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3 is enough

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Posts posted by 3 is enough

  1. Thank you for the clarification @RebeccatheWriter.  We were fortunate to have company attorneys working on our case when we came 32 years ago so we just provided the information requested. We joked that I was “baggage” because I was not allowed to work while I had my visa. But after reading your post I do remember having to go back to the US consulate in Montreal to get our green card applications processed 2 years after we originally moved.  We received the cards 6 months later.  Our applications were for 2 adults and 2 children. When we arrived at the consulate with 3 children the agent was visibly taken aback until we showed her our youngest’s US birth certificate.

    Funny how the now adult Romeike children could be considered dreamers. Too bad the people they chose to align themselves with are fighting against that legislation.

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  2. So it turns out that the part of Germany that the Romeikes called home was in the Black Forest on the Swiss border. Interestingly it is also one of the regions of the country with the highest percentage of migrant population (28%). 
    I have to wonder if that factored into their desire to homeschool and to ultimately leave the country?

    Also wonder if Trace and Lydia were a bit lax about applying for her marriage visa or if her family asked them to delay because they were afraid filing the application would put them back in the spotlight? Given their reluctance to get proper contractor licenses it would not surprise me if Trace thought that immigration documents did not apply to them either.

    ETA: It doesn’t make sense when they could have just moved to another EU country which allows homeschooling. There would have been no hurdles or pesky immigration issues. But they wanted to come to the US. Mr Romeike is a piano tuner and gives music lessons. Hardly the skills that would push him up in the immigration line. But if you claim asylum you can skip the line.  Too bad it is the flimsiest claim for asylum. 🙄


    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, Notabug said:

    The best way to get legal residence in the US is to have education and training in a profession that is in demand and have an employer lined up who can vouch that the immigrant is gainfully employed by them.

    This was the case for my husband. He had a PhD in Chemistry and multiple patents in his industry. Still, the stack of paperwork he had to submit for an inter-company transfer was huge. The company basically had to prove that he was not taking a job away from an American citizen. I was not allowed to work until we got our green cards. 

    I knew that Lydia’s family came to the US claiming asylum, but did they really think the Supreme Court would take their case? Talk about an inflated sense of self-worth. 
    I checked and private Christian schools do exist in Germany though there are not as common as they are here. If they didn’t want to pay or there wasn’t a private school nearby that is hardly a reason to claim asylum.

    1 hour ago, Heathen said:
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  4. Wouldn’t Lydia being married to a US citizen qualify her for some sort of visa?

    There are so many stories of people who marry to stay in the country but this is a legitimate marriage. 

    We came to the US when my husband was transferred by his company. The company lawyers got him an L1 visa and helped us with our green card applications.  We applied for citizenship a year before the green cards were due to be renewed. My two oldest kids were naturalized when their father was, my youngest was born in the US and he automatically qualified for Canadian citizenship through me.

    But it sounds like Lydia’s family never followed up and hoped that they would continue to fly under the radar.

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  5. Watching the kids arrange the throw pillows “just so” was sad. I am all for kids having chores and my kids did have to pick up their toys every night and make their beds in the morning, but it wasn’t anywhere near that level. 

    Erin’s baby voice reminds me of Michelle Duggar. I wonder if she yells at the kids when no one is listening.

    Whenever I watch these two I get the impression that their overhyping of “the simple life” is just a way of coping with the fact that things haven’t quite turned out as they would have liked. Watching the younger siblings with houses, pools, etc must be a bitter pill  to swallow for the spoiled princess who never had to do as much sister-momming or chores because she was “so talented”.

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  6. Brick is more common in Texas because it is manufactured there, so transport costs are lower. 
    I lived in the DFW area from 1996- 1999, and a lot of these homes look very familiar to me. 
    The other thing which was common in new builds 25-30 years ago was wallpaper in the kitchens and main baths. Haven’t seen any evidence of that on the show. 

    I like Jen. She has a certain style but so do all of the HGTV personalities. 
    I do like how she sprinkles in some tips during the show.

    • Like 2
  7. The original poster claimed to have gone to the school attached to the church. They claimed he was “ sleeping with single moms”. Another poster who claimed to be a church member said they could confirm the claim but added that it was really sad because he truly was great with the kids and doing his best to be a great youth minister.

    Obviously the word of a couple of anonymous posters cannot be taken as proof, but his hasty departure combined  with the absence of any acknowledgement by the church points to something fishy. 

    I tend to agree that he may not have actually slept with other women, but there may have been some flirting or emotional connections. 

