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READ ME: Supernatural Thread Reference Guide (Updated)


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Here are some threads that we mods feel need further clarification of their purpose. Please take care to use the thread that best fits your post. If you’re not sure where something goes, please refer to the rules below. Anything posted in the wrong thread will be unceremoniously removed.

Supernatural EndingDO: Talk about your speculation and thoughts on the upcoming end of the series. DO: Remain Civil. DON’T: Debate your opinion and try to convince everyone you are right and they are wrong. DON’T: Have long discussions that are better suited to one of the other threads mentioned below.

“Bitch” Vs. “Jerk”: Where We Discuss Who The Writers Screwed This Week/Season/Ever — DO: Talk about TPTB Love/Hate Dean, TPTB Love/Hate Sam, etc. DO: Remain Civil. DON’T: Debate your opinion and try to convince everyone you are right and they are wrong. DON’T: Take these opinions to any other threads.

Spoilers with Speculation — DO: Talk about verified spoilers and what you think this will mean for the season overall. DON’T: Talk about how much you HATE what will happen to your beloved Dean/Sam/Cas because of these spoilers, etc, etc. There’s another thread for that…

These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation about SPN Spoilers — DO: Talk about why you are very unhappy about a spoiler/spoilers that have been leaked. DON’T: Rehash past seasons unless it ties directly to the spoiler.

Supernormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, AMA’s and Other Social Media of the SPN Cast — DO: Talk about public appearances, re-post super cute pictures from Twitter, IG, etc. DON’T: Talk about how much you hate a certain actor or how they are not utilized enough on the show, need better storylines, etc. 

Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck — DO: Talk about your opinions that you feel are unpopular throughout the fandom while respecting others opinions. DON’T: Talk about how much you hate a certain actor or how they are not utilized enough on the show, need better storylines, etc. DON’T: Debate your opinion and try to convince everyone you are right and they are wrong.

SuperPositive — DO: Talk about your love for the show, the characters, the writing. DO: Talk about your positive feelings about current storylines. DON'T: Talk about other posters, other fandoms.

All Episodes Talk: Saving People, Hunting Things — DO: Talk about particular arcs, moments, or themes from the show's run. DON’T: Talk about how much you hate a certain actor or how they are not utilized enough on the show, need better storylines, etc. DON’T: Debate your opinion and try to convince everyone you are right and they are wrong.

Individual episode threads can be started up to one week before that episode airs. DO: Verify that an episode thread has not already been created by someone else before starting one. DO: Talk about what happened in the episode (including recent prior episodes that are relevant to the current episode as necessary). DON’T: Have long discussions that are better suited to one of the other previously mentioned threads.

Also, as another reminder, the rule for all of the threads are to Be Civil and be respectful of your other posters. 

-Your SPN Mod Team

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