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Probably not, but she will eventually find out. Everything is public. It's better for B&T to sit her down and watch it with her than if she finds out before they tell her. Diane Downs's daughter (the one she gave birth to in prison) didn't even know that Downs was her biological mother until that Farrah Fawcett TV movie came out all about it. Everybody else in the neighborhood knew who her bio mother was for years before she did. She only found out when it became sensationalized. It led her to doing hard drugs and junk for years. Obviously I'm not saying that the same thing will happen to Carly, but she may hold some resentment towards B&T if they aren't completely honest with her and she finds out the ugly truth either from other people or from the media.
IIRC, they said it on the very first "16 and Pregnant" reunion special. I agree about the honesty. They're in a unique position where seemingly everybody else knows the details about Carly's adoption. I've read that it's very important for adoptees to feel like they're in control at all times over how their adoption narrative plays out, who it is told to, etc. Carly doesn't get that option, unfortunately, because her adoption has been seen on TV for years. I personally believe that's part of the reason why B&T have started to restrict access---they want to give Carly some semblance of control over her narrative. At the very least, they're giving her way more consideration than C&T ever have.
Brandon and Teresa have said that, when Carly is old enough, they will sit her down and watch C&T's "16 and Pregnant" episode with her to give her a better understanding of why she was adopted out. This was before "Teen Mom" came out, so I'm assuming they'll do the same thing with that series. As private as they want to be, I think they fully understand that Carly's story is not private and they'll have to adapt to that when they tell her the full reason behind her adoption.
The self-righteousness gets to me, too. It's like, come on, man, we all know you wouldn't be keeping up with Carly half as much as you do if you weren't on TV. Tyler chose adoption first and foremost because he had no intention or desire to raise a child at that age. He even said a couple times that placing Carly allowed him and Cate to get their teen years back. I really do believe that, had "Teen Mom" not happened, Tyler would've broken up with Cate, moved on with his life, and have very little interaction with Carly or her parents.
Oh, it's obvious that Cate regrets placing Carly. In fact, I believe she would've regretted it even if "Teen Mom" didn't become a thing. Being on the show and making all sorts of money only amplifies the regret she would've felt regardless. It makes the regret harder to ignore and acceptance harder to achieve.
I also think Cate doesn't hold any bitterness towards Kim because she desperately wants Kim to like her. It's clear to see that Kim doesn't think that Tyler made the right choice marrying Cate and having another child with her---she's never thought that Cate was good enough for her son. After all, it was during Catelynn's own wedding that Kim referred to her as "the girl who came to [her] house and never left." I think Cate cares very much about currying Kim's favor no matter what. She's had to have seen Tyler's conversations with his mother in which they pretty much bashed on Cate's issues and talked crap about her behind her back. It's got to sting, and I can see Cate blaming herself rather than confronting her mother-in-law for not thinking much of her. She doesn't want to alienate Kim, thinking that if she does, she may end up pushing Tyler away. /armchair shrink
Ultimately, Kim had every right to tell Cate and Ty that they weren't allowed to raise Carly in her home. She was already stuck raising her daughter's two children and I think she was terrified she'd be stuck with a third if she let Carly live in her house. I think that was a reasonable fear to have. Tyler surely would've checked out within the first few months of Carly's life and Cate would've struggled big-time. Kim would've definitely ended up stepping in and shouldering the burden of Carly's care. I also don't think she'd be like Jo's parents and get on her son's case if he treated Cate like crap or wasn't doing enough for the baby. Tyler asked his mother to throw Cate back to the wolves only a few months after Carly's adoption; I have no doubt that, when he eventually tired of a clingy girlfriend and crying baby, he would've asked Kim to sent Cate and Carly packing back to Butch and April's. And I wouldn't put it past Kim to do so.
Man, they are so desperate to save face at this point. They know that B&T are not messing around and will shut things down completely if C&T continue to screw up. Where were these supportive tweets years ago? Now they want to act respectful? I'm not saying that the bridge between C&T and B&T has been burned completely, but it's going to take a very long time to rebuild. It's also a very precarious bridge; one wrong move, and it'll topple.
Damn, I have no idea how all these pictures started, but I love 'em. Know what i don't love? That piece of lank, greasy hair Cate always has swept over her forehead in lieu of bangs. I hate that shit, especially when you're able to see her scalp between that piece of hair and the rest of it. Cate, please, bangs are your friends. Go back to using them ASAP.
I've posted this theory on Reddit, but I wanted to get your input as well. Do you think there's a possibility that C&T's new show may be part of the reason why B&T are more private now and denied them a visit this year? I'm not sure when filming went down exactly, but C&T put out the casting call months ago and made it clear they were trying to pitch an adoption-based show. B&T have made it clear that they don't like how public C&T are and that they've made more restrictions due to C&T's constant presence on camera. Maybe the knowledge that C&T are going to be on another show just pushed B&T over the edge and they decided to pull back even more in regards to contact.
Tyler went to New Orleans to get into acting, but it never happened. He specifically joined up with this older man who claimed to be some sort of acting coach. I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed or not, but there are rumors that the guy thought Tyler was a twink and wanted to feature him in some ~special movies~. Tyler went running back to Michigan, and we never heard shit about his acting again. Seeing that photo of Cate makes me sad. That was taken three years after she gave Carly up, and she just looked so radiant. Now we're almost eight years from Carly's adoption and, from the way Cate looks and acts, you'd think it happened just last month. I think she always had her issues with the adoption because she was never 100% on board with it, but I don't think she was ever this bad. I believe part of it had to do with Nova's birth just totally decimating whatever fantasy Cate's built up about how easy it would've been to raise Carly. She also never got any kind of therapy for the adoption, so of course she would breakdown after giving birth to a child she actually kept. My empathy for Cate waned quite a while ago, but it's easy to see where the breaking point was. Her inability to come to terms with her shittastic childhood also had something to do with it.
According to RadarOnline, Catelynn and Tyler lost their visitation with Carly. Tyler then confirmed it on his twitter and even said that B&T had every right to deny them and that he and Cate aren't the best example of an open adoption agreement. I never thought I'd see the day.
If I recall correctly, Kim actually refused to let them raise Carly in her house. She was already stuck raising her daughter's two kids, and didn't want to be saddled with a third.
What's confusing is that it sounds like Cate tried to initiate a visit by ~suggesting~ brunch, then got confused when Dawn brought up the agreement that stated C&T were supposed to ask for meetings. Which one is it, Cate?
The contact between C&T and B&T were initially done through Bethany. Then they exchanged phone numbers, and B&T gave C&T their home address. They no longer had to go through a third-party to get and receive updates from each other. The last time C&T had to deal with Dawn was when they were having an issue with B&T not wanting them to share Carly's photos online. Catelynn was pregnant with Nova at the time, so, yeah, it was roughly a year ago from when the episode was filmed.* *I'm super bad at math, so I may be completely wrong.