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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 4 (10/19/2016 - 10/25/2016)


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The only ones who are athletic enough to match Morgan's performance are Justin (throwing) and Shelby, who doesn't work out much.  I don't know if Scott can handle the wall.  I really doubt Neeley and Kryssie will be foul-free.

I would have wagered that Morgan's vote total got messed up due to her forgetting that America gets a vote, but no, she forgot Alex's hinky vote.  Gotta pay attention, sis.

I guess Morgan's lucky to have her designated room as the storage room. She gets to basically eat for the next two-three hours!

Neeley's up now. I'm going to relisten to the rules.

Heh, she forgot to read the rules aloud. 

So, they can only transport one tile at a time. And yes, a 3 minute time penalty for each time they fall.

Neeley can't drop and she needs to get it right on the first try. 

Also, Morgan's estimated time is 8:35. So Neeley needs to get under nine minutes. 

Yeah, so congratulations, Neeley! You will most likely be evicted from the Big Brother House! And congrats to Kryssie, who gets to feel what Monte and Alex felt like during their HOHs!

She is definitely way too slow and she's clocking at about five minutes already. And she has to scale back and change Shane's answer. 

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Ok, so best case scenario now is Scott winning and taking himself down, because when Shelby goes up, it's going to be guaranteed that Neeley will leave. Ball Smashers and hardcore Shelby fans will make sure of it, while Misfits fans will probably split the votes between Morgan and Shelby. 

ETA: Neeley dropped her board, not that it matters because she lost. She's not winning veto. She has to rely on Kryssie to get under nine minutes.

Edited by Lady Calypso

Actually, the easiest way to time this is just using the clock on my monitor screen.  Duh.

Kryssie won't win this one.  What will be interesting is seeing how Justin can deflect blame for not winning.  I mean, it's a Spider-Man comp!  Chef NoLa should win this in his sleep.  He'll probably claim he couldn't get the answers right, but we'll see if the LNJ believe that one.

I suppose he might actually win it by accident, holding back a little bit to make his throw "credible" and still managing the best score.  We'll see.

Neeley has Shane's answer wrong again. She picked 1 instead of 2. She forgot about Jason being eliminated too.

She's dropped twice so she has a six minute penalty on top of her time. It's been over fifteen minutes so her max time is going to be up soon. 

Neeley finally picked the right answer and has locked in. Her estimated time is about 20 minutes+ 6 penalty minutes. Neeley had no idea that there were other numbers behind the ones set up front. That...actually kind of sucks, but she should have rummaged through. I mean, good for her for powering through. Really I do feel bad that this was a pure endurance comp that appeals to the Ball Smashers rather than Kryssie/Neeley. But hey, that's the game so my empathy only goes so far! 

I think the best way to do this one is to clip a random number to the cable right away and then go across and open all three questions.  You save at least two trips, and who knows, you might get lucky.  (As it happens, two of the correct numbers [9 and 13] are right there waiting to be grabbed.)

Neeley's time was roughly 20.20, with 6.00 worth of penalty time added on.  Byeeee.

Yeah, so Kryssie's up next. I might have to depart for dinner, so might miss her round live, but I'm more than happy to avoid the whining and complaining about how rigged this competition is against her, and how Neeley must have done well and how awful the Ball Smashers and their Virgin King are. And she'll mutter stuff about production while complaining about her feet being sore and how she'll probably fall and complain about that too.

I have no sympathy for complainers, so my sympathy for the competition not being in her favour at all will only go until her first complaint.

Oh, joy.  All four cams on the non-participants (Jason, Danielle, Alex, Whitney) in the HoH, so we get to hear Jason grouse about the HoH sheets are horrible because they're silk, not 800-thread cotton.  What's wrong with silk sheets (I think he means satin, anyhow), ffs?  Shut up, Jason.

Seriously, I'd rather watch Morgan silently eating in the store room.  Make it happen, Skippy.

