.  Good cast.

    Holy shit, I've never seen that before.  That is UNCANNY.

    On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 9:03 AM, Drogo said:

    Maybe by comparison to some he seems innocent enough, but at the end of the day he's just a cop killer who uses people to his advantage when the going gets tough. 

    He even treats his fellow Jack London fan like shit... he'll only be sorry when he finishes the novel and has no one to discuss it with. 

    He's a hard nut to crack.  I was surprised when Matt mentioned they were both lifers.  I had assumed he just did something really dumb that earned him a relatively long sentence.  The way he came at his mom on the phone showed us a little more, but it seems like he WANTS to do the right thing, he just doesn't have a strong enough will.  It's hard to see him seeking out crime, you know?  Looks like more of an opportunist criminal.  But I haven't read anything on him or his past, I'm purely going off of the show.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, PityFree said:

     I was very very touched with Marciano’s gift of all the state quarters. That thoughtfulness would’ve charmed my panties off when I was naïve 20 something, too.

    Yeah about an hour before he snatches away your half eaten dinner because he doesn't approve of your answers to his dinnertime interrogation.

    • Love 16
  12. 6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    Good Lord, do I love this hot mess.

    Add me to the $350-seems-insanely-high group re: Clint and Tracy.  I get my hair colored and even when my hair was longer than Tracy's, it never cost that much.  And I've always gone to good salons.  However, I've also never had two-tone hair that was colored in prison with things like coffee grounds.  So maybe I just don't know. 

    The lingerie saleswoman absolutely fleeced Clint.  Clint, you could find something for $50 or less that would be fine.  Over $300?  This wasn't La Perla.  

    I'm surprised that Clint recognized Tracy at all.  Did he holler "Tracy??!!" at every female that was around the building?  Because she looked NOTHING like her photos.  And I guess I missed it but these two dolts didn't even have a prison visit?  And yet they're getting married the day following her release?  Yeah, I'm sure that will end well. 

    I wouldn't be surprised if Tracy, like Matt, ends up back in prison.  She really blew off what she did to end up in prison - - not just fraudulent payroll but the dipshit violated parole because she can't be told to be home at 9?  What an idiot.  Good choice, Clint.

    I noticed that Matt said in his TH that he woke up next to "a woman."  Not that he woke up next to "my woman," or "Caitlin."  Run, Caitlin.  Listen to Matt's mother. 

    I liked Marcelino last week but he can eff right off after this week.  Brittany is younger than he is but she's not a child.  He doesn't need to take food away from her.  That may have been her first meal out of prison - - let her enjoy it.  Not to mention it was supposed to be their first official date.  What a controlling creep.  You could tell she was weighing her options when he was telling her to be quiet - - did she cut her losses and bolt immediately, with no money or place to stay, or stay quiet and stay with him?  Go with Option A, Brittany. 

    Michael is disgusting.  I was surprised that he considers Megan his queen - - but of course he lets Sarah, his wife, pick him up and tells her he loves her.  What does he think his end game is going to be here?  Does he think he can string both women along, or somehow quietly divorce Sarah without Megan finding out?  Megan's brother seems sharp.  Too bad Megan didn't get that gene.    

    I said this in my first post of this season and I'll say it again.  The camera(wo)men and/or producers better not let Megan give away her V-card to this loser, knowing full that he's lying to her and he's married to someone else.  I'll be disgusted if they do.  If she chooses to get involved with him knowing the facts,, that's on her but she needs to be informed.

    I'm going to guess that Angela and Tony will be the fourth string couple like they were last season.  They didn't really have a lot going on last season -  maybe the same this season.  They're basically filler.

    Didn't miss Scott and Lizzy.  Lizzy and Tracy should really be friends.  They're both cons who reeled in suckers.   

    They're there to film their lives, not keep them from making stupid decisions.   If the producers and cameramen on Intervention can record people literally shooting up on camera, I doubt any producer is going to feel a moral quandary about letting a bullheaded, naïve almost thirty year old give up her vCard to some dude she met in prison that happens to be a liar. 

