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Everything posted by Narla

  1. The Dead Scott Canon submission is worth listening to just to hear Dave weigh in on Scott's mom: "What a weirdo!" followed by Jessica emphatically agreeing "She is a weird lady."
  2. Ohhh God. This show is so horrifying. And I loved it when I was 14. LOVED it. Was never a Brandon fan, though. So I have that going for me. BTW, last week's episode -- I listened several times and Dave's "eeeeeew!" response to Brandon saying he'd never had anyone to protect did not get old. Every time, I felt like it was speaking directly to my soul.
  3. No Paul Kinsey? My favourite moment with that character was his fight with a fellow alum about why he had to leave the Tiger Tones.
  4. I've read Outrage, so I got the LIH. VID. thing immediately... because MAN. Was he ever.
  5. I like season two a lot -- and it's probably given me far more patience for Pornstache on OITNB than I would otherwise have -- but ergh. Ziggy. Good luck with all the Ziggy.
  6. I thought the doc raised some interesting questions and it did make me question a number of things about the original narrative. It's not like Pam's version of events is impossible to believe, certainly. But I also thought it was pretty lighthanded about the part where she was an adult woman -- teacher or not, she was in a position of authority in the school -- who was having an affair with a teenaged boy. That's just messed up. But then, so was the trial.
  7. I can't help but be wary of articles written about men, explaining to me why something I feel is sexist isn't sexist. I have to admit, I was an ardent fan of the RTD years and have mostly sat the Moffat ones out, because while I think he's a great - and sometimes brilliant - writer, the wya he writes women just bums me out. He has a real tendency towards, if not the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, the Girl Who Exists Only for Romance. There are exceptions, absolutely, but I dont feel like his female characters are as well-developed and distinct as Rose, Martha and Donna are. That said, I love so much of his writing. I think Blink is wonderful and -- great irony -- I tihnk he has a great touch with rom-com. The scene between Sally Sparrow and the Detective Inspector is so charming that it really does create something great that gets lost in only a matter of minutes.
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