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Posts posted by lezlers

  1. 23 minutes ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

    I don't feel sorry for Ashley AT ALL. In the beginning she had this smug " I'm not fat and ugly so no way he's conning me" attitude. She wouldn't listen to reason and everyone who had concerns was jealous. Just be happy she's found true love! It's not her fault you can't pull a fine young Jamaican. Can she live??? Now she has to eat crow. Oh well.  

    I am TOTALLY with you on this.   I'll even go so far as to admit I felt some level of satisfaction watching it dissolve that quickly.  She was way too smug and way too willfully ignorant about the whole thing.  The fact that she's got kids she's also dragged into this pisses me off, too.  How irresponsible of her.

    • Love 10
  2. 12 hours ago, iwasish said:

    He never said she could buy what she wanted, he gave her a budget and said to get something they all liked. He’s always been clear that there was a limit as to what she spends. 

    Should she be grateful? Yes, she doesn’t owe him her life or anything but he put out the cash for a K1 visa and apparently none of the other fish she had on the string had done that so far.  Maybe she did get bamboozled, but she’s got 90 days to make a decision to stay or not. He’s got the same options. Let’s be honest here, they’re throwing the word “love” around, but love has nothing to do with their relationship. It’s a business transaction at the least, a pleasant friendship that could lead to something more, at most. Each has to decide what compromises they’re willing to make.

    Both are free to call it quits and go back to searching for someone more compatible.

    Tons of men and women meet and marry without any help from internet dating sites. And I’m sure many of them feel as if they were mislead or lied to about lots of things including finances, past relationships etc. They have to make the same choice, stay or go.  It’s no different situation, except for the 90 days. 

    As far as the John incident goes, John was out of line, yes. And yes In most cases you would expect a person to defend and or put a stop to that type situation. But Colt isn’t that type of person. The whole point of the 90 days is to see if these couples can forge a life together, are their personalities and expectations of a relationship compatible. If Colt is not the type to jump to his partner’s  defense, then Larissa needs to decide if that is something she can deal with. There are many things she doesn’t get from Colt that she believes she deserves. He’s made it pretty clear he is the way he is and doesn’t seem inclined to change. Screaming and yelling at him isnt getting anything accomplished. So she needs to make a decision, if the goal is the green card, suck it up and hang on till she has it, then adios Colt. Or lower her  expectations, go with the flow and perhaps over the waiting period for the green card, things might improve enough that Colt will find himself doing the things that he would not do when pressed, but will now do because he wants to. 

    Or of course just end it now. 

    This is the point we've been arguing here.   I don't think anyone would disagree with the rest of your post.  I'd go a step further, however, and say NO person should be okay with their partner acting the way Cole did in that situation.  

    • Love 2
  3. 13 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Maybe he didn’t because somewhere deep inside, or not so deep inside,  the things John was saying are things that Colt himself is thinking. He has even said some of them to Larissa, such as being more concerned over things that Colt hasn’t done or given her, instead of being grateful for what he has done.  She is not some naive 19 yr old, she’s 30+, with  at least two failed relationships and two kids she has had to relinquish custody of. And here she is jumping into a relationship where she is once again relying on a man to take care of her. She’s been the victim, she alleges, of someone who ripped her off and left her in thousands of dollars of debt, someone who professed to love her, and yet she’s resentful that Colt is cautious about giving her free access to his credit cards. The first words out of her mouth and all the ride home from the airport and thru her first day at his house, it was all complaints. Who does that?  She didn’t smile until she thought she was about to get her mitts on Colts credit card and buy her new couch. Gimme, get me, buy me, that’s pretty much all that has come from her mouth since she arrived.  

    No one is holding her hostage, Colt was more than prepared to buy her a ticket home. And once she realized he was serious about it, her whole demeanor changed.  I think Larissa came here thinking she could get her way with him by being sexually available. IMO Colt is taking full advantage, but not so overcome by her talents that he’s going to give her access to his assets. Look at Eric and Leida, Eric’s “last chance at love” is driving him to ruin his relationship with his kids and probably send him into debt with her relentless nagging that he prove she’s his number one priority. 

