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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I believe Kelly was Brina's hairstylist.  That was how they met.  So they probably bonded over their interest of hair, makeup and appearance.  I found it interesting they accused Kelly of being jealous of Brina because she wanted Rob.  That might have added a reason to the divorce. 

    • Love 4
  2. I assume we are suppose to believe the Wolfpack were all swingers.  Silver Lakes is so boring they created their own little fun group for recreation.  Jonathon wanted in the Wolfpack so badly.  It would have been the perfect way to have sex with Brina without feeling like they were cheating.

    • Love 8
  3. Secrets in Silver Lakes

    Oh, not sure what to say about this one.  I had not heard of this case before so that made it interesting.  But it was obvious very early that Rob was going to be dead.  He lit up the room when he walked in and everyone wanted to be him or with him.  Of course that meant the wife was involved.  No couple that is truly that happy with a great relationship has to try so hard to convince everyone else they are the perfect couple.  

    I spent about half an hour yelling at the TV to check if Jonathon had a motorcycle.  They take so long to get to things so they can drag the story out for 2 hours.  

    I hated the way they used religion to explain and justify everything.  It was sickening listening to their conversations.

    They mentioned early on that Rob was not suppose to be working that shift so he might not have been the intended victim.  How would Jonathon know that Rob would be there if Brina didn't tell him?  I expected them to bring this up in court.  

    I was glad they were both convicted.  Brina really looked rough on the stand.  She is not aging well at all.

    • Love 17
  4. I am probably the only person that watches this show that does not care for McGee.  I don't know what it is but I have never cared for the character/actor.

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  5. We were shopping yesterday.  We were looking at some knives.  After I looked at one I found myself wiping it off before I put it back on the shelf.  MrLake asked why I was cleaning the knife.  I told him I didn't want someone to come along after me and get the knife.  My fingerprints/DNA would be on the knife and they could kill someone with it.  I would be suspect.  This is what watching these shows has done to me.  Imagine how our fingerprints/DNA are in complete strangers houses because they bought an item after we touched it in a store.  Scary.

    • Love 8
  6. Glad we got Keith for the Halloween episode.  It seemed fitting.

    I got the feeling that Chelsea was not completely honest with her family about what kind of party she was going to.  Her mom said if she knew it was going to be a party with hundreds there she would not have let her go.  Her sister stated that Chelsea had told her that she was just going briefly to this party and would not be there long.  I kind of doubt Chelsea would spend months making a costume to just make a short appearance at a party.  This is why she did not call her family to come and get her.  The show said that about 6 people said Chelsea had borrowed their phone that night.  Who else did she call besides the older blonde friend?  I agree that the friend was wrong not to help her get home when she called her.  But I do think when she left her at the party she assumed she would be fine because her other friend from Olga's was still there with her.  

    I wish we knew the whole truth of what happened.  But the killer will never tell the whole truth.  We have to speculate that he offered her a ride home when she was desperate.  They might have even discussed having a friend in common that worked at Olga's.  But how did her shoe end up on that property?  I wanted to see a map of the area with Big Mike's place and the shoe location and the shed plus where her body was found.  

    Big Mike made his own problems.  Refusing to let them search his house without a warrant.  Then refusing the DNA.  He just kept the suspicion on himself.  

    • Love 3
  7. They really seemed to be going for a bit of the Agatha Christie And Then There Were None type storyline.  

    It was driving me crazy for several episodes why none of the camp kids would recognize that one person that they had been at camp with.  It had only been 5 years and not one of them mentioned that he even looked familiar.  Of course then it was explained why.  But that was really bothering me.  

    There was a couple loose ends that were not tied up at the end.  Did the survivors know for sure who the killer was?

    • Love 1
  8. I watched the first 2 eps of the season.  I am enjoying it so far.  I like the atmosphere of winter in the woods.  The two different groups is also a different twist.  I keep wondering if the mentioned Owen is somehow involved.  

    • Love 2
  9. Oh he was so wonderful to the woman that also had a child of his.  He even bought her a car.  I laughed when they said that.  He loved to car shop so that was probably fun for him.  

    • Love 3
  10. At the Bottom of the Pool

    My DH immediately thought the husband was guilty when he heard the kids left dressed in their pjs.  He was sure the wife would never let those children travel like that. 

    • Love 6
  11. We finished watching season 4 today.  I love this series.  

    They really do cast great villains.  The writing and the acting is great. 

    Thandie Newton was intriguing.  I don't want to say too much and give away the outcome to anyone that hasn't watched it yet.  But I kept changing my mind who balaclava man was.  I was suspecting everyone of wrong-doing.

    I certainly hope they have a season 5.

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  12. I don't think there is anything special about his looks.  In fact I think his beard looks too dark for his light hair.  

    The first impression rose gal should have told him she has a child.  He made this big deal about giving her the rose because she opened up to him so much.  But she is keeping something from him that she has told the other women.  That could backfire on her.  He probably won't mind she has a child.  But the fact she didn't tell him right away might bother him.  

    • Love 1
  13. I watched the premiere.  What did everyone think?

    Kaitlyn and Shawn were there to give words of advice to Chris.  Kaitlyn will be covering the show this season.  I believe she did the same for the Bachelorette last season.

    I had never heard of Chris before he was announced as the Bachelor.  He is a tall one.  I did notice how he stood with his hand in his pocket while hugging most of the women when he was introduced to them.  It struck me as funny.  Maybe a nervous thing or he had something valuable in his pocket.  

    I do not like Shanti.  When they showed her intro my DH said she scared him.  I presume she will be the villain this season.  I also did not like Miss Calgary.  Her red dress with the figure skating netting on the back bothered me too.  

    I do like that they do an After Show.  It is always good to see what the public thinks and get some interviews with the ones that have been dumped.  

    They are leaving Canada next week.  That is quick.  I wonder where else they will travel.  

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