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The Braxtons have put themselves into a position where they think that the justice system will never deal with them fairly.  Do they not realize it dealt with them fairly in the past, because they were guilty?  Maybe I don't remember something, but heck, all three could be in jail right now if the system wasn't pretty easy on them.  But as a result, they act in ways that make them seem guilty to DOCS and others when they may not be - it's just their reaction to the justice system that puts them there.  And a bit of immaturity, impulsiveness and the usual stubborn willfulness.  


Yeah Heath especially reacts in such a way that just puts him in more trouble although he is getting better.  Darcy seems to have inherited his stupidity gene, could she have done more to manifest exactly what she feared.  Although I give her leeway for being a child.


Seriously Casey, you spit your toothpaste swill into Phoebe's champagne - how gross was that?  And you stand up Denny on your date and don't even call her?

Edited by Nozycat

I wonder that Denny is eager to meet the family after Casey explained it to her.  Yeah she wants to be there for him, but at the beginning of a romance there should be lighthearted fun and as usual the Braxtons make that impossible for one another.  


Casey could move out.  He has a job.  That house already has two couples in it.  Hilarious.  There's no reason Denny would be meeting the family this early if he just had his own place.  Guess that's treason in Braxton-think.

I agree about Maddie - I thought she was so smart?  So missing two weeks shouldn't cause a whole year's fail.  Plot point.  And isn't the school year in Australia, I thought I had learned, starting in January and ending in December?  So deciding to fail someone at around the half way point doesn't make sense.    


Funny when they mentioned a Spring wedding, I had to adjust to realize that's Sept/Oct.  


I'm not finding Matt interesting.  Sasha is really pushy with him.  


Funny how they sometimes do the same thing as Neighbours, like the triangle where the doomed party to a relationship finds out on their own - and Maddie is going to be super mad when she figures out Josh stayed with her out of pity.  In the previews it shows she is already hanging out with Oscar.  Trying to remember, didn't he like her?  Funny too Evie can consult with Sasha, who's already been through the drama caused when you take on Maddie's ex.


Soap characters can always leave work, lol.  Like Zach was going to.  







I'm thinking it may not be realistic that the courts would give Heath no visitation and would let Connie keep him away.  Connie is guilty of parental alienation, and the kid only has one living parent.   Though it looks like there's a good chance they all go off happily ever after to the city.  You'd think it was on another planet.  Yet it was not so far off back when Marilyn was running off there with that baby she had for a while.  Soap operas.  


I like Hannah getting what she deserves - she's such an unpleasant woman, and I'm glad Zach moved out anyway.  Though he'll end up back with her, of course.  She's broken up with Andy so many times that he should give up too.  

Andy Barrett and Josh Barrett are brothers.  Casey's bio father was Barrett.  So why isn't Andy his brother too?  If Andy has a different father, he took on the name of a stepfather, I guess.


Just tell Roo what you want.  Marilyn ridiculously sidesteps every question.  Tell her you want a small wedding.  Absurd.  


Maddie may as well take the rest of the year off anyway if she's going to repeat it.  It's funny how when you lose your boy or girl friend to another, the thing to do is quit school.  

I am glad Heath got a happy sendoff with Bianca and the kids.


Yeah I don't like Hannah either and can't believe she is back with Andy AGAIN.  And from the previews Chris is kissing Denny AGAIN.  Let's move on already.


I don't fully get the Barrett family either


I like Marilyn but she has been driving me spare along with Roo - just tell Roo to back off already.  I am glad they finally seem to have sorted it out.  I love the relationship between John and Jett.

I agree it was so funny how Jett reacted to the news the maid of honour was Irene.  


I at first liked Denny and Casey but now I think Denny makes too many issues and they have too much conflict already.  


Hannah so deserved not being invited to the dinner.  The on and off again with Andy is getting annoying.  Andy may be a drug dealer but he should just dump her.  Amazing they have created a character that makes a drug dealer character more sympathetic than she is. 

Yeah Denny is getting a bit precious isn't she.  And what was she wearing the other day?  Those green pants and silver vest hurt my eyes, lol.


I don't like Andy either, think he and Hannah deserve each other.


Leah sure likes to stick her nose in other people's business.


Maddie's good intentions sure didn't last long, way to appreciate Roo surviving.

Edited by Nozycat

Maddie telling Oscar few people were being nice to her - how ironic is that.  How often is Maddie nice to anyone - at least, when she's not getting her way.  


Though I guess it's rude of Casey to add someone to the household without checking with the others, somehow I don't feel bad for Phoebe.  There's plenty of room there now.  

