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TLC Presents: Tiny At 20 - General Discussion

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Primordial dwarf Hannah Kritzeck, previously seen in Little and Looking for Love,  is shown as her family tries to prepare her to live more independently.
This is a TLC show.

I tried to find if primordial dwarfism includes some mental disability, but didn't find the answer offhand.  On the other hand, she may just be spoiled rotten.

Her mother especially, and others in her family, speak to her as to a young child, yet they're encouraging her to get a paying job.
Can't figure it out, but will watch her earlier show if I see it, and maybe that may explain.

Edited by Drogo
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I think she is just spoiled rotten.   She  does not appear to have a mental disability.  She carries on a normal conversation, can discuss adult topics, has friends of a similar age to herself.  She just has not been required to do anything, such as dishes, cooking, going on a bus by herself, etc. She's been treated as a child.  My DVR cuts off the last minute, meaning that it records on the next timeslot.  So I got to see the last few seconds of her earlier episode.  She sang the National Anthem at a sport event, ran off the field into her Mom's arms, and was picked up like a small child.  She acted as a small child when discussing possible jobs, chores, etc. 

There have been other shows on primordial dwarfism that featured adults.  None of them acted like this. 

Compare her to Zach Roloff, he doesn't act like this. Compare her to Bill and Jen of the Little Couple.  Jen is a highly regarded doctor, who was obviously in college at the age Hannah is.  They have different types of dwarfism, but, I still think she is just spoiled. I'm watching the wait for the train part - and it is obvious to me that 1.  she's never been allowed to even buy her own ticket before,and 2 - Mom gives her orders about her 'tone' as if she is a 5 year old - 'be nice or you can't go to the movies'. What's next - ground her for the day? 

College would be good for her, but she needs to start at a community college.  That transition will be hard enough for her since she is so immature.   In the meantime, she needs people to not do anything for her.   'Here's your room, make  your bed, don't make your bed. Here are the cleaning products.  If she CAN vacuum, then she should.  Laundry - you are on your own, you wash/dry it or it doesn't get washed. Cook or eat stuff that doesn't need cooked.  Go to the grocery with Mom, pick out your food'.  Yes, she will need help there, and bringing food home.  But, whatever she can possibly do, let her do it or go without. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I agree, but don't think the others you mention are primodial dwarves.
She seems more like that brother and sister who were on a few years ago, who had voices and small stature like this.
I have been watching Born This Way, about a group of young people with Down Syndrome, and they are dealing with similar issues in some cases.
It's on A&E Tuesdays.  You might watch and you'll see what inspired my question about Hannah's mental ability.

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I believe many primordial dwarfs do have cognitive delays, especially those with microcephaly (abnormally small head), but not all. I recall one primordial dwarf (her name might have been Kristen?) in her early 20's who was very mature and insightful. The tlc clip featured her getting her car modified so she could drive and work as a Mary Kay sales rep.

I think Hannah has behavioral & attention issues in addition to being spoiled rotten & babied. Her sister & sister-in-law have much more patience with her than I could ever muster up. It seemed like both her brothers, especially the older one, were completely over the 'Hannah Show'.

  • Love 4

Do you watch My Big Fat Fabulous Life?  A good show for hate watching.
Enjoy Hannah.
And the really dumb job they suggested for her was walking dogs!
You need to be big enough to control the dog, and protect the dog from other dogs.
Baby sitting also seems to require more physical strength, and also being more responsible than she seems to be.
I think niche acting, which she seems to like, really is her best bet.

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OMG! I am ROLLING watching this show! Hannah's barely concealed disdain for her front desk "job" at Rudy's was brilliant! 

"Oh, hey...heard you went to Rudy's for dinner last night. How was it?"

"Well, the food was great but let me tell you about the surly dwarf who works there..."

Holy hell, no one did this girl any favors in life by treating her like a toddler for the last 20 years. I mean, what a truly unpleasant human being she is -- acting like an entitled bitch at an acting class in which she refused to participate, refusing to do simple chores around the house (god forbid she stand on a stool to do the wash), and not to mention the death stares she gave to her sister and sister in law in the hot tub while on vacation. I even laughed when she told the acting teacher at the university that she had trouble with reading and memorization. Oh, that's OK, Hannah ... just have a seat in the back while someone does the acting for you. 

There was a doc I watched about a little person years ago. I forget which one (there's so many!) but the guy refused to have a home built for his special size needs because he realized he lived in a world that did not accommodate for his short stature and felt he needed to live within the confines of the real world. To Hannah, there is no real world beyond one that revolves around her. I feel awfully sorry for whoever has to take her in when her parents pass because there's no way she can function on her own. She'll never work, she'll never go to college, she'll never do anything more than what is demanded of her - and even then, she'll do it begrudgingly while waiting for someone to do it for her. 

TLC really loves to polish turds in these fake reality shows, don't they?

