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CHiPs - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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He was the only one to draw his gun. :)

Twice, once the shotgun when they were arresting the participants in an illegal gambling RV. And the more famous time when Danny Partridge became the martial arts thug and beat Bear down with a staff. That was the only scene where a weapon was aimed
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The ironic thing is that it came out in the Rodney King beating that as a result of the Newhall massacre the CHP drew their weapons in situations where the LAPD would still be depending upon the batons. LAPD took over the scene because the CHP officer had drawn on King.

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Did anyone watch "Kidnap" yesterday?  It was mostly a car chase.  The things we put up with in the 70s.  I would have let those two knuckle heads keep the kids.  They gave them directions to where they wanted to go!

I didn't like those two brats who broke into the Rolls Royce the escaped criminals stole and didn't care whether they were rescued or not. Why weren't those criminals being taken to the court house from prison not in handcuffs? Ponch using the "la cooceracha" car horn to lead the others to the kidnappers was cringe-inducing.
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It was!  (Speaking as a Leif lover).  Wasn't Jon his manager at some point?

No, he let Leif crash in his apartment, who then made it into his new office and had people calling and visiting all hours of the day and had Job's stereo playing at full blast all day b/c he couldn't stand the quiet. What an ingrate!


Last night they played the second Ponch-opened-his-big-mouth-and-booked-stars-for-the-annual-charity-event ep. It was sppsd to feature celebs competing a la Battle of the Network Stars, including a bike race, but ended up featuring NBC's lineup playing stupid party games like "pass the orange without using your hands" and "pass the bucket with holes in the bottem overhead". Lame! I noticed at one point the person who was name-dropping the participants introduced the female officer by the actress's name.

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I loved how this show compensated for its lack of violence by staging the most elaborate multi-car crashes in television history. Yeah, Ponch and Jon never shot criminals in the back but boy those cars on the freeway always shot off into the sky whenever someone changed lanes too quickly! 

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I caught the last 20 minutes of today's episode.  WTF?  There was some fund raiser with the likes of Donna Mills, Vic Tayback, Dodee Goodman, Cindy Williams and Todd Bridges.   They were all competing in some very Battle of the Network Stars-esque games.  At first I thought NBC had mandated their stars do walk ons on CHiPS, but there were people from all three networks (Tayback from Alice on CBS, Cindy Williams from Laverne and Shirley and Joanie and Merle from Eight is Enough on ABC).  The networks were more territorial with their stars back then so I have no idea what prompted this episode.  It was all very odd.

That was another of their annual "celebrity charity drive" eps. I found it amusing Ponch was billing it as a bike race and marathon but they ended up playing stupid party games like "pass the orange without your hands" and "overhead leaky bucket pass". I couldn't help but notice they introduced Bonnie as "Randy Oakes", too.
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I loved how this show compensated for its lack of violence by staging the most elaborate multi-car crashes in television history. Yeah, Ponch and Jon never shot criminals in the back but boy those cars on the freeway always shot off into the sky whenever someone changed lanes too quickly!

It's too bad, but funny, that you can see the ramps the cars use to go flying in about half the scenes.
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So my cable guide's description for today's episode is "Ponch organizes an athletic event to entice youngsters away from a Fagin-like character"  CHiPs and Fagin in the same sentence just made me lol for some reason.


 The best part of the show was Barry catching Danny Partridge stripping a car and getting into a kung-fu fight with him.  Danny goes all Kill Bill on Barry, who barely manages to hold his own....until he pulls his gun on Danny Partridge, who promptly gets an "oh shit, homey don't play like Ruben Kincaid" look on his face and runs off with his nunchucks tucked between his legs.  Seriously Danny, never bring nunchucks to a gun a fight.

Dang, I only watched long enough to see Danny once!
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Bruce joins in season 5, which starts this week. This is when Erik left over money.

His first appearance was today, as a newer cop who used to race motorcycles illegally. I almost didn't recognise him b/c he didn't look like a middle-aged lesbian yet.
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MEtv must be playing these out of order b/c they aired the one in which Ponch is hexed by a strange little boy from Arkansas while he and Jon are investigating some local pot growers (Hey, it's Chet from Emergency and the guy on all those 1980's Fox Network sitcoms!).

