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S07.E08: Life After Lockup: Tests of Faith

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These people! They were all working my last nerve tonight. 

Kim really, really, really needs Al Anon. Really.

I found Melissa to be the most likable person at the bridal shop (excluding the salesperson, who had a really interesting mashup of Jersey and Russian accents). Everyone else there was obnoxious. That's a sad state of affairs, when a bit player and Melissa are the most appealing people on the screen.

Is Zeruiah capable of speaking in a normal tone of voice or can she only scream? And is Troy's mother ever not stoned?

Bianca needs to go somewhere and grow up. Can someone also please become her trustee before she blows all her settlement money?

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Bringing in some drug testing knowledge. Full disclosure, a long time back I worked in a random drug testing program for gas pipeline workers. 

Different drugs will last different amounts of time at detectable levels. Cocaine/Crack tend to actually deplete more quickly. Opiates last longer, especially with longer term use. THC lasts longer. Barbiturates last longest. In all cases, however, it depends also on the amount of usage. One time use typically is gone faster than if you use daily then stop with the longer lasting substances.  

People will fluid load to attempt to pass drug tests. If they are close to the low end limit, it can help with these OTC tests. In a lab test, the amount of sediment is tested. If the sample is too dilute, it is considered invalid. So Joey's let me drink all the juice I can keep down plan could help with the test he took. 

So Joey tested positive for cocaine per the test. It was telling that brain trust Kim was surprised that he didn't test positive for other things. Maybe those cleared his system. Opiates will clear within 1-3 days. He had been "sick" for awhile. Maybe the level was below the tests detection level. She is familiar with drug users so she should also trust what she sees. Dude is f'ed up. 

And yeah, does water not come out of the faucet? Is Joey's system so pristine he needs Fiji water? 

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So Joey tested positive for cocaine per the test. It was telling that brain trust Kim was surprised that he didn't test positive for other things. Maybe those cleared his system. Opiates will clear within 1-3 days. He had been "sick" for awhile. Maybe the level was below the tests detection level. She is familiar with drug users so she should also trust what she sees. Dude is f'ed up. 

I thought it noteworthy that Kim was talking herself out of believing the positive cocaine result because she felt Joey's behavior was inconsistent with cocaine use. Classic partner-of-an-addict behavior. She really needs help.

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Ends up the OTC standard test wouldn't detect fentanyl. The opiates tested are of different types; e.g., heroin. So, Joey who was showing classic signs of opiate withdrawal may have done some crack because that's all he could get his hands on.  He's a winner. So glad she'll leave him with the kids. 

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I typically can't stop myself from rooting for Keroc and Brittany but she was on my very last nerve this week. "I don't work because I don't need to." Girl you have $10,000 in restitution; not one but two rents to pay; a fancy wedding in your future. You need every nickel you can get your talons on. Get to work!

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