There is one show, that almost redeems TLC.  It's Two In a Million, and it brings together 2 people who have very rare diseases, usually visible and/or debilitating, and they are so happy to know someone who really knows what they're going through.
When they feature children, the parents are so happy to have someone who knows too.
There's a little people show, where the father works as groundskeeper, or maintenance for maybe a college, and  I think they don't make any modifications for the reason you state, and they seem to be a pleasant family.

I see TLC Go says you can watch on the computer, just put in some number from your provider, but I'd have to figure out which of the numbers/passwords I have would work.

Big Tiny is the other show, http://abcnews.go.com/Health/dwarf-siblings-smallest-world-fight-stereotypes/story?id=16994575 .

Edited by auntjess
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7 hours ago, auntjess said:

There's a little people show, where the father works as groundskeeper, or maintenance for maybe a college, and  I think they don't make any modifications for the reason you state, and they seem to be a pleasant family.

I like that family! The Johnsons, I think? Whatever their name is -- they were all great. Like the anti-Roloffs who can all go jump off a cliff for all I care. 

I see TLC Go says you can watch on the computer, just put in some number from your provider, but I'd have to figure out which of the numbers/passwords I have would work.

I watched it on my laptop. I have Xfinity so it recognized my cable provider and I didn't need to log in. 

Giant Misfit,  since you also like strange programs, you just might like this. http://forums.previously.tv/topic/47460-grey-gardens-1975/?do=getLastComment
(This came up when I started to post, something I thought I posted a while ago.  But do try it, and there are links for the show on youtube.)
And today I came to say that I'm in the middle of watching Little and Looking for Love, with Hannah, and it's on again today 9/19 at 3PM ET, on Discovery Life, 466 on U-verse.
Will comment later.

I've finished watching Little and Looking for Love, and I have more sympathy for Hannah now.
Her mother should have gotten a dog when her other kids got older, because I don't think she did Hannah any favors.
Her sisters said when their friends came over, they dressed Hannah like a doll.  Damn, didn't anyone treat her like a person?  As a nurse, her mother should have known to make her life as normal as possible, but it seemed they did everything to keep her from growing up.
Hannah's most normal interactions seemed to be with her classmates, and wish she could go away to college and live in a dorm or somewhere away from mom.
Don't mean to be mean, but I felt so sorry for Hannah, who didn't seem to have been taught any living and coping skills.

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Tiny at 20 is on Discovery Life tomorrow, Saturday 10/1, night at 10PM ET.
They're also showing a couple of episodes from TLC's Two in a Million, but labelinging them as Boys of Steel, and Girls Made of Glass.
These are shows that help the participants, but connecting two children, plus parents, with another person/family with same very rare disease.  Again, 10/1 , at 7PM and 8PM.

I saw an episode of Extreme Bodies, on Discovery Life, (but probably a TLC show), on dwarfs, and there was a segment on Hannah.
It was done when she was only 13, and she was much less petulant than when she was 20.
She seemed like a normal as possibly teen, and in one shot she was fixing eggs in a skillet.  Didn't she later refuse to cook?
She had a surgery, involving screws and rods, to correct a curvature of the spine that she'd developed.

This special is supposed to be about getting Hannah out of "diva mode" and on a path to independence. Instead it was just more of everyone coddling her, talking to her like she's 6 years old, and pandering to her anyway. No one ever expects anything out of her. 

And they REALLY need to put the kibosh on this children thing, especially since her life expectancy is not much north of 30. 

This mom needs to cut the umbilical especially if she wants her kid to go to college. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, greatscott91 said:

This special is supposed to be about getting Hannah out of "diva mode" and on a path to independence. Instead it was just more of everyone coddling her, talking to her like she's 6 years old, and pandering to her anyway. No one ever expects anything out of her. 

And they REALLY need to put the kibosh on this children thing, especially since her life expectancy is not much north of 30. 

This mom needs to cut the umbilical especially if she wants her kid to go to college. 

Was this a rerun of the one that was on when she took the train and had a baby doll for babysitting? Or a new special?

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Yep, the doll on the train one.
I feel sorry for Hannah in that she really crapped out in the family she got. 
The mother keeps her infantile, and the sister talks of dressing her up and playing with her like a doll. 
I know she's a spoiled brat now, but maybe if she'd had a family who treated her like a person...

Little and Looking for Love is on Discovery Life Channel Tuesday 4/2, at 10P ET and Wed. 2A.
This is the earlier version of Hannah.
60 MIN|TV-PGLITTLE LOOKING FOR LOVE is an intimate portrait of a 19-year-old primordial dwarf, Hannah, who faces ordinary challenged with an extraordinary condition, as she journeys through the tumultuous and sometimes heart-breaking rites of adolescence.LITTLE AND LOOKING FOR LOVE (LITTLE AND LOOKING FOR LOVE)

it's 7 years since this tlc special aired, "Tiny at 20." 

WOW! what a br*t! incredible. as a matter of fact, I was so happy when I somehow found this website! just to know that I'm NOT the only one who noticed her horrendous behavior! I would not allow her even to walk my dog, never mind care for any young baby. I have a feeling that she has a horribly jealous streak in her so I could NEVER EVER trust her with anything I hold dear. that's all I have to say about that 🙄

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