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3 is enough

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Posts posted by 3 is enough

  1. No sympathy from me.  She and John chose to have 5 kids in 8 years.  She isn’t even 30 yet.  She could have taken a break for a few years and then had another when the girls were older but no. And I do not believe that any of her babies were “surprises”.  
    She has her precious son.  The question is, are they going to stop now?

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  2. What colour were the kitchen cabinets? In some lights they looked orange-y, in others more red.  In one shot you could see a bit from the hall and they looked almost magenta. 
    I did not like the colour of the craft cabinets.  Looked like pea green on my tv. 
    The tile was very busy.  Too much for a whole backsplash, IMO.  If they had just done the area around the stove and the rest in a solid colour I think it would have been better.  Found the shower tile a bit much too.  
    But the homeowners loved it and that’s all that matters.

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  3. I just can’t understand leaving Salt Spring Island for Laurel Mississippi. That part of Vancouver Island is called the Sunshine Coast and they don’t get super cold winters (think Seattle). Add the exchange rate and I am really baffled. 
    Nice house though.

    Poutine is a Quebec dish though the rest of the country has embraced it.  But if you want the real deal you have to get it in Quebec. And though English Canadians pronounce it poo-teen in Quebec they say poo-tsin. I just find it funny that the couple from BC talks about poutine and the couple from Quebec a few seasons back did not. 

    The citizenship test is not difficult at all.  Some of the questions I was asked were  how many stripes are on the flag, how many states there are, and what are the three branches of government.  Certainly was not asked who was President during World War 1 or details about the Constitution. 
    ETA: at the very end when Ben was quizzing him with the index cards those were the real questions. 
    But when they said they were waiting to hear they made it sound suspenseful and it is not. Once you meet the requirements to take the test ( green card for 5 years, or, I suspect in this case, you have a spouse who is a citizen), you just have to wait to get your interview and test date.  It can take up to a year. Then you have the interview and test, and they give you a swearing in date. It took me over a year because somewhere my application got lost in the system.  My husband was sworn in within 6 months of submitting his application.

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  4. 2 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Wow, by today's standards, I did almost everything wrong with my children in the 80s and 90s.....but they grew up to be ok. The best thing that worked immediately for diaper rash was olive oil and Desitin...right on the wound. Gone in a few hours. I wonder if this is still "ok"?

    Ditto!  I never heard of “tummy time” yet my kids had no flat spots on their heads and their neck and shoulder muscles were just fine. 

    • Like 7
  5. I have never seen anyone obsess over decorating shelves in a kids’ room like that. 🙄

    Those girls could care less about decorative vases and fake plants. What a waste of money.

    Erin may not indulge in Starbucks every day or buy her children fancy trendy clothes but she wastes money on other things like useless decorative items. I’m sure the girls would have preferred a few toys instead.

    • Like 11
  6. It’s a sleep sack. Blankets are not recommended for sleeping anymore due to the risk of suffocation.  The sleep sack keeps the baby warm. You can get them with  or without sleeves. 
    So many things  I used for my babies have been deemed unsafe.  It’s hard to keep up.

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  7. All I could think of for FJ was Deathtrap but I could not remember the name of the movie- just that it had Michael Caine and Christopher Reeve.  Turns out it had more than 3 characters anyhow. 

    Saw a sad tweet this morning from the champ.  He is staying off of Twitter for a while because of mean tweets about his appearance.  Good for him for putting his mental health first, but how sad that his Jeopardy experience was tainted like that. 

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    • Sad 10
  8. Trace’s jeans look dirty.  And pet peeve of mine: does no one know how to polish shoes anymore?  They are so scuffed.

    John really phones it in at Bates family functions. He dresses better for his “Daddy daughter dates”.

    I have noticed a trend of people dressing casually for funerals- it’s not just the Bates. We had a delayed celebration of life for my mother last summer and my brothers all wore Hawaiian shirts with dress pants.  They were following her wishes because she did specify that she wanted bright colours and no black at her funeral. 

