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Posts posted by lezlers

  1. 2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Because I don’t think she is “stunning” and doesn’t seem cut out for modeling? That puts her in the company of about 99.5% of people. lol  Hardly a dis. 

    Yours alone wasn't bad but there were quite a few posts disparaging the poor girl's looks (or her sisters' and cousin's.)  Just opining why a minor child wouldn't want to be filmed for a reality show.  People can be assholes online. Disclaimer: not referring to anyone specifically HERE.  No need to report me.

    • Love 7
  2. 2 hours ago, kicksave said:

    Jackie is a columnist...not a journalist. She needs to stop calling herself a journalist. She writes a column on soccer mom issues...that's a far cry from investigative journalism. And while I have no problem with her piece on spoiled, entitled suburban white kids, I do have a problem with the way she did it. She could have done it without being so specific about the house and other details that it made it so apparent that she was talking about Jennifer and her family. It seems to me to breach a personal relationship and Jennifer's hospitality. Having said all that, I agree that Jennifer herself is a spoiled TAP...Turkish American Princess. There's something very obnoxious about the way she brags about her material possessions and bourgeois lifestyle. We see for ourselves how she bribes her children with "presents" in order to get them to behave. Where does she think this is going? When all of these kids are teenagers she will be sorry she didn't nip this in the bud  when they were younger. Her husband seems uninterested in his family...on his days off he hangs out with his friends instead of his kids? Talk about an unplugged parent...and the misogyny in their culture is nauseating. Her mother was unsupportive of Jennifer in her complaint that her husband doesn't spend any time with the family and prefers to be with his friends when he has time off...her mother said she supported Jennifer's husband! Her husband doesn't seem like a very forward thinking man...as long as he is the earner and she is the spender, he feels entitled to do what he likes and leave the children and their needs, etc..to her. I don't see the dynamic changing here since it seems to be so ingrained in their cultural background.  I would like to see Jennifer's kids at least have their hair combed and not look so disheveled and messy. They all look like ragamuffins most of the time...not at all like children of a doctor that live in a McMansion.

    I totally agree.  It's gross.  I don't know what makes her think being subservient to her husband and being treated as chattel by her own parents with respect to marriage is something to brag about.   Brainwashing is a powerful thing, I suppose.

    • Love 4
  3. 4 hours ago, Giselle said:

    I see a judgemental bitch that can't mind her own business and loves to stir the pot.

    Yay someone else who doesn't like Delores!!  I've never really liked her.  She doesn't seem that bright, she's a mindless foot soldier for people she considers friends (her backing up all of Siggy's crazy antics last season was too much) to the point where she can't look at any of their actions objectively, she's misogynistic (I mean, most of the Jersey wives are, but her even more so) and just pathetic when it comes to her personal relationships.   I might actually dislike her more than Tre and that's saying a LOT.

    • Love 9
  4. 3 hours ago, Barb23 said:


    @lezlers, the wording in your post ("get to know the person....) is very similar to what Debra told Roni in the first episode. She was trying to explain to Ronni that she did know about John somewhat because they had been talking a lot ahead of time. It was just on line rather than in person.

    BTW, I'm glad your online dating experience ended much better (with marriage  & children) than Debra's did.

    I think my comment is being taken out of context a bit.   When I made my comment about online dating, it was in response to a poster talking about her friend who is often overlooked by women because of his looks and style.   I responded that online dating is helpful in avoiding writing someone off based on looks alone without getting to know their personality at all first.

    • Love 9
  5. 18 hours ago, smores said:

    When I think Italian mom who does everything for her son, I think of Vinnie from Jersey Shore who is in his 30s now (I think?), and still has his mother coming over to his house to do his laundry and cook for him.  I would imagine he can do his own laundry and can cook, as it seems like the guys can cook, but, it's like SHE can't fathom him not having the stuff done for him, so she will roll up and do it until he has a wife to take over for her.  If this is what works for anyone's life, that's totally cool, I actually admire that level of commitment, but, I just know that I couldn't be the wife/mother who did that.  I'm the one (not Italian), who would be yelling back "What?!? Are your arms broken?!" If my adult son (or husband) yelled from another room to go make him a sandwich.  

