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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I suspect we had to sit through Juliet's point of view because she found Noah after the attack.  They wanted us to see that and she was the object they used to do it.   Hopefully I don't have to sit through her point of view again.

    • Love 1
  2. Just once I would like to see Josh perform without the black cap.  If he insists on a cap maybe change it up.  But it is annoying me.

    Billy really got the pimp spots tonight.  We and Aaron sang twice before Billy sang at all.  Was the show worried Billy wasn't going to get the votes if he wasn't showcased tonight?  I still think Billy sings without any emotion.  He is like robot singer.

    Sundance will definitely make the final 4.  The other 3 spots are up for grabs.

    • Love 4
  3. I can't get over that they didn't put Pam on the stand at the trial.  The jury could never get the entire story without hearing from her.  What was her reason for buying the sledgehammer?  Was she planning to knock down a wall?

    I do believe Pam used Jake to get rid of a problem named Michael.  But I do believe Jake is guilty too and deserves to be in jail. 

    Why would Jake's parents think it was okay for him to have his cousin as his therapist?  Then to have him move in with his therapist.  There were red flags everywhere in this case. 

    • Love 9
  4. It was the result I was expecting.  Jasmine had obvious chemistry with Kevin.  There were a lot of reasons for her to send him home earlier and she didn't.  So she was hooked on him.

    I thought it was very telling the last time she was shown with Mikhel before the final rose ceremony.  Jasmine looked so sad.  She knew she was going to break his heart and it bothered her. 

    Kevin's mother is obviously a thorn in their romance.  Body language and facial expressions said it all with Jasmine and her mother near the end of the show.  Jasmine did not look happy when Kevin's mother was talking.  Kevin was whispering something to her.  I noticed Jasmine's mom stared straight ahead while Kevin's mother talked.  I hope Kevin moves out to BC with Jasmine so they have some distance from Mommy. 

    • Love 1
  5. Heather's dress was hanging strangely at the beginning of the episode when the women walked out.  The skirt looked like it was caught up or something.  It did make me giggle.

    Vicki makes Kelly seem not so bad by comparison.  Hell Vicki is so nasty that everyone looks better next to her.

    Heather was scary looking when they showed her close up while she was ranting at the others.  She was so frustrated that she was not being listened to.

    I really hope Vicki is not back next season.  I have had enough.  She is not entertaining. 

    • Love 10
  6. The Men Tell All

    Drew is still disgusting.  He isn't the "love to hate" type.  He is just the type that makes me ill.  I was hoping him and his little minion sitting behind him would leave the stage so I could enjoy the reunion. 

    Jasmine obviously had to pee a lot during filming.  I enjoy the out-takes.  There is always a lot with bugs.

    Mike really did fall for Jasmine.  He is still emotional about it. 

    • Love 1
  7. This was a very interesting episode.  I always love the hometown visits.  You see into their background.

    Kevin's mother could be the mother-in-law from hell.  I believe she is the reason Kevin has not brought a girl home in years.  He does not want to put them through dealing with his mother.  He did warn Jasmine that his mother is in charge and they will be expected to visit at least once a week.  If I was Jasmine I would have wanted a moment alone with the sister-in-law to get her read on the mother.  Does she become easier to tolerate once you are part of the family?

    Both Mikhel and Mike's fathers adored Jasmine.  She enjoyed her time at their homes and felt welcome.  Then she entered Kevin's house and did not feel welcome by the mother.  Kevin's mother did talk a lot for someone that was accusing Jasmine of being a chatterbox.

    I think Jasmine sent the right one home.  I suspect Jasmine would have been bored married to Mike and living in Winnipeg.  He would have been the safe choice.  Jasmine seems to want more excitement.  Mike's buddy could have at least taken the cap and sunglasses off his head at the dinner table. 

    Jasmine has the most chemistry with Kevin.  She must like him to keep him around even after meeting his mother. 

    I enjoyed the After Show.  It was nice to see the guests again.  I watched all of their seasons.  I watched the first season of the Bachelor Canada and liked him a lot better than the second season guy.  I have always liked Sharleen and laugh at  how she escaped Juan Pablo.  Brooks also left on his season with Desiree.  She really liked him and he wasn't feeling it.  They all had good points and were an enjoyable panel. 

    I am not sure how jealous Kevin is going to stand the fantasy suite date knowing that Mikhel gets one too.  But even Mikhel is getting cold feet now and doesn't want to proceed if he is not The One. 

  8. I suspect that the brother was also influenced by the fact his girlfriend was on the boat and witnessed what his brother did.  It is not as easy to excuse your sibling when you have a witness outside the family watching. 

    Tyler's lawyer was grasping at straws when he said that Tyler didn't throw her on the rocks.  Maybe there were not any rocks there.  He threw her in the water and jumped in after to drown her.  That is pretty telling right there. 

    • Love 4
  9. I watched this.  I wondered if the dead woman's girlfriend had also moved down to Tennessee.  They were friends that went to school together in Pennsylvania.  The one girl got married and moved to Tenn because her husband's family lived there.  The way the girlfriend talked she was close with her.  But did they still live near each other?  That part confused me. 

