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Mech-X4 - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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On 22-11-2016 at 3:39 AM, CyberJawa1986 said:

Caught with Let's Open the Monster Heart...

For a split second... I thought the Mom was ninja lady...

I was spending most of that battle impressed that they actually turned technopathy into an active power when it's typically seen as passive.

And then: Ryan straight up trying to murder someone with a high powered laser. And Principal Evil knows Ryan is a pilot

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Caught  up with "Let's Be Idiots!".

Principal Grey is turning into a formidable, devious adversary.  

I'm still amazed they (the show) used technopathy and made into something so formidable.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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Watching the camping episode, now. This show is really good at ramping up the tension with Mark dealing with the Brute and Mech-X4 while Ryan, Harris,a dn Spyder deal with "The Butcher"

And of course, my DVR cut off right as the creature was flying off with the robot. I'm going to assume that was the episode ending cliffhanger.

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Some episode dates:

"Let's Get Our Robot Back!" - April 17, 2017

"Let's Get the Big Bad!" - April 18, 2017

"Let's Deal with Our Stuff!" - April 19, 2017

"Let's Get Some Answers!" - April 20, 2017

"Let's Go Clubbing!" - April 24, 2017

"Let's Get Leo!" - April 25, 2017

"Let's Dig Deep!" - April 26, 2017

"Let's Destroy Some Ooze!" - April 27, 2017

I'll try to keep it updated if I see any changes.  

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Caught up to, "Let's Get Our Robot Back!" and "Let's Get the Big Bad!"

Of course Principal Grey was going to betray the team. I thought it was going to work out as a plan with the Leader, and instead of being straight up falling for the betrayal, it was awesome seeing the team aware and plan out a double-cross of their own.

So... do we think...

Principal Grey is really gone, or maybe she'll come back mutated. Because was it lava, or that primordial ooze used to make the monsters?

I'm blanking on the character's name, but I'm calling the Mech creator being the big bad...

And more dates:

"Let's End This! Part One" - May 1, 2017

"Let's End This! Part Two" - May 1, 2017

I take these may be a season finale?

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Caught up with  "Let's Deal with Our Stuff!". "Let's Get Some Answers!", "Let's Go Clubbing!", "Let's Get Leo!".

I didn't see Harper being anything other than Mom's goofy boyfriend recurring/side character. For me, total swerve for him being the baddie, but then again, probably obvious it may be him.  I kept thinking somehow Leo would be the baddie... in some weird way... 

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On 4/26/2017 at 8:28 PM, Aliconehead said:

 he and Leo were roommates. 

Caught up with yesterday's episode "Let's Dig Deep!" that shows this scene. I had been wondering if I missed it, but I hadn't seen it yet.

I think Harper has some interesting reasoning behind his actions. Enjoyed the little bit of background for Leo/Harper.

I'm amazed at how offensive whether through Mech-X4 or whatnot, the technopathy has been displayed.

ETA on 4/30: Just editing this post instead of double posting.  Caught up with "Let's Destroy Some Ooze!" I love Harper's plan and that he isn't evil for the most part, for the sake of being evil, ruling/ending the world, to rule/end it.  It's a plan with a noble goal, but along the way, it's been twisted, and that makes Harper so compelling. And making Mech-X4 the public enemy, an interesting twist to the plan.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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Caught up with "Let's End This! Part One and  Part Two" Pretty satisfying finale.

Still have some unanswered questions, but I'm sure they'll get answered next season.

I did see it fly around that this is the season 1 finale.

Line of the night, Spyder's "Phony Stark."

I was so happy when it seemed the Mom knew everything... I thought that would be an interesting dynamic to develop in the future, but of course, convenient circumstances are convenient and she doesn't remember. At least she was integral to the Season compared some adult figures in these shows.

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Caught up with "Versus the New Evil".

So... Harris' rival will be the female member of the team.  I'm glad a female addition will be added.

Grey returning, even with abilities, was a bit of a letdown.  She had a proper conclusion, I just hope she isn't dragged out. More like I hope it's just an introductory arc for the season.

New Scenery - New School, Change in Situation - Mark's not the top dog, TV 101 but I enjoyed the episode and excited for the season.

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Caught up with the rest of the episodes... a couple weeks late. Enjoying the start to the season but it feels like it's just checking off the typical check list of, and in addition to what I previously mentioned:

-Henchman outwits Villain

-Villain and Hero forced to work together... although this might show some promise.

-Ryan meets his Father, who by the end isn't who he seems.

