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Alexandra Eames: Cooler Than Watson Could Ever Be...

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I re-watched Blind Spot and, for all of the issues with the episode being the start of the long spiral into misery for the next few seasons, I do think it gave Kathryn Erbe some meaty material to play, and she rocked it.

I'm glad Alex was able to save herself in the end, too. Instead of having Bobby do it or whatever.

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I fucking loved Alex in "Blind Spot." The douchiness of Ross nothwithstanding.

I love her very dry, snarky sense of humor, and she's such a perfect foil for Bobby.

Shoot, which episode was it that just aired with Michael Emerson? Where he was going to kill his children? I loved the way Alex mimicked Cara Buoni's character who was originally from Bensonhurst, but lied and said how she was from Upper East Side or something. She said "I shoulda remembah'ed."

Alex looks over at her as she leaves, then at Bobby and snarks "She shoulda remembhae'd." Makes me laugh every time.

Though, and I'm putting on my shallow hat here, her wardrobe suffered post Season five. Actually, starting in Season 5, and though her hair was layered, while long, it still seemed to always be in her face and the make-up was pretty non-existent. Not that she needed any make-up, but she looked really good and natural with hit too.

A fine example of Alex's patented snark - to a guy forced to shut down a suicide website after he gives G&E info:


"Thanks. You can go do your little dance in hell now."


Always awesome. She was the queen of the one-liners before Warren Leight got hold of her.

LOVE that line! I remember when the show was moved to USA, and they were showing all the promos, this was one of the scenes/lines they always aired!


Others I like: "You have to come out now."


The one about Carver and Bobby having a play date when she walks in on them oohing and aahing over the vintage cars...


"I pity the fool" in reference to who Bobby's temp partner would be


"I shoulda remembuhed" imitating Cara Buono's Bensonhurst akscent in the episode with Michael Emerson as the family annihilator.


There was a very funny, snarky one from "In The Wee Hours"--where she and Bobby are looking over the ink blot on the judge's desk; said blot turned out to be the victim's arms or something or other.

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Wasn't the ink blot line along the lines of, "They must LOVE you in the produce section!" said to Bobby? Hee.

YES! That was it! And the way Bobby smiled back...I had the giggles.


Or in, shit, what was the name of that episode again, where the victim wanted her father frozen, and Bobby  was insisting how she must have carried her purse, and Alex is shaking her, head, saying, nope, purse was on the hook. And Bobby pauses. "Right. it's a girl thing."

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I get what you mean, but I think this show was always a VDO vehicle, or meant to be, before exhaustion caused a shift with two teams. But Eames was, in effect, Watson to Goren's Sherlock Holmes. Still, true, it would have been cool to see her crack a case.


But in terms of her husband's killer, she wouldn't have been/shouldn't have been (going by real life) within 50 feet of that case, so I could forgive Goren there.


Then again, she likely should have, as Ross wanted, also been removed from the Boz Burnham murder in "Lady's Man" but since that was one of the few really good late-season episodes, I'm more forgiving there, too.

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Absolutely.  Eames was a good cop.  In fact, despite being less experienced than Goren, I still felt that there were times that she showed herself as an even better cop than he was.  She deserved some moments of glory.  Especially since there were numerous times where she put the final piece in the puzzle, but still had to play in the background to Goren.


I think this is why I always looked forward to the episodes with the "second" or "alternative" pairs more.  Say what you will about Logan's pairings with Barek, Wheeler, and even Falacci.  In all of those cases, they busted their perps together.  There was almost never a case of one of them overshadowing the other in doing so like Goren did with Eames.

One of my favorites Eames moments was in the episode in which she and Goren tracked down that evil professional guy who was killing all of his mistresses one by one by drowning them in bathtubs.  As part of his plan to break the guy, Goren tried tempting him using Eames and her sex appeal (and during that season, I recall that she had a lot of it to spare!).  Well, after interviewing him and Goren relieved her, seeing that the perp had cracked just enough for him to go at him, Eames left, saying that she had to go "wash off the slime."  All while sending a look of total disgust to the awful guy.


I just can't remember what episode that was, though I do remember it being season one.

Oh man, reminiscing about Bobby at the end.... "All that time together, it's like we were married..."


That was some BULLSHIT by Leight. Because there was, or rather, I should say, I never saw any kind of romantic feelings between Alex and Bobby, nor did I see any angst/unrequited love. They were partners who had each others' backs. Full stop. Period.




I deny the SVU stuff. CI gave G/E the perfect ending.


For realz. See my comment above about who was running that show when Erbe guest starred. And agree about the perfect ending on CI. They went on to investigate other major crimes.

That was some BULLSHIT by Leight. Because there was, or rather, I should say, I never saw any kind of romantic feelings between Alex and Bobby, nor did I see any angst/unrequited love.