Leah romances are always the same.  She pines after someone who appears not interested.  Then she gets him interested.  Then he gets burnt.  Poor Zac.  He should stay at the not-interested stage.  


Sasha is a pain in the neck and how does Matt not dump her?  Is she ever nice, rather than whining or pressuring him?  His stunt with the poem was silly but she could just have told Zac what happened and gotten out of it.  


I am rooting for Brax to be wrong about Angelos and music.  Just because.  

Hannah just really bugs me.  IMO Andy is a better person, drug dealing and all.  I can't put my finger on it.  She really seems like an awful human being and I don't know why.  She is overbearing to Oscar for some reason it seems like he's her life and it should not be so.  A real parent wouldn't act like this.  It does make a certain amount of sense as she's not a parent and so is overdoing it.  


Obviously Oscar thinks he can make himself strong enough to fight the bullies.  

Yeah, the Andy plot is getting old.  He's the new Heath.  


If I remember right, Spencer and Maddie broke up when he didn't want to sleep with her.  Now the tables turned.  With Evie not ready, looks like there won't be much teen sex for a while, lol. Josh was sweet with Evie and so was Casey with Denny.


Phoebe is a piece of work.  She doesn't have her dad supporting her now, but acts like Kyle should do so and out of thin air, without going in to work.  It is hilarious how she reduces each fellow female's name to one syllable - she said both Ev and Den in one episode, and I'm sure she's said "Rick."  


Kyle getting jealous about music seemed funny too.  He was just as willing to clock Matt over the head for songwriting with Phoebe as he would supposedly had been for Matt coming on to Phoebe.  

Phoebe does my head in, she is such a self-centred, irresponsible brat.


Marilyn as usual was going overboard but Shandi was a bit rough with her.  Wonder how this will play out.


Just watched tonight and Phoebe thought of someone else for once and Shandi is a bitch.


So Jake is back, yay - not.

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Jake's name sounds familiar.  I can't quite place what he did before, but it seems to have to do with Charlie.  


So Hannah has finally learned not to rush full on but to weigh things and compromise.  Almost overnight.  


Shandi maybe does need advice on how to get along with her father - she doesn't know him.  She appears to be trying to sabotage John's relationships as payback.  


Maddie is still a brat and getting worse.  


At the beginning of the Thurs./Fri. show, so many characters were annoyed and upset I was thinking somebody has to calm down before the end of the show.  Luckily Irene calmed down and Sasha did too when she got her big fair.  You could just see the poem storyline ending, and then immediately the fundraising became a crisis.


Chris is being played for laughs as the big goof.  Well meaning but messing things up, to the annoyance of others.  


They are going to need more men - they seem to have so many women:  Sophie, Hannah, Shandi and Leah, all single more or less.  


Why does Shandi suppose she knows who is a fit with John or not?  And she hasn't tried to get to know him or Marilyn.  I liked Jett telling her how it was.   

Evie should be worried.  As the saying goes - if they'll do it with you, the'll do it to you.  And Maddie sure is doing her best to make it happen.


Leah is behaving so immature, surely she is more grown up than that by now.


Chris is so childish but he makes me laugh.


Well I knew that one of the boys would get shot as they said it in TV Week last week but it was only today that it was obvious to me it would be Casey.  They sure telegraphed it with all his interactions with Denny.  

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Yes I am sorry to see Casey shot too, I really liked him.  And poor Brax,first Charlie, now Casey, I can sure understand how he is reacting.


So Evie has been kidnapped twice, now Josh has been kidnapped twice, they keep recycling this storyline.


Maddie is such a self-centred brat and bitch.  Can't stand her.  Roo sure is being understanding with her.  Might be better to call her on what she is doing.


I am so sick of Sophie and Nate basically having the same argument over and over, let's move on already.  I think they are horrible together and to each other.

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So they had Shandi finally come around.  They overdid that, though.  There was no reason for Shandi to be so hostile.  


I agree about Sophie and Nate.  Sophie seems unduly jealous as he really is only friends with the other women.  


Poor soap characters suffer kidnapping at a far greater rate than real people, lol!  Now they can bond over their kidnapping experiences.  


I was glad to see Maddie not get her way in that her "sympathy" for Josh didn't lead to anything.  I would guess she's going to make sure Evie finds out.  Roo does over-enable her.  


But then of course, Leah gets her way in the end.  Leah always gets her guy.  Now we'll have to see her unreasonable expectations of him play out and her eventually deciding it's no good, after breaking up and getting back together 10 times.  VJ hasn't been around and he's sure to have a problem.  Does Leah know about Zac's bad past?  That'll be good for at least one break up.

