AwesomO4000 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) @Demented Daisy - ETA You missed a couple of Ws -- and they're kind of important. ;-) So I did, and yes they are! So added the other two Ws and all of the G's. The Gs should also help... A: Y _ u / _ _ _ w / it ' _ / b _ d / e _ _ ugh / th _ t / they ' _ e / g _ _ _ i _ g / pe _ ple , we _ _ i _ g / _ u _ / mug _ , but /_ _ w / thi _ ? H _ _ e / u _ / d _ i _ i _ g / _ _ _u _ d / i _ / thi _... thi _/ C _ b _ _ dle / while / B _ by ' _ / _ _ / l _ c _ d _ w _. B: It ' _ / temp _ _ _ _ _ , De _ _ . A: _ _ b _ dy / put _ / B _ by / i _ / _ / c _ _ _ e _. B: Y _ u / _ _ _ w / th _ t ' _ / _ / li _ e / f _ _ _ --- A _ w _ yze / m _ _ ie . _ w _ yze / _ lw _ y _ / get _ / _ / p _ _ _ ! Yes: D, zany Z, unusual U, pesky P, tricky T, erratic E, maniacal M, * irrational I, fuzzy F, cutesy C, yowzer Y, hoppity H, looney L, bemused B, witty W, Goofy G Edited to add: You could've always pulled an AwesomO and solved it anyway, DD. ; ) Edited September 11, 2014 by AwesomO4000 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Eh, I could, but it's more fun this way. ;-) How about some kooky Ks? Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Kooky Ks coming up... A: Y _ u / k _ _ w / it ' _ / b _ d / e _ _ ugh / th _ t / they ' _ e / g _ _ ki _ g / pe _ ple , we _ _ i _ g / _ u _ / mug _ , but /_ _ w / thi _ ? H _ _ e / u _ / d _ i _ i _ g / _ _ _u _ d / i _ / thi _... thi _/ C _ b _ _ dle / while / B _ by ' _ / _ _ / l _ ckd _ w _. B: It ' _ / temp _ _ _ _ _ , De _ _ . A: _ _ b _ dy / put _ / B _ by / i _ / _ / c _ _ _ e _. B: Y _ u / k _ _ w / th _ t ' _ / _ / li _ e / f _ _ _ --- A _ w _ yze / m _ _ ie . _ w _ yze / _ lw _ y _ / get _ / _ / p _ _ _ ! Yes: D, zany Z, unusual U, pesky P, tricky T, erratic E, maniacal M, * irrational I, fuzzy F, cutesy C, yowzer Y, hoppity H, looney L, bemused B, witty W, goofy G, kooky K Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I think I see some odd Os.... Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 11, 2014 Author Share September 11, 2014 I too love this quote, but won't be able to run another one till late tonight, but will try to help someone else along...Refreshing R? Those Witty Ws can also be wild Ws, can't they? 1 Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 A: You / k _ ow / it ' _ / b _ d / e _ough / th _ t / they're / g _ _ ki _ g / people , we _ ri _ g / our / mug _ , but /_ ow / thi _ ? H _ _ e / u _ / dri _ i _ g / _ rou _ d / i _ / thi _... thi _/ C _ boodle / while / B _ by ' _ / o _ / lockdow _. B: It ' _ / tempor _ r _ , De _ _ . A: _ obody / put _ / B _ by / i _ / _ / cor _ er. B: You / k _ ow / th _ t ' _ / _ / li _ e / fro _ --- A _ w _ yze / mo _ ie . _ w _ yze / _ lw _ y _ / get _ / _ / p _ _ _ ! Yes: D, zany Z, unusual U, pesky P, tricky T, erratic E, maniacal M, irrational I, fuzzy F, cutesy C, yowzer Y, hoppity H, looney L, bemused B, witty W, goofy G, kooky K, odd O, refreshing R Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Okay, I think I've participated enough to earn my win. ;-) A: You know it's bad enough that they're ganking people, wearing our mugs, but now this? Have us driving around in this... this Caboodle while Baby's on lockdown. B: It's temporary, Dean. A: Nobody puts Baby in the corner. B: You know that's a line from -- A: Swayze movie. Swayze always gets a pass! 1 Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 You got it, DD... You're up. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Okie dokie. Here we go! --- ----- --------. -- ----. -- ----- -- ----- --- --------, ----- ---- -- --- --. --'- - --------, -- --. Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 H? Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Huzzah! --- ----- -------h. H- ----. H- ----- -- ----- h-- --------, ---h- ---- -- h-- --. --'- - --------, -- --. Yes: H 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 I was really in need of a demented D and thought what better place to get one from than the Demented One herself? ;) 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Definitely! A couple of demented Ds coming right up! --- ----- -------h. H- d---. H- ----- -- --d-- h-- --------, ---h- ---- -- h-- --. --'- - --------, -- --.Yes: H, D Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Would you have a nutty N to accompany those demented Ds? Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Naturally! --- ----- -------h. H- d---. H- ----- -- -nd-- h-- --------, ---h- n--- -- h-- --. --'- - ----n---, -- --. Yes: H, D, N 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Then we need a raving R or two, don't we? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Ridiculous not to! --- ----- r----r-h. H- d---. H- ----- -- -nd-r h-- ---r----, r--h- n--- -- h-- --. --'- - ----n---, -- --.Yes: H, D, N, R 1 Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 So, probably a couple of mental Ms then too? Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Maybe yes, maybe no. Mainly yes. ;-) --m ----- r----r-h. H- d---. H- ----- -- -nd-r h-- m--r----, r--h- n--- -- h-- --. --'- - ----n---, -- --. Yes: H, D, N, R, M Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Ahh, now I got that word... Sam loves research. He does. He keeps it under his mattress, right next to his KY. It's a sickness, it is. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Heh. Ah, back in the good ol' days when Sam and Dean could be bickering bros without all the angst. :-) You up! Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 I know, right? And we're off again... A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ ’_ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ _ _ ?B: _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ . Yes:No: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Hmm this is a shorter one, so I'm gonna go less bold... A timid T? Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 I would normally encourage the opposite, but being timorous appears to have worked. Go figure. ;) A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / t _ _ t / _ _ ’_ / _ _ t / _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ _ t?B: _ _ / _ _ _ _ / t _ _ / _ _ _ _ / t _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ t / _ _ _ . Yes: TNo: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Well after the T usually comes the... H? Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Wow, I think I've been doing tea wrong for way too many years. ;) A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / th_ t / h _ ’_ / _ _ t / _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ ht?B: H _ / _ _ _ _ / th_ / _ _ _ _ / th _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ t / _ _ _ . Yes: T, HNo: Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 So much silliness. I love it. :-) As such, I believe I should request an S in honor of the silliness. Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Lotta silly Ss, I only wish I had more to give can never have too much silliness, IMO. A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / th_ t / h _ ’s / _ _ t / _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ ht?B: H _ / s _ _ s / th_ / s _ _ _ / th _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ t / _ _ _ . Yes: T, H, SNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 How about some raucous Rs? Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 And a go-go G or two? Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Raucous me up before you go-go; Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo; Raucous me up before you go-go; I don't want to miss it when you hit that high; Raucous me up before you go-go; 'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo Sorry, I just can't seem to help myself with those cheesy musical interludes sometimes..should I be embarrassed to know some of the words to that song? ;) A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / th_ t / h _ ’s / _ _ t / r _ _ _ . / R _ ght?B: H _ / s _ _ s / th_ / s _ _ _ / th _ _ g / _ _ _ _ t / _ _ _ . Yes: T, H, S, R, GNo: 2 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Effervescent E? Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Those Es were so shiny I just had to go look at them and I think I may have lost some time...what happened to the last 20 minutes of my life? ;) A: _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / th_ t / he’s / _ _ t / r _ e _ . / R _ ght?B: He / s _ _ s / the / s _ _ e / th _ _ g / _ _ _ _ t / _ _ _ . Yes: T, H, S, R, G, ENo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 I think I've got it, but an E is in the wrong place.... Eh, what the hell. A: You know that he's not real. Right? B: He says the same thing about you. Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 You got it DD, and even fixed my spatial issues for me (what puzzle would be complete without me screwing something up, right?)...sorry about that, you up. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 It's all good, it's all good. :-) Have we used this before? I can't remember. A: --- --- --- -- ----- -- --, --------? B: - ---'- ----. --- - ----- ---'- ---- --- -------- --. A: ----- -- ---- --- -- ----- - -----, ---- - ----? B: - -----, --. --- - ---- ---- --- ------ ------... ----, -- -----, -------------, ---- --. Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 HA! It doesn't look familiar yet, but a few Ds could fix that. ;) 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Definitely! A: --- --- --- -- ----- -- --, --------?B: - d--'- ----. --- - ----- d--'- ---- --- -------- --.A: ----d -- ---- --- -- ----- - -----, ---d - ----?B: - -----, --. --- - ---- ---- --- ------ ------... ----, -- ----d, -------------, ---- --. Yes: D Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Any bouncy Cs? Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Could bust this puzzle wide open.... A: --- --- --- -- ----- -- --, C-----c-?B: - d--'- ----. --- - ----- d--'- ---- --- C-----c- --.A: C---d -- ---- --- -- ---c- - -----, ---d - ----?B: - -----, --. --- - ---- ---- --- ------ ------... ----, -- c---d, --------c----, ---- --.Yes: D, C Link to comment
AwesomO4000 September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Okay, I'm having general ideas - and no I don't think we've done this one. I think I need some Ls to go with some of those Cs though to see if my general ideas are correct. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Love that guess! A: --- --- --- -- ----- -- --, Cl----c-?B: - d--'- ----. --- - ---ll d--'- ---- --- Cl----c- --.A: C--ld -- --ll --- -- ---c- - -----, ---d - ----?B: - -----, --. --- - ---- ---- --- ------ ---ll-... ----, -- c--ld, --------c-ll-, --ll --. Yes: D, C, L Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Why you tryin' to rush me DD? I'd like a prolonging P please. Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Please, I would never rush you. ;-) A: --- --- --- -- ----- -- --, Cl----c-?B: - d--'- ----. --- - ---ll d--'- ---- --- Cl----c- --.A: C--ld -- --ll --- -- ---c- - -----, ---d - ----?B: - -----, --. --- - ---- ---- --- p--p-- -p-ll-... ----, -- c--ld, --------c-ll-, --ll --.Yes: D, C, L, P Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 I'm glad to hear that...let's go for a lingering L, then? Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Love to -- except we already have. ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 Man, I just need to pay better attention...okay, I'm going to stop with the trying to think of alliterative synonyms of prolonging and play it straight...give me some As, please. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 As you wish. :-) A: --- a-- --- -- ----- -- --, Cla---c-?B: - d--'- ----. A-- - ---ll d--'- ---- --- Cla---c- --.A: ---ld -- --ll --- -- -a-c- a -----, --ad a ----?B: A -----, --. --- a ---- ---- --- p--p-- -p-ll-... --a-, -- c--ld, --------call-, --ll --. Yes: D, C, L, P, A Oops, used a C when it should have been another letter. Sorry! Link to comment
DittyDotDot September 12, 2014 Author Share September 12, 2014 R please. Link to comment
Demented Daisy September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Ruh-roh. It's not the same without your exuberance. But I shall carry on! A: --- ar- --- -- ----- -- --, Clar--c-?B: - d--'- ----. A-- - ---ll d--'- ---- --- Clar--c- --.A: ---ld -- --ll --- -- -a-c- a -----, r-ad a ----?B: A -----, --. --- a ---- ---- --- pr-p-r -p-ll-... --a-, -- c--ld, ----r---call-, --ll --.Yes: D, C, L, P, A, R Link to comment
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