Oh, I saw angst. Later Bobby was the KING of angst. Hee. But romantic angst, no.


That said...I PERSONALLY think the S10 ending was vague enough to appeal to both sides of the fence. Especially the part when Bobby left Gyson's office. But as we know, it all comes down to what each person does or does not see. Which is the beauty of vague endings to begin with!

So I watched "Collective" from S4 not long ago, and it was small, but I liked when Bobby and Alex were in that toy store investigating a rare doll the victim had and, to get the clerk to cooperate, Bobby starts shooting up the store with the toy gun, counting all of its varied functions. VDO/Bobby looked like he was truly having fun, and Alex was all indulgent, smiling away and basically doing another "don't mind my partner" bits.


I just found it amusing. And the less cooperative the clerk was, the more Bobby shot, and the more Alex smiled at it all.

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If the line in SVU had to happen I'd like to think it was so they could be together romantically without entanglements..  To quote Dorothy Zbornak "Who are you to judge me?!"


Works for me. But if they're still just friends, also fine! I can go either way.  :-)


In which episode, after questioning a rather dodgy witness, did she say, "This is why I became a cop.  You make so many friends?"  I know it was either season three or four, but not the specific episode.


I was at a loss, too, Donny Ketchum, so I Googled using the quote. It was S4, E15, "Sex Club".

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Thanks again, WendyCR72!  I liked Eames (even though I wish she'd had a partner more willing to share the spotlight than Goren) and really liked that quote just due to Kathryn's delivery.  She just delivered so many lines so well!


Well, I liked both G/E, as you know, Donny Ketchum. But we do agree about Kathryn Erbe's awesome dry snarky humor.  :-)

Rereading this thread, "Sex Club" was just full of meta stuff and casting Peter Bogdanovich (sp?) was part of it. As I recall reading, he was involved with the ill-fated Playboy Bunny, Dorothy Stratten, before she was killed by her psycho jealous ex-husband. (There was a movie made about the case called Star 80.) Sad, sad case. Even stranger, I think he ended up marrying her sister some years later, too.

Saw "Amends" on USA again, and I know others have said so, but KE really sold me on Alex's renewed grief when she found Joe's shirt among the collected evidence and just put it to her face.


I didn't buy she could still smell him after all the years in storage, but maybe it was more the symbolism, anyway.


And I liked Bobby telling the clerk that he [bobby] is a whackjob when G/E were trying to get that evidence.


It was nice to have KE/Alex front and center.

"The Faithful" was on USA in the early morning hours today and for all the times it has aired, the scene where Deakins says, amused, "The Goren Show's back" and Alex is looking in, I finally really saw her, and it looked like KE was struggling not to laugh at the antics in there.


I also liked the scene where G/E both go after the one kid and threatening to lie (so he would give up his friend) for him to take the rap.

You mean "The Faithful".  Though I hate Chiggy's father.  If you weren't a lump of nothing, he might be something.


Indeed I did (and edited!). Probably wrote "Smothered" as it aired right before "The Faithful". Poor pregnant ex-junkie Lois. Funny how Susan Misner started out on CI playing a hooker but later played a nun - reforming after being no good again. Talk about opposite ends of the character spectrum!


As for Chiggy's Dad, let's just remember that old saying about apples falling from trees...

So USA showed the end of S8 the other night, when Alex was paired with Nichols.

I know there seemed to be an issue about Goren hogging the spotlight from Eames, but I found Nichols and Eames even more lopsided. Nichols seemed to get all of the action and reactions. Alex seemed to be Dayplayer Cop a lot of the time. Maybe to prime the audience for the changes to come in S9?

Oh, well. To be fair, though, Goldblum seemed to be able to handle straight drama without the abundance of quirkiness when he wanted to. Maybe S9 might have been easier to take if he did so regularly then.

At least Alex got to play a little bit in Bobby's absence.

Speaking of Alex minus Bobby as above, "Renewal" from S6 aired today. She and Megan tracking down the killer of that cop cadet was strangely disconnected from Logan's half, but it was good in that the show let characters who didn't normally interact play together.

Alex was also good at taking charge when Megan went into labor in "Major Case", too, I thought.

Said this so many times before, but Kathryn Erbe really shined in "Amends". We just aired it again, and the scene where she tells Bobby "this isn't one of your puzzles!" as her voice broke was just heartbreaking. Along with the scene with the evidence/Joe's stuff (just after the great "I'm the wackjob!" scene with Bobby) where Alex sniffs Joe's bloody shirt. Also appreciated the conversation in the car with Goren about none of her old friends having a place for her after Joe died. It seemed sadly true to life, as people do drift away.

Glad Alex had her moment in the sun.

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