    • Love 8
  13. 2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

    On the salon -- I think that was probably actually a fair price? She needed a cut, a color, then highlights on top of the color, and got her makeup done. I didn't look, but I wouldn't be surprised if she also got a manicure and her eyebrows shaped. A hot oil/deep conditioning treatment would have been a reasonable upsell. It took at least a couple hours of the stylist's time (and getting her makeup done might have involved another stylist, too). And she cleaned up alright, given that Clint bought her a tragic getup and the commissary obviously didn't stock white strips. And she looked cuter than her betrothed even straight out of the clink...Clint's right, she is out of his league even though there's some hard mileage on her, because good lord is Clint deeply unattractive inside and out.

    No way.   They quoted her 385 JUST for the color, cut and blow dry.  That's insane, especially for a strip mall salon.  Notice the one lady looked at her hair, said "hmmm" and then looked at the other lady (probably silently conversing about what they could get away with) and then gave her the price.  Reputable salons have prices posted for all services, they don't "quote" you.   I go to a nice salon and get a curly deva cut and color.  I'm in the chair for 2.5 hours, minimum.  It's $160, not including tip.  And it's not a cheap salon.  Those women saw Clint's dumbass and those cameras and priced accordingly.  I'm sure he paid way more than the 385 for the makeup, ect.

    • Love 16
  14. 2 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

    Larissa is my favorite cast member.  I love her sing-song way of speaking.  I love the sly smile and the way she delivers her lines with a wink and a nod like she's in on the joke.  The way she dresses that sometimes looks like she just came from her job at the Bunny Ranch.  Sure she's batshit crazy, but that makes her all the more fun. I hope they get married.  I want to see After the 90 Days with Coltie and Larissa, featuring Debbie and the cats.

    I know two sets of sisters with similar dynamics as the K-Sisters.  In one case, the father was an alcoholic and the older sister was the protector when he would come home drunk and raging.  They are in their late 60s now and still behave similarly.  In the other case, the father dropped the kids at an orphanage after the mom died (without ever telling the kids she was dead).  He came to pick them up much later remarried to an evil stepmother.    I think this dynamic comes from trauma, IMO.

    Jesus Christ, there are some evil people in this world.

    • Love 6
  15. 8 hours ago, RHJunkie said:


    I agree that Jackie's delivery seemed well intended and not intended to be judgemental but the way she phrased her example in an attempt to show Teresa reason (an incredibly hard thing to do), wasn't completely accurate and isn't the same kind of situation that can fairly be compared with ease but I do understand the logic of what she was trying to say and I agree with the sentiment, but again, the comparison wasn't completely accurate. To claim that a woman can control her husband carries the logic that a woman can either put ideas into a man's head OR change his ideas. Either way, a woman would have to be privy to the situation/issues in order to attempt any kind of influence on the situation. Melissa was privy to the issue at hand but by all all accounts, Teresa and Joe vehemently deny Teresa having any knowledge of the illegal stuff going on and had no idea that she was signing fraudulent documents. If Teresa supposedly wasn't privy to the situation, how could she have any influence on the situation to convince her husband otherwise and avoid the situation? Teresa has had several years of legal advice on the matter and by now, denying any knowledge should be second nature to her, it wouldn't take someone particularly smart, even as limited as Teresa is, to quickly see the implication in Jackie's example even if the implication was unintended on Jackie's part. Teresa didn't care about stuff like that because she's only receptive to her own feelings and making others accountable for how they make her feel but she has no sense of reciprocity in recognizing and being able to take accountability on her own for how she may make others feel with the things she says and how she behaves toward them. Because I think Jackie was well-intentioned, if she had known just 10% of the person Teresa is, I don't necessarily think she would have gone in with that particular example or said in the same way she did because she would have known it would have not been received in the way she intended it to be received. 

