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Michael Logan: Alpha Male, Hothead, Shit-Stirring In Style!

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Last Saturday's marathon brings a question from me: I admit, I sometimes miss lines or such in some episodes, so humor me. We know Bobby and Mike (along with Alex) meet up in Season 4 with the whole crooked prison guards stuff. And then Mike pops back up in S5 to work at Major Case.


But was it ever explained how Logan made it on to Deakins' radar? Was it from that case? Did Goren and/or Eames put in a good word (considering his prior NYPD rep, so I'm sure the higher ups weren't thrilled, just as they had no use for Goren)? Or did he just suddenly appear? I do think I recall Deakins mentioning calling Van Buren or something, but that's it.


But I was just curious if his showing up was given any real meat to it, considering his long absence from the NYPD.


On a side note, what a shame Jerry Orbach was gone/passed away by then since Lennie/JO did make a CI cameo with JLM/Ed Greene in S1. Would have been nice to see Briscoe and Logan together again. Or even have Van Buren make another cameo and have her meet up with Logan.

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UGH, Gina. 'Nuff said there.


I did like that Logan took having the rocking desk in stride. And I liked the parallel at the end of S5, when Deakins was leaving, as he directed Logan to another desk before the new boss gave it to someone else.


Yet it was kind of sadly ironic that the whole "Logan shooting" business opened up "E-MailGate" with Frank Adair once more rearing his ugly head with his cronies, which led to Deakins' issues.


But that's why I liked the guy: He went to the mat for Logan, just as he did for Goren and Eames. And I'm glad Logan knew and thanked him.

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But I was just curious if his showing up was given any real meat to it, considering his long absence from the NYPD.


He wasn't absent from the NYPD; he was transferred to Staten Island.  Deakins just had to get him transferred over to Major Case, which I assume is easier than hiring a previously-fired cop.

Edited by rujasu
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He wasn't absent from the NYPD; he was transferred to Staten Island.  Deakins just had to get him transferred over to Major Case, which I assume is easier than hiring a previously-fired cop.


Yeah, I knew about Staten Island. I phrased it sloppily. Maybe I should have just said absent from his old stomping grounds as far as that goes. But since he was on the force, true. I guess it was easy for Deakins to grab him for Major Case.

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Yeah, I knew about Staten Island. I phrased it sloppily. Maybe I should have just said absent from his old stomping grounds as far as that goes. But since he was on the force, true. I guess it was easy for Deakins to grab him for Major Case.


Not so much easy, as Deakins had favors he called in so he could get Logan, after he spoke with VanBuren, and also because, I think Mike proved himself.  We all know, if you watched the mothership, that the asshats at 1PP, until the last season, tried their best to get her to resign after she sued them for bypassing her on a promotion and giving it to a white woman, who had the same exact skills as she did. So, though she had tried to get Logan back, she didn't have any favors or pull to do so.

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Not so much easy, as Deakins had favors he called in so he could get Logan, after he spoke with VanBuren, and also because, I think Mike proved himself.  We all know, if you watched the mothership, that the asshats at 1PP, until the last season, tried their best to get her to resign after she sued them for bypassing her on a promotion and giving it to a white woman, who had the same exact skills as she did. So, though she had tried to get Logan back, she didn't have any favors or pull to do so.


Oh, wow. Right! I had forgotten that rather large issue. But, in any case, Deakins must have had enough balls to work the suits - for a while. Until Frank Adair came around again. But he did get Logan.  :-)


I forget the context, but I remember and liked a scene when, I guess, Logan overstepped or something while investigating (no! LOL!) and tried to apologize and Deakins just tersely told Logan that if Logan was ever an issue, Deakins would be the first to tell him. Deakins just seemed willing to trust his people. And while I know he wasn't a favorite (at least to Chattygal!), I liked that Hannah also seemed hands off and trusted his team to get things done.


But as for Logan, I always wondered how he felt at the more upscale Major Case. Sometimes, he seemed chill. Others, I sometimes thought he just seemed a bit fish out of water but grateful to be there at the same time.

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Granted, I have not seen Chris Noth for a while, as I don't watch The Good Wife, but TV Line has a new article about an upcoming episode, and a picture with Julianna Margulies surprised me.


What did the hairdressers do?! Or is it simple age, as we all will/do, since he is now 60 (!). It looks like he lost a lot on top, and I'm just used to repeats, I guess, But he just seemed so...different in that picture.


ETA: I clicked on the gallery and he looked more like himself there, albeit grayer. Nothing wrong with that! But the pic they chose for the article could have been chosen better, IMO!

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The Mothership forum has an article from PTV up about Chris Noth and which character(s) he has played are the bigger dicks.  :-P  Check out the pic (if it is real) of him with suuuuuuper long hair!


Even Wheeler and Barek get passing mentions.