    Even assuming all of this is true (which it probably is) Colt is free to send her home.   It's like when someone is in an unhappy marriage and cheats.  It doesn't matter how awful their spouse is, if they're unhappy they need to leave, not cheat.  Larissa's bad behavior doesn't excuse Cole allowing his family to verbally attack her and doing nothing to defend her.  Also?  Colt knows what he was doing when he started "dating" Larissa.  He was buying a woman he'd have no chance in hell of getting here in the States.  He's a dorky guy who lives with his mom and dresses up his cats who has likely never had a serious relationship in his life who has the body of an overweight middle aged woman.   He knew the score when he brought her over here.  Let's not be naïve. 

    • Love 12
  4. 4 hours ago, Spike said:

    Colt should have asked John to leave if he couldn’t control himself.  But I don’t believe it’s fair for a couple to double team someone if the argument is not about them.  Provide the partner moral support after the fact.  But no bullying by strength of numbers.

    Oh yeah, I wasn't expecting Colt to argue against John or anything, just shut it down.  Anyone would be kicked out of my house if they came at someone that way, period.  He's the host, it's his home, it's his responsibility to make sure EVERYONE feels safe and comfortable. 

    • Love 6
  5. 9 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

    On the podcast his sister said the Dad was in fact like that. He taught John to be a conman and to not respect women.

    It looked like Ronnie worked for some type of spa or plastic surgeon. He was doing it to Ronnie. Terra was the young girl who wanted mommy to stay home from work and rub her head (I just can't with these kids and their entitlement).

    Omg, that KILLED me.   I cannot even imagine my mother's face if I showed up at her house, in my early twenties, and demanded she take a day off work to scratch my scalp and watch TV because I broke up with my boyfriend.  That was never mentioned in the podcast so I don't know if it actually happened or not but DAMN. 

    • Love 11
  6. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:32 AM, Empress1 said:

    I don't think it's awful at all. It was completely sensible, especially when her son was like "Look, you do you, but I have kids and John is scary, so fuck that." It's really the only acceptable response from him - he's got to protect HIS family. Actions have consequences. Also, I highly doubt this is the first time Debra has chosen a man over her kids; this is just the first dangerous one.

    Yep.  And all of that "I made a vow...for better or for worse" bullshit had me howling.  John was her FIFTH husband.  So NOW she gives a shit about her vows?  Please.  Just one of about 50 reasons I hate Debra.  When she kept going on and on about how nothing is more important than her family I wanted to punch her through the screen.  I wanted Ronnie to tell her what John did with her employer but knowing Deb, she either wouldn't believe her or would just continue to wring her hands and make excuses for him. 

    I really loathe Debra.

    On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:25 AM, Empress1 said:

    A lot of people on Twitter were like "OMG THAT VOICE." It really is awful. That's really how Terra sounds though. 

    Terra asked her mother to stay home from work to pet her hair because she got dumped. I can't.

    The real Terra sounds even worse than the actress!  I almost had to turn the podcast off a couple of times, it was THAT bad.

    • Love 14
  7. 1 hour ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

    I kind of just realized that I look up when I’m searching for words or thoughts - haha. I think it’s just because it cuts down on visual noise (since most ceilings are blank). But now I’m gonna be all self-conscious about it. ;)

    I look up and to the right.

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Referring to any man as an 'it' is inexcusable, but saying it about the man you are about to marry is even worse! Clearly, they are both racist and it's all the more crazy because they need to go take a long, hard look in the mirror and see that they are hating on the skin that they have themselves. There's some really serious crazy going on there and it all stems from the dad.

    The sisters may well have some kind of a survival bond, and if so, it's because they were raised under the dominion of Mr. Thinks With His Fists. The fact that the guy could even say that with a straight face was really disturbing. But, he also radiates this sputtering, angry energy. He also just acts mean and says a lot of really mean things. It's obvious that he really enjoys bullying the younger Asuelu who is more lover than fighter.

