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S01.E04: A Man Alone

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The start of Jake's and Nog's friendship


Yes, a good Odo ep; it'll be intersting to comapre this ep to some of the later eps as we get to know the character better, see what elements chagned and which stayed the same.

But Jake and Nog? Not so much.
While I appreciate that they're laying the groundwork for (IMO) one of the best, most genuine friendships in Trek franchise history, I found the implementation of it a bit ham-handed. But I'll cut some slack since they're still finding their footing with the show in this early stage. 

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A nice first episode for Odo. We see exactly why he spends so much time blending in with humanoids.

The start of Jake's and Nog's friendship. I like that neither father approved.


I liked this Odo episode too. I also always thought that's one of the reasons why Odo is so restrained from people. Just like in real life, people mob against what they don't understand, so here Odo gets the mob treatment from people who don't understand the shapeshifter.


Liked Bashir in this too, helping solve the mystery. And some good interactions between Odo and Kira. They also had a very good rapport and play off each other well and also protected/were loyal to each other.


Jake and Nog are okay. I always got a kick out of the fact that the actor who plays Nog (Aron Eisenberg) was in his late twenties, but worked so well with a young teenaged Cirroc Lofton (Jake). Apparently even Lofton didn't know Eisenberg was somewhat older for the longest time.


And why yes, I am full of useless DS9 trivia! :')

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Jake and Nog are okay. I always got a kick out of the fact that the actor who plays Nog (Aron Eisenberg) was in his late twenties, but worked so well with a young teenaged Cirroc Lofton (Jake). Apparently even Lofton didn't know Eisenberg was somewhat older for the longest time.

Yes, they do a good job of making them younger. It can be hard to see, but young Nog has freckles. I do wonder if Lofton ever saw Eisenberg without makeup without realizing who it was.

Edited by Meushell
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As with any show, it's interesting to see which actors bring others' game up, which play off each really well,  and which have absolutely no chemistry.


Nog and Jake have good chemistry, but, particularly in these early eps, it's really Aron Eisenberg who takes the brunt of the acting, and really elevates Cirrocs' performance (though if there's a "Worst DS9 Actor", I think Cirroc would easily win it, at least for me...) 




Just like in real life, people mob against what they don't understand, so here Odo gets the mob treatment from people who don't understand the shapeshifter.


Ah, yes; "Mob Mentatlity", that's a great parallell to Real-Life; DS9 is LITTERED, even now 20+ years later, wiht relatable RL Parallels about all sorts of social topics Trek doesn't usually address. I("Mob Mentatlity" is a theme that's brought up particularly frequently in DS9.)


But we're also seeing, especially in these early eps, that Odo doesn't go out of his way to ingratiate himself to people or make friends. I get that he has a troubled past, and that sort's of his "Protective Armor" in outwardly not really caring what people think of him, but if he'd melted just a little bit, maybe people would warm to him more....

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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Random thoughts.

Doc and Dax, a one sided infatuation. Dax...she was a he? Ok...I will get used to it. They are called Trills? And she was Sisko's mentor. Romance is a nuisance she says.

Odo...coupling means compromise, you get stuck listening to Klingon opera, he he.

Sorry spacing on the married couples names. Having troubles. They have a child.

Jake and Nog, another friendship starting.

Kira and Quark defending Odo, more friendships.

Kira kicks a lot of butt.

I am guessing this was a relationship based episode. Establishing who has relationships, who wants relationships, who doesn't have a chance at a relationship and so on.

Most memorable line ... "Killing your own clone is still murder!" HA!

And can I just say this? Sisko has a gorgeous smile. I think this is the first time I have seen it. I hope I see more of it.

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Doc and Dax, a one sided infatuation. Dax...she was a he? Ok...I will get used to it. They are called Trills? And she was Sisko's mentor. Romance is a nuisance she says.


Yes, the trill thing took some getting used to at first.  BUt it becomes one of my favroite themes of the show as it goes on. 

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Yes, the trill thing took some getting used to at first.  BUt it becomes one of my favroite themes of the show as it goes on. 

Some of these early episodes suggest they hadn't quite gotten a handle on how the whole "joined species" thing was supposed to work. Jadzia talks about being a "woman again" after 80 years; yet Jadzia herself has been a woman since birth. The dialogue almost suggests the symbiont has taken control over the host's body and obliterated her individuality. Same as when she told Sisko "I'm just the same old Dax" in the pilot episode. And Trills certainly do engage in romantic relationships - she later goes to great lengths to win the respect of the Klingons for Worf's sake.

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In season 1 it was clear that they were not sure what to do with Jadzia. But I think the symbote brings the memories of the past hosts which influences personality but ultamently the host is the most clear. And as for "I'm just the same old Dax", it gets addressed later in the show. I'll put in spoilers in case someone hasn't seen the show.

Sisko tells Jadzia at her funeral that she was wrong, their relationship was not the same. Korzon was his mentor who he looked up too and Jadzia was his friend.

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