    • Like 3
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  8. So over on Reddit there is talk that the reason Tori and Bobby left Nashville and his ministry job is that he had some inappropriate relationships with some single moms at the church. A couple of posters who claimed to go to the church confirmed this, but of course I take this with a grain of salt.  However, it was brought up that the church’s Facebook page posted a nice welcoming message when he started, but no “sorry to see you go, you were great” post when he left, which they did for other departing ministers. 

    I always assumed that Tori whined about missing home until Bobby eventually got so fed up he gave in, but this makes me wonder.  Also, their very minimal presence on social media could be partly due to keeping a low profile for possible damage control.






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  9. Given the issues she had with Hazel I am sure she has already had a slew of bloodwork done.  They probably know the sex from those test results.  

    I just have a hard time believing they want to wait until the baby is born to find out. I can understand not wanting a gender reveal party but I do think they know.

  10. I think she wears the dresses to church sometimes. She seems to like to have a different dress every week and I guess the boutique dresses are good for that. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wears them then puts them back in stock.

    Just thinking out loud here of course.

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  11. For the most part I like their renovations. I realize they are working with small budgets, and mostly small houses. 
    The one thing that really bothers me is that there is never any ventilation over the stove. I know the houses are older and often the stoves are on an inside wall with no cabinets on top but still I just picture the cooking grease going everywhere.  Even a filter only hood is better than none at all. 


  12. I think Evan, being the first son after 4 girls, was coddled and spoiled  as a child. (Watch out, Rhett Webster) As far as I know,  his family is not fundamentalist, they are  Southern Baptist. I know they sang as a family, but they still seem more mainstream than the Bates.The nieces take dance classes and play sports. 

    I do not know if he was homeschooled or went to a Christian school, but he obviously did not have any ambition to go to college. He was a lot more responsible while he was going to electrician classes and working. Since Carlin’s episodes, the FMLA, and now the self- employment, he has regressed and acts like a teenager. These two are a perfect example of a couple who should have waited to start a family. 

    The whole “ life is a big party” attitude only really started after he stopped working. If you have to work 40 hours a week you tend to appreciate your downtime more because it isn’t unlimited. They have nothing but free time and they have no clue what to do with themselves.

    No one has ever brought this up, but am I the only one who noticed that Carlin’s episodes only started when he had finished his electrician training? Quite convenient.

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  13. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    Yet Erin, Carlin and Josie are high risk and receive specialized treatment during their pregnancies.

    This is true. Given that all of the girls except Alyssa have the clotting issue it baffles me that they are all so willing to do it again and again and again. 
    If I had those issues I would have been grateful to have had healthy babies and would not have risked it again. I do wonder how they would react if things went bad.

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  14. Is it possible that Lydia is still insured under her parents’ plan? She isn’t 26 yet. 
    I don’t know if married kids don’t qualify as dependents. Also no idea what her father does for a living or if he even has insurance.

    I do wonder if they just think everything will be ok because Jesus. Aside from miscarriages and Kelton’s mother and Addalee’s issues they have been very fortunate to have healthy babies which is amazing given the sheer numbers. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    I watched that video and thought these two come across as stupid. I thought that Lydia had more sense than she showed on this video. I'm beginning to think that she is trying hard not to come across as smarter than Trace. And that would be a difficult task as Trace really appears to to be seriously lacking in the brain department 

    Well she already pretends to be shorter than him so why not dumber as well? 🙄

    • LOL 10
  16. I did not have UP for later seasons so I missed Josie’s birth stories. For some reason from her Instagram posts I got the impression she wanted to keep her experience more private. I guess that was not the case.  Too bad. I was impressed that they didn’t want a circus but it appears the cameras were present after all. 
    Fainting dads are not uncommon in delivery rooms so Kelton would have been taken care of without compromising Josie’s care.

     My son is not squeamish at all but when his youngest was born everything suddenly happened really fast and the doctor needed him to help because the nurse had stepped out for a minute. He almost passed out after the baby was born and they made him sit and got him some orange juice. He got a lot of teasing about that after the fact. 😂

    I am far from being Kelton’s biggest fan but after what happened to his mom seeing his wife pass out in the delivery room would have been his worst fear come to life. 

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  17. I know she was shopping at Walmart a few years back. I recognized some of the dresses her girls were wearing as ones my granddaughter had. 
    It seems that she and Chad are destined to repeat the same pattern as  her parents except that Gil and Kelly were actually able to buy a house.

    I do think that as time has gone on they have been finding it harder and harder to make ends meet.

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