    Mother Colonic seems simple, insipid and defeated. She's still under her husband's thumb. She responds with a false cheerfulness and trying to please everyone. It's very sad to watch. No doubt she was very ineffective when gigantic asshole used to rage when the kids were growing up.

    Ashley thought she could keep Jay in house, like a gigantic, carpeted cage, and prevent him from cheating on her. She already knew he was worthless. Now all her time, money and energy will be absorbed by this Jay mess instead of going into her children.

    Jay's still a scumbag who could care less about Ashley or her children.

    If she's too stupid to keep him away at this point, she's just too stupid.

    Could not agree more.  I couldn't stop laughing when she said she was looking for a man, not a boy, on the eve of her wedding to someone barely out of his teenage years. She's ridiculous.

    • Love 7
  9. 2 hours ago, Spike said:

    She admitted to Debbie at the nail salon that she is a bitch.  Whether it is Cousin John’s business to point that out is another matter.

    Who cares?  Colt's cousin is an asshole, does that give someone the right to go into his home and verbally attack him?  Like I said before, I don't care if Larissa started it (which she didn't), it was Colt's job as her husband to intervene and shut it down.  It was HIS cousin verbally attacking HIS wife in THIER home.  Completely unacceptable.  Colt is a passive aggressive pussy.  The fact that he couldn't even see where she was coming from when she was trying to express to him that he should've stood up for her speaks volumes.   He's nothing but a scared little man child still sucking on mama's teat. 

    In case you can't tell, I really dislike Colt.

    • Love 17
  10. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:56 PM, magemaud said:

    and hoping for a big tip! 

    maybe nail techs have become the new (and cheaper) therapists

    I'd bet my house Leida never tips.  She's too much of an asshole to even think of it.

    • Love 11
  11. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 7:17 AM, brillia79 said:

    That was a redemption? He planned to abscond with the baby knowing full well he didn’t apply for her K1 Visa. Told her they’d figure it out later. His word is trash, so there was no guarantee he applied for anything when he gave her that bullshit engagement ring from the Charming Charlie at National Harbor. And because he could not take baby and run without Olga’s consent like he told her he could, he’s now trying to crowdfund money to complete the process. Because there is no way Olga’s visa would’ve been approved on his income alone. And I suspect he knew that before he went to Russia.

    He’s a failed baby snatcher.

    EXACTLY.   It's beyond obvious that his "change of heart" came about when someone at the consulate told him he couldn't get on a plane to the US with Ritchie sans Olga's permission.  The fact that he hadn't even applied for the visa when he was talking to Olga about taking the baby proves he was planning on snatching that kid from jump.  Piece of shit.  That ring was plan C for him.

    • Love 21
  12. On ‎12‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 9:56 PM, HappyDancex2 said:

    I can’t believe that when Ashley found out Baby Skinz was peddling the D online she ran straight to Scooter Girl.  For all of the hair flipping and finger wagging she did of her on national TV we sure didn’t get a good scene of her choking down the massive slice of humble pie.

    This is why I just can't feel bad for Ashley.  She's a 31 year old woman with two kids.   She's planned 2 weddings, then backed out last minute because her fiancées cheated on her.  She says she's looking for a MAN who will be a good husband and father and won't cheat on her. So what does she do?  Hook up with a 19 year old player who idolizes his father that has the nickname "pussy skinz."  Then she smugly ignores everyone trying to warn her about her (third) fiancée, and marries him anyway, after exclaiming that if jesus himself came down and told her he was cheating she wouldn't do anything.  Now we're supposed to feel bad for her?  She went into this with her eyes WIDE open and has no one to blame but herself.   I'm starting to think that Ashley is afraid of commitment herself and intentionally chooses partners she know won't work out so SHE doesn't look like the one to blame for her relationships failing.

    • Love 22
  13. 20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Because too many young men today want a woman who looks like an Instagram model.

    Seriously, where are these fabulous “normal” people I keep reading abound?  What is normal?  If you mean non-incarcerated person, that makes sense.  But what is normal, and normal to who?