Eh. Mike Logan was a hot head; he had a temper. But he was never a dick.  And also, I know it may be a small nitpicky sort of thing, but when Noth's character, Peter Florrick, cheated on his wife with her best friend, well, said best friend and wife didn't even know each other at the time. So said best friend was a stranger to the wife.  It was just a plot point that never went anywhere when it came out that the wife's new best friend, had had a one night stand with Peter when they didn't even know each other.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Eh. Mike Logan was a hot head; he had a temper. But he was never a dick.  And also, I know it may be a small nitpicky sort of thing, but when Noth's character, Peter Florrick, cheated on his wife with her best friend, well, said best friend and wife didn't even know each other at the time. So said best friend was a stranger to the wife.  It was just a plot point that never went anywhere when it came out that the wife's new best friend, had had a one night stand with Peter when they didn't even know each other.


Sounds like GH-level writing there. I'll take your word for it, GHSR, since I have never watched The Good Wife! Now, Mr. Big on Sex And The City? Yeah, he was an ass. But SJP's Carrie was annoying on a good day, so maybe they deserved each other.

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Sounds like GH-level writing there. I'll take your word for it, GHSR, since I have never watched The Good Wife! Now, Mr. Big on Sex And The City? Yeah, he was an ass. But SJP's Carrie was annoying on a good day, so maybe they deserved each other.


Actually the reveal was really powerful and emotional. But, yeah, just like GH, there was never any follow up to it; Only Peter telling is wife, Alicia (played by Julianna Margulies) that the one night stand wasn't Kalinda's (the best friend) fault.


That said, I'm not saying Peter Florrick wasn't a dick. Because he absolutely is. He's slimey, shady, but Noth actually gives him gravitas (No surprise there!) and layers.  When this character could have very easily been a one note/cardboard character.    But Alicia and Kalinda didn't "meet" until 12 years after said one night stand, and didn't become best friends until the second season of The Good Wife when it came out and everything imploded. Then....nothing.


I'm just saying the person who wrote this article should have done some due diligence when writing about who was the bigger dick.

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I've read RUMORS - meaning, may not be true - that that was done because of some professional jealousy where Julianna Margulies was concerned because of Kalinda being popular or whatever. Who knows?


Still, to go back on topic, good for Chris Noth in that he keeps working and all of his characters seem pretty memorable in the process.

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If you're an insomniac or just want to DVR it, assuming you have not seen it before, Chris Noth will be featured on "Who Do You Think You Are?" on TLC at 1:00 a.m. ET!

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Watched the Mothership marathon all night on WE, and now CI is showing S6 episodes (at night; S2 as of now in the day), and it's sort of funky to see how Logan's looks have matured from S1 of the Mothership to S6 of CI, back to back.  :-)

"World's Fair" is on, and I still like the scene where his hotheaded self took over and he tried to smash the hand of the hateful suspect who was bitching about Spanish/Arabs taking American jobs.

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22 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

That scene is a total turn on, as was the stripclub crack.  I was up till 4:30 too.

Nightowls unite. Hee. But, yeah, he tells the guy to spread his fingers so calmly, then BAM! It rocked. Funny how Wheeler didn't even flinch.

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On 7/8/2016 at 3:24 PM, Maherjunkie said:

Maybe she was used to it by then.  "Was it a pure one?" 

The sad thing is, I couldn't really find one sympathetic character in that mess. It was all just so nasty.

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11 minutes ago, Maherjunkie said:

I thought the vics were sympathetic.

I wasn't counting them (but should have, I guess). Yeah, they were. But both of their families sucked mightily! All vile people. (Maaaaaaybe minus the dead girl's mom..)

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Logan used to talk a lot about his family on the Mothership and referenced them here, but I never recalled if he had siblings. Did he? Seemed like Goren, Eames, and even Wheeler had personal stuff, but Logan seemed to stay just in the professional lines here until maybe "Ten Count", but that seemed fleeting.

Anyway, I recall hearing about his mother from hell and his dad (and it seemed like he wasn't all that fond of dad on CI but it seemed otherwise on the Mothership), but I can't recall if it was ever mentioned if he was an only child. Call it curiosity on my end!

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I don't remember Logan ever saying much, if anything, about siblings.  However, in my own head cannon, Sarah Logan from SVU's Remorse (S1:E20) is Logan's little sister, and Munch had such an affinity for her because of his association with Briscoe and Logan.  There is zero support for this in the dialog, however.  Though, come to think of it, Irish Catholic families in the 50s/60s rarely had just one kid, if my relatives are proof, so he must have had some sibs out there.

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22 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I don't remember Logan ever saying much, if anything, about siblings.  However, in my own head cannon, Sarah Logan from SVU's Remorse (S1:E20) is Logan's little sister, and Munch had such an affinity for her because of his association with Briscoe and Logan.  There is zero support for this in the dialog, however.  Though, come to think of it, Irish Catholic families in the 50s/60s rarely had just one kid, if my relatives are proof, so he must have had some sibs out there.


I like your ideas about Munch and the connection to Sarah Logan. I really do think Dick Wolf and Company kept names on reserve as there were also two others with the surname Goren in the series, a kid accused of murder of his pedophile guardian (forget the episode) in S2 of SVU named Michael Goren and a Goren involved in a case on the Mothership!