    Back to ATL.  Porsha, just get up from the damn bed and say you have to pee.  Proceed to the bathroom, shut the door.  Fart away.  Problem fucking solved.  

    I know that Kandi will never say anything against her mother, but, damn.  I don't know how Todd deals with that.  I also don't understand how Kandi can reconcile her mother treating Todd that way when you know damn well Kandi wouldn't sit back and tolerate being treated that way from a parent of Todd's.  Also, the minute Joyce started talking shit about the father of my child in front of my child who is old enough to understand the words?  I'm out.  Time to pick up the kid and walk out.  I wouldn't put Ace in that position, and if Joyce wants to be around him, she can keep her lemon 'splainin ass in check.  

    I'm glad I'm not the only person who was puzzled when Cynthia said that she wanted people to take food home.  I've never seen someone artfully arrange nachos in a single layer on a platter before where they didn't overlap at all.  She had like 8 people there and maybe half a bag of nachos spread over 2 platters.  And then she didn't even have actual pigs in a blanket? She boiled up some hot dogs and got some dinner rolls, cut the hot dogs into chunks and slapped the rolls around the outside of the bowl?  Does she know you can just buy stuff to heat up at Trader Joe's and you don't have to assemble it?  Hell, you can even just get whole platters of things at like Whole Foods, all you have to do is take the packaging off and put things on your own plates and it will be way better.

    I mean, come to think of it, we've never really seen Cynthia eat, unless you count the frozen grapes she puts in her gigantic glasses of wine as ice.  So maybe she doesn't know how to actually prepare food for people that eat.  ;)

    As for the Italian mom thing, fuck THAT.   If I was dating some dude whose mommy came over to clean and cook for him, I'd be out.   What kind of misogynistic bullshit is THAT?

    • Love 7
  6. On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 1:16 PM, Neurochick said:

    I think people, myself included, have a hard time with Debra, how can a woman so successful be so silly when it comes to men?  

    I don't have an answer but I do think that everybody has this "type" in their head, as to what they want their partner to look like, talk like, be, etc.  Some people get lucky, they get what they want, others realize that what they want is unrealistic, they meet someone who ticks most of the boxes, some people just say, "fuck it, I have a bad picker" and don't bother (I'm in that category).  Then there are people like Debra, who never grow out of that fantasy and keep picking the same guy over and over again.

    I have a friend who is a good guy.  He keeps meeting women who use him, because they see he's stable and secure.  The women he wants don't want him, why?  Because he doesn't have the education, he's short and stocky, he doesn't dress well.  I was talking to him and a woman took me aside and said, "girl, you know you can do better."  She meant looks and style.  

    That's so crazy.  Those are the easiest things to fix!  Anyone can get a new wardrobe and I honestly believe the more you like someone's personality the more attractive they become to you.  For me, at least, a man becomes 100% more attractive to me if he can make me laugh.  That's why I'm a fan of online dating.  Get to know the person a little bit before actually meeting them in person.  That's how I met my husband, 10 years ago.   Still bitter we didn't get on one of those Match.com commercials.  We've got 2 match.com babies!

    • Love 9
  7. 4 hours ago, roughing it said:

    From the little we got to see of the interrogation, perhaps the IG was playing "good cop", in order to get Sweat to talk. 

    I listened to an interview with her on the True Crime podcast and she was genuinely impressed, as I believe any person would be.   What he did was impressive.   As someone stated upthread, it's possible to be both horrified and impressed at the same time.