ETA:  Kryssie is going third and the non-participants are saying she might be disadvantaged because she's being kept in the Have-Not room before the comp and it's both cold and lacking in comfortable places to sit.  Well, true, but I think the tiny hand/footholds are going to be more of a problem for her.

Whitney is talking about how she's against aquariums (aquaria?) because she's seen the shark tanks and all the scratches they have from the sharks trying to get out.  Aww.

Edited by DAngelus
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Well, as I mentioned, we also had a Shane/Danielle showmance, as in S14, and that Shane also worked on houses, and that Danielle pretended to be a pre-school teacher, which this one actually is.

While we're waiting, let's play "Rank the Danielles", shall we?  We have Danielle Reyes (S3/S7), Daniele Donato (S8/S13), Danielle Murphree (S14) and the current Danielle Lickey.  Go!

Scott's doing some Thai Chi while he waits. He's also talking to himself, asking for Alex/Shelby to not pay for his mistakes, and to have them get far.

People on Twitter are already claiming that Morgan cheated by taking two tiles across instead of one. I rewound, and she actually didn't. People are just looking to call rigged for the sisters. 

Kryssie's turn has started! I figured that they'd start at an interval time (2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45).

Kryssie's already saying that she's afraid of heights. Ok, I feel you there, Kryssie. She's also complaining about her shoes.

That must be the fastest complaint from her during a comp.

So....she's going a lot faster than I thought, and she's opening all the questions, which is smart. But we'll see if she falls or not. 

Kryssie, after reading the intro card:


I'm afraid of heights.  This should be so exciting.

Kryssie, at the 0.12 mark:


Ooh, my shoes are so slippery.

Kryssie, at the 0.45 mark:



Always good to get those excuses in early.  She did have the sense to open all three questions on her first go, though.

2.28: She's got the wrong number of anti-Cornbread votes.  She gets the other two answers correct, though.

3.32:  She starts out with the incorrect "8" card attached.

Edited by DAngelus

She's taken two time penalties already, and is complaining that her hands are bleeding.  Aw, baby.  (Not.)

8.38:  Wrong answer.  At least she properly ID's her mistake as being the Cornbread one, but she's practically tearful as it's the one farthest away.  She's got the correct "9" now, though.  At least she'll smoke Neeley.

9.45:  Drops again en route to Cornbread, and wants to forfeit on account of her bleeding hands.  And that's why you bring fingerless gloves, as Janelle did.

12.24 (and 9.00 in penalties):  Pulls herself together, starts new attempt.

13.10:  Falls a fourth time.  Insists she's done.


I know it's boring, but you're gonna have to watch me stand here until fucking 30 minutes is up…you might as well cut to the fish, guys.

Okay, then.

18.00:  Still complaining about her bleeding hands.

Nice mean comment from the chat on the site I'm using:


Good thing she's not going to the storage room to eat her feelings after this.


Edited by DAngelus
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1 minute ago, DAngelus said:

There's no damn blood.  Her hands are red, that's all.   And she's supposedly a power lifter…where are her lifting gloves?

They literally did a close up of her hands and there was a small cut, barely bleeding. WHAT. A. BABY. Cut to them bitching later how it was rigged for the Ballsmashers. How do they have any fans left??

  • Love 2

She's literally standing there, giving up. Really?

And this is why she should be going home next week. She has no respect for the game. I cannot root for anyone to get far when they give up and have no respect for the game. I knew this the first time she complained about the sleeping schedule, but her just giving up at the comp? Nope, I'm not having it. I'm done with her. I'd rather Danielle wins over her whiny ass. I'd rather JASON wins than Kryssie.

She's definitely America's Nom and a Have Not next week, right?

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 6
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

She's literally standing there, giving up. Really?

