amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Remarkable! Perfect! A: I'm -i-e. I me--, ---y, - little depressed, I g-ess.B: ---y. --y ide- -hy?A: Pr----ly -e---se I st-rted the -p--lypse.YES:D, E, G, H, I, L, M, P, R, S, T, Y Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 Kooky K? Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 The good news is that there ARE a couple of Ks. The bad news is that I can't think of any complimentary adjectives which begin with that letter :) A: I'm -i-e. I me--, -k-y, - little depressed, I g-ess.B: -k-y. --y ide- -hy?A: Pr----ly -e---se I st-rted the -p--lypse. YES:D, E, G, H, I, K, L, M, P, R, S, T, Y Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Okay, I've got this one, but I feel like Ditty did all the work.... Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 Go ahead, I was hoping you'd take it, I don't have time to run one today--and maybe not tomorrow either--anyway. Maybe you don't either, though. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 I do, actually. Despite family being in town, they're all going to be off doing their own thing. I'll be home, all by my lonesome. ;-) Sam: I'm fine. Okay, a little depressed, I guess. Doctor: Okay. Any idea why? Sam: Probably because I started the Apocalypse. 2 Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Nice job! I have a weird fondness for that exchange---for that whole episode, in fact :) 2 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Hmmm. Trying to think of a doozy.... A: --- ----- "----- ------- --- -- - ---'- -----". --- ------- ----. ----'- -------- -- ---- -----. B: --, --'-- ------- --- ---- ---- --... ------ ------ ------? --- -- -- ---- --? C: --. -- ---'-, ---. ----'- - ---------. ----, --, ----- ----------. -- ----- ----. A: ----'-- ------ -------- ------. --- ----, --- ------ ------ --- ----------. --- ---- --- ----- ---- ------- -- --- ----. B: --- ----'- -------- -- -- -----? A: --. --'- ---------. That took a lot longer than I expected. I just couldn't think of anything! Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 I'm impressed already! An awesome A, please? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Absolutely! A: --- ----- "--a-- ------- --- -- a ---'- -----". --- ---a--- -a--. --a-'- ---a---- -- ---- -----.B: --, --'-- ------- --- ---- ---- --... ------ -a---- ------? --- -- -- ---- --?C: --. -- ---'-, -a-. --a-'- a --a-a----. ----, --, ----- ----------. -- -a--- ----.A: ----'-- ------ a---a--- ------. --- ----, --- ------ --a--- --- --a-------. A-- ---- --- a---- ---- ------- -- --- --a-.B: --- ----'- -------- -- -- -----?A: --. --'- ---a-----. Yes: A No: Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 A tremendous T? Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 D me. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 I think I used up all my brain power coming up with a quote.... A: T-- ----- "--a-t ------- --t -- a ---'- ----t". T-- d--a--d -a--. T-at'- -t-a---t -- ---- -----.B: --, --'-- ------- --- ---- ---t --... -----t -a---t -----d? --- d- -- ---- -t?C: --. -- d--'t, -a-. T-at'- a --a-a-t--. ----, --, ---d- ---d------. -- Da--- D---.A: T---'-- --tt-- a---at-- ------. --- ----, t-- ----t- --a--- t-- --ad------. A-d t--- t-- a---- --t- d-----d -- -t- --ad.B: --- t--t'- -------d -- -- -----?A: --. -t'- ---a-----.Yes: A, T, DNo: 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 How about a lonely L? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 (edited) A: T-- ---l- "--a-t ------- --t -- a ---'- ----t". T-- d-la--d -all. T-at'- -t-a---t -- ---- -----.B: --, --'-- l------ --- ---- ---t --... -----t -a---t -----d? --- d- -- --ll -t?C: --. -- d--'t, -a-. T-at'- a --a-a-t--. L---, --, ---d- ---d------. -- Da--- D---.A: T---'-- l-tt-- a---at-- ------. --- ----, t-- ----t- --a--- t-- --ad------. A-d t--- t-- a---l --t- d-----d -- -t- --ad.B: --d t--t'- -------d -- -- -----?A: --. -t'- --la-----. Yes: A, T, D, LNo: Oops, missed a D. Edited December 15, 2014 by Demented Daisy Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 A hopeful H?! Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 A: Th- -h-l- "h-a-t ------- --t -- a ---'- -h--t". Th- d-la--d -all. That'- -t-a--ht -- ---- -----.B: --, --'-- l------ --- ---- ---t --... -----t -a---t h----d? H-- d- -- --ll -t?C: --. -- d--'t, -a-. That'- a -ha-a-t--. L---, --, ---d- ---d------. -- Da--- D---.A: Th--'-- l-tt-- a---at-- ------. --- ----, th- ----t- -ha--- th- --ad------. A-d th-- th- a---l --t- d-----d -- -t- h-ad.B: --d th-t'- -------d -- -- -----?A: --. -t'- h-la-----.Yes: A, T, D, L, HNo: Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 Sublime S? Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 Extraordinary E? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 (edited) A: The -h-le "hea-t ------- --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's st-a--ht -- ---s -----.B: S-, -e'-e l------ --- s--e s--t --... --se-t -a---t h----d? H-- d- -e --ll -t?C: --. -e d--'t, -as. That's a -ha-a-te-. L--e, -h, ---d- ---d-e--e-. -- Da--- D---.A: The-'-e l-tt-e a---at-d ----es. --- ----, the ----te -hases the --ad----e-. A-d the- the a---l -ets d----ed -- -ts head.B: --d th-t's s-----ed -- -e -----?A: --. -t's h-la----s. Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, ENo: And I missed an H. And another D. Told you my brain wasn't 100% this morning. ;-) Edited December 15, 2014 by Demented Daisy Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 A rambunctious r? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 A: The -h-le "heart ------- --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's stra--ht -- ---s -----.B: S-, -e're l------ --r s--e s-rt --... --se-t ra---t h--r-d? H-- d- -e --ll -t?C: --. -e d--'t, -as. That's a -hara-ter. L--e, -h, ---d- ---d-e--er. -- Da--- D---.A: The-'re l-ttle a---at-d ----es. --- ----, the ----te -hases the r-adr---er. A-d the- the a---l -ets dr---ed -- -ts head.B: --d th-t's s-----ed -- -e -----?A: --. -t's h-lar---s.Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, E, RNo: And another L. *shakes head* Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 An illustrious I? Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 Nifty N? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 (edited) A: The -h-le "heart ----in- --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's strai-ht -- ---s --nn-.B: S-, -e're l---in- --r s--e s-rt --... inse-t ra--it h--rid? H-- d- -e -ill it?C: N-. -e d-n't, -as. That's a -hara-ter. Li-e, -h, ---d- ---d-e--er. -r Da--- D---.A: The-'re little ani-ated ---ies. --- -n--, the ----te -hases the r-adr-nner. And then the an-il -ets dr---ed -n its head.B: And that's s----sed t- -e --nn-?A: N-. It's hilari--s. Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, E, R, I, NNo: And an R, an A, an E.... For Chuck's sake, I suck today! ;-) And 2 Ns! And a T! Edited December 15, 2014 by Demented Daisy Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 Hee! I love this exchange, good one DD! And you DO NOT suck! Alright...marvelous M? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 (edited) A: The -h-le "heart --m-in- --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's strai-ht -- ---s --nn-.B: S-, -e're l---in- --r s-me s-rt --... inse-t ra--it h--rid? H-- d- -e -ill it?C: N-. -e d-n't, -as. That's a -hara-ter. Li-e, -h, ---d- ---d-e--er. -r Da--- D---.A: The-'re little animated m--ies. --- -n--, the ----te -hases the r-adr-nner. And then the an-il -ets dr---ed -n its head.B: And that's s----sed t- -e --nn-?A: N-. It's hilari--s.Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, E, R, I, N, MNo: Oops, put an M in the wrong place. You were saying, Ditty? ;-) Edited December 15, 2014 by Demented Daisy Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 15, 2014 Author Share December 15, 2014 I was saying you were AWESOME! ;) Witty W? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 15, 2014 Share December 15, 2014 *blush* Oh, stop. A: The wh-le "heart --m-in- --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's strai-ht -- ---s --nn-.B: S-, we're l---in- --r s-me s-rt --... inse-t ra--it h--rid? H-w d- -e -ill it?C: N-. We d-n't, -as. That's a -hara-ter. Li-e, -h, W--d- W--d-e--er. -r Da--- D---.A: The-'re little animated m--ies. --- -n-w, the ----te -hases the r-adr-nner. And then the an-il -ets dr---ed -n its head.B: And that's s----sed t- -e --nn-?A: N-. It's hilari--s. Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, E, R, I, N, M, WNo: 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Still can't get a couple words...glorious G? Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 A: The wh-le "heart --m-ing --t -- a ---'s -hest". The dela-ed -all. That's straight -- --gs --nn-.B: S-, we're l---ing --r s-me s-rt --... inse-t ra--it h--rid? H-w d- -e -ill it?C: N-. We d-n't, -as. That's a -hara-ter. Li-e, -h, W--d- W--d-e--er. -r Da--- D---.A: The-'re little animated m--ies. --- -n-w, the ----te -hases the r-adr-nner. And then the an-il gets dr---ed -n its head.B: And that's s----sed t- -e --nn-?A: N-. It's hilari--s.Yes: A, T, D, L, H, S, E, R, I, N, M, W, GNo: Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 I think I got it now... Dean: The whole "heart jumping out of a man's chest". The delayed fall. That's straight up Bugs Bunny. Castiel: So, we're looking for some sort of...insect rabbit hybrid? how do we kill it? Sam: No. We don't, Cas. that's a character. Like, oh, Woody Woodpecker. Or Daffy Duck. Dean: They're little animated movies. You know, the coyote chases the roadrunner. And then the anvil gets dropped on its head. Castiel: And that's supposed to be funny? Dean: No. It's hilarious. Heh, Dean's generally right about these things. ;) 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Isn't he though? I suppose that's why we love him so. Plus a few... uh, more tangible things. ;-) Your turn -- no rush, though! 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Okay, theme adjacent here... A: _ / _ _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ '_ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . B: _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ / _ _ '_ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Yes:No: Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Hmmm. What did we not use in the last puzzle? Original O? Link to comment
