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S11.E19: Carson Kressley

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It was fun and there were plenty of good laughs.  Carson seemed to shine, somehow, in Dubbing! I now must try Red Sky at Sunset when possible. 


Hey, it was Helping Hands -free!



Intros: Wayne- Hard day's night, Heather Anne- Hard Knock Life, Colin- Hard lump on head and Ryan- Hard-boiled egg.

Games: Questions, Props, Dubbing, Scenes From a Hat, Living Scenery and Doo-Wop


I got worried, initially, with two similar games upfront, but it really was a fun half hour. 


I was expecting a joke about pull tabs from Wayne & Colin during Props, but I loved what they did.  Props, Questions, and SFaH were their usual gold, even treading in well-worn territory.  I greatly enjoyed Aisha's "I'm never hitting the buzzer" during SFaH.  I enjoyed Ryan's "Wayneado! Wayneado!" and all that Wayne's mask brought.  What I couldn't believe as Wayne, starting off the way he did in Questions, lost it looking at Heather and what she was bringing. It made the moment funnier.  "Inflection doesn't help" is something I'm going to try to inject in appropriate places.


I liked "Daremy rhymes with kiss my ass." Wayne was on last night, as were they all, really.  When Carson and Heather Anne were the ceiling fan, I got tickled at how poor Heather Anne ended up actually dizzy! She kept it together and snapped into a wall unit like the pro she is. Carson blowing at Ryan was such silly fun. It seemed like everyone enjoyed that session and it came across.


This should be like the Vernon Davis episode from this season-  very re-watchable!

Edited by Actionmage
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I've always liked Carson Kressley, and apparently he's an immortal. I don't think he's aged since Queer Eye. I thought he did great in Dubbing. I like that Colin gave him some physical shtick to do. (Maybe Colin always does that in dubbing.) I was disappointed when Aisha announced Living Scenery, but it turned out not so bad. The ceiling fan stuff was pretty funny.


As for the rest of the show, I like Questions, but the hat props weren't really necessary. In fact, sometimes the improviser didn't even use the hat as part of the gag.


It was strange to follow the Questions/Hats game with Props. It was ok.


SFAH was pretty good. I really liked Ryan's space walk bit/slap on the butt. That was the best. I never like Aisha inserting herself into the games. Oh, and I guess Heather wanted Wayne to slap her on the butt after she said, "I'm sorry, but your wife didn't make it." I actually think it would have been funnier if she just slapped him on the butt and walked away.

Oh, and I guess Heather wanted Wayne to slap her on the butt after she said, "I'm sorry, but your wife didn't make it." I actually think it would have been funnier if she just slapped him on the butt and walked away.

Yeah, she didn't set that up well. Phrasing it like "Your wife didn't make it, but you know, I did my best..."  That might have sold the idea faster.  It's alright, I got it. 

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