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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I get annoyed when a HH has one phrase they say over and over till you want to tape their mouth shut.  I am watching one now with the bodybuilders.  The husband keeps going on and on about "expressing his green thumb".  What an odd phrase.  But the fact he has to insist on saying it 10 times at one house. 

  2. Whenever it is mentioned that someone is adopted it is part of the reason for the crime. That was a tip off. I also suspected her BFF right away. The reveal was not a big surprise. But I did enjoy the episode. This show always has at least one uneasy moment. I would never shower alone at night in a locker room.

    • Love 1
  3. I don't see the need for that lip balm. If you want to share it would be cheaper to just buy 2 cheap tubes and use one and let others borrow the other one.

    I was surprised that the sod for a dog was a new idea. I assumed others had thought of that before if they just had a small balcony and a dog.

    I laughed when the guy said Robert was his wife's fav shark. I bet she doesn't think he is a pilot fish.

    • Love 3
  4. I was expecting Trump Jr to call Viveca's phone and have it ring on Kenya. Trump would have loved the drama.

    Ian gradually went downhill on this show. At first I think we liked him because he was against Geraldo. But gradually he showed himself to be just a Jr version of Geraldo.

    • Love 9
  5. I wish they would change clothes now and then.  I realize they wear the same so they can edit the shows whatever way they want.  But that jacket of Michael's and those leather pants on Arlene are getting on my nerves. Maybe they could at least wear something plainer so I wouldn't notice it so much.


    I always liked Arlene in the past.  But since Kevin has gone she is being used as Queen Bee.  This kind of annoys me.  The guys all see to bow down to her.  They act like they have to protect her.  I would rather have the Dragons fight a bit.  But this lovefest with Arlene is just too sickeningly sweet for me.  Maybe they should bring in another female Dragon and let Vikram go. 

    • Love 1
  6. I do enjoy this show. But I want everyone to close their blinds and not answer their door when a stalker is after them. Neither victim asked who it was or looked out a peep hole before opening the door. It drove me nuts.

    The minute the new girlfriend said they had only been dating a few weeks I knew it was her. I didn't realize why right away. But she gave off the guilty vibe.

    • Love 3
  7. I believe Anthony should have booted Vanessa instead of Tarik in the first half of the show.  If so, he would probably still have 2 cooks on his team and Jen would have gone home at the end.


    The show seemed to make sure Ludo did not have to compete against himself earlier in the season.  But they have no problem having Anthony go against himself 2 weeks in a row.  Just thought that was interesting.


    I really think Marcus' team has had the benefit of the guest chef helping them a lot.  It is not surprising that they have the most gold stars.  It does make me wonder if other cooks would have earned more gold stars if they had the guest chef helping them every week.


    I still wish all cooks that got red stars had to compete in the taste off.

    • Love 7
  8. Showcase in Canada just aired the first episode of season 2 tonight.  I really enjoyed it.  Watching all these actors interact really showed why Gracepoint wasn't as well done.  The chemistry was missing on Gracepoint.  This was perfect.  Even the new characters were interesting.  I am really going to enjoy this season.

    • Love 1
  9. It did seem like a lot of men liked her.  But it was odd that she separated from her husband so shortly after marrying him.  Of course later we heard he became violent.  But they did not tell us that earlier. 

    • Love 2
  10. The killer really had a scary look to him. I thought they were going to say the dead girl had so much blood in her hair that it looked dark. Instead they said she had dyed her hair brown recently. I was surprised the cops that stopped them on the street didn't mention she had brown hair.

  11. I thought it was obvious that Dan and Tom were going home tonight.  They made a point of showing both in little clips about their life.  The only reason to me was that they were going home.  Took away any surprise.

    • Love 1
  12. Catherine in her striped shower curtain.  Tiara girl in her tin foil jumpsuit.  The fashion was hilarious on the red carpet.


    I did get distracted by Andi rubbing Josh's back when Chris talked to them at the beginning.  Then in the audience when they stood up Andi quickly got that arm of her's around Josh's back before she started talking.  Does she have a button on his back that she controls him in public?  It was just very odd.


    It is definitely a long evening for the women.  I think so many of the females are very pretty when they show up to meet Chris.  By the rose ceremony half of them do not look very attractive anymore.  I am left wondering where the pretty women went.  They all have stringy hair and patchy makeup by the close of the show.

    • Love 3
  13. Ever since David shaved he looks too young for the part.  It was bothering me last night.


    I hope Black starts by killing off Margaux.  She really annoys me.

    • Love 5
  14. I have never heard of Pie Face.  But then I don't know all the so called celebs this season either.


    I don't like the challenges that are all about how much money you can bring.  Actually it is all about who they know rather than what they do.  I did notice the people that did not have the big rolodex were the ones that seemed to be working harder in the kitchen on both teams.  They were making up for it in other ways. 


    I knew Trump/Piers would get upset about Keisha not calling on Cosby.  The same thing happened when the playmates didn't call Hefner or Jesse James didn't call his then wife Sandra Bullock.  Trump seemed to think everyone would love to be mentioned on his famous show and give money.  Trump has the ego and doesn't understand how anyone could turn down a chance to be on anything with the Trump name involved.


    Since this show is about the money it is surprising more celebs don't have people lined up in advance that they could call.  They could offer to put up the money themselves if someone else would pretend to give it.  I don't think there is any talent in knowing rich people.  I want to see the celebs do some work and win.

    • Love 3
  15. I have a problem when someone gets 2 red stars and doesn't have to go to the cook-off.  Half the judges thought Dan was the worst yet he gets a pass.  I think they just wanted someone from Anthony's team to have to cook against Ludo's team.  They didn't want Natasha to get a pass so they gave it to Dan.  I agree it would have been more entertaing to see Ludo competing against himself.


    Ludo screaming at Natasha probably helped add to her cutting her finger.  I don't like that the coaches can pretty much tell them what to cook step by step.  Let the cook pass or fail on their own. 

    • Love 2
  16. I still think scenes with just Noah & Allison are the weakest. They do not hold my attention.  I need to have the other characters on screen.


    Both Noah and Allison tell us that Helen and Cole begged them to come back.  But we only have their word for that.  Of course they both want to think their spouse can't live without them.


    I found it interesting that Scotty must not have told Whitney that her dad attacked him at the clinic. She was under the impression till that day at the farmhouse that her parents did not know Scotty was the father.  If she had heard about her dad attacking Scotty she would have known her dad knew about Scotty.

    • Love 1
  17. I enjoyed the show.  I thought The Exchange were the best in the first group.  I expected they would win until the Melodores closed the show.  The audience reaction made it obvious they had won it.  Jewel even said they were working for the audience and we got their reaction.  It was all about song selection.  The judges gave them Take Me To Church and it dazzled. I would have liked to hear more from Home Free.  The judges came out too soon and pushed them into the background.   

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