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S14.E15: Top 12 Boys Perform

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He just has "it" and the "package." You don't have to be 12 to see that.


I respectfully disagree because I think Riley is super boring, from his looks to his voice to his singing style. He's like those generic singing kids from Disney Channel.

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I like Trevor a lot as a personality and also find him very cute (a kind of Clark Kent-Superman thing going on with those glasses, imo). But I've been repeatedly disappointed by his singing. He really can't sing at all, imo. There is nothing pleasant, on tune, or melodic about the way he delivers a song. He'd be better doing a "talking song" some kind of show tune like from the Music Man or My Fair Lady. He really can't sing.


However, if he wants to be "the next Bill Nye" and explain science to a new generation, that would probably be pretty fun to watch.

I can see Trevor having more immediate success as a singer-songwriter of children's songs mixed with science education, like on an edutainment variety style tv show or web series, where his high energy and knowledge to impart could fit together well.


I liked the clips of Riley playing guitar with Keith during one of his shows a few years(?) ago, he's talented...and that strikes me as more of his strength at this point, to be a guitarist in a band rather than a singer with guitars on AI. However, this gives him the opportunity to get himself out there to the broader audience, so it's good. The other country singer he sat with at the top 12 boys reveal was perhaps a little better (it was close, imo), but I was glad Riley got through because I want to see him all-out shred in a bigger production number, if he makes it far.

Edited by KR Vermont
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I think they actually have a somewhat decent top 24 this year. There's really no one I hate, and if there isn't anyone I'm completely enamored with, at least I won't be heartbroken if they get eliminated too soon.


In no particular order


Quentin...I really enjoy his voice, and can kind of appreciate the weirdness even though it's not channeled exactly to my taste. I can even look beyond the nose thing, as I do think he kind of pulls it off...but I do draw the line at what appears to be some sort of filigree embedded in his teeth. I really can't stand that sort of thing. I do like his theatricality, though, and he does have a way of holding your attention, so that's a positive. I think the AI audience still gravitates a lot more to the conventional, though, so I don't see him lasting too long.


Quaasim...A bit too focused on the "entertainment" factor over the actual voice, but does seem very comfortable on stage. I don't really care for him, but he does have talent and deserves to be there.


Adam...Can't really take him seriously, but he does have a voice in there. Am I the only one who thinks he looks like a very young, fluffy, and manic David Ogden Stiers? The eyes in particular.


Trevor...He does belong on stage in some capacity, but is really not the greatest of singers. He can be very entertaining, but more often than not seems as though he's trying too hard. If he could rein all that in a little, I think we'd have something there.


Mark...Competent, but doesn't really do all that much for me. Good voice, but not a lot of "it" factor


Riley...As has been said, I think this kid has more "total package" to him than most of the others this season. He sings and plays the guitar quite well and seems very natural on stage. He's telegenic and the fact that he does somewhat resemble a couple of other singers (such as Keith) will probably be in his favor as it makes him seem as though he "belongs".


Daniel...In way over his head, and probably should not have gone through, but given that the show's time is probably winding down he probably wouldn't have had the time to wait until he was truly ready (which would probably be in a good 5 years from now), so even though he won't be elegible to try again, at least a spot in the top 25 gives him some name recognition which he might be able to parlay into a career if it turns out that he really does have what it takes.


Nick...I prefer him over Mark of the two "older" guys (even though I'm almost twice their age). He's got a good voice and the somewhat Adam Levine-esque looks don't hurt, but despite that I'm not seeing a whole lot of "it" there either. A bit, but not a lot.


Michael...Harmless. Pleasant enough. Not a face which personally appeals to me, but I can see how he could be considered reasonably good looking. He'll need more of a breakout performance to stick around much longer, though.


Clark...Puzzling, because he has the sort of voice which normally really resonates with me, but I'm not getting any sincerity in his performances. There's something calculated there which just sort of rubs me the wrong way. And I really, really dislike his pink and blond overgrown infant looks.


Savion and Rayvon...as someone else said upthread, I find it difficult to remember who was who, but I think I preferred Rayvon. Both are fairly easy on the eyes and the ears if not particularly compelling.


If I had to pick a top 6, I don't even know, at this point, how I'd vote without a lot more review, which I don't have the time or ambition for at the moment.

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