    He was definitely the bad boy.  Charming at first.  Then when he got the girl hooked he showed his true bad side and got violent.  He also had a type.  Both victims looked alike. 

    • Love 3
  10. I found it amusing that every time they presented a new suspect the female DA would tell us why he did it.  They really wanted to introduce a lot of suspects in this one. 

    I did enjoy the way the cop had Lance cornered in the room when he was questioning him.  It was an interesting visual. 

    Lance was a creep.  I can't believe the husband had ever invited him into their home.  I blame the husband for some of this.  He invited some odd people into their home.  Meanwhile he was having an affair.  I wanted to know if his new wife is the girlfriend he had while he was married.  Also he acted stupid for a firefighter.  Covering the body and claiming it was suicide.  He also changed his story at the police station.  He left me shaking my head.   

    • Love 10
  11. I really wish they had a different host.  The guy is just not right for this show.  Half the time I forget about him.  The rest of the time I wonder why they hired him.

    Captain Canada is a mystery to me.  We know he is jealous and intense.  Does Jasmine like that type?  I find it odd we have never heard her chat with him about their future or where they would live.  What exactly does he do now?  Jasmine has spent several conversations with Mike about living in Winnipeg and his firefighting career.  Maybe the show is just not showing all the conversations.  But I find it odd that she talked about things like that with Thomas and Mike but not with several of the others. 

    Mikhel and his pierced nipple bug me.  Why does he have a pierced nipple?  I find it distracting. 

    I do wonder if Jasmine really wants the stable type or just thinks it is what she should pick.  She has mentioned loving to travel but she gets scared and sends the travelling type home.  But she seems afraid of being bored if she settles for Mike in Winnipeg.  And I wonder if that is what would happen if she picks Mike.  Would she be settling?  I am looking forward to the hometown visits.  Maybe it will give us a better understanding of what she wants and what the guys will bring to a marriage.

  12. Finally Drew is gone.  It was pretty obvious that Jasmine saw through him near the end.  Every time he talked it was all "I" and "me".  He thought he was going to be famous after this and it was going to help him in business.  Not sure I believe that.  Almost everyone that saw him on this show hated him.  And if they didn't watch the show he won't be recognized to be famous.  I think most women in the best clubs in Toronto will run when they see him coming.  Or throw a drink in his face.  That would be my choice.

    My hubby made me rewind so he could listen to Drew again when he left.  He was laughing so hard he thought it was more fun than watching a blindside on Survivor.  Drew is so delusional.

    They scared me when they advertised that one of the guys booted off the show was going to be on the After Show.  I didn't want to see Drew.  I was happy it was Thomas instead.  I liked Thomas.  But I think Jasmine just liked to look at him.  They didn't have the chemistry she wanted in her choice.

    I think Kevin P could be the dark horse.  He waited so long to kiss her that she was ready to jump him.  Plus he lives in BC where she wants to live.

  13. Just once I wanted to hear Nick tell Sonia he missed her.  He could have at least told her that he missed her and realized he was happier when she lived with him.  Instead he just told her it was her decision to move back and that everyone thought she should.  The guy obviously has no clue how to apologize or talk to anyone he has hurt with his words.  He is a jerk and she is better off without him. 

    • Love 14
  14. The show plays like Eric is innocent and someone around him is the killer of his wife.  For that reason I suspect Eric did kill his wife and we are being sent in circles till the finale.  Everyone is a suspect.  Who did it?  Probably the obvious one... the spouse.

    • Love 1
  15. Yes, I thought of Blood & Oil too.  I kept expecting to see Don Johnson walk on screen. 

    They called the Spokane wife unique.  Yes, she did act strangely.  But I think she just told the story in an odd way.  Her husband sounded like a crooked businessman to me.  He had gone bankrupt several times but lived in the rich area with fancy cars.  He made enemies.  I didn't buy the wife talking about when they made money they would use it in wonderful ways to help the church.  How much more money did she need to do that?

    Jake (I think that was his name) was a crook and just wanted to kill everyone that got in his way.  His Barbie wife seemed happy enough to do the books and live an entitled lifestyle till the killing started.  I believe she knew they were cheating people.  But when he started cheating on her that is when she woke up.  

    Always happy to watch an episode with Keith. 

    • Love 8
  16. Yes why does Jasmine's hair always look so bad?

    Why did we have to have Ashley I. on the After Show?  At least Jared wasn't there with her.  But I am really sick of her.  I did laugh that at times she was leaning so far away from the female beside her that she was almost in Chris' lap.

    Oh Benoit.  He is like that overly enthusiastic playful puppy that wants to hump your leg.

    I was surprised that they only sent one guy home last night.  I am ready to get rid of a couple more.  Especially Drew. 

    Kevin W is really showing his jealous side.  Not sure that will work for her. 

    • Love 2
  17. I really wondered what was wrong with the original cops on the case.  They did not appear to follow the clues or bother with the case.  And Roxie bothered me.  I think she hated Dana's boyfriend and really liked the bouncer.  So she added her personal opinion to the story she told.

    I am glad they finally found him guilty.  I did want to see a map of the  area.  I wanted to know where the dance club was and where Roxie lived compared to where Dana lived.  Did the bouncer drop Roxie off first because he wanted to be alone with Dana?

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