    I think Sweat would have remained under the radar for quite some time if he didn't have the human albatross Matt weighing him down.  I think he undoubtedly would've made it to Canada.   They travelled 20 miles in 21 days together and Sweat travelled 18 miles in 2 days alone.   That says everything you need to know.  I think Sweat's crimes were more dumb kid probably hopped up on drugs derived.  He was 35 when he got caught and did 12 years in prison without so much as an infraction for bad behavior as opposed to Matt, who I believe was a genuine psychopath who committed crimes just to commit crimes.   I think that Sweat genuinely did not want to go back to prison and would've found some way to stay on the straight and narrow well under the radar for many years had be been alone.  Does that mean he should have?  Of course not.  But I think he would have, had Matt not been there.

    • Love 6
  8. On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 7:23 AM, Neurochick said:

    The thing with John, what makes him smart is he knows WHO to play.  When he was running from the cops, I thought, "if he were a black man, they would have shot him in the back, case closed."  But because John is a straight, white male, everybody gives him the benefit of the doubt, everybody gives him a pass.  How many men of color are sitting today in places like Rikers Island because they don't have money for bail, and were picked up on charges far less than the shit John's done.  

    Debra should have made him a fentanyl cocktail that he'd never forget, not to kill him, but to incapacitate him, but that would be Twilight Zone stuff.

    It was actually a good thing that he ran since the prosecutor told him they could only get him for possession (that was before he ran, right?)  So once he ran they could get him for escape, fleeing an officer, battery on an officer and threats against and officer.  That's likely what landed him in prison vs. county for a short stint.  

    I do agree with you on the race issue, tho.   I'm a public defender and while I don't have a ton of black clients, I have quite a few Latino clients.  The differences in how they're treated is staggering.  Whenever one of my black clients asks me why they were pulled over or stopped I look them dead in the eye and tell them "because you're a black man/woman in_____ county.   That's the truth.  Please trust that I will never lie to you."   And I won't.

    • Love 7
  9. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 6:27 PM, GracieK said:

    My impression is that once she saw his bleeding foot and realized he hadn’t changed and was still shooting up, it finally dawned on her how dangerous of a con man he was. She was carrying on as everything was fine and that she totally trusted him and left everything to his control. She wanted to create the illusion that she was in no way suspicious or questioning him... by not even opening the letter and making him the decision maker regarding the attorney it threw off suspicion that she may be on to him in some way. 

    Given that she was going to all the trouble to hide what she was doing, I have to wonder if she didn’t expect him to know she withdrew the money right away and hadn’t planned on that confrontation. Once she was backed into a corner over it she panicked and just wanted to get away ASAP. 

    I'm not going to go into detail because we're not supposed to discuss the podcast in this thread but just know that's not actually how her taking the money out went down.

  10. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 11:33 AM, HunterHunted said:

    I commend them for telling the story of an unsympathetic victim. I've struggled with trying to feel sympathy for Debra. John is a dangerous criminal even though Deb continues to make terrible dumb decisions.

    Even liars, thieves, dirtbags, shitheads, assholes, dumbasses, drunks, junkies, prostitutes, murderers, and criminals can be transgressed against and can be victims of crimes. It's these screwed up value judgments that keep people from reporting crimes like rape because they were voluntarily drunk or high when the act was committed, they had gone home with a guy they just met at the bar, they are gay, they are a prostitute, or they are a prisoner. Our view of the act should be neutral. It doesn't cease to be a crime because the person being raped was in prison for murdering a kid. It's still a crime.

    Media like this is important because it does force us to confront our biases and tests our empathy. Daniel Holtzclaw used our distrust of unsympathetic victims to get away with his rapes because he targeted Black women with criminal histories. It is important to see an unsympathetic victim like Debra who makes dumb decisions like getting deeply involved very quickly with a man she didn't know, ignoring his sketchy dangerous behavior, ignoring legal information that indicated that John was a dangerous criminal, siding with John over her children and professionals (including a private eye, doctor, and lawyer who all concluded that John was lying about a lot very early), and remaining with John "because he had no one else." It's not just the perfect among us who deserves protection from the law; it's the criminal-minded (we don't get to hunt prisoners in some Most Dangerous Game dystopia) if they are being transgressed against and the morons like Debra. 

