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Doctor Who Illustrated: The Comics Thread

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Supremacy of the Cybermen kicked off today. I think it's a four Doctor story, five if the War Doctor pops up. Ten and Eleven are with their made-for-comics companions, Nine has Rose and Jack, and Twelve is solo.

On the horizon: Third Doctor miniseries written by Paul Cornell.

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The newest issue of the Fourth Doctor comic (fourth issue) features a pair of one-shot Supremacy of the Cybermen prologues starring the Eighth Doctor and the Fourth Doctor respectively.

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Picked that up. I would be annoyed if readers had to pick up the other books to get more prologues to SofC. I will say that the Fourth Doctor one-pager has a nice last-panel visual:


Cyberized K9.

In other news, Todd Nauck is doing covers for the books. Next time I see him, I'm gonna ask for a DW-themed sketch. I was a fan of his work on Young Justice and Wildguard.

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Do they take place during Cybermen stories?

ETA: I finally got a hold of Doctor Who Magazine #500 yesterday. If you're a fan of that publication's comics, you'll want to find it. All sorts of past artists stop by, as well as comics-exclusive character. There's also a "best of" retrospective of the DWM comics, ranging from the stories in 1979 to today . . . like Donna's farewell and the Doctor and an old companion bonding.

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I think the Second Doctor comic prologue might be from a Cybermen story.

Yeah, the "best of" comic retrospective was pretty cool.  They even had a comic in the magazine that brought back some of the old comic companions.

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Never mind . . . the second issue will be released next week. And 12D had two more prologues . . .


The Third Doctor fights the Master, only to see his foe Cyberized. Meanwhile, the War Doctor uses The Moment to blow up some Cybermen.

Meanwhile, 9D is kinky as hell. It's not based on Rose and Jack encountering super-powered people in 2016 San Francisco. Rather, it's the Doctor getting a summons for somebody he knows. But doesn't know that well yet.


It's Mickey, post-"End Of Time" epilogue. Oh, and Martha's there as well, but she's turned into a monster. The Doctor has enough headaches as it is.

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9th Doctor comic was awesome.

The Tenth Doctor comic also featured a Seventh Doctor prologue.  All that leaves is the Fifth Doctor prologue, which I assume will be in the next issue of the Eleventh Doctor.

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I missed it the first time I read it but the Fifth Doctor Supremacy of the Cybermen prologue was in the new 10th Doctor comic.  Now that they are all done with the prologues, I hope this means the second issue of Supremacy of the Cybermen will FINALLY come out next week.

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I read The Third Doctor #1 yesterday and it was GREAT.  Paul Cornell once again shows why he knows Doctor Who better than almost anyone.  He really captures the era and the characterizations.  A couple of good easter eggs too.  Highly recommended.

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Cornell’s Third Doctor comic is awesome.  He has a true understanding of the Doctor in all his forms and it really does sound like Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor.  He does a wonderful Master and Brigadier too.  Jo, Benton and Yates don’t get left out either.

The cliffhanger at the end was ****ing awesome!

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If you have a DW fan in your life that needs a fix before Christmas, Titan will be release the Fourth Doctor collection -- "The Medusa Gaze" -- next Wednesday. Wasn't too bad.

ETA: Overspent $10 on the Convention Special. Interlinking story featuring Doctors 10-12, as well as the one-page preludes to Supremacy Of The Cybermen.

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I really try to like the Doctor Who comics but haven't gotten into them. I need to give them another shot. Of all the ones in that list, I would probably read a What If? version of the Doctor. That could be pretty fun.

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Big Finish has put out several stories on audio with that premise. As for the books . . . check your library for graphic novels. Or start with the miniseries. So far, Titan has done those for Nine, Eight and Four, and the one with Three going on now is a fun read.

ETA: Titan has also reprinted DW stuff from when IDW had the license. One fun story is Prisoners Of Time, where the Doctor forgets about his past lives, and sifts through a museum devoted to him to jog his memory. I have one issue signed by the artist, writer, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy.

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From CBR: The next Doctor Who event from Titan. Right now, I'm thinking that not only won't I pick up the Ten and Eleven books, I might skip Nine and Twelve. Probably a better idea to wait for the collection. If all four Doctors meet, it would be for the first time; "Supremacy Of The Cybermen" being an indirect affair. If Twelve tries to back out of the "event" like he did two years ago, I would still approve.

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. . .  and I am on the wagon. My first impression was that it would be running through multiple issues of each Doctor's books. It's eight comics: the "alpha" issue," one issue from Ten and Eleven's respective books, "specials" from Nine and Twelve, two special issues, and a conclusion. Also, there's a character front and center that I did not know about. That character is in the solicitations on Titan's site, but I'll post it under spoilers.


It's Jenny! Yes, the Doctor's Daughter touches base with a few Doctors before meeting Twelve, Bill and Nardole. And we get perhaps the ultimate fanservice: she makes audio contact with Five. That's right: we get a scene with Peter Davison and daughter Georgia Moffat, who is married to David Tennant.

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Titan will be releasing their Thirteenth Doctor series in the fall. No other details, save for the creative team: Jody Houser and Rachael Stott. I'm uncertain if an all-female crew was intentional, but Houser has done some interesting stuff (Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, Mother Panic). I've met Stott at New York Comic Con a few times . . . .got these quick sketches from her.

ETA: Here's an article, with preliminary sketch.

Edited by Lantern7
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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 7:18 AM, Chip said:

I really try to like the Doctor Who comics but haven't gotten into them. I need to give them another shot. Of all the ones in that list, I would probably read a What If? version of the Doctor. That could be pretty fun.

Never tried them; barely watched a couple animated episodes on You Tube! Pretty much have only watched episodes on PBS since the late 70's, taped them on VHS and Beta formats, and read a few novels back in the 80's! Not sure how much I'm looking forward to Jodi taking over, but will give it a chance! I know they got us ready for the possibility with 2 regenerations going from male to female with The Master/Missy and the TL General, but would have preferred the Doctor continue as a man! ;-)

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I’m at New York Comic Con, and I met Jody Houser as she leaving the DC Comics area. I thanked her for her work on the ongoing DW series. She told me there’s going to be a team-up between Thirteen and Ten next year, set in 1969. I know this thread doesn’t get much attention, but I figured some of you might be interested.

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Thanks @Lantern7! Thanks to my local library I have been getting somewhat caught up on the Titan comics and I really have enjoyed the run of Thirteen stories. Glad you got to meet Jody and the new story sounds fantastic. (Although what is it with 1969? Stargate SG1 did an episode going back there too.)

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Just checking . . . anyone else read the "Supremacy of the Cybermen" crossover from a few years ago? It should be fun to compare and contrast to the final episodes of this season.

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