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S03.E07: X

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You know the writing isn’t good when the protagonist keeps doing stupid things and making bad decisions. 🙄

Two (2) things that bother me:

  • How can cancer experiments turn people into zombies with mouth wide open?
  • Why bother bringing Claire to a regular ward just to take her back to Ward X? Are they hoping that she’s going to forget everything?

Alice Taylor — the creepiest person throughout the entire episode. Kudos to the actress and the makeup team. 👏🏻


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Honestly, the main girl was so stupid that I couldn't even feel that bad about her fate. 

I've discovered that where I work is also part of a terrifying medical conspiracy, while I'm here at the aforementioned job and people keep telling me not to ask questions! Do I...

Privately tell the mom of the cancer kid to get a second opinion somewhere else, then start quietly collecting information about this conspiracy so that you can go to the press and the feds? Pretend to want to be a part of the conspiracy to gather up more intel from the inside? 

Immediately start running around screaming at everyone that your going to tell everyone what is going on, including your boss who you know is in charge of the conspiracy and several co-workers who you suspect are in on the conspiracy as well, while going with the obviously sketchy boss to his office with no plans on how to fight back if he gets violent? 

I enjoyed the sort of retro black and white look and the experimented people were quite creepy, but the main character was so damn stupid it took me right out of it.

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