    While I agree with the spirit of your post, I don't think anyone is saying John Meehan shouldn't have been punished because Deb was stupid or that Deb deserved (well, the ultimate crime wasn't even against her) what happened.  I think people are just saying that it's hard to feel SORRY for her because she refused to protect herself and her family from this psychopath, despite multiple people practically screaming at her that he was dangerous.    Just like if someone rapes a child murderer in prison.  The rapist should still be punished, yes, but no one is crying out "poor poor Mr. Child Murderer!"

    • Love 5
  11. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 1:29 PM, Showthyme said:

    John had conned many women. I am guessing that he had this whole process down to a science. I can see him telling Debra let's go to the DMV for a name change and stop by the bank "since we are out" and add my name to the account. 

    Christopher Goffard said that he didn't understand all the criticism towards Debra. Most women who are afraid of men would not allow themselves to be cornered into a closet. I don't understand why she even had to go back to the condo to announce that she wanted a divorce. Buy some new clothes and have the lawyer serve him the divorce papers! Debra had resources. 

    Roni (Jacquelyn) isn't making the press rounds like Terra. I wonder if she and Debra are still talking. 

    Has anyone figured out what Debra was doing with the label on the envelope?

    Putting this in spoiler tags because I don't think we're supposed to discuss the podcast in the show episode threads:



    How can Goffard not understand it?  He interviewed her!  Even he seemed to be in disbelief of her stupidity during some of the interviews. 

    She still talks to "Ronnie."  She mentioned in a FB group that Jacqueline is unhappy with how she's being portrayed in the series.


    She was making it look like she hadn't read the letter before giving it to John

    • Love 1
  12. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 2:43 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Cameron Frye and Mr. Katimski! And Mr. Tanaka from Glee!

    Oh, Ronnie. I know that you've been shown to be immature and spoiled, but there's this amazing thing now called the internet. You can get a certified copy of your birth certificate rushed if you think going to the county recorder's office is too full of dirty poor people for you to go in person. I ordered mine from another state to renew my passport and I had it in less than a week.

    I'm glad to see that ultimately Debra ended up listening to PI Nurse Carla's advice!

    Debra going home and telling John to his face that she wanted a divorce was either the bravest or stupidest thing she's ever done.

    ETA: Cameron's blonde assistant looked familiar to me but I couldn't place her. It turns out she was Vern Schillinger's daughter in law on Oz!

    I vote for stupidest (above marrying him and going back to him.)  You know you're with a dangerous psychopath drug addict.  You're being super careful in planning to leave, resealing envelopes, wearing wigs, carefully withdrawing money, ect.  So why would you tell him you want a divorce at night, alone, WHILE STANDING IN THE CLOSET, IN WHICH HE IS BLOCKING THE ONLY EXIT?   Jesus, Debra.  She is the stupidest intelligent businesswoman I've ever seen.

    • Love 13
  13. 1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

    I had a friend who sent his laundry out as an adult because his chore growing up was laundry for his family of five (him, parents, two older sisters). He'd had enough of laundry.

    Yeah. It seemed that way because Nene immediately OFFERED advice, i.e. "Noelle has to go," but Cynthia didn't ask her for it.

    At least your friend knows how to do laundry if he ever had to.  ;)

    12 hours ago, kassa said:

    Cynthia wasn't calling NeNe for advice, though - she was calling to tell her the party was off and not to come over.

    Is Marlo's Balmain Army t-shirt what they sell to people who can't afford/fit into their clothes?

