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Mothers, Mentors, and Mates: Relationships


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On 1/31/2020 at 8:39 AM, BaggythePanther said:

With the way things have been going with Kara’s love interests, I’m just hoping they bring in Comet the Super Horse at some point.

Which would be ironic indeed, since Kara was in love with Comet's human identity, Bronco Bill. She just never knew that it was really her own pet horse Comet, whose temporary transformations to full human (remember, he was originally a centaur from ancient Greece whose equine form was the result of a sabotaged attempt by Circe to make him fully human) were magically triggered any time a comet passed Earth.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Nothing new in this article; just describes Kara's previous and current love interests. However I do disagree with the idea that just because she doesn't need a love interest she shouldn't have one. For some heroes/superheroes I can see that having an active love life doesn't really fit their story, but Kara/Supergirl is supposed to be (in general) happy, hopeful, and compassionate, and not really tragic or grim; so I think she should have a love life. [ETA:] And superficially, she's young, pretty, and on the CW, so it's odd that they haven't figured this out 5 seasons in.

And even if the show has messed up in this area before, that's still not enough reason for me to be content with keeping her single forever.

It looks like they are making William the "Lois" to Kara's "Clark", so we'll see how that goes whenever the show comes back.

Edited by Trini
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Well, being trapped in another dimension is a pretty good reason for no love life for Kara.  😐

In better developments, I'm glad to see that after several seasons of being very uneven with Brainy/Nia, they are finally doing better by them, and they seem to be flourishing. Only took having two whole episode with just them!

And it's worth mentioning Teen Kara's really sweet relationship with Kenny. (Thanks, Crisis!) I have no idea if the writers plan to do anything with that in the future, especially with William still a regular, but the door seems to be open to revisiting them since there were no hard feelings with their breakup.

Maybe because it's the last season, but they seem to be putting some effort into Alex/Kelly and J'onn/M'Gann also. With everyone else paired up, I think it'd be a shame if Kara doesn't have a romantic partner by the end; but it may be too late to set up something new. They'd have to revive a previous love interest.

There's SuperCorp, but I doubt they will make that a canon romance.

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