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S02.E08: A House is not a Home

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Seemed like a very short episode.

Surprised Palomar didn't take off her lipstick, mess up her hair to look ugly, put on some sweats and started coughing when Kanan arrived to make him lose attraction.

Even Raq should know Kanan is going to run back to her for "more", she should have had words about it with him that day. Now she took away his "toy" and Kanan is upset.

Palomar admitted to knowing Kanan was Raq's son from the start. So she did her homework on them quickly before she and her daughter went over to Famous' apartment to warn about the loud music and knew Kanan was going to open the door to make eyes on him? Makes sense to me!

At first, I thought Juke was dreaming about going to Kenya's apartment. Nope! These writers could have put in some build up before we arrived at this cult scene?!!!  At least show us Kenya saw Juke with girl last episode. Nothing! Juke was on a date with a boy last episode. It's like these writers had to rush and couldn't wait to have the scene of Juke getting hit repeatedly and forced to watch porn. So bad this writing.

So much for that brainwashing working on Juke! Only made Juke know they ain't shit, burn her new clothes and get her cornrows back!!!!!!!!!

I can understand Sal is upset his son is dead, but Marco did get the job done killing Toni. What happens afterwards is on him. Sal shouldn't blame Marvin for his fuck up and demand him to be dead.

Sal is talking about the universe and karma and all this while he didn't hear the universe tell him he killed the right guy in the hospital and leave Marvin alone.

How did Dominic get all the way from the suburbs, the roof top and then to the city hospital? Marco had the keys to the car.

Lou doesn't know the basics and empty Crown's pockets before tossing him in the river. 

Zisa is psycho by laughing when Lou put the gun in the guy's mouth. She will be Lou's downfall.

Is the song that bad that it couldn't have been played a few times to shut up Lou and Zisa. Play it at some off time when the least amount of people can hear it.

Cartier took care of the Jamaicans?? Would have been nice to have seen that go down. 

You know something bad was going to happen to Marvin once he and Juke showed hints of reconnecting and then he and Renee started to get together. I am sure those two fools missed their intended target and hit only Renee.

Marvin and Renee never got in the sheets. I'm impressed and shocked the writers resisted!

If Marvin is alive and didn't get hit, then Marvin did the right thing going to inexperienced Marco because Sal "supposedly professional hitters" can't get the job done.

Is Raq equipped to go to war with the Mafia?

Unique doesn't have anything less flamboyant in his closet to wear to a wake?!

Scrappy's mom is going to Kanan to talk to Raq. Why can't she have gone herself? She's making these threats to Kanan that she "will do something" if Raq doesn't. By all means. Go ahead and tear the streets up. What is stopping you?

Why isn't Raq inviting Juke over to see the house? She can't live with them?

Slowly Raq is going to take over Cartier's empire. Fool thinks he is smart but can't see it.

Kanan has a letter of who is his real father in his bag all this time and never read it? So all this time he was going to Howard's place, he wasn't sure if he was his father? Huh!!!!!

It was reveled Howard showed up to Nicole's father place and told him Burke is involved in Nicole's death, messing with underage girls and giving them drugs. And a serious complaint like that wasn't brought to people higher than Captain Baptiste because we were told Nicole's parents has friends in high places. Burke should have been suspended for this immediately. Makes no sense.

Burke gets scolded and she still goes to see Raq at the supermarket. She is so determined to solve this. Too bad she can't realize Howard is garbage and not worth the efforts!!!!!!

Howard has food in his fridge. He didn't want to waste it on Kanan and just gave him burnt toast.

Edited by mxc90
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I don’t know how Kenya knew about Juke, at first I thought Marvin told her to try to get in between her and Juke, but now I don’t think so. 

Kenya was pissed at Marvin but everything he said was THE TRUTH. I’m surprised he didn’t hit her back. 

Marvin doesn’t have too much of a leg to stand on, he did destroy her room, tell her that she was better off dead, and STRANGLE her- but 1. Marvin did actually put in time raising her, 2. That was in a fit of anger and not pre-calculated. As soon as he realized what he had done he was sorry. How was his reaction better than conversion therapy?? The pain on Juke’s face though, poor baby. Having her watch porn and beating her???

Marvin has come a long way, but he’s so flawed. I don’t think he’s dead- I think Renée is though. 

15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Burke gets scolded and she still goes to see Raq at the supermarket. She is so determined to solve this. Too bad she can't realize Howard is garbage and not worth the efforts!!!!!!

Burke gets on my nerves. I want her to be successful but her girlfriend (who wasn’t in this episode) seems to have more sense. 

15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Sal is talking about the universe and karma and all this while he didn't hear the universe tell him he killed the right guy in the hospital and leave Marvin alone.

I wasn’t on Sal’s side with this. Marco was hired to do a job? Was dumb as fuck and got shot. That’s the game. No one came after him. Raq was right, she didn’t owe Sal shit. 