    You're giving Teresa a LOT of credit here.  She is not intelligent enough to even consider the possible implications from Jackie's statement, she was just mad that Jackie said anything about Joe's "situation" at all.  Remember, this is the woman who won't even utter the word "prison."    And I'm not sure what Teresa wanted Melissa to DO, anyway, as far as controlling Joe is concerned.  Teresa has spoken with Joe directly about the issue a number of times, so is she expecting Melissa to do Teresa's bidding for her?  I doubt it, since Teresa would never admit that Melissa is capable of doing something she's unable to do.  Besides, Teresa has seen Joe blow up at her during these conversations without Melissa even being present so why is it suddenly Melissa's fault that Joe blew up at Teresa about the same situation?  How would she "hype him up" about something he's ALREADY hyped up about?  It's just absurd.  Teresa hates Melissa and has always hated Melissa.  That's really what it boils down to.  The only time she'll even call Melissa family is when she expects Melissa to stand up for her or do her bidding.  All other times Melissa is just "the girl my brother fucks."   I really don't understand how anyone continues to buy her bullshit.

    • Love 13
  16. On ‎12‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 5:55 PM, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

    My best friend is married to a Shad.

    I still think it's a dumb name.  There are a lot of people whose parents saddled them with dumb names out there.  Doesn't make them any less dumb.  Not that that's at all the point here.  ;)

    • Love 2
  17. 10 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    So the entire scene between Debra and Terra on the couch is a dramatization? Because obviously Debra wasn’t going to work that day if she was in Nevada.  ( The scene  showed Terra asking Debra  to ‘work from home’ because basically Terra ‘needed her Mommy’. ) Therefore, the only purpose for that scene in this mini-series  was to embarrass Terra.   They could have gone straight from the phone call to Terra looking at apartments. 

    It’s things like this that made me call this show more of a ‘drama’ than anything else. 

    It probably went to show how Terra figured out Debra was back with John.  She had to stay with her and notice her gone in the middle of the night.

    • Love 5
  18. 5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    The lead singer, is she the one who died?  She was part of the Bring It On cast, too, right?

    Is Shemari the girl on the right?  She looks different to me.

    I actually think Shemari is pretty.  She needs to think better on her feet, though.  I was thinking up a million combacks for her during the fight at dinner.



    That's right!  Why is she back??


    And I agree with ^^^^^THIS!!!!!!

    She claims to be an authority on ettiquette??  Wow.  Does she know the first rule of wealth is you NEVER talk about money or labels?  No one told her this.  

    Does she have arrests in her past?  I am not surprised.  Off to google her!


    I agree.  New Edition is a legend for sure, and BBDV was all over MTV in the 90s, which I believe makes them a cross-over success.  If you played the hits, everyone knows the words - that to me is legendary.

    That girl is Poooiiiiiissssoooooooon!    And I'm a middle aged white lady that drives a minivan.

    • Love 7
  19. On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 5:06 PM, kassa said:

    One of my favorite housewives moments of all time was when Taylor on RHBH threw an ungodly expensive birthday party for her very young daughter. And all the other (actually rich) women guests were like "get a cake and call it a day - she's two!"


    Shamari's party was different because for all she talked up "no expenses spared!" and made me brace myself for a Phaedra-like production, it basically came off ( in my memory, anyway) as a pretty laid back family bbq/birthday party, with guests sitting on benches. And enjoying themselves!

    And then had a full on photo shoot of HERSELF laying across the table dressed in that stupid Mad Hatter get up.   That was the best!

    • Love 2
  20. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:10 AM, Sheenieb said:

    Agreed. Cynthia served up professional model. I think everyone who won the competition deserved their win. Wearing labels does not make you a fashion maven, Marlo. That goes for you too, NeNe. Tanya didn't say anything negative about NeNe's business, so for NeNe to come at her like that was uncalled for. The only one there who I think pulls off mixing high/low items is Cynthia.

    The whole fashion argument? I can't. Too much hit dog hollering going on. And one of my wishes for 2019 is for NeNe to stop with the facial expressions.

    I though Shamari had a nice voice. Kandi caterwauls too much for me.

    Cynthia OWNED Eva in that walk-off.  She is a striking woman, with or without sunglasses.  I can't believe she's over fifty.  She looks about a decade or two younger than "42" year old Marlo. 