Even if nothing new, I'm still enjoying the series.

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Slowly getting through the latest batch of episodes with "Versus the Tech Army" and "Versus Traeger".

For "Tech Army" the only gripe I have is, the convention going to heck, and the Father's worried about bonding with Ryan.  Doesn't notice the sentient technology or the convention goers trying to flee the area.

For "Versus Traeger" I love the subplot idea of the individuals of Leo's experiments becoming allergic to technology. 

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Caught up with "Versus Velocity and Veracity" and "Versus the Arctic".  For a split second, I thought Veracity would be revealed as sabotaging Mech-X4.  Between the phone call to her Dad's, and Traeger waiting for the gang, and some issues with the shields, I thought it was pointing to Veracity as a traitor.    

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Caught up with "Versus the Wolves at the Door" and "Versus the Thirty".  Obvious setup of obviously Harper will betray the gang at some point... or will he have a true redemption.  I'm banking on obvious setup.  Really liked "...the Thirty".  I did love the cult/commune aspect of the Thirty.  I would love to see the community, good or bad, again.  That was definitely interesting. 

Upcoming episodes and dates:

April 8, 2018 - "Versus Miami"

April 15, 2018 - "Versus the X-Weapon"

April 22, 2018 - "Versus Sabotage" 

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Caught up with "...Miami" and "... the X-Weapon".  

Loved the reveal to Mrs. Walker.  It provided the little extra drama I thought the season's needed.  

And of course... the partnership with Harper ended in the obvious way possible.  That last episode title sums it up well... probably by Harper.

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Caught up with "Versus Sabotage"... didn't expect the saboteur to be Harris.

I thought Leo was too obvious, so was Harper, I was pointing to Veracity.  She just happened to be missing, but nope.  Really enjoyed the episode.

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"Versus Sabotage" has me wonder if they are not setting up Leo to be the next big bad. What happened coupled with the reveal that he co-created the monsters...

The Mark sequence in that episode was great.

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"Versus Harris" - August 6, 2018

"Versus the Infected" - August 13, 2018

"Versus the End" - August 20, 2018 (With a name like that, assuming the season finale?)

Haven't heard anything about a renewal, new season.

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Caught up with "Versus the Monster Within".

I liked Harris 2.0... I kinda liked evil Harris. I liked his plan for keeping everyone busy.

I just kind of forget what happened during the break from episodes. I always have to get back up to speed on the story.


Caught up with "Versus the Betrayal".

I was thinking, of course, Mrs. Walker just happens to walk in and free Harris. Not just walk in, just the fact she's even allowed for some reason. I was thinking Harris escapes was so obvious, but no, in the end, Mark had a plan.

I don't know, maybe just me, but wouldn't you, couldn't you, well, wouldn't you say maybe Traeger is more of a "son" than "brother".

Still loving Evil Harris... and the scene of the night, Spyder and the ER staff.


Caught up with "Versus Harris". Episode of the season for me, at least until the next one which I'm guessing will be a zombie-ish with the ending of this one. I love a good zombie/infected story.  I am totally loving evil Harris, and that was an intense transformation and fight. I'm glad they (Ryan, Veracity) did kinda discuss it in the end, but I was thinking, wasn't it a bit more mind-control in previous episodes, and now it's not? WIth Traeger's machine, it did give me X-Men (2000) vibes of Magneto's mutant/mutation machine. I'd like the Mark off the team story if you knew it wasn't totally going to end with him rejoining for the final battle.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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Caught up with "Versus the Infected".

Been bugging me the last few episodes, but I like your good, old-fashioned mind control. It kinda bugged me that the characters were still kinda themselves and under control. So, Ryan gets an upgrade, heals the thirty, and I'm sure they'll factor into the battle with Traeger in some way. I was kinda waiting for either Mrs. Walker, or the kids in Spyder's subplot, to be infected and infect the rest of the thirty. I liked Spyder's story with the kids, but it did feel a little tacked on in the way, they just needed a way to get the characters out of the commune.

I've been really enjoying the season and kinda bummed I haven't found any info if it's been renewed for another season.

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Caught up with "Versus the End".

I've seen it listed as the season finale, and also the series finale, but either way, in the grand tradition of Disney XD programming, of course, it ends somewhat on a cliffhanger, and the gang stuck in space.

Harper switching sides, again, was obvious, and glad he did. Just going to say it, but Gray, Gray was obviously a stunt double as they would only show her back.

Now off to see if it really is over, continuing, or being repackaged into something.

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