And this is why she should be going home next week. She has no respect for the game. I cannot root for anyone to get far when they give up and have no respect for the game. I knew this the first time she complained about the sleeping schedule, but her just giving up at the comp? Nope, I'm not having it. I'm done with her. I'd rather Danielle wins over her whiny ass. I'd rather JASON won than Kryssie.

She's definitely America's Nom and a Have Not next week, right?

She's gotta be top of the list I would think. She sucks! Of course, Jason won't understand it though. <eyes roll>

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

OH MY GOD. They just zoomed in to her hands and they're FINE. No blisters, just a little redness.

Fuck Kryssie. I'm honestly getting more enraged the more time she just stands there, looking at her hands.

And now her time's up. Finally. 

She'll be all over Morgan's hand and inspecting them when this is done. LOL!!!

11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She's definitely America's Nom and a Have Not next week, right?

People are already saying this in the chat.  If I was paying for All Access, I'd be down with it.  

Amazing that Danielle is now getting a pass over her.  Perhaps she's realized that she does better when she's not talking, hence the excessive naps.

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She put two bandages on her hands, whining to Big Brother about bleeding for thirty minutes. She told BB to fuck off, to not film her, and now she's asking herself why she's there.

I'm asking myself the same question. Yes, it sucks that this veto was against you and it was the most physical competition yet. But whining and complaining won't win points.

Now, Kryssie is bashing Scott. She's claiming that she'll walk out. DO IT. I'm done with your ass. 

I am...surprisingly more upset over Kryssie than I should be. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yes, it sucks that this veto was against you and it was the most physical competition yet

Well, it sucks that it's not her comp and her buddy's going home.

But OTOH she got the worst possible Veto for her out of the way during a week when she's completely safe.  She'll never have to worry about this one again, which makes things infinitely better when she goes back on the block.  (Next week, I'm thinking.)

Goddamn quitter/cry baby.

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I think, at this point, EVERYONE is going to be glad to get rid of her. At least, everyone in terms of Feedsters. 

I'm watching Morgan right now in the Storage Room. She's the luckiest, because she can stress eat. Luckily she's not a Have Not, or else being there would be difficult! 

Also, people on the site that I'm streaming the feeds on are really gunning hard for Kryssie's "bloody injury". People are joking about calling the CDC, amputating her hand, and all the blood Production has to clean up outside! 

  • Love 1
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Shelby's up. It looks like she's opening all of the questions as well, which is a good strategy. 

Judging by how quickly she's moving, if she can get all three answers correct on the first try, then she'll beat Morgan. 

I didn't see Morgan. Was she scaling the wall faster? Shelby looks slow.

Just now, ByaNose said:

I didn't see Morgan. Was she scaling the wall faster? Shelby looks slow.

She is a bit slow. She is smaller, so she might not beat Morgan. But she'll do better than Neeley/Kryssie, and she has maintained a positive attitude thus far. 

Oh no! She had 13 in her hand but then switched to 14 instead. Noooo! 

6.18:  Heads out with the correct answer ("9") for Cornbread.  But she has the wrong one up for Monte.

As much as a Scott or Shelby win is the easiest route for the Ballsmashers, Morgan has been so scared this week and will be so happy if she wins that I won't mind it a bit.  And I think Scott can survive the America's Tiebreaker…I hope.  

8.35:  She's not back from posting Cornbread yet, and then she rings in and is wrong about the Monte bit.  Congrats, Morgan, that's three down, two to go!

Apparently, Shelby thought Monte was nominated on a Tuesday.  Which is rich, as we had an AN just today, and it's Monday.  She's got the "13" card now, though.

12.18:  She got it!  A reasonably respectable time, but nowhere near Morgan's.

Edited by DAngelus
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It took her a couple of extra minutes, but she figured out where she went wrong.

Her time should be about 12 minutes when she finishes, which is still great. If she had gotten the question right the first time, she still would have lost, but only by 10-30 seconds or so. 

All in all, yay Shelby! I hope Scott does well and I hope Justin throws it! 

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