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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. Adam snuck out of bed to watch the old birthday videos.  It looked like he was trying to mimic the speech pattern of the Adam in the video.  That was the moment I wondered if he was really Adam or an impostor.  Plus how fast can they do a DNA match?  It seemed like they did it so quickly that I was suspicious.

    • Love 6
  2. I grew up on a farm and we had milk cows.  So I have had raw milk.  But I did enjoy the mixup of what a pint of milk was.


    David really does love his black and white colours.  I was surprised that there was actually blue in the one top.  


    The sparkly culottes made me laugh and laugh.  Strange breakfast clothing.


    I alway laugh when the dad hears more and more what his daughter has done when he was not paying attention.

    • Love 3
  3. I expect Tim and Nikki will be the ones voted in.  I watched Tim's season on BBAus.  I think he could be interesting in the BBCan house.  Different rules might be challenging for him.  Nikki will be amusing to us and annoying to the other HGs.  I can enjoy that.


    Oh I remember Hotdogs.  Hotdogs and Vesna.  That was an interesting Aussie season.

  4. I wouldn't have left my drinks in the Whiskey Library like Ben and Lauren did.  

    They saved Jo Jo's visit for last because it was the biggest upset.  Her brothers came off as wanting all the attention on themselves.  I realized I wouldn't want Jo Jo as Bachelorette because it would mean her brothers being on again.

    I wanted to eat at Caila's house.  That looked so good.

    • Love 5
  5. I was curious if the daughter had tried calling her parents again from outside when she saw the cars in the garage.  That would make the most sense.  She knew the cars were home and her parents were still not answering the phone.  Otherwise they could have come home since she last tried calling them.  They didn't mention this but it would make the most sense.  

    • Love 6
  6. Surprise Surprise Christina's relationship is the one that lasted.  But I give that credit to Tom.  He is really working on giving her the romance she wanted.  The problem is that can't possibly last.  How will she react when she isn't getting champagne and roses every day?  I am snoopy and I wanted to know if they had consumated the marriage yet.  How will they get along with each other's friends? I want an update on their marriage.


    Chandler is lucky John backed out.  I adored his family.  But he gave me the creeps.  I think there is a crazy temper lurking there.  He just got such dark looks at times.  I believe he never wanted to settle down.  He wanted to be on TV.


    Emily wanted to be on TV too.  She used Mitch to get attention.  But Mitch did not help himself by never denying her claims.  I wanted to know what she talked about off camera.  I think we can blame Mitch's dad and April for alot of this.  His dad was too interested in sex to really pick who was right for his son.  

    • Love 2
  7. I watched last night's episode What Did the Children See? It was the case of Cory Lovelace's death and her husband Curtis being the accused.  They ended in a mistrial when the jury was hung.  They are retrying the case May 31st.  I think Curtis is guilty.  I also think the oldest daughter realized it a long time ago and led to the estrangement with her father.  Big hero in a small town.  I think they should move the case to another area with a jury that doesn't know Curtis.

    • Love 6
  8. I watched last night's episode.  Glad it was a Keith Morrison one.  I will even watch the boring ones if he is covering it.

    I kept waiting for them to get to the boyfriend.  They mentioned him in the intro and then ignored him for most of the episode.  That was enough to make me suspect he was the killer.

    • Love 4
  9. Help! I lost the power near the end of the episode and didn't see how the episode ended.  Can someone please tell me about the final couple minutes?  I saw when the nurse picked up the little shopping bag and looked in it to see the explosives.  What happened after that?  I was sitting in the dark screaming at the TV.  

  10. Emily chattering on and on to Ben's parents had me laughing.  She never stopped talking.  And she was talking about herself.  She didn't ask questions about Ben.  She didn't let the parents talk.  It was especially hilarious when Ben was talking to his mother and you could still hear Emily chattering away to Ben's dad in the background.  Did she even take a breath?

    • Love 8
  11. Christina spent the wedding posing.  She wanted all the attention on her.  She was almost irritated she had to share the spotlight with Tom.  She wanted a marriage.  That means living with the man and sharing a bed.  She doesn't have to have sex with him right away.  But why is she making him sleep on the couch?  Tom should walk away from this one.


    John does not want to get married.  He was acting all creepy.  If I was Chandler I would be a bit afraid of him.


    Mitch finally got to meet some of Emily's friends.  This is something that should have happened before the wedding.  They wanted to look him over and decide if they approve.  A lot of us suspected Mitch might be gay.  But the way Emily's one friend brought it up was rude.  Although it was strange that his roommate didn't seem comfortable with the question.  Normally I would have expected him to just laugh and say he was straight.  But he talked in circles.   

    • Love 3
  12. I am not sure why Dannie was stating that she was the leader on the red team.  The red team keeps losing.  Being the leader of the losers is not anything to brag about.


    Jackie is scary.  She is being kept for the drama.  No way she could ever run a kitchen.


    Why am I still watching this junk?

    • Love 9
  13. I giggled at Neil wearing his shirt inside out in the first scene.  Why didn't Sam notice the tag sticking up on the back and tell him?

    Ashley is a bitch.  She was just waiting for this excuse to use and play the victim.  She obviously never talks to David off camera.  Run David Run...

    • Love 5
  14. I believe it said alot when Vanessa got upset and said she was going "home".  Isn't where her and Tres live suppose to be their home?  That remark had to sting for Tres.  I believe he really didn't understand why she was that upset.  She was jealous and upset he didn't gush about being in love with her when asked.  So she used the dog as an excuse to get upset with him.  He was confused because he thought the party went well.


    I have given up feeling any sympathy for Ashley.  She signed up for the show and then refused to play by the rules.  She has told David how she feels and pulled away from him.  It was no longer his job to babysit her at their gathering.  If she was uncomfortable she could have invited one friend or relative to keep her company so she would not be alone with David's friends.  

    • Love 5
  15. I wanted to like this more than I did.  I found some parts really good. But at times the background singers drowned out the leads.


    Danny and Sandy had no chemistry.  I thought Julianne was weak on her songs.  Nobody can top her dancing.  But she just is not a strong enough singer to compete with the others.  I thought Vanessa and Carly Rae did great. 

    • Love 1
  16. Christina must have been dumped alot in the past.  She has very little confidence when it comes to men.  That little blond pipsqueak dumping her at the pre-wedding just scared her more.  Now she seems worried if the man meets her before the wedding he will reject her.  In the previews she did not look that happy looking at the man her parents picked for her.

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