Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 Yucky Yellow Eyes? (It's all I could think of, sorry.) Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 27, 2014 Author Share August 27, 2014 Heh, you did better than me, I got stuck on Yowser Yellow Eyes the other day. ;) Hey , / _ _ e _ _ _ y . / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ / _ _ _ e. Yes: H, E, YNo: M 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 Well, I'm stuck on T today because I can't think of anyone other than Tessa, which I've used before. Tenacious Trans (Mama and Kevin)? Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 27, 2014 Author Share August 27, 2014 You know you can always change up the theme to something else that delights you! Hey , / T _ e _ _ _ y . / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ / _ _ _ e. Yes: H, E, Y, TNo: M Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 You mean like asking for a delightful D? ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 27, 2014 Author Share August 27, 2014 For instance, yes! ;) Hey , / T _ e _ d _ y . / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ / _ _ _ e. Yes: H, E, Y, T, D ;)No: M Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 I should know what that word is but -- oh, for crying out loud. Well, I feel foolish. Hey, Tuesday. Pig in a poke. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 27, 2014 Author Share August 27, 2014 Hee! It was funnier yesterday when it was actually Tuesday and I had started the Mystery Spot thread. Work ruins everything fun, doesn't it? You up DD. Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 Doesn't it, though? *sigh* Why can't we just spend our days playing silly games here? Oh well. Here we go. -------. ------- --------. ---- -- --------. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 27, 2014 Author Share August 27, 2014 D, of course! Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 Only the one, but it's better than none! -------. ------- --------. ---- -- -----d--. Yes: D No: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 *Sniff* I missed so much fun... and I need some distraction, so I'm going to join in the fun theme I missed, but you guys can just go ahead and :: Tim gunn voice :: carry on as normal around me. Tricky Trickster T? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 By all means, AwesomO. :-) -------. ---t--- --------. ---t -- T----d--.Yes: D, TNo: Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 28, 2014 Author Share August 28, 2014 Sorry, long couple of about a shifty shifter S? Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 S'all good. :-) ---s---. ---t--- ---s----. --st -- T---sd--. Yes: D, TNo: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 A haughty Henry H? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 ---s---. ---th-- H--s----. --st -- Th--sd--.Yes: D, TNo: Link to comment
AwesomO4000 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Oh, wow this is a hard one (::12 year old me:: -That's what she said).. A kick-ass Kat K? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Sorry, not this time. :-( ---s---. ---th-- H--s----. --st -- Th--sd--. Yes: D, TNo: K Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 One word, damn it, one word. I know the episode, I can see Dean's face as he says it. But the first word is eluding me...why, why, why? I know I could go look it up, but then I would feel like a cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater, and what would be the fun in that? Crap, okay...since I just don't get it, I'll ask for an A, as in I-just-don't-get-it-Amelia. ;) 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 You should have it now. ;-) A--s---. A--th-- H--s--a-. --st -- Th--sda-.Yes: D, T, H, ANo: K Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Seriously? I got caught up on Dean's catch phrase...I think I might need a brain transplant or something...some days I wonder if I should even get out of bed. Awesome. Another Horseman. Must be Thursday. 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Not as funny now that it's Friday, huh? ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Heh, well, at least we stayed on theme this week...that's something, right? ;) A: _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ _ _ '_ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ .B: _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ . Yes:No: Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 It's definitely something. :-) New theme! Any shape shifters? ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 They kept trying to disguise themselves as other letters, but I've been watching this show for too many years not to have a silver knife handy. ;) A: _ _ 's / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . / _ _ _ _ _ 's / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / s _ _ _ / _ _ .B: _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ '_ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ . Yes: SNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Do hunters have their own version of the Boy Scout motto? ;-) I suspect we might have a Tulpa lurking around that puzzle. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 That's the thing about those Tulpa's, you just need to believe. ;) A: _ t's / _ _ _ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ . / T _ _ _ _ 's / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ t _ . Yes: S, TNo: Those hunters don't strike me as a motto bunch, but they'd be dead if they didn't consider those wise words of the Boy Scouts, so ya never know, right? 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 I imagine a few Demons would like to join the party. ;-) Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 They do seem like partiers, but I only invited one. As a group, they're kinda boring and tend to bring down the room. But one alone, can be a delightful devilish dance partner. ;) A: _ t's / _ _ _ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ . / T _ _ _ _ 's / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ _ , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ _ _ / D _ _ t _ . Yes: S, T, DNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Did the lone demon bring any Hellhounds with it? Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Hellhounds are partiers too, but you can't just bring one or they stand in the corner and pout all night. ;) A: _ t's / h _ _ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ . / Th _ _ _ 's / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ h , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ _ _ / D _ _ th. Yes: S, T, D, HNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Any Werewolves? They could always keep the Hellhounds company, since (I would imagine) they're distantly related. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 I invited a whole clan of them; sadly only one came, though. They heard the hellhounds would be there. Those hellhounds get all uppity with the werewolves, they always think they're better than their other canine brethren simply because they're invisible. They can be such snobs sometimes. A: _ t's / h _ _ _ / _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ . / Th _ _ _ 's / _ _ / w _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ h , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ _ _ / D _ _ th. Yes: S, T, D, H, WNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Poor AwesomO4000 -- she's missing all the fun. ;-) Did you invite Raoul? Or was he too busy having a spa day? Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Raoul was indispensable. I couldn't have pulled off the party without him. He has such an eye for décor and even talked his Rakshasa and Rugaru friend into bringing the hors 'd'oeuvres--although I was concerned about the meat content and didn't partake--the other guests thought they were delicious though. And, it was Raoul who provided the crystal punch bowl with the delightful etchings depicting the hanging and burning of witches during Salem witch trials. He and I are on the same page about those nasty witches...kill 'em, kill 'em all. ;) A: _ t's / h _ r _ / _ _ t _ r _ _ _ _ . / Th _ r _ 's / _ _ / w _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ h , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ _ _ / D _ _ th. Yes: S, T, D, H, W, RNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 I'm sure the Leviathans gobbled up the hors d'oeuvres. At least you don't have to worry about leftovers! Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Those Leviathans are the worst party crashers ever! I don't know who told them about the party, but they were not invited. They not only ate all the food, but munched on the band before I was able to behead them. Although, they did turn out to be fine party favors once they were chopped into pieces and dipped in concrete. There was just enough pieces for each person to take home as a keepsake. A: _ t's / h _ r _ / _ _ t _ r _ ll _ . / Th _ r _ 's / _ _ / w _ _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ _ _ h , / _ _ _ / _ _ _ 't / _ _ ll / D _ _ th. Yes: S, T, D, H, W, R, LNo: 1 Link to comment
catrox14 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 You guys are killing me LOL Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Oh, that's a shame. Did you get any help dealing with them from the Angels? Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Gawd, talk about bringing down a room. I only asked them to come and do a little light clean-up afterward. Those damn goody two-shoes showed up early, so I invited them in thinking that it would be nice to try and class the place up a bit. But I forgot they can't hold their liquor and they got drunk and then started going around the room cryin' in their beers about how their father left them in heaven all alone and they didn't know what to do without him. I chucked 'em out on their asses when they started fighting with each other and taking sides. It's one thing to lament over the loss of your father, but really I draw the line at drunken civil discord. A: _ t's / h _ r _ / _ at _ rall _ . / Th _ r _ 's / _ _ / wa _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ a _ h , / _ _ _ / _ a _ 't / _ _ ll / D _ ath. Yes: S, T, D, H, W, R, L, ANo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Oh, for Chuck's sake. He's really gotta come back and get his kids in line. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Oh, don't even get me started on Chuck. The entire party was in his honor, but could he be bothered to stick around and mingle with a few of his fans. No. At the first sign of those angle douchebags he grabbed his coat and a bottle of gin and headed for the hills. He still hasn't returned any of my phone calls. What an ungrateful asshat he turned out to be! A: _ t's / h _ r _ / _ at _ rall _ . / Th _ r _ 's / _ _ / wa _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ a _ h , / _ _ _ / ca _ 't / _ _ ll / D _ ath. Yes: S, T, D, H, W, R, L, A, CNo: 1 Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Well, considering his track record, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised he vanished. What about Eve? Did she deign to grace her children with her presence? Link to comment
catrox14 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Good luck with Chuck because I hear tell he's just a drunk prophet ascended to Heaven who's just done with it all. Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Eve did show up and was not at all impressed with those angel douchebags either. She was very helpful in kicking them to the curb, apparently she has some effect on them that makes them powerless. She also wasn't impressed with the Leviathans, but I don't think she was surprised either, they really are the worst and everyone knows it. That's why we never invite them to our parties anymore. Mostly, Eve, was a model guest and had some a few humorous anecdotes to share. The only problem with her attendance was her presence made the vampires a bit kill-crazy. No worries though, I had anticipated this turn of events and laced the punch with dead man's blood. I considered vamptonite, but didn't think it would be considered polite to actually kill my would I ever get anyone to come to another soiree? A: _ t's / here / _ at _ rall _ . / There's / _ _ / wa _ / _ _ / st _ _ / _ t.B: _ eah , / _ _ _ / ca _ 't / _ _ ll / Death. Yes: S, T, D, H, W, R, L, A, C, ENo: 1 Link to comment
catrox14 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Sam: It's here naturally. There's no way to stop it Dean: Yeah, you can't kill Death. Link to comment
Demented Daisy August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 (edited) You're so smart. I never would have been able to think so clearly. But then, I'd be too busy chatting with nurse Glockner and all the other Ghosts. ETA Good job, catrox! I was having a hell of a time with "naturally". Edited August 29, 2014 by Demented Daisy 1 Link to comment
catrox14 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 (edited) A: ----/--/-----/-'-/---/------/------. B: ------/-----!A: ---/----------/------/----! Edited August 29, 2014 by catrox14 Link to comment
DittyDotDot August 29, 2014 Author Share August 29, 2014 Good job catrox. I'll start it off with asking for a D, but I have to run out for a bit so I'll have to hear about your soiree later this evening, DD. I just know your party was way hipper than mine! ;) 1 Link to comment
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