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S04.E13: The I in Team

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The Good; Prof Walsh gets her just desserts, Riley and Buffy are finally a couple, some nice comedy, Willow especially looks like a troll doll with the ionisation spell. Anya and Spike becoming more and more Scoobyish. Love the Buffy in the briefing scene.

The Bad; Weak demons and the first appearance of Adam, worst big bad ever.

Best line; Buffy; "Don't worry, I've patrolled in this halter top many times"

Character death; Byebye Prof Walsh you psycho!

Shot; Buffy uses the blaster but it doesn't work

Women good/men bad; No, female villain, Walsh the mother gone bad

Jeez!; Quite a shock when she gets stuck, still!

Kinky dinky; Anya notes that she and Xander have 'enjoyed spanking'. Buffy intends to punish Riley for having a twinkie for lunch. Willow is upset that she's not being spanked too which puts her remarks about her and Oz playing 'mistress of pain' into a new context. For Buffy and Riley fighting seems to be akin to foreplay, maybe Buffy is more like Faith than she likes to admit? (see 'Get It Done)' Meanwhile Prof Walsh plays the voyeur, spying on her boys in their bedrooms. At least Buffy doesn't wake to find her lover gone as she did on the 2 previous occasions.

Calling Captain Subtext; Willow's yellow t-shirt has the word 'fairy' on it. Check out Forrest's jealous attitude about Buffy and Riley, you'd almost think there was something a little 'don't ask, don't tell' between them. Spike remarks that Giles is womanly. Giles wonders if there is a higher purpose in Spike's neutering which indeed there turns out to be.


Where's Dawn? Does Buffy get her and Joyce out of town if she believes the Initiative might be hunting for them?

Apocalypses; 5,

Questions and observations; Buffy asks if the Initiative have jetpacks? Well, the


Nerds will have them by season 6.

Didn't Buffy have a pager in 'Never kill a boy on a first date'? (What exactly was her excuse for that? You'd assume she was either a doctor, a drug dealer or prostitute, she certainly doesn't look like the former 2). Xander's fruit bars introduce Anya to capitalism. Poor Will feels a little left out but at least now has Tara to go to. Buffy is keener on the Initiative than the others but it not only means she gets to see more of Riley but that she might live a lot longer and not be dead by 25 like all the other slayers? Why does Graham hit Spike with a tracker rather than a tranquiliser? Buffy kills two more demons, demons that it took 8 armed to the teeth commandos to subdue. The tracker scene has a very Aliens/Predator2 feel to it.

Marks out of 10; 7/10

Aka, "The One Where Buffy and Willow Break Up".  Sigh.

15 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

Xander's fruit bars introduce Anya to capitalism.

Aagh, NOOOO!! Bad Xander, Bad!

15 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

Check out Forrest's jealous attitude about Buffy and Riley, you'd almost think there was something a little 'don't ask, don't tell' between them.

Check out Willow blowing off Tara to hang out with Buffy, and insisting that she and Xander stay when Xander thinks Buffy isn't going to show.  Check out her joy when Buffy comes in, only to have her face fall when she's followed by Riley "and a bunch of other guys".  And check out Buffy's surprise when Willow has legitimate questions about the Initiative's goals (are they really going to make the demons be bag boys at Wal-Mart?  Does Sunnydale have a Wal-Mart? It must be on the Hellmouth, then.)…was the Slayer hoping that Willow was just jealous of Riley, after all?

15 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

Poor Will feels a little left out but at least now has Tara to go to.

Yay? That's like being told we're out of steak but there's leftover tofu available.  Although poor Tara, being so blatantly the second-choice girl here.  Well, that's what you get for trying to give romantic gifts (yeah, sure, that doll's-eye crystal was just about magic, nothing else! Surrrrrrre) to girls you barely know, I guess.  "Irony's kind of ironic that way", and all that.

By the way, Anya is totally cheating at the poker.  It's really easy to get "three K cards" if you don't throw away your discards before you get the new draws, ffs!

"We played poker with Anya.  It was fun, except for the poker part and the Anya part." Meow!

The slo-mo fighting/sex montage is kinda meh, but I do love Buffy turning to the "empty" bed the next day…and finding Riley right there.  Aww, you big spud, you. :)

2 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Amazingly, in this day and age, apart from Buffy, we (well, I at least) can see no other girls among the Initiative's soldiers. It seems like the Evil Bitch Monster of Death has never heard 'bout of emancipation.

Good point although it would rather ruin the Buffy as the New Broom metaphor

Maggie Walsh is too petty and short-sighted to be the head of big government project. As a psychology professor she should try other, more sophisticated methods with Buffy instead of some lame murder attempt, i.e.  explanatory work with bribing, intimidation or other means to persuade a Slayer to keep her mouth shut and cooperate. Psychologists know which buttons to push in dealing with teenage girls, don't they?

Buffy is IMO much more valuable for the Initiative alive than dead. She's not too smart, first and foremost, which gives Maggie enough room to manuever and manipulate. Why does Professor Walsh all of a sudden act as a jealous hormone-driven teenage girl resorting to Blair Waldorf/Abby Morgan-styled petty revenge instead of being cool, cunning and manipulative I really can't understand...

Given that Buffy and Willow's double-room is big enough to dock a battleship, clearly UCSD isn't as pressed for residential space as many other universities.  (Must be that exciting death rate…)

So it's not so surprising for Tara to have a single room.  Remember, we don't know what grade she's in; she might be older than our freshman girls.  (Riley is a junior, per the script for The Initiative, and he has a single, we see.  Stinky Parker Man also had a single, but he was a senior, so that's less-surprising.)

Edited by Halting Hex

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