20 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

He mentioned having a niece.

He did? Hmm. Although the niece could be honorary or blood! (Just as Goren's sudden niece in S8 was never explained, either!)

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Mike was an only child; though I don't know about a niece, but I do recall a reference to a nephew regarding something to do with what he got for a present or something. Then again, that was the first season, and after that, he always just talked about his dad, who he LOVED, and any time he mentioned his mother, who he well, didn't care for, but who can blame him, since she always beat the crap out of him; considering what Mrs. Logan was like, I doubt she wanted any more children after she had Mike. (that's my fanwank based on what I've seen on the screen). Of course there were uncles and cousins mentioned. And aunts, too, I believe.

Anyhoo, I've learned over the years that what we see in the pilot or even the first season, can be changed and not considered total canon, if you will. Though I do have my issues. Like Cragen had a 14 year old on the mothership; when SVU premiered, he and Margo were childless.

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On 7/24/2016 at 11:06 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Anyhoo, I've learned over the years that what we see in the pilot or even the first season, can be changed and not considered total canon, if you will. Though I do have my issues. Like Cragen had a 14 year old on the mothership; when SVU premiered, he and Margo were childless.

Maybe Cragen's kid went upstairs for skis and never came down! (Old All My Children reference to another "zapped out of existence" character!)

So basically, aside from character framework, any of our theories are valid. Hee. So I say any nieces or nephews of Logan are of the honorary variety.  :-P

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Why would he refer to them as that with seriousness in his tone if that is what they were?  And Logan is not the type to get that close to anyone, from what we have seen, so an honorary title doesn't seem likely.


(I didn't mean to seem like a snarker, just my random thoughts at 3 in the morning)

Edited by Maherjunkie
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21 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

Why would he refer to them as that with seriousness in his tone if that is what they were?  And Logan is not the type to get that close to anyone, from what we have seen, so an honorary title doesn't seem likely.


(I didn't mean to seem like a snarker, just my random thoughts at 3 in the morning)

To be fair, as @GHScorpiosRule pointed out, history in the franchise is sometimes transient, hence my feeling the niece/nephew deal can be blood or otherwise!  :-)

Not that it really mattered since Logan seemed to fly under the radar family-wise, at least in his CI years.

Since that seemed to stay in the shadows, I did like him mentoring those two brothers, the boxers, one of whom was killed by their coach (played by Miguel Ferrer - George Clooney's cousin!) in "Ten Count". I think Logan saw his hotheadedness in them. Too bad all his efforts to steer the guys on the straight and narrow was for naught.

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18 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

I love that one.  Tonight is my favorite-Assassin..

It's funny that the actor playing the perp's husband, Stephen Schnetzer, now does the voiceover work for Advil and other commercials, too. (I recognize him from his soap opera days on Another World, too.)

"Reunion" with Joan Jett was also on early this morning. I wonder how much she got played to play a corpse?

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20 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

I am not as fond of that one,  I guess because I didn't like the supporting cast, but it is always fun to see Logan tease Wheeler.

Sort of funny seeing Logan being the older cop teasing the younger one when he was the Wheeler under Greevey, Ceretta, and Briscoe!

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12 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

Yeah but they teased him about his sex life, not youth.

True. Lennie saved the youth stuff for Rey. But Wheeler seemed to confound Logan a lot of the time whereas Barek seemed more of a contemporary or whatever...

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14 hours ago, Maherjunkie said:

I think with enough booze she could have been a sex partner.

Barek or Wheeler? Barek, I could see. Especially since Logan did hit on her. But Wheeler...I only ever got a sibling vibe with those two.

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Some pics of Chris Noth from the tabloid-y Daily Mail site, where it makes him sound like he's ready for Depends, even as he still looks good at 62, albeit with more gray and a bit more weight! (Figured @Maherjunkie would also appreciate these!)

We're all gonna be ready for AARP eventually!  :-P Still, as I said, I think he looks good! (And apparently, per the write up and one pic, he is in a new series, so the man is still working!)

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5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Some pics of Chris Noth from the tabloid-y Daily Mail site, where it makes him sound like he's ready for Depends, even as he still looks good at 62, albeit with more gray and a bit more weight! (Figured @Maherjunkie would also appreciate these!)

We're all gonna be ready for AARP eventually!  :-P Still, as I said, I think he looks good! (And apparently, per the write up and one pic, he is in a new series, so the man is still working!)

And what am I, chopped liver?????? I am soooooo checking out Gone with Danny Pino, cuz he (that would be Chris) looks miiiiighty sexay in that kevlar.

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And what am I, chopped liver?????? I am soooooo checking out Gone with Danny Pino, cuz he (that would be Chris) looks miiiiighty sexay in that kevlar.

My sincerest apologies, @GHScorpiosRule!  :-P Glad to provide a treat! Wonder what network Gone will be on? I'd love to check it out.

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