    I think Meghan looks better than the overprocessed bleached blonde.

    Maybe when it comes to dating them.  When it comes to just having sex, it'd be pretty damn difficult to NOT be able to find a man ready and willing to snatch that V card.

  14. On ‎12‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 1:55 PM, IvySpice said:

    Did they say it was juvenile? Some jurisdictions try 10-year-olds as adults.

    I would be SHOCKED if they tried a 15 year old as an adult for vehicle theft.  It's not like he murdered someone.

    On ‎12‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 9:52 PM, Hannah94 said:

    Oooooohhhh interesting - not sure if anyone posted this yet. Baby Mama and Virgin had a feud on Twitter.

    I got in DEEP reading that last night.  I really dislike Megan and have ZERO idea why she's coming after Sarah.   Sarah is coming across much better than Megan in this twitter feud, honestly. 

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Has anyone who watched the real Debra (I haven't) gotten a sense that she took any responsibility for the mess with John, or does she just want to play victim?

    One of the reasons I loathe her so much is her complete and utter refusal to accept any responsibility for her part in the whole thing.   Even when she was being interviewed about the early days, she still had a giggle and sounded starry eyed when describing John.  It was sick.   I honestly don't think she feels the slightest bit guilty about any of it.

    • Love 13
  16. 23 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

    On behalf of my best friend and her family, that's a little harsh. Her husband is Shad and he's a perfectly wonderful man. There are many names out there that I hate. But, I'd personally never say it. I finally listened to the podcast and it's quite an eye opener. One thing Tonia said is that the heart and brain are different organs. That puts a lot into perspective about smart woman making poor choices in partners. Same with men choosing poor partners in women. Basically, we can all make poor choices in our partners and often let our eyes and hearts overrule our brains.

    I didn't say having a stupid name makes you a bad person.  It just means your parents gave you a stupid name.  Certainly not the kid's fault. 

    • Love 11
  17. On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 12:22 PM, Mr. Minor said:

    Ramona had an A/C unit delivered to Heather's place in the Berkshires. lol!

    Then had her friend send her a private plane to leave! And you KNOW she would've done that with or without the cameras there!

    On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 8:37 AM, vmcd88 said:

    I cracked up at Porsha saying she only planned to fake work for 30 minutes at the hot dog place but ended up doing a 8 hour shift. Sound like me some days at my job.  Shemari and Ronnie are twins...my god they look alike. 

    It's all I can think about when they have scenes together.  They both look like some jacked up E.T.

    • Love 6
  18. On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 8:56 AM, Rlb8031 said:

    See I read this scene completely differently. I thought that Riley was complaining that she and her mom don't travel together (alone) and then Kandi reminded her of a trip the family took to Dubai. So then it became, "yeah, but..." because what she was talking about was something completely different than what Kandi was referencing but she didn't want to say that.

    It's possible.  I got my interpretation from watching Riley in other scenes, too.   Girl is spoiled and she doesn't seem very appreciative of anything she has.  I'm not blaming Riley, per se, more Kandi.  It drives me crazy how Kandi never reprimands her when Riley sasses her. Also, when Kandi said they just got back from Dubai, she snotted "yeah, a MONTH ago."  She didn't say "but that was with everyone" which would have been the natural response if that was what she meant, you know?

    On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 11:25 AM, qtpye said:

    Yes, it is much more interesting when the howives interact naturally and then someone like Ramona puts her foot in her mouth and says something stupid or insulting. When they were going to someone’s summer home in the Poconos, she had to go on and on about how her house in the Hamptons is so much more expensive. When they pulled up to the house, she actually asked the hostess if this was the whole house or just the garage. The hostess put her in her place with a quickness. They actually became friends later. You knew all of this was real because Ramona was always tactless and stupid in her interactions. This was a long time ago and I have almost stopped watching all howives shows except for Potomac. The fact that Atlanta still has to create these fake scenarios for drama just adds to the point that there is no natural chemistry between the cast.