    I agree with you on Tanya and Nene.  Nene has always been a hater with a viscous jealous streak.  And the facial expressions.  Good lord, does she even realize how absurd she looks?  She looks like she's having a stroke.  If anyone is a legend in their own mind, it's Ms. Leaks. 

    I enjoyed this episode.  While I don't care for Nene much, her and Porsha do crack me up together.  When Nene screamed "push!" and Porsha, without missing a beat, starts squatting like she was giving birth I died.  They're hilarious together.

    Porsha has grown on me maybe even more than Kelly Dodd from OC.   I find her delightful and I'm so happy she's getting everything she's wanted.

    On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 12:25 PM, KnotsLanding said:

    I felt like Nene was having a good season until tonight. I’ve enjoyed her mostly friendly interactions with the ladies and truly acting like an HBIC for once. The scenes with Greg have also been touching...then she came for Tanya and I got shades of old school jealous Nene. That girl didn’t shade her boutique. She was saying that it doesn’t need to be a high end label to be fashionable. Didn’t Nene say she was her biggest customer?! You could tell she didn’t like the attention she was getting and since Marlo is her close friend and likely her stylist she didn’t like Tanya winning the fashion battle. Nene is petty and Tanya shined too bright. 


    I also give Marlo props because I thought she handled herself well and was fun this episode. I do think she was genuinely trying to help Shamari. On any of these shows, even Beverly Hills, the women make adjustments to their looks once they see themselves on cameras. Marlo was just trying to help the girl. She’s gorgeous as they’ve all said but her clothes look like they came from Citi Trends and her wigs are cheap. I say this as a drag queen who knows she can afford better wigs than that. It don’t even have an invisible part of lace. She’s also going at Marlo because she’s an easy target but she knows everybody thinks she looks tired. 

    Yeah but when someone is telling them they don't' really want your help you don't continue telling them how awful they look, humiliating them on camera, making them feel bad and steamrolling them to "help" them.  Marlo was being obnoxious (as usual.)

    • Love 5
  21. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:22 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    its the fact that she tears other women down so quickly and will go below the belt with her insults at the jump acting as if her shit dont stink and she came by her money not on her back or knees. She portrays herself as above all the other women like they should kiss her ass as she goes in on how they live their life, spend their money, wearing the clothes they wear, who they date or fuck, etc etc .. I have no problem with you making the money anyway you chose but just dont act better then everyone else and act like you are above people when you got to where you are being below or under people ....plus she hides the fact that she fucks for money every time she is asked how she meets any men she changes the subject if thats how you get your money be proud dont skirt the issue if you are embarrassed to say I have sex with men who give me money then dont have sex with men who give you money lol


    EXACTLY.  I can't STAND Marlo, she's all kinds of awful.  She's a tired old prostitute (if she's 42 like she claims, then I'm 12) who likes to carry on like she's Princess Grace.  It's beyond tired.  There's a reason she's been nothing but a "friend of" for over a decade now.   She's all talk.

    On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:19 AM, Neurochick said:

    I don’t understand why the women shade Marlo for sleeping with men for money, many women marry wealthy men, yet no one shades them.

    I think both Cynthia and Eva looked amazing, but I would have voted for Eva because Cynthia, sunglasses inside?  Nope.

    There's a big difference between being a wife and a whore.

    On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:41 AM, Neurochick said:

    I think all these women have drinking problems.  Most people could care less if someone is or isn’t drinking. 

    And Miss Shamari or however she spells her name, only reason she’s anything is because she’s light.  There, I said it, the elephant in the room.  And I say that because I’m light too.

    I didn't realize darker skinned people are never successful in the music industry.   Learn a new thing every day.

    • Love 6
  22. 59 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    Yep, he told her he applied for it when they found out she was pregnant (so ~8 months ago at time of this episode) but confessed that really he'd only applied for the visa a few weeks ago when he got to Russia.  But both of those fiancé visa applications would have been before he proposed to her...?

    Watch her visa get denied because they weren't engaged at the time.  That would be perfect for these two pretty dimbulbs.

    I'm guessing the whole "fiancé" part of the K1 visa is interpreted pretty loosely.  I doubt the embassy is going to request video documentation of the actual proposal.

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