I was glad John and Marilyn decided to include the others - I really think they were wrong that Jett would be OK with their eloping on their own.  


Looking into Jake Pirovich's being out of prison and why it happened might be better than vigilante justice, Darryl.  


At this point, Ricky should really tell Brax of the pregnancy.  I can understand putting it off.  


Good scenes where Kyle saw Denny's grief and decided then to butt out of the revenge plot.

Yeah it was totally wrong to exclude Jett.  But now I wish they would just finally get married however they do it.


I agree, I liked that bit with Kyle seeing what it does to the ones left behind and changing his mind.


So Hannah, Oscar taking the sleeping pills was a wake up call for you, not everything else that has been going on with him?

Yes, get on with the wedding of John and Marilyn.  


Hannah really is bad at being a guardian.  She thinks all she has to do is overwhelm the kid with attention.  Maybe some counseling for all concerned.  He needs a guardian who is older and more experienced.  


The Leah pattern continues.  I see VJ is going to get to call the shots again.  I remember he was allowed to stop a relationship before - forget who it was.  Zach is going to experience at least one VJ related break-up.  Also in the real world, since when do teens care what their parents get up to?  VJ comes across now as completely independent and doesn't have a second in his day to talk to Leah when she specifically says she has something to tell him.  Someone that busy should hardly worry that she's dating someone.  


Though Matt was an idiot and probably only included the clip in the film to advance the plot for them.  For that, they should thank him. Or we should. :)

Yes, and did they explain how Jake is out of gaol?  Seems like he'd be doing life for killing Charlie.  I had to be amused that Brax does not need a gun to kill Jake.  Americans should learn a lesson from this.  Guns not needed.  You can eliminate your baddies with your bare hands.  At least, if you are the Great Darryl Braxton.  


Spencer needs a girl.  Not Maddie.  Not Evelyn.  Not Sasha.  There must be another girl in that high school.  

That explanation for Jake being out of gaol sounded really off.  He was deemed mentally incompetent or something like that so he was just let out?  Wonder how this whole thing will play out.


I think Spencer needs to learn to be ok on his own and not be so needy with unavailable girls, and yes find someone other than those 3.

The reference to older women suggested they could go with Spencer/Hannah.  Denny's remark about lack of available men made me think of Spencer.  He and Chris and Alf are the only single ones, lol.  Well there's Andy.  I didn't see Spencer as needy, just coming off as unlucky.  Though he was the one who didn't want to sleep with Maddie, if I recall right.  Evie did lead him on for a little bit.  I forget all about Sasha.


Shandi sure is tall.  It could be a nice break for Spencer if she did pick him in the long run.  I can see going back to Chris and Denny as a thing that happens.

I think it's icky that Spencer is now going after a woman his brother is interested in and already has had some connection with.  That would seem to be out of bounds to me.  Can't he find someone who isn't involved with someone else?  I see him as needy because he keeps bouncing from one girl to another, whoever is nearest seems to do.


I am glad they had a lovely wedding in the end (funny how they had it the same night as the Neighbours wedding).  But does Alf really have to wear that dreadful fishing hat to funerals and weddings, looks so ridiculous with his suit.  At least he took it off for the service and the reception.


Also glad Roo isn't letting Maddie get away with her rubbish.


Hopefully that's the end of Jake.


Nate is being such a dick and a creep imo, he keeps saying one thing to Sophie but acting in another.  No wonder she is so unsure.


Do people seriously dress up like that for a bbq?  Not the people I know.

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The Shandi character is truly weird for them - they keep recasting her and then writing her out.  


I'm glad Brax is happier about the baby than hating on Jake P.  So it looks like Andy is guilty.  The whole story is dumb - if Jake P was really mentally unsound, why let him out and why not put him back into a mental hospital as soon as he showed signs of backtracking.  


Jett is so cute, and I hope DOCS allows the adoption without drama - though I know that is not going to happen!   


I agree Nate is not sure what he really wants.  

Yeah that was a total plot contrivance with Jake.  Glad he's finally gone.  I guess eventually it will come out about Andy.


Heh yes there will no doubt be drama but hope the adoption does finally go through.  I think those 3 are so cute together.


Yes so Nate shouldn't be acting as if he does, even buying a house together with Sophie.  He's really stuffing her around and playing mind games when he knows very well he's not all in but keeps invalidating her doubts.


Maddie has become so horrible, wonder how far this will go.


Really Hannah?  Now you're making up lame excuses to weasel up to Nate?  Like I needed another reason to dislike her.  Her and Nate deserve each other, they are both horrible imo.

Edited by Nozycat

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