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Is METv playing them out of order or is this how they originally aired? I noticed in today's episode how Bonnie's hair length changed from scene to scene. And what's with Jon going gaga over a weirdo chronological liar? Seems the pot wasn't just in the storyline.

Loved seeing Chet from Emergency!

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Not particularly.

Is METv playing them out of order or is this how they originally aired? I noticed in today's episode how Bonnie's hair length changed from scene to scene. And what's with Jon going gaga over a weirdo chronological liar? Seems the pot wasn't just in the storyline.

Loved seeing Chet from Emergency!

The pathological liar was in a different ep involving a man who ran women off the road and then mugged them.
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Watching Bruce Jenner tonight. He wasn't that bad. Unfortunately, he was too similar to Larry Wilcox. I know he was an Olympic decathlon but I had forgotten how big & bulky he was. His face is so full. It's a shame what he has done to himself. Also, CHiPs got bonus points tonight with Amy Madigan guest staring. Who knew? LOL!!

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Ponch keeps getting these little storylines by himself, which is weird b/c I thought Erik Estrada had walked off the set for more money, thus necessitating Bruce Jenner. A couple eps ago, he was misfiling paperwork for a legal case and yesterday he was looking for a place to live b/c his apartment was sold to a condo developer. Speaking of which, what is the deal with Bruce Jenner's char? He drives an old timey roadster and last night he has high-level connections with financial firm and owns an unoccupied mansion he offers ponch rent-free!

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I thought his character came from money. Bruce didn't marry into the Kartrashians until 1991.

Jon sure does go through girlfriends. Just last week he was going gaga over the liar and last night he had a new girlfriend.

Jon recently fell in love with a woman he pulled over fod speeding, I think, named Jewel who turned out to be a lame 1980s country singer. I didn't recognise her so I'm not sure if she was a real singer making a guest appearance.
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The Ponch-less episodes were odd. He's in bits and pieces but I thought he was gone for months and written out entirely. I remember all the off stage drama with the contract issue but I wasn't a fan of CHiPs when it was on the air. I was a teenager but I htought the acting was horrible and the highways scenes were so phony looking. The cars were 5 miles apart between each other. LOL!!!! I know it was in Saturday's (I think) and, I was probably watching the ABC or CBS lineup. That said, I couldn't tell you what was on those channels against CHiPs either.

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This show was "must see" for my friends and I when it originally aired. I to remember Ponch being totally absent when Bruce Jenner took his place. So very odd, almost as odd at how automibiles on this show would fly at the slight provocation.

I only saw part of Friday's ep, so can someone fill me in why Jon had a relationship with the wealthy woman who dressed like it was the 1940s and what the fuss over the forged car papares was? Oh yeah, it was amusing to see Inspector Pysches.

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This show was "must see" for my friends and I when it originally aired. I to remember Ponch being totally absent when Bruce Jenner took his place. So very odd, almost as odd at how automibiles on this show would fly at the slight provocation.

I only saw part of Friday's ep, so can someone fill me in why Jon had a relationship with the wealthy woman who dressed like it was the 1940s and what the fuss over the forged car papares was? Oh yeah, it was amusing to see Inspector Pysches.

I think the episode you mean was "Concours d'Elegance"?  The forged car papers were complicated. He hired a forger to fake the bills of sale for the DMV. And, the nephew was selling the cars for high dollars, and reporting lower sale figures, pocketing the difference. I'd have to see it again for the specifics. But, the wealthy aunt(?) was oblivious until she was clued in, and she let her nephew get arrested. It was actually one of the more complicated plot lines, as CHiPs goes.

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When was he a real life deputy? I couldn't find it in his Wikipedia page.

"As of 2009, Estrada was a full-time deputy sheriff in Bedford County, Virginia." But I have a feeling that's it's a different Erik. Same name, different guy.

Edited by ennui
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I do think there is some anti-Erik resentment. Of course its Larry's page and full of his fans so I expect nothing less. From what I've seen on Larry's site and FB page, he doesn't seem embarrassed by the show but bewilderd by some of went down.

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They are definitely running out of story ideas at this point and becoming ridiculous. Yesterday, a bickering family consisting of a very manly-looking mother and her two sons decided to celebrate(?) their father getting out of jail by robbing an armored truck by having the sons pose as cops to detour the truck to a remote location where they make it pull over so the mother could dump bees into the air vent on the roof and the sons unload the truck during the confusion.

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