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Looking through Adult Swim's schedule for tomorrow. Here's the episode title listed: "Clover Clips: The Nightmarish Charmy Special!" Sounds delightfully fillericious!!

Last week: Finral is still close to death, and his fellow Black Bulls aren't happy with that. After Asta and Langris exchange words, the Wizard King decides the best course of action . . . is to have their respective teams play their semifinal ahead of schedule. Gotta love the priorities.

We also get a look at the past of the guy posing as Xerx. Why does he hate Magic Knights? Well, his dad needed several attempts to make a squad (Blue Orcas), but he did a good job and sought to make his son proud. Then he got killed by his own teammates. Because he was low-born, you see. And a couple of him talked shit about him at his motherfucking grave. As good as this anime has become, it really hammers home points long after they've been driven into the wood.

Edited by Lantern7

Grrr...my DVR had a hiccup and either failed to record the ep this week or deleted it the same time I was deleting something else. Would it be possible to get a head's up? Last we saw the Black Bull's hideout was under attack by the Midnight Sun's mucous queen and zombie lord when the base opens up and a long white haired guy emerges.

The guy with the long white hair is a Black Bull that we (and most of the other Black Bulls) haven't seen yet. His magical ability is the Black Bull's headquarters. He can basically rearrange the building so fast that it's a combat ability. The high point of the fight is when he turns the building into what amounts to a giant mecha.

Okay . . . so if I'm recalling correctly, the Big Bad of the current arc was an elf, and now a bunch of the good guys have pointed ears and facial marks. Does that mean they have elf blood? Of course Yuno has been converted . . . I'm still thinking we're getting the Blue Exorcist treatment, and he's going to be pushed into the role of Head Elf. On the bright side, Gauche was converted. Hopefully, he'll get killed by Grave, Gordon and Slow-Talking Mage That Was The Mansion Guy. "Captain, he kept attacking us and not bringing up his sister. We had to put him down. Tell him, Gordon!" "                                " "What he said!"

Edited by Lantern7

Anybody else watching? I was wrong about the elf blood thing . . . basically, the elves have possessed a wide array of Magic Knights, and it's more about power. Yuno being Yuno, he's possessing the power, but his mind hasn't been taken over. Asta now has a sword that can exorcise the elves out of his friends' bodies. Latest episode had him saving Luck with help from Magma and Vanessa. Then they meet up with the other Black Bulls. I liked Asta's reaction seeing Gordon and Grave. "What happened to you? Oh, you're always like that." Gauche has been possessed . . . once again, if he gets killed, it wouldn't be that bad. Charmy looks possessed, but it turns out she's pissed that her garden got wrecked. Her "sheep" feed the team, then Super Secret Black Bull Henry turns the ruins of their headquarters into a mecha bull thing. Why not?

Luck getting saved was poignant, as he walks away from an image of his mother to rejoin his friends. I liked the individual shots in his dream: Gordon is inaudible, and Gauche is showing off a pic of his sister as his nose bleeds.


With all that pushing up of the glasses I wonder if compass girl is related to Klaus.

Let me hazard a guess at how this particular battle will go. Since compass girl can make attacks miss their target and Noelle can only hit her targets with the aid of her wand she'll eventually figure out that if she attacks without her wand her normally wayward attacks will actually wind up hitting the target. But since she's a royal and therefore above things like watching television and reading comic books it may take a while for her to figure this out.

Edited by Terrafamilia

I'm still watching, though it always feels like I'm walking into the middle of a movie because I forget stuff from the prior week.

Basically, a demon tricked the elves, and now the elves and Magic Knights have teamed up against him. Also: the statue of the first Wizard King was actually him in suspended animation, and now he's in the fighting as well. And the plump bird (I want to say "Noir") turned out to be his best friend, and she did a Yoruichi.

Oh, and Charmy is half-dwarf. Seems about right.

Apparently I only catch up on this show in July.  Since AS isn’t running too much else, that helped.

I love when they animate a real battle, but the rest of the time this show is very emo and really predictable, so it’s been tough to stay motivated to watch.

I’ve enjoyed the Elf plot, and it was nice that Asta saved the day even though he still has a long way to grow. 