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  9. I was surprised to learn how young people are when they start to get Botox. 
    I don’t get it. I am 63 and I have never considered doing anything like that. I do have some small wrinkles but I am 63! You can’t stop time and the stretched fake look from fillers, Botox and plastic surgery doesn’t look any better, IMO.  
    If I could give any of the Bates girls a tip it would be to use sunscreen every day. Not just the face but the neck and upper chest and hands too. The sun is your worst enemy when it comes to aging.

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  10. $108 for that? It’s awful looking. 
    I don’t get it.  There have been several trends over the years that I passed on because I just did not like them or they would not have suited me. Carlin (and Josie) seem to latch onto everything new no matter how bad or unflattering it is.
    Guessing it stems from having to wear ugly clothes as preteens and young teens.

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  11. I babysit my little grandson (4 months old) while his parents are at work.  My daughter always packs a couple of outfits for him and if I need to change his clothes I soak the stained outfit in OxyClean. I only have him for 8-9 hours a day, but I can't imagine leaving a sleeper full of 💩 to send home with him.

    3 days is insane. 

    • Like 8
  12. The other thing that no one has mentioned is that with most registries the store gives you a discount on stuff no one purchases. So maybe they can buy themselves the machine after the fact at a good price.  My daughter-in-law did this with a baby registry.  She had some pricier items that she did not expect anyone to buy but she was able to get them at a decent discount.

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  13. I know $700 sounds like a lot of money and it is a lot to ask for as a wedding gift, but there are a lot of even pricier espresso machines out there.  Looking at it another way though 2 grande drinks at Starbucks every day could run $10 a day.  That means the machine could pay for itself after 10 weeks not accounting for the cost of ingredients.

    Still, I would never put that on a registry.  But I suppose if a group all chipped in it would be a win-win for everyone. 

    My husband is Italian and we got married long before there was a Starbucks on every corner.  I got a couple of espresso makers as wedding gifts. I used them for over 40 years and heated up the milk in a saucepan until my kids got their dad a Nespresso for Father’s Day a couple of years ago. They looked like this: 😂0EDF5B1C-2518-407F-9D6B-732B57C6538A.thumb.jpeg.6311b9b90996023327cf7230807e9933.jpeg

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  14. I think for whatever reason Carlin and Josie do not advertise the fact that they do occasionally spend time together. I remember another post where they were together in Target (saw Willow and Layla in the cart) yet neither Josie or Carlin tagged each other.  And Josie did go see Carlin when Zade was born last year. 
    Maybe they don’t want any conflict of interest with their somewhat competing businesses? 
    Or maybe they realize that giving the impression that there is a bit of a feud going on drums up interest and clicks.

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  15. I read an article about the show last year.  Evidently a lot of the plumbing is not hooked up when they film the reveal. So it’s all just for show and some fixtures will most likely be removed before they actually put the house on the market. 
    Makes sense because moving plumbing is a big time consuming job and they don’t have a ton of time to get the rooms ready.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Daff said:

    Yes, MP, E. Powell did deliver that “river of blood” speech in 1968. Although Phyllis said he was fired (or, out of office) very shortly after it happened in the episode, aren’t MPs elected positions? Another underdeveloped story line, leaving us wondering, for the sake of “drama” in the lives of our protagonists (as if the basic premise wasn’t enough).

    He was sacked from his shadow cabinet position.  I googled him last night and he kept his seat until 1974.

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  17. Small observation: why did they not sand the porch swing before painting it?  I hope it was just a filming moment and the job was actually done properly off camera.

    It was nice to see everyone come together to help the family.

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  18. I remember back when C&E bought their house they said that they bought Layla a larger bed so guests could stay in her room. And back when Joy came to stay Carlin posted photos of new sheets and towels (which she used without washing them first) in Layla’s room. 
    So my guess is that is where Katie and Travis will stay.

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