    So true.  Nene, like Marlo, thinks everyone needs her advice about everything, because her life is so awesome.   I really don't get how Marlo is supposed to be some fashionista.  Every time I see her, she looks like a tacky ol heifer past her prime.  Oh wait, I forgot she's only 42.  :D

    • Love 11
  14. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 9:07 AM, luckyroll3 said:

    Oh man, it really bugged me that Nene not only brought Marlo, but didn't ask if she could.  Like you said, Marlo does nothing but say barely-masked, underhanded comments about Eva at every turn.  So you decide to bring her to the girl's wedding dress shopping trip?  And no Eva, Nene did not have your back.  She brought Marlo precisely because she knew Marlo would be Marlo and make rude ass comments and suggestions.  That was passive aggressive payback indeed.  

    Did Bryson even apply to college????  When Cynthia started to dial Nene's number after Noelle's breakdown, I said out loud, "I hope she's not calling Nene for advice since she still got both her bum-ass sons at home doing shit."  Cut to the next scene where Nene's begging the younger one to do work......

    Exactly.  No additional words needed here.  

    Right?  Nene would be the LAST person I would call for parenting advice.  Her boys are fat and lazy.

    On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 10:40 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    Italian mom who does the family’s laundry right here. My daughter left for college at 17. Learned laundry the first week. Didn’t bring me any laundry for Thanksgiving or Christmas break. It is what it is. I didn’t do my own laundry until I moved out at 26. Doesn’t make me a lesser person. 

    I don't think anyone is saying doing your kids' laundry makes you a lesser person.  There is something to be said, however, for ensuring your kid has basic life skills before leaving home like being able to do laundry, cook a meal, pay a bill, ect.   Sending your kid out into the world not knowing how to do any of these basic tasks isn't doing them any favors.  I don't think it's an Italian thing, either.  I'm Italian and I not only did my own laundry growing up, I did my parents as well.

    • Love 12
  15. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 12:38 AM, CrinkleCutCat said:

    When your child is melting down and wants all of the gathered friends and family to leave.... nope.... you dry their tears and remind them that everyone has made an effort to visit them for a send off and they need to buck up and go spend time with them. That would then be teaching your child a lifelong lesson about focusing on other people instead of yourself and going back to bed in tears.

    Yeah, that one got some serious side eye from me.  I'm sympathetic to Noelle, I spent the first semester of my freshman year on the phone with my mom begging her to let me come home or switch schools or SOMETHING before I finally met some friends in my dormitory and never looked back, but demanding everyone leave is a bit much.  Cynthia is doing that child no favors by coddling her and giving in to her every demand.   At least she's got Leon to keep her grounded.

    I can't believe Nene brought Marlo dress shopping with Eva ESPECIALLY given how much shade Marlo had been throwing towards Eva with respect to fashion.  That's just mean.  Nene can be such a bitch.

    • Love 10
  16. 4 hours ago, kicksave said:

    I doubt that...looks like he's slacking around the house much of time and certainly had a lot of free time to wait hand and foot on Margaret's mother post face lift. Whatever...I really don't care about what he does or doesn't do.

    What a scumbag, taking time off of work to help his mother in law recover from surgery for a few days!   That guy is a real creep!

    • Love 17
  17. 21 hours ago, kicksave said:

    Yes...I know he’s a plumber and a contractor but apparently he doesn’t seem to have many or any clients...hasn’t even finished one project in Margaret’s house.

    Well, he's not being paid for that project, so I assume he's doing it on his downtime.   Considering his lack of downtime, it would be a safe assumption that he works quite a bit.  I believe all the men on this show work.  Just because they're not filmed physically working doesn't mean they don't have jobs or clients. 

    • Love 3
  18. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 12:01 PM, Showthyme said:

    I didn't watch the entire episode just long enough to see some of the wedding ceremony. Danielle's body language was interesting. From the torso up, Danielle was leaning away from Marty. 

    Dress was pretty but not suitable for a beach wedding. I agree with Flying Egret. Way too many bridesmaids for someone who has been married before. 

