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S01.E12: Vortex

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The lack of anything here, even when people have commented in episodes down the line, really doesn't speak well for this episode.


I suppose that really sums up this episode though. It's not good enough to get people to come here and talk about it. It's not bad enough to get people to rant about it. The odd thing is, it seems like it should have worked, but it didn't. The exploration of Odo. Where did he come from? Maybe it was too early to be asking these questions. I mean, he has a history himself, and perhaps it was better to explore that more instead of asking more questions.


Croden might be the bigger problem though. I don't know about you guys, but it took me almost until the end of the episode to care about him.

To me, this is an episode designed solely to give back story on a character or characters.

I didn't find it boring, in fact, I found it interesting. But I thrive on character development. And I have had a crush on Rene for a long while, so maybe I am biased.

I found the snark between Odo and Croden at the end entertaining. I had an inkling Odo would do something like he did. Can I just say that my fave character is changing from Kira to Odo?

I was never all that crazy about Odo. The moments when he's not a grump are few and far between, it seems like he's always pissy with everyone and about everything. 

However, one thing in this episode struck me as odd - when Odo got into the runabout it made me wonder how Odo even knew how to pilot a runabout. Who would have taught him how to do that in his capacity of constable during the Cardassian occupation? Maybe one of the Bajorans or even one of the Cardassians taught him how to pilot a small ship but are all the different kinds of ships so interchangeable that once you fly one you know how to fly them all? Federation and Bajoran runabouts are identical? I realize the computer does most of the work, but still - it's hard to believe the Federation lets just anyone get into a runabout and pilot it.

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