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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. Maybe they should make them compete for the date cards.  It would give us some competitions to watch.  Plus those that really wanted to ask someone for a date could fight it out with others to get it.

    • Love 6
  2. I never did care for Sean.  This just showed how bad he truly is.  He thinks much more highly of himself than I do.  Catherine needs to get out and take a cooking class or join a book club.  Anything to meet some new people and make friends of her own.  But somehow I think that would threaten Sean.  

    • Love 5
  3. Did they really have photos on the drivers licence in California back in 1967?  I assumed it was in the 70s before that was law.  But they showed them looking at the killer's photo on the licence.

  4. My niece and her friends just adore Kaitlyn.  They think the show is trying to make her look bad and they resent it.  Maybe it is a generation thing about how Kaitlyn is viewed and her actions.  The ratngs do seem to be good this season.

  5. I found it interesting when Nick stated that all the guys considered Shawn Kaitlyn's number one choice and were happy to just complete for number two.  Then he showed up and thought they were crazy.  He wanted to be number one too.  It completely explains why Nick was brought on the show.  They needed to shake things up because Shawn was too obvious as her choice.  It also explains why Shawn has gone crazy.  He now has competition.  Shawn hates the fact he is not sure anymore of Kaitlyn's feelings.  So he reverts to childishly calling Nick "the other guy".  This is all making Shawn look bad.  By comparison Nick is looking like the bigger man.  It is a win win for Nick.  Even if he doesn't win Kaitlyn in the end he does get some redemption from how he was portrayed with Andi.  I think there is still a chance Nick could be the next Bachelor.   

    • Love 6
  6. I could not figure out who Rick Springfield was until I looked it up after.  I was shocked.


    It looked like a lot of photos of Clint Eastwood in the background when Paul was talking to his mother.  She wanted him to stay over and watch Clint with her. She obviously has quite the Clint crush.


    I expect Ani's sister was involved with Casper in some way.  Maybe her dad (David Morse) will turn out to be the killer.  

    • Love 1
  7. I did notice the birds they showed when we first saw the cliffs.  I remembered Kaitlyn's fear of birds.  I was waiting to have a bird fly at her and we would be treated to Kaitlyn running around hysterically in circles on the cliff with Cupcake chasing after her and the bird.  Now that would have been entertaining.  Instead Kaitlyn decides to dump Cupcake early and he cries into his scarf.  


    I think Kaitlyn fell for Shawn early.  Everyone with the show saw it.  They brought Nick on to try and upset the happy couple. That gave them the Shawn vs Nick storyline.  The other guys had to be coaxed to stick around when they all knew they were not the one.  Some wanted to audition for the next Bachelor.  Others were just bored and wanted to leave. That is the only explanation for this mixed up editing.  

    • Love 13
  8. I dislike the way they don't end on the rose ceremony.  I got confused in the middle of the episode when Kaitlyn was sitting in a room with the men.  Was it time for a rose ceremony? I was looking at the clock and it just seemed off.  All the editing seems off this season.  I feel like they shot the season and then went back and mixed it up and figured out what kiind of story they wanted to tell.  


    I enjoyed it because I have been to the Blarney castle and that interested me.  I did wonder if they were scared that Cupcake was getting to close to the edge of the cliff.  The crying just seemed off from him.  


    Shawn is a bundle of emotions.  Have they ever had anyone on the show that ran to see the lead this often?  He is really showing a possesive side.  

    • Love 3
  9. My husband walked in the room and looked at what I was watching.  Then he asked if that woman (Giada) wasn't a little old to be a cheerleader.  She really did make a fool of herself in that short little skirt.  Just because you have the body for something doesn't mean you should wear it in public.


    I don't like when they make them switch up their ingredients.  The weak shoppers get the good luck and the smart ones are punished.  Would they have still done that if Eddie had not been fast enough getting back with the meat?  One team would have really been punished if they had to take their groceries.

    • Love 3
  10. I don't hate anyone yet.  That is a good sign.  But it is only night 1.


    I wonder if they made someone sit out so they can play in the HOH when the next 6 come in.  Even it up at 7 in each contest.

    • Love 3
  11. I just watched The Most Crucial Game from the second season.  Robert Culp is the manager of the football team and he kills Dean Stockwell's character in the swimming pool.  He uses the ice cream truck to sneak off from the stadium.  Robert Culp in the ice cream suit is funny by itself.  Valerie Harper as the hooker thinking Columbo is a client was amusing. Robert Culp is always a good villain on this show.  He gets so sick of Columbo.  Culp with his long strides at the airport trying to get away from Columbo who is almost running beside him while questioning Culp.  This one was solved by what wasn't heard on the phone rather than what was.

    • Love 1
  12. I've seen several versions of this case.  I always come out believing the husband is guilty.  I know one version I saw they were sure the rich husband paid the surprise witness to come forward.  Who remembers those details years later?  He said she was looking down but yet at night he could tell she was crying and identify her.  How much of her face did he really see?  I don't believe he was there at all.  I think he was paid to be a witness.  All the blood in the kitchen and garage. The strange reaction about the van,  The threat of her body never being found.  It all adds up to guilty to me.  


    I was just happy to have Keith back.

    • Love 10
  13. Nick would have never been brought back if the show didn't want him.  They have done this in various ways on several seasons now.  Everyone is trying to continue their 15 minutes of fame.  Kaitlyn obviously is curious about her attraction to Nick.  She doesn't really know him.  But he flattered her when she was on Chris' season and kept in touch.  The best thing for Kaitlyn would have been telling the guys that she is curious about Nick.  She should let the guys know that if she didn't let him join this season she would always wonder "what if".  That would not be fair to the guy she picks. The guys all need to realize if they are "the one" it won't matter who she brings back.  But a lot of the guys just want to stick around longer for the exposure and travel.  They are the ones that will be upset that Nick might mean them going home a week sooner.  It really isn't about Kaitlyn.   

    • Love 8
  14. Why did they drag this season out with the same stuff 3 weeks in a row.  I wanted to see them have the couples meet.  It would have been alot more entertaining to me to see the 3 women have a girl's night out and the 3 men meet and hang out.  They would each get to meet 2 others going through the same experience.  I would have found that interesting.  I was so bored with them talking to the therapists and repeating the same stuff.  

    • Love 2
  15. I found this episode hilarious.  Or maybe it was the wine.  


    Kaitlyn really has some winners this season.  I still don't know all their names.  


    I have bad luck with birds.  I always have them flying out of somewhere scaring me.  If there is a bird hiding somewhere I am the one that will open the door and get attacked by it.  So I do understand her fear of birds.  I have also been chased by turkeys.  

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