AwesomO4000 December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Ooh - a nice long one (that's what she said)... Give me a C, a bouncy C, please? 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 ::Snort:: Oh, AwesomO, if you only knew how appropriate that comment was, I guess you'll know soon enough. ;) Original and clever! A: _ / c _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ o _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / c _ _ _ oo _ / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ c _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ c _ / _ o _ _ _ / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . B: _ _ '_ / c _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ / _ _ '_ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ o _ _ . Yes: O, CNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Naughty N? ;-) Link to comment
AwesomO4000 December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 A kinky K? Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Naughty and kinky indeed! A: _ / c _ n'_ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ o _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ _ oon / _ _ _ _ , / _ _ c _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . B: _ _ '_ / c _ _ _ _ _ / _ n _ _ _ . / _ n _ / _ _ '_ / _ n / _ _ _ _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, KNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Turgid T? Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Nope, I just can't...Ts aplenty. ;) A: _ / c _ n't / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ o _ t / t _ / _ _ _ / t _ _ _ , / _ _ t / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ toon / _ _ _ t, / _ _ c _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ _ / _ _ _ t / _ _ _ _ / _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ t. B: _ t'_ / c _ _ _ _ _ / _ n _ _ _ . / _ n _ / _ t'_ / _ n / _ _ t _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, K, TNo: Link to comment
Demented Daisy December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Aww, what's the matter? Do I need to ask for a scaredy-cat S? ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Heh, shakin' in boots over here. A: _ / c _ n't / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ o _ t / t _ / s _ _ / t _ _ s, / _ _ t / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ toon / s _ _ t, / _ _ c _ _ s _ / _ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ s / _ _ st / s _ _ _ / _ _ n _ s _ _ _ _ t. B: _ t's / c _ _ _ _ _ / _ n _ _ _ . / _ n _ / _ t's / _ n / _ _ t _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, K, T, SNo: 1 Link to comment
AwesomO4000 December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 A lewd L? Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Lewd, we got... A: _ / c _ n't / _ _ l _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ _ o _ t / t _ / s _ _ / t _ _ s, / _ _ t / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ toon / s _ _ t, / _ _ c _ _ s _ / _ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ s / _ _ st / s _ l _ / _ _ n _ s _ _ _ _ t. B: _ t's / c _ ll _ _ / _ n _ _ _ . / _ n _ / _ t's / _ n / _ _ t _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, K, T, S, LNo: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 (edited) I think I see the potential for some bodacious Bs? Edited to add: Ooh I know what this is from, I just am missing a few words. Edited December 16, 2014 by AwesomO4000 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 Boldly bemused. A: _ / c _ n't / b _ l _ _ _ _ / _ '_ / _ bo _ t / t _ / s _ _ / t _ _ s, / b _ t / _ / _ o _ _ / _ o _ '_ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ toon / s _ _ t, / b _ c _ _ s _ / _ _ _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ / o _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ s / _ _ st / s _ l _ / _ _ n _ s _ _ _ _ t. B: _ t's / c _ ll _ _ / _ n _ _ _ . / _ n _ / _ t's / _ n / _ _ t _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, K, T, S, L, BNo: Link to comment
amensisterfriend December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 E?! Link to comment
DittyDotDot December 16, 2014 Author Share December 16, 2014 But of course. A: _ / c _ n't / bel _ e _ e / _ '_ / _ bo _ t / t _ / s _ _ / t _ _ s, / b _ t / _ / _ o _ e / _ o _ '_ e / _ _ t _ _ _ n _ / c _ _ toon / s _ _ t, / bec _ _ se / _ e _ _ _ n _ / _ _ ck / _ o _ _ n / c _ _ _ / o _ e _ / _ _ _ / o _ e _ / _ _ _ _ n / _ s / _ _ st / sel _ / _ _ n _ s _ _ _ _ t. B: _ t's / c _ lle _ / _ n _ _ e. / _ n _ / _ t's / _ n / _ _ t _ o _ _ . Yes: O, C, N, K, T, S, L, B, ENo: Link to comment
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