I also like that the current intro voiceover is about the real Wizard King, although again I’m disappointed that it’s not like he slew a metaphorical demon of ignorance or something.  It’s basically just as he said. 
Of anyone, Charmy probably grew the furthest out of the Elf arc, possibly tied with Noelle. 

2 hours ago, lathspel said:

Apparently I only catch up on this show in July.  Since AS isn’t running too much else, that helped.

I love when they animate a real battle, but the rest of the time this show is very emo and really predictable, so it’s been tough to stay motivated to watch.

I’ve enjoyed the Elf plot, and it was nice that Asta saved the day even though he still has a long way to grow. 

I also like that the current intro voiceover is about the real Wizard King, although again I’m disappointed that it’s not like he slew a metaphorical demon of ignorance or something.  It’s basically just as he said. 
Of anyone, Charmy probably grew the furthest out of the Elf arc, possibly tied with Noelle. 

I’ve been keeping up as well. I could have done without Asta’s “trial,” though. “The nobly turns their noses up at the commoner Magic Knight? No! The devil you say!” The guy with the scales might be the biggest asshole. And how did he get his hands on Marie? I would’ve thought it would take an entire army to pry her from Gauche.

Edited by Lantern7
On 8/2/2020 at 8:58 PM, Terrafamilia said:

I love it when Gauche winds up being the only sane man..

Meh. He’s still an asshole, and I wouldn’t consider him sane even if he didn’t have the sister fixation.

Gordon’s family seemed nice. Possibly inbreeding, but fine. And Gordon is so happy with having friends, he doesn’t mind having Gauche and Grey with him. For some of the Black Bulls, that would be considered punishment.

On 4/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, Terrafamilia said:

The Magic Knights need a bit more training in going undercover. Being the only ones in the crowd covered up in green cloaks isn't exactly inconspicuous.

The cloaks weren't that bad for going undercover. I think the problem was the people wearing them.

Yami: Okay, checking in, making sure everyone is frosty. Also, keeping these two dummies from freaking out.

Gauche: MARIE!!!! (blood gushing from nose)

Asta: NERO!!!

Yami: Shut up, or I'll do to you what I did to that asshole that showed up when I was expelling solid darkness. (squinting) Luck . . . are you smiling?

Luck: . . . no?

Yami: Bullshit. I'm looking directly at you! Could you at least try to act normal? Nobody's smiling down there, and most of those people have hardcore anti-devil boners.

Luck: Yeah . . . well . . . Charmy's eating!

Charmy: Screw you! I need to keep my mana up! Besides, this is an event for these people. Who wouldn't eat?

Yami: She's got a point. Okay, setting up the bait and switch. Are you ready to grow a second dimension, Grave?

Grave: *sobbing*

Yami: Right. Another episode, then.

Gordon: Do not worry, Grave. I think you're a val-

Yami: For God's sake, if we get through this, I will look into therapy for you. All of you buttheads need it, but you're the worst case of the Black Bulls.

Gauche: (crying, holding tiny picture of Marie covered in dried nasal blood)

Yami: *sigh* Well, I picked these assholes . . .

Also: "Devil Banishers"? Never mind that they grabbed Nero and Marie, and that Marie is no real threat to anyone, and that they stomped on a few of her friends to get her. "Devil Banishers"?!? I'm thinking the Japanese name is a lot less corny. Oh, and some of them are "Devil Believers"! Fuck it, let Jack cut all of them in half, including bystanders in his way. Keh-Keh!

Edited by Lantern7

“Devil Believers” arc was good, even if I felt like those guys called themselves “Devil Believers.” Like they were going to chip in for leather jackets with “DEVIL BELIEVERS” on the back. But yeah, they were relatable. I wasn't even bothered that the two lead ladies wouldn’t just kiss.

Finally, we get into Grey’s head! But watching Gauche help her in exchange for getting her to imitate his sister . . . I mean, him asking for sex would’ve been creepier, but not by much.

3 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

Awww, chibi Yami is soooo cute. Too bad for Charlotte that the real deal is completely oblivious.

Chibi Yami sounded like Cartman. Also: are the Blue Roses officially an all-female squadron? If so, then why did Charlotte put up an offer to recruit Yuno like the other captains?

Edited by Lantern7

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