I wanted to touch on, I do get why Kanan is upset with Raq. She talks a good game about loyalty and family and trust, but she sent him to kill a COP, and that cop was his FATHER and she continues to lie to him! Of course he is angry, he doesn't trust her any more. Can you blame him??

Yes, Raq should've threatened Palomar, nasty ass predator fucking with young boys, I feel horribly for her daughter. 

20 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t know how Kenya knew about Juke, at first I thought Marvin told her to try to get in between her and Juke, but now I don’t think so. 

Didn't make any sense. 

20 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Kenya was pissed at Marvin but everything he said was THE TRUTH. I’m surprised he didn’t hit her back. 

Thank Renee for the breathing technique.

Juke ran out the car to stop him. So, he finally listened for a change.  

20 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Burke gets on my nerves. I want her to be successful but her girlfriend (who wasn’t in this episode) seems to have more sense. 

When Burke finds out about Howard, what is she going to do with this information? She wasn't assigned this case.

I doubt she will go to Captain Baptiste to tell him Howard impregnated an underage C.I. years ago. What a mess this storyline!!!!!!!

Burke may be on the Greg Knox path!

7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wanted to touch on, I do get why Kanan is upset with Raq. She talks a good game about loyalty and family and trust, but she sent him to kill a COP, and that cop was his FATHER and she continues to lie to him! Of course he is angry, he doesn't trust her any more. Can you blame him??

Yes, Raq should've threatened Palomar, nasty ass predator fucking with young boys, I feel horribly for her daughter. 

I understand Kanan too. 

I get the feeling he is going to find out she killed Scrappy. I can't see Marvin or Lou telling him, so Raq will mess up. That will push Kanan over the edge with her.

I sense this isn't the last we see of Palomar. 

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Palomar should've done her homework better. Bet she wasn't planning on having a gun pulled on her over some underaged boy toy. Plus, Raq is not trying to be a grandmother yet, especially when the baby mama would be the same age as her.

Oh Scrappy's mother. You don't even know.

Was that actor playing the radio guy Lou pulled a gun on a Wayans?

Poor Juke. Kenya is evil with that "pray the gay away" intervention. I wonder how long she's known about Juke? (On reddit they're saying it was when Juke didn't get with the church kid who's been hitting on her. Who I had already figured Kenya deliberately put onto Juke to test her.)

Whoa, that was underhanded what Howard did to Burke. Guess he put a bug in Nicole's father's ear that Burke had been trying to seduce his daughter. Play with fire, Burke, you might get burned.

Famous kept calling it a "daddy test." Fewer syllables than "DNA test" I suppose.

Do singers actually have sex to their own songs? That seems weird to me. Zisa is a mess and Lou is the perfect tool.

Kanan is so over Raq and she's finally starting to accept it.

And Marvin is so dead now that the mafia guys are onto him.

Good on Marvin for standing up for Juke to Kenya. He's come a long, long ways on the acceptance front.

Lol, Unique was struggling to contain his glee about how much trouble Marvin was in. And by association, how much trouble Raq and Lou were in too.

Raq, you do not want to go to war with the mafia. They've been at their game for hundreds of years. You won't win against them unless your intials are FBI or IRS.

Lou Lou can't even get rid of a dead body right. Raq's brothers are her biggest liabilities.

OMG  the Italian gang who couldn't shoot straight strikes again. I bet Marvin isn't dead but Renee is.

9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Poor Juke. Kenya is evil with that "pray the gay away" intervention. I wonder how long she's known about Juke? (On reddit they're saying it was when Juke didn't get with the church kid who's been hitting on her. Who I had already figured Kenya deliberately put onto Juke to test her.)

You think? How does Juke, a 16yrs old girl not liking one guy hitting on her indicate she’s a lesbian? It would’ve made more sense if Juke told the boy she was into girls and he, in a fit of rage told the church elders. 

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How does Juke, a 16yrs old girl not liking one guy hitting on her indicate she’s a lesbian?

That was not my point. I thought perhaps Kenya put the kid on Juke to test whether she'd be willing to fornicate, which is also bad with those types but not as bad as being gay. The show didn't really explain how or when Kenya figured out Juke was gay. Maybe Marvin told her or maybe she just assumed it from the first time she saw Juke. Or perhaps she was ignorant enough to think Juke just needed a boy to "fix" her.

9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

That was not my point. I thought perhaps Kenya put the kid on Juke to test whether she'd be willing to fornicate, which is also bad with those types but not as bad as being gay. The show didn't really explain how or when Kenya figured out Juke was gay. Maybe Marvin told her or maybe she just assumed it from the first time she saw Juke. Or perhaps she was ignorant enough to think Juke just needed a boy to "fix" her.

Oh I see I understand now. Thanks. 

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