    I don't understand beach weddings in general, and especially for large wedding parties and many guests. To me, a beach wedding warrants a few family and friends who are not required to get all dressed up to walk through the sand and sit in the sun and wind.  

    Way too many bridesmaids for anyone, in my humble opinion.   Everyone I know who has had super large wedding parties (admittedly few people) have lived to regret it.   I think anything over 4 just becomes too many people to juggle and is just for show at that point.   My husband and I had one attendant each and it was perfect.  

    This episode just made me hate Jennifer even more.  She's such a little snot and really does think she's better than everyone else.  It's fine to be proud of your culture but you don't have to put down others in order to show that pride.  Honey, you're not convincing anyone that arranged marriages are a good thing people should strive for.  Give me a break.

    Danielle is THE WORST.   I really thought her antics were just for the show but according to an interview I listened to with Margaret, she was like that even when the cameras weren't there.   She's just a nasty piece of work.  Color me confused about how she ended up with such lovely daughters.  

    I can't believe Marty bought that "it was just a test!" line from Joe.  He didn't even say it that convincingly!  Heh.  I do like the two Joe's together and really like Margaret's Joe.  He seems like a genuinely good guy who adores his wife (without humping her leg 24/7 like the other Joe.)

    On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 1:14 PM, kicksave said:

    Margaret is growing on me but her loser husband who doesn't work and lives off of her income makes me nauseous. His constant compliments to her on her body, face and outfits is a little much and sometimes cringe worthy.

    Where did you get that he doesn't work from?  He's a general contractor, like Joe Gorga.

    • Love 9
  19. 15 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    I think we were meant to see Sweat not just as more capable than Matt, but also a "better person" than Matt. A truly decent person whose life got messed up by drugs and went off the rails. Whether that's true or not, it was the show's point of view. It was expressed right up till the end, with Bonnie Hunt seeming sincerely moved by his loyalty to his friend. (I realize her empathy was also a tactic, designed to get him to talk, because information-gathering was her one and only mission. And the seeming genuineness of her emotion could have merely been evidence that she was superb at her job. But I don't think it was merely that.)

    There's a great podcast about this show by the creators an two episodes featured an interview with Ms. Lehey Scott.  You should check it out.  It's called Real Crime Profile.

    • Love 3
  20. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 5:19 AM, Milburn Stone said:

    As portrayed, the impulsivity of Sweat's crime made it seem like he was hopped up on meth or something when he did it--in other words, not his "real" self. Which may be accurate, or may be part of the "soft edit."

    He was also really young, I believe in his very early twenties.  Shit, his brain wasn't even fully developed yet.  He was 35 when he broke out.  Matt was completely irredeemable and I'm glad he's dead.  I believe, like others have said, Sweat wasn't beyond redemption.

    22 hours ago, toogoodtobetrue said:

    One thing that I don't understand is how she was able to qualify for a public defender / why her husband and son couldn't afford to bail her out / why they were portrayed as pretty poor throughout the series? Lyle and Tilley's salaries are public record and she was making 57k and he was making 60-something. For that area of the country that would put them far above the average. Yet, they drove a 20  year old car, it seemed like Chinese food was a special treat, and their house seemed dilapidated. It doesn't make much sense.



    I'm a public defender.  Our cut off is 2K a month or owning any property.  However, we get appointed on people that don't qualify all the time, subject to fees.  Usually when someone won't retain private counsel claiming they can't afford it (despite assets showing otherwise) and the judge doesn't want to deal with them in pro per status..  It kind of pisses me off.  My boss once made me represent another attorney who was busted for DUI while driving an expensive rental sportscar.  I was not amused.  Being forced to represent people that can clearly afford private counsel directly steals resources from those that really can't (a good chunk of my clients are legitimately homeless.)  I've gotten into arguments more than a few times with people claiming destitution and demanding I represent them who earn more annually than I do.  People have a lot of nerve.

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