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Supernatural Hangman

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A: --- / ---w / -t's / ------t---.

B: wh-t's / th-t?

A: - / ---- / --- / - / ----, ---- / ----, --- / ---'-- / st--- / --t / -----.


Yes: S, H, T, W



Wow I thought there would be more W's, but nope.

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S _ _ _ _ _ sl _ …_ _ _ _ t _ _ _ s , / S _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ t  / t _ _  / _ _ _ _ l _ _ , / L _ n _ s _ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ t 's  / n _ _ t ?.


Yes: N, S, L, T

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I got the beginning and the end, it's some of the stuff in the middle....


Oh damn.  One word.  I'm stuck on one word. 


ETA  I even know which episode it's from!  I know I should know that word, but I can't make anything fit!  And I'm too stubborn to ask for a letter.  My fatal flaw, I know.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Ah, but there is not only one bouncy C, but two! I support the weird, @AwesomO4000.



S _ _ _ _ _ sl _ …_ _ _ ct _ _ _ s , / S _ _ _ _ sc _ _ t  / t _ _  / _ _ _ _ l _ _ , / L _ n _ s _ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ t 's  / n _ _ t ?.



Yes: N, S, L, T, C



@Demented Daisy...when you say it's your fatal flaw, are you implying that this thread is killing you?

Edited by DittyDotDot
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It is quite annoying, yes, TripD.  And no, those Cs didn't help because I assumed there was one in the word I can't figure out.


Oh, and no, no free letters for me.  Now, if someone else asks for it....  ;-)

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Heh, heh, heh...I was hoping those middle words would stump someone! 


Seriously, there's no shame is taking the easy way out and getting a clue or a free letter...I doubt anyone would call you a cheater or anything like that...well, probably not anyway. How do you know that the letter I choose would even help?



Oops forgot to post catrox's guess...


S _ _ _ _ _ sl _ …_ _ _ ct _ _ _ s , / S _ _ _ _ sc _ _ t  / t _ _  / _ _ _ _ l _ _ , / L _ n _ s _ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ t 's  / n _ xt ?.



Yes: N, S, L, T, C, X

Edited by DittyDotDot
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How do you know that the letter I choose would even help?



Well, depending on what's in the word that I don't know, there are at max 6 letters that aren't in the puzzle.  Odds are in my favor.  ;-)  Assuming that I'm asking for a hint... which I'm not!  


I just have to accept that my brain has failed me.  I will, however, ask for the letter that helped me figure out one word in particular -- the word that unlocked (most) of the puzzle for me.  With any luck, it will help someone else as well.



Edited by Demented Daisy
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Well, sure if you want to get all logical...pft, logic has no place in this forum! ;)



S _ _ _ _ _ sl _ …_ _ act _ _ _ s , / S _ a _ _ sc _ _ t  / t _ _  / _ _ _ al _ _ , / L an _ s _ a _ _ ..._ _ at 's  / n _ xt ?.


Yes: N, S, L, T, C, X, A

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I usually either have at least a partial idea after 3 letters or so, or I'm stumped. This time I only know the first word and the last two, so this falls in the second category, but maybe this will help someone else...



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Okay, using logic ;-), I'm going to take a stab in the dark.  I don't know for sure what Dean called that monster, but IIRC, it was an octopus with huge frickin' teeth.  If I'm wrong, you're welcome to whoever does figure it out.


Seriously...  Dractopus, Seabiscuit the Impaler, Landshark... what's next?

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Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie -- once I figured out landshark, I knew i had it.  Except for that crazy Dractopus.  Those first three letters drove me bonkers.


Okie dokie.  Good luck, everyone!  (The ellipsis is for a pause between sentences.)


---  -----  -----  ---  --  --  --------  ----  ----.  ------  ----.  ----  --  -----.  ...  ----  --  ---  ----!

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I thought about punishing you, but I decided that would be petty of me.  So, yes, plenty of D's.  :-)  And a few T's for catrox as well.


D-d  ----d  -----  --t  --  d-  --yt----  ----  t---.  T-----  D---.  T---  --  ----t.  ...  ----  --  t--  ----!

Yes: Y, D, T


ETA  Oops, missed a T.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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No luck this time.  Consider this your punishment.  *pause*  What?  It's not like I can put you in time out!


D-d  ----d  -----  --t  --  d-  --yt----  ----  t---.  T-----  D---.  T---  --  ----t.  ...  ----  --  t--  ----!


Yes: Y, D, T
No: M

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