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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I had seen this one before. I don't remember where but it was probably the Paula Zahn one. I knew right away who the killer was but this version took a long time before the guy was even introduced to us. I was mainly watching it just for Keith.

    • Love 2
  2. I have missed this show. I was happy to have it back and enjoyed the episode. I can't stand Margot so I did enjoy the crazy gang getting the best of her. But... it won't be that easy. Louise and Nolan are enjoyable. They compliment each other. Natalie and David getting friendly could be interesting.

    • Love 3
  3. I had to text my hubby that Keith was back. He has had to listen to me complain about the lack of Keith for weeks now. It was just a nice relief to see he is still part of the Dateline family.

    I spent a lot of the episode worrying about the poor dog. But I am sure he went with the son.

    • Love 1
  4. Nina is a bad player. She should have shut up and not told Will that Vince was talking about Will being weak. She was on her way to getting out Jen. Instead she lost an ally and is now stuck on the losing end of the vote. She probably doesn't even realize it. Will was just scared and voted against Vince because of what Nina told him..........

    Over on the white collar tribe an expert at Survivor should know that going off alone is not a smart move.

    • Love 12
  5. I spent half the show wondering if Chrissa washed her hands in the bathroom. It looked like she walked right out of the cubicle and didn't look towards the sinks. I wanted to know if she washed her hands.

    • Love 6
  6. Vince is my first dislike this season. The guy is creepy.

    Bearded guy on white collar was not as smart as he thought he was. He sat at TC and announced he would be a better liar than everyone else. Do you really want to tell your tribe that you are a great liar?

    • Love 7
  7. I think one of the biggest problems with Lori and Damon were they jumped in before they knew anything. Yes, most of the sharks have used the "decide now or I am out" strategy. But we hear about the product first. They jumped in before the viewers heard about the product. I thought this show was really for the viewers or they would do this in a room somewhere without cameras. Lori and Damon did not let the audience in on the product.

    • Love 2
  8. It is hard to get past the stupidity of this squad. Why did they send Beth home? Let her stay at her office. She is the safest at work surrounded by cops. Plus everyone keeps opening the door to check on the guards. Why bother with guards if you are going to keep opening the door?

    I would rather have a case of the week than spend the entire episode on the Beth stalking.

    • Love 5
  9. I get annoyed when a HH has one phrase they say over and over till you want to tape their mouth shut.  I am watching one now with the bodybuilders.  The husband keeps going on and on about "expressing his green thumb".  What an odd phrase.  But the fact he has to insist on saying it 10 times at one house. 

  10. Whenever it is mentioned that someone is adopted it is part of the reason for the crime. That was a tip off. I also suspected her BFF right away. The reveal was not a big surprise. But I did enjoy the episode. This show always has at least one uneasy moment. I would never shower alone at night in a locker room.

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  11. I don't see the need for that lip balm. If you want to share it would be cheaper to just buy 2 cheap tubes and use one and let others borrow the other one.

    I was surprised that the sod for a dog was a new idea. I assumed others had thought of that before if they just had a small balcony and a dog.

    I laughed when the guy said Robert was his wife's fav shark. I bet she doesn't think he is a pilot fish.

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  12. I was expecting Trump Jr to call Viveca's phone and have it ring on Kenya. Trump would have loved the drama.

    Ian gradually went downhill on this show. At first I think we liked him because he was against Geraldo. But gradually he showed himself to be just a Jr version of Geraldo.

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