    Yummy Tummy Heather!  I miss her.   Ramona will always be a classic housewife because she is unintentionally hilarious.  She doesn't have to try to create drama, it just follows her.  I totally agree with everything you said.  The Atlanta women have to try WAY too hard.   Could you imagine going to a party and having the hostess try and start one of those games?  I'd have an "emergency" at home I had to get to, stat.

    • Love 4
  19. 2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    It’s okay if you don’t see it my way.  Everyone can decide for themselves. They’ve changed the name of 1 child, ignored two others entirely, changed the name of a nephew.  Don’t you wonder why they wanted that done?    They admitted that the friend of Johns  who supposedly talked to Tonia afterwards in that restaurant is a composite of several people. There’s no way to know if each conversation between two characters is accurate or just a summary of multiple conversations, and that’s true for the podcast and that article too. Do you really think that Debra has accurately portrayed her own actions in this mess instead of glossing over some of her own missteps? 

    Well, I mean if anything was 100% accurate as to events that happened we'd be watching surveillance video, not a podcast, dramatized show or even documentary.  I was speaking more of events, not exact words, names, ect.   I haven't seen anything, save for Tonia's chance meeting with John's mistress, that was made up for the show.  That was my point.  

    As an aside, if my name was Shad, I'd want it changed too.  Shad is a ridiculous name.  Sorry, I had to say it.  I actually rewound and re-listened to that part in the podcast because I thought I misheard it.  :D

    • Love 11
  20. On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:18 PM, Dance4Life said:

    Audriana.  They were trying for a boy.  They didn’t get a boy and refused to pay the clinic.  Then put that debt with their bankruptcy. 


    The clinic went public with it when businesses were trying to collect money from the Giudices.

    That sounds suspicious.  I remember the IVF but...they know what sex the embryo is when they implant it so they would've known what sex the child would be.

    • Love 5
  21. On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:05 PM, Dance4Life said:

    Is that the same Bimini  resort in all the shows this Year?  Jersey Shore. DCC.  I saw it on another show was it Siesta Key or Floribama...???  


    Well, now Danielle! Free used up thirsty  resort....just like her! 


    Bimini is the new.....Palms Hotel


    Why does Teresa care what anyone thinks? Of course, she controls Juicy.  All that debt was hers!  The 80k at Neiman Marcus, all the other shopping for bow-tee-ful daw-ters, plastic surgery, IVF, her  Jersey Versace Mansion, etc.

     She wanted money and more money and controlled her husband into giving her these things.  Then controlled him to take the fall! 


    What is the deal?  Tre doesn’t want to care for Nonno, anymore?

     Pack up Nonno and drop him off at  Melissa’s house.  She does nothing anyways! 


    There are more important things!

      Shouldn’t she be house hunting in Italy???


    They don’t like Italy because you gotta pay your bills or they break your legs!  LMAO

    Melissa does a hell of a lot more than Teresa.  She's got the store and her kids are younger than Tre's.  Plus, if Tre has time to hit the gym for more than an hour TWICE a day, she can't be THAT busy.

    • Love 15
  22. On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 5:47 PM, ichbin said:

    This is exactly why I think Jackie is no better than any of the rest of them.  When Melissa and Joe went to Jackie's home there was some mention about them not really knowing each other.  Regardless if Jackie's comments to Teresa are accurate or not, she is little more than a stranger jumping in with both feet where she doesn't belong. I suspect she fancies herself as a "Bethenny" for RHoNJ as well.  First insinuating herself in a family matter between Melissa and Teresa and then taking on Jennifer, and very smugly with both.  These must be her story lines for the season and reason for the camera to focus upon her.  I view her as just another self aggrandizing attention seeker looking to secure her spot on a TV show.  

    That goes to her original point tho: don't discuss private family matters at a table with others present if you don't want others' opinions.  It's quite simple, really.  Teresa was trying to embarrass Melissa in front of the group and Jackie threw it right back at her.   I love her for it.

    3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    How come people continue to forget Jennifer's name yet remember she's Turkish?

